Catcher of Love


The story called "The Catcher of Love" is a story that is based upon the tale told through the Book of Revelations as written by Saint John the Divine. The explanation for this novel was written previously which is entitled "Mysterious Mineral Collection, Her Precious Stones." The book is approximately 95 pages long and gives a detailed description to the Mythological structure of the story, although this introduction is more or less just written for the novel.

The story begins at the end of the "Old Spanish Trail" where there are three arrastras which are used to crush gold ore to take back to Spain. The camp is run by Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who is according to some legends the first Conquistador to discover the New World Americas long before the days of Columbus. He is pushed out by an Indian uprising which is historically known as Bloody Basin, an area where the Indians and Conquistadors fought during the time of Revelations.

Nevertheless only he and six others will be lucky enough to make it out alive before being trampled down by the coercing Indians. However, at first there is a ceremony which involves the Visitation of Jesus with the flocks of his children and the Morning Star. Once his testimony is heard by the Conquering Chief and the Woman of Heaven it becomes time to push the Conquistador out, though the testimony is hidden from him so that he is blinded by the abundant glory of God.

On his journey he will have to overcome a few obstacles which cost him another comrade which is like unto a Prophet for the group. Nonetheless he will continue to push his way towards the border of what are now New Mexico and Texas. Once he has reached Juarez and the El Paso area, he will continue to push his way to the Galveston area where his ships are waiting for his return to Spain.

Once on the other side the conquistador will give his offerings to the Beheaded King and leave with his caravan for the Throne of God and of the Lamb and then she will give her offerings to the Tree of Life which will forever shine forth the fruit of her testimony.


The story starts off with an antagonist conquistador overlooking the camp with a very keen sense for treasure. The Spanish Quarters are set right besides three arrastras lined up in a row. They lead to a stall which is used to keep the mule packs stable and ready to be saddled with lavish amounts of gold to take back to Spain overseas. The arrastras are kept running by three Indian slaves who are in charge of flogging the mules around a harnessed pole to crush the large amounts of lode stone that contains iron ore with gold.

Most of the Indians live up above the cliff faces that protrude their way behind and taper down to a small canyon that allows access to their living quarters. Their working area is much more scattered for removing large amounts of lode stones from the river's bottom that contains conglomerated gold. However their living quarters above is harsher being made of basalt rock to form small room like spaces for the many families to live in.

Nearby are areas where the grass can be plowed away to grow food. Many of the Indians spend their time weaving and making pottery for their living utensils to display their culture. Their culture has changed from the wandering nomadic life to a more agrarian life style, although they have plundered the life of mining occupations.

Many people believe this to be the land of Teguayo. Either way this is a place of some of the earliest forms of mining discovered in history. Anyhow when thinking of the story we have to go back and see things through the eyes of the third arrastra boy.


The setting of the story begins in the middle of Arizona which is now a land known as the rising sun. The time and chronological settings are at a time long before any geographical maps with townships and ranges ever existed. We are taken to a place where the ashes which raise the Phoenix, or in other words the Sun Bird are concerned. This is a sacred land that will one day lay its mark upon religion within other areas of the country and will even spread to other parts of the world. Here is the Tonto Forest home of an Indian Tribe known as the Southwest Tonto Hohokam. Their origins are patrilineal to a birth within the Old World, which will soon spread its testimony of Christianity to the world of new through a visitation with the flocks of Jesus' children.

The arena in this story takes place long before the days of Apacheria which too many is now considered the four corners of the Navajo Nation, who were at first Apache Indians whose name stands for enemy. These days are well long before the days of the most successful conquistadors such as Father Kino who had the title as the most prosperous conquistador south of the Gila River. Many of his success stories are built upon the walls of the Rancheria which was built to aid in the building of Missions. In fact this story is older than Christopher Columbus and his discoveries of Mexico City, or Cortez and his return mistaken for Quetzalcoatl.

Most of the conquistadors who take their root farther north from this time in to the future will be driven out due to the exchanges of religion that takes place. Most of their missions and settlements will fall under incursions with Indian Raids. In fact, the time of Native Indians seeing a horse for the first time along the southwest plains was much sooner. And another fact is that the time of the first horse raids were sooner as well.

In this world we have characters that are having struggles during the time of Catholicism which will take a toll on their spiritual beliefs. Most of the Spanish past is influenced by the powers of Rome at this time which nearly is causing this religious crusade. The involvement of the two cultures will have an impact on their way of life and it will also affect the way that they live. The techniques they use to build their homes as a sort of post will change their living style. Here’s where their lives turn from being fearful in to learning how to be good warriors trying to uphold the views on a religious life and customs.

The relationship within the plot starts in the beginning and has much connotation with the way the words have much meaning through the language of the spirits imagery. The story takes off with the metaphor shining from the description of a cross that has been drawn on a rock face across the river's edge. The white cross image is accompanied along with other pictographs and petro glyphs of the tribe's cultural life that has been changing through the last several years. It shows how they all have changed their ways of life and thinking through harnessing this spiritual power. The white cross also symbolizes the end of a Spanish Trail which has been used for moving large loads of treasure.

One of the more recent additions to this collage of drawings is one closely resembling that of an animal with three heads representing the range of change of the ceremonies. The drawing's last few touch ups were done by a Mesoamerican Indian known as the Conquering Chief who is a member of this Indian Tribe having a desire to end the prevailing ways of life. This way of life he lives currently is one of many preoccupations such as mining for the lavish treasures of gold and other precious metals. Many of his family members have been forced in to slavery for the need to supply other continents of abundant riches.

Meanwhile he ponders over his trusty artwork which helps remove the feelings of guilt he has for the adversary. This all comes to life within the early morning hours of the third day of their ceremony. They have a devotion to the outer spirit being brought to an inner being to bring a peace to his people. Much of this can be felt from up above on the tell mound where the quarters of the Indian Tribe are within the rooms formed by the large boulders of basalts that are built up over a large lift of grano diorite over towering the rift valley.

The next scene takes us to a moment where Spark of Fire, who is a member of the Evening and Fire Clan, is persuading Little Dream Catcher, who is a member of the Witch Catching Clan to use her essential charm with her dream catcher to bring luck. And, of course, she also wants to bring an array of hope with the morning sun rising to bring a new bright day. This action will even have a powerful relationship with the title as many themes develop into moral choices as the story progresses in to salvation.

Spark of Fire looks at Little Dream Catcher as she holds her dream catcher towards the dark night sky realizing, "Without any hope from your dreams the sun may never rise again."

After releasing her powerful words a crinkling sound is heard from behind them both as the Morning Sun Indian girl approaches kneeling with her hands held together at a prayers height. Her mother Rising Sun stays behind besides the teepees for a moment and heads inside. While holding her hands still she requests, "A prayer will help!"

Morning Sun belongs to the Morning Clan that is in charge of the morning ceremonies which is one of two descent groups. The second group of the moiety is the Evening Clan which has an Evening Chief like Spark of Fire who is in charge of the Evening part of the Ceremony.

Meanwhile the Conquering Chief has returned from the valley below after working his petro glyph and trying to keep out of sight from the reign of the land. He has entered the front of the scene arranged with teepees and lodges lying over the basalt walls that have been built around it. Many of the rooms are made with mud floors and are very small and shallow filled with a variety of fauna ware like pottery used as living utensils.

The sounds of drums are heard beaten along with a slight chanting. The sounds are coming from a teepee that sets just behind the ceremonial teepee on the east end of the site. The music is coming from Lightning Sky and Happy Song who are members of the Song Bird Clan. Their music tends to ease the day and bring the blessings of happiness in the breeze blowing past the ceremonial teepee painted with the clan images.

Here’s where the Jesus Way Ceremony is performed within their Holy Way Ceremony which happens to be a three day shooting way ceremony of Jesus and his testimony. In this ceremony he is treated as lightning struck with the resurrecting word and power of God. Nonetheless the ritual objects used within these ceremonies were consecrated in a blessing way ceremony where a local Shaman sanctified the ritual ware against disease and famine. Nevertheless there will be a relating evil way ceremony that will come later which has been prepared by the Divine Kiva of the Ancient Anasazi who currently inhabit the Navajo land within the four corners.

The Conquering Chief has now made his way to the ceremonial rug that lies with cedar which makes a powerful incense to invoke all of the qualities that come with their traditions of worship. One of these traditions is how the world is made up of visions when trying to animate the nightly sky. Leaning on what would now be considered a Lakota Ceremonial Rug is the man sponsor who begins the ceremony by anointing the forehead of the Conquering Chief. This ritual is performed with some blessed cedar smoke in a way that it's similar to being blessedly smoked with sage which is a Wiccan and Pagan witchcraft ritual. He nevertheless even anoints his forehead with the libation within the ceremonial vessel made of fresh mud mixed with clay.

Now the Conquering Chief is unto his sponsor because he is Fictive Kin, meaning unto a sponsor who isn’t related to your family or your Father’s Clan through lineage. Sponsors must be from another clan of descent other than the tribal member they are sponsoring because of their type of kinship system beliefs. It is similar to their beliefs of marriage partners belonging to different clans to rid incest taboos. This will help spread their alliances further horizontally through lineages. However the Conquering Chief belongs to a Double Descent which is two clans, the Bear Clan and the Lion’s Clan. Being a member of the Bear Clan means he is as well related to the Badger Clan. This even reflects the name of the springs flowing through the canyons below called Badger Springs. Being a member of the Lion’s Clan is marked by a ceremonial lion’s skin that sets the path for the Lion way ceremony where he can become unto a lion in heaven to witness the testimonies of Jesus Christ.

Then finally he grabs a hold of the first day vessel which is very dull looking considering the mere fact that it was never placed in the kiln to be glazed. He holds it up pointing north to the night sky filled with visions of stars and galaxies as an animated quality. Then with some very powerful words the man speaks, "I receive of my father!"

Following the token of esteem the vessel is smashed and his hands are placed together as a sort of prayer welcoming a divine fatherly spirit that is someone known and acquainted to them through their brook line which is their bonding of common patrilineal blood. However after the moment of anticipation from the divine spirit the man brings his hands down feeling nothing, although the sun does begin to rise forming the first day of Jesus Christ and his pains of labor.

A little while later as the sun plains in to the first view the Morning Sun Indian girl lowers her hands realizing the ceremony has failed and no spirit was ever evoked from their rite of passage of the spirit and his manhood. Of course, these acts are that of altruism which is to do something for others expecting nothing in return, though they do expect some sort of divine reciprocation returned in the form of a visitation from their patrilineal relative on a spiritual level.

This whole concept of the ceremony is a missing integral part of Arizona History which is mislaid from the whole study. When thinking of Arizona History we step back to the Paleo- Indian times of the Naco Mammoth Site which is one of the oldest remnants of Arizona’s past. Then we move in to the times of canal buildings of the Anasazi which is part of their migrating heritages in to the Salt River Valley where the image of the Kokopelli is formed to raise the waters for their farming agricultures. Their migrations tend to swing back and forth following many different crops, for example, agave and mesquites as they bloom on the higher plains.

After another look in to the morning sky Little Dream Catcher jargons, "The sun rose and it has my power!"

Of course, this is her own god smacking voodoo, and her belief of having the power to raise the sun comes from the early Egyptians Pharaohs. They would tell the people of their dreams with the snake who they had conquered in order to make their people believe they had the power over them all. This power was then used by driving their chariot to the Nile where they themselves would throw the stick in harnessing the power to raise the sun. If a Pharaoh was defeated by the snake, or serpent he lost his sun god like powers and the people wouldn't believe his ruling authority.

Speaking of ruling authorities Ravianna, who is a member of the Raven Clan ends her kneeling and rises. She walks over a few feet telling them, "Neither spirit nor the life of the sky has shown forth!"

Dream Catcher who is also of the Witch Catching Clan comes forth with some knowledge about invoking the spirit explaining, "You need to invoke the spirit to help!"

Little Dream Catcher uses her patrilineal and matrilineal knowledge with the importance saying, "I wished for the Mother of God!"

"And who is that?" Dream Catcher queries momentarily without any hesitation.

"She is the St. Mary, the Mother of God!" Little Dream Catcher shrills with much emphasis.

Little Dream Catcher comes nearer realizing that some of the other Indian Girls saw a book listing all of the saints that one of the guards men showed to them. Wishing they had it Little Dream Catcher blurts, "In the book she was Our Lady of Perpetual Help!"

Ravianna Indian Girl asks a question about the saints querying, "And who is the Virgin Lady?"

Little Catcher answers her question by saying, "I believe that is the Virgin Lady of Guadalupe who could also be known as the Lady of Lourdes."

"Well, I'm trying to invoke the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God for help in all matters," Little Dream Catcher says as an exclamation to her hindsight and knowledge.

"And how do you know that?" Ravianna asks with a very curious notion as to where she's getting all of this knowledge.

"One of the guards told us about the Conquistador's book he read to them," she says wishing she had seen and been able to read the book.

Ravianna becomes defensive right away asking, "That isn't enough to go off on some book."

Little Dream Catcher comes back saying, "I feel it in my heart too like I was related through the past somehow through some resonating dream technique that brought this Religious Icon to mind."

Ravianna thinks about that for a moment relenting, "Well, that has nothing to do with his book! What is the book about that you saw him with?"

Little Catcher jumps in to the conversation while thinking about the cover of the book she saw saying to them with subjectivity, "It's a book of Prayers to the Spanish Lords and Saints!"

Spark of Fire corrects her by adding, "It's the book of “Spanish Lords and Saints” he has brought with him.”

Ravianna wonders how Little Catcher is as sure as to what the book is about querying, "How do you know so much about it?"

Little Catcher thinks about the time herself and some of the other Indians were sitting around trying to get the Conquistador to read a few pages of the book to them. She carries on further explaining, "We saw the cover of the book when we asked him to read some of the pages to us."

"How did you get him to do that?" Ravianna asks getting even antsy about the fact.

"I scratched him with my scratch stick and beat my sweat pants with my gris-gris bag of sweet canes. We had to beg him to read it to us by explaining to him that I was going through puberty and I was ready for a virgin ceremony. Then we asked if he had other things to read to us. Then he started cursing about other writings he had and said I was too young to experience puberty," Morning Sun states as she ends her daily prayers upon the full sunrise.

Ravianna gets even more agitated wanting to get the book from him prompting, "We need to get that book from him!"

Spark of Fire carries on further by adding everything she has seen him look through in his library of material saying, “That’s hard because he has more than that. He has an Old World Bible written from old sea scrolls along with a Charter of his Sea Routes and a Land Grant from a King giving him this land of ours that the conquistador inherited from his father. He also possesses a list of Greek and Roman gods and saints he said he worships in an angry attitude.”

"And how are we going to get anything from the second conquistador if he worships other gods that he obviously doesn’t even like too much?" Little Swan asks interrupting their conversation like a soul without a spiritual mate.

Ravianna glances back to her son for a moment thinking if he could be persuaded to steal the book somehow while working the arrastras saying, "What about my son, he could try and steal his satchel when he's down there working the arrastra? Or he should just ask him to borrow it for the night”

"Maybe it’s better if he asks to borrow it to show our guilt for his common blood line! It’s about time for them to go to work now anyway,” Little Swan adds with a little bit of sarcasm to the tone of her voice.

Little Dream Catcher mentions how she has already confronted him about getting the book unfolding, "I already told him to ask if the Virgin Mary is mentioned in his book."

Ravianna gets angry immediately saying, "He should just borrow the list from him then like he’s interested in his Religions"

Little Dream Catcher explains further saying, "Your son War Hawk said if he finds where he keeps it he'll try and get it from him otherwise he’ll just ask to borrow the book and list if he works extra hard. The last time he read the book to us he took it back to his quarters afterwards to put away."

"He keeps everything in his satchel that he keeps inside his horse saddle bag," Spark of Fire speaks as a witness.

"He carries it inside as well when he's trotting around on his dog like horse lancing at our work," Morning Sun says with an insight understanding that no one has had a vision of the presence of horses until the conquistador had first crossed the southwest and southeast plains with such animals that seemed to eat the judgments of men that they had encountered. In fact many of times she had rubbed the mane from their horses just to gain the admiration of a man so well deserved to overcome his idiosyncrasies. In fact this helped with her test of trust to prove to the others that she was worthy of the ceremonial rite in to adolescence which would prove her charm and wellbeing.

"He's on to your testimony!" Little Swan says as she sits closer to all of them.

Little Dream Catcher looks to her dream catcher speaking, "I doubt that he’s on to anything. I just want to see if the Virgin Mary is in his book."

Dream Catcher breaks back in to the conversation after some time saying, "As the Mother of God she isn't a saint. She is the mother of the related relative of our children we are trying to save with our perpetual help.”

“Then she should be known to us as a Mother of Perpetual Help who shall help us in our daily manners and tasks to the savior,” Morning Sun cites bringing the matter to a further realization.

Little Dream Catcher rolls her eyes back as she invokes more meaning from the spiritual air that is separated by time and space of the two worlds chanting, “I believe he has a wife as well who will be known as Mary Magdalene.”

Dream Catcher adds a sentence with a negative nature replying, “I doubt any of them are mentioned in his listings of materials.”

Ravianna becomes impatient with their accusations saying, “We should all just wait until we get the book of Prayers to the Spanish Gods and Saints from him so we can see and study who is all in there.”

Little Dream Catcher turns ready to head back to her teepee stating, “We don’t have much time left with our three day ceremony. There’s only two more nights of the ceremony left.”

Ravianna adds a token of her affections by blurting, “We have a lot to do. The next vessel should be placed in the kiln to be glazed. A layer of blue sardius stone should be used as a libation to bring out the spirit of our savior upon the smashing of the vessel after the anointment of the Conquering Chief’s fore head from his father sponsor.”

Little Swan adds another point to the conversation by asking them all, “Shouldn’t we use some red sardius to represent the spirit’s blood which should be mixed with the blood of the Conquering Chief to make them both contagious to our patrilineal magic?” She is a member of the River Clan because she reminds everybody of a river hound, and she is also related to the Blackbird Clan who is very angry like hateful birds.

Little Dream Catcher makes a final comment by shrilling, “And we should use some blue sardius to represent the sky in our holy dealings. We have a lot of work to do before we perform our ceremony tonight.”

Approaching from a distance Navajo Indian Girl, who is a member of the Shaman Clan jumps in to the conversation prompting, “He is coming!” She will be here in two mornings from now. She will preserve our ways as an agricultural and pastoralist culture that thrives on blessing the land through the blood ties of our family heritage of subsistent farming.”

Of course, Navajo Indian Girl is only an informant who brings information back and forth between herself and the Rain People who are considered the Ancient Anasazi from the four corners of the four states. However she is very quiet and only makes a comment here and there mostly listening and watching their preparation of the Jesus Way Ceremony.

Next Ravianna makes a comment as to what the little Navajo Indian Girl says before turning around to head inside one of the teepees splayed across the basalt boulders saying, “What is he so jumpy about. Is he still waiting on this so called Princess of the Indians?”

Little Swan answers back glad fully implying, “Never mind him, she is just a little traitor with a vengeance!”

Little Dream Catcher thinks how he should keep inside at all times and not come out in case any guards are around on the lancing prowl, “She shouldn’t even be allowed to come out from there.”

Morning Sun brings the light of reality to hand when she comments, “In a few mornings we will all be traitors!”

Moments later the attentive pans over to a few Southwest Tonto Hohokam who are leaving their commode to head down the rifting valley to the river bottom of what is called “Cold Water” because the runoff makes its way down from the Coconino Plains. In later years the river will be called the “Agua Fria” which is two Spanish words deriving the translation.

Many of the Indian Miners have to work real hard with tough loads. This is the life of the legendary mining town which has many posts for trading. However only the gold mongers known as the conquistadores will do any trading to abide away with their lavishness of gold. Not to mention the mere fact that many of their trades with other nearby Indian groups have been squandered turning bad to where the legendary day of Teguayo will survive no more.

Many of the Indian workers are diggers that have to dig deep within the river’s bottom to expose any veins of gold ore. Then there are pickers who pick at the gold veined ores making a conglomerate of larger than fist size stones to crush. Next the haulers will carry the work load over to the arrastra where the flogging boy will drive the mule around to crush the conglomerate into nuggets from the gold ore.

At this location there are three arrastras lining up to a stall where the mules are kept in and corralled to wait their turn for the mule train leaving for the Galveston Bay. At this stage the gold ore is shipped to Spain, Madrid, through Portugal with the abundance of spices, incenses, minerals, and other precious commodities used for bartering.

The mule stall lies at one end of the “Old Spanish Trail” marked by a white cross petroglyph across the river. The entrance from the east has no door or gate like there will be in the days of Juan De Onate in the mid-1500s where there were guards watching the Spanish Settlements like a watch tower.

During these days the front of the mule stall was used along with a stone quarters usually set off for a distance. At the most there are two guards on the lookout for arriving mule trains which are ready to be loaded with the treasures of ore. However most of the time there is only one because running and maintaining the mule stall is a hard task to perform requiring lots of workers.

Mules are switched from time to time with the arrastras to keep them in better sprits with their tasks. Once the mule is whipped around sporadically and the gold ore is crushed it is bagged and loaded onto a mule train waiting in the mule stall to be led to the east coast known as Galveston today.


Suddenly War hawk who is a member of the War and Hawk Clan exits the teepee to head down to the valley below. War Hawk is ready to start a day’s work operating the third arrastra which is the furthest away from the mule stall. Quickly approaching from behind him, comes Chief Tomahawk who has something in his hand. Chief Tomahawk is a member of the War Clan and as well is noted as one of the finest stone tool flintknappers among the Stone Tool Clan. Without any further hesitation Chief Tomahawk stops War Hawk to hand him something commanding, “Here! Take my tomahawk!”

War Hawk takes the tomahawk from his hand asking, “What’s this for?”

Chief Tomahawk replies, “It’s for good-luck in all daily matters!”

War Hawk hands it back suggesting, “Let’s not disturb the lords!”

Chief Tomahawk takes the tomahawk hammer back with the artwork of the War Clan and artistry of the Stone Tool Clan inscribed on the handle saying, “All is well in the blessing of another day’s work!”

War Hawk turns and leaves descending down the valley rift leading to the waters of the river below. Once at the bottom he passes the petroglyphs and continues walking along the stream of Badgers that lives in the area. While he makes his way closer to the river bottom the Arrastra Boy and Brown Badger the other two arrastra workers catch up. Quickly they all three make their way to the three arrastras which are set up with poles surrounded by rounded rocks in which a mule is tied to the pole to flog around in repeated circles.

Once they all approach the work area Arrastra Boy takes the third arrastra and Brown Badger takes the second arrastra while War Hawk positions himself within the confines of the first arrastra. Within moments they all start placing and tossing rocks of conglomerate loads into the arrastras. Arrastra Boy finishes loading his arrastra first. While the others are still preparing their work load a conquistador guard approaches handing them their whips in order to whip the mules around in a circular motion in order to crush out the gold nuggets from the conglomerate boulders.

War Hawk begins to work his mule with the flogging of the mule while another entity exits the Spanish Quarters besides the mule stall which is loaded with lines of mules ready to be packed with gold ore. Immediately the head Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza, whose name comes from the first to fabricate arrastras with mule stalls, and wears a conquistador vest with short scrunched sleeves and a silver color crown conquistador helmet, approaches War Hawk stating, “You’re late!”

“Is your clan having another War Dance to unite the people of the tribe?” The conquistador says with anger.

War Hawk speaks back to him correcting the matter, “Our tribe is of the Hawk Clan and we only do our Hawk Clan Dances!”

The conquistador interrupts War Hawk further by imposing, “Your mother is of the Hawk Clan and your father is of the War Clan which gives you the name War Hawk.”

Momentarily War Hawk sees this as an opportunity to borrow the book of Spanish Lords and Saints. Trying to use some coercion by saying, “You know my clan, now let me read about yours!”

The conquistador wonders what he is talking about asking, “What are you asking?”

War Hawk replies, “I would like to read the book of “Spanish Lords and Saints” if the work is completed for the day!”

“Fine, you all want to become religious and become perhaps a missionary unto the spreading of the Roman Catholic Church and its Religion. Then fine you can read the book. But remember…… And the only saints in the book are those who performed healing miracles that have been recorded by the Roman Catholic Church. And when it comes to lords, I am your lord here and there is no other besides my father who ran these grounds before me!”

“And your father has returned home to his homeland and has left all of this to you and your mates,” War Hawk says remembering his father when he was younger and he had left Teguayo which was an Indian Mining town where many fine Indian jewelry pieces have been made and traded with the many other Indian tribes. Many of the Indian Women spent their lives making and selling jewelry that was made for ceremonial and religious purposes displaying their clans and religious icons that they had as worship.

Going further in to the conversation, the conquistador answers back to War Hawk saying, “My father has returned home because he is old and I’m an heir to his Land Grant and I am the heir who will complete his Charter of Sea Routes to this land of riches.”

Suddenly War Hawk explains his interest in the book even further balking, “My only interest is to understand the difference between our religions. Our families are based on relations of our clan’s descent using animal figures and stone tools to understand our relation to each other giving us our names and yours is based on full first and last names and our religious beliefs are with our own Indian Deities.”

The conquistador doesn’t want to waste too much time from working the loads of conglomerated load stones that need to be worked in the arrastra. Bringing this to his attention the conquistador continues the conversation aspiring, “It’s time to get back to work. When the day is done come by the Spanish Quarters and I’ll let you borrow the book for a while. Work this pile of load stones and then have River Badger and Water Badger dig some more holes in the river down to the bedrock and try to find a load vein of conglomerated ores.”

The conquistador leaves and War Hawk signals for River Badger and Water Badger who are of the Badger Clan and Sacred Rock Clan. These two Indian workers are excellent flintknappers and identifiers of precious minerals and fine ores. They even have an understanding of the different types of rocks when it comes to Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic rocks. They are even great at finding flint stones used for making stone tools such as microliths and they are great at making basalt micro blades.

One of their last projects was making a mortar out of a giant boulder that would be used with a black pestle to grind down corns and other malleable foods that they eat on a daily basis. At the time Water Badger is shaping a water sapphire in to a Tomahawk. Water sapphires are great for grinding and shaping because they don’t flake to get the rounded head and the axe end at the opposite end. War Hawk quickly signals to get Water Badger and River Badger by throwing a round river rock in to the Agua Fria River right next to them. As the rock splashes Water Badger jumps up putting the water sapphire in to his carrying pouch that he has tied to his tan leather fringed pants.

Immediately River Badger drops his bathing pumice he used to wash mud away from his hands and from digging deep in to the river bank just below the first arrastra and grabs a metal bucket full of conglomerated rock and heads to the third upper arrastra to fill it up by emptying his bucket contents. War Hawk waits until Water Badger approaches from behind with another doing the same. Once the arrastra is full War Hawk start the takes of whipping the mule around in a circle to crush the conglomerated rock in order to expose the gold ore.

Water Badger and River Badger start to walk away as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza approach from the inside of the Spanish Quarters. He continues walking towards the third arrastra yelling, “Rapido vamonos y traer mas!”

Water Badger stops and turns around while River Badger makes his way for more of the work load bringing the conglomerated stone back to the arrastras. Water Badger looks at the conquistador and quills, “Tesoro de oro campos!”

The conquistador looks and yells back, “Callate amigo!”

Water Badger runs away laughing and skipping along as if it were a joke playing around with the conquistador in a playful manner. The conquistador turns to War Hawk saying, “Never mind them, just work!”

The conquistador pauses for a second before adding, “Ellos no pueden ver dentro del libro!”

War Hawk continues flogging the mule around the arrastra reassuring himself that it looks like he may get to borrow the book after all. Making sure that he gets the chance War Hawk asks, "Sounds like you’ll let me borrow it?”

The conquistador turns around and starts to head back in to his Spanish Quarters while commanding, “Never mind them, and we’ll see!”

After hearing the supposed reassured words of the Spanish Conquistador War Hawk resumes the task of breaking the gold ore free from the conglomerated rock. Just then he notices some gold exposing itself from the load stones. He stops the mule and knells down to pick up the darkened ore which has some gold nuggets shining forth with a bright yellowish color. He reaches to the tool pile he has reaching for a tomahawk made of blue river sapphire to split the gold from the black iron ore. It’s hard to get all of the gold from the ore because most of the iron ore is hardened in to the conglomerated stone. Anyways War Hawk continues the task and then he throws the golden ore stone in to a mule burlap sack which will be taken to the stall to be loaded on with the mule train. The mule train is a means of transporting the lavish treasures of gold by way of the “Old Spanish Trail.”

Next he glances and rummages around the rounded arrastra river stones to check and see if there are any more load stones of ore with gold nuggets inside. He finds another one that has one small nugget inside. Quickly he chisels it away and then tosses it in to the burlap sack with the rest of the others. After taking a last quick look in to the bed of the arrastra War Hawk stands back up with his whip and starts driving the mule around once again.

Suddenly something catches his eye from the cliff tops above. He looks and sees Ravianna standing and looking down upon the whole entire area. He continues to look up as the sun starts to glare in to his eyes slightly as he loses his focus on who it is staring down. Momentarily without warning Ravianna tosses a rounded half of an abrader with a v-notch that broke when she was trying to straighten one of her arrows.

Just then the abrader hits in between the second and third arrastra as War Hawk briefly runs from the arrastra to retrieve the abrader with a v-notch. As he approaches it he picks it up and heads back to his work at the arrastra. Right then, another Indian named Straight Arrow comes to take it from him. After War Hawk hands the abrader with a v-notch to him Straight Arrow turns around to his friend Strong Bow who is very pleased. Strong Bow is carrying a spokes have in his hand which is used to straighten spears and arrows.

The two of them turn around to leave the scene although they are both confronted by Conquistador Guard Federico who approaches by horse blocking them with his heavy lance which is made of long wood with a sharp iron tip. Quickly he asks them to turn over the two forbidden stone tools around the mining camp by commanding, “Deme los instrumentos.” Quickly without hesitation both Straight Arrow and Strong Bow hand over the abrader with a v-notch and the spokes have that they were going to use trying to make some spears and arrows for after third day Jesus Way Ceremony.

The only tools allowed down in the lower throw out are tools for mining gold from the ore deposits, though the Indians can possess hunting tools on top of the rift mountain ridge above. Nonetheless, fishing tools such as stone fishhooks, stone fish lances, and net sinkers can be used down in the mining camp along the Agua Fria River’s edge. Only the conquistadors can carry weapons around the mining camp by means of the long wooden lances and heavy iron spears.

Once the Conquistador Guard Federico places the forbidden stone tools in to his satchel attached to his horse’s saddle, Straight Arrow and Strong Bow head back to the other side of the mining camp to resume their daily task of trying to catch Rainbow Trout and Blue Gill which are very prevalent in the shallow ponds within the Agua Fria River’s bottom. The river is flowing, although it’s only the size of a stream at this time and there are pockets of pools in between the many boulders that line their way down the river. When they both reach the river they search for a pond that has some fish trapped because the stream is too shallow for them to migrate and head downstream through.

Soon they find a deep pocket that seems to have two Rainbow Trout swimming away towards the opposite side of the pond from the both of them. Firstly, Straight Arrow takes out a long strand of linen cloth that he has tied to a stone fishhook and net sinker with lined grooves all of the way around the rounded stone. The net sinker is used to sink the light weighted string under the water towards the river’s bank and it also acts as a throwing weight along with the stone fishhook. Strong Bow takes out an earth worm he has in a leather pouch sown to his tan leather pants. He hands the worm to Straight Arrow who wraps in the linen strand around the stone fishhook. Then he tosses it in to the pool pocket next to the Rainbow Trout. The Rainbow Trout jumps and swims around for a while before settling down again. Moments go by before Strong Bow becomes impatient taking out a stone lance.

Strong Bow aims with the stone lance and gives a hard strong throw lancing the Rainbow Trout square. Quickly Strong Bow enters the pond retrieving the reward telling Straight Arrow, “Speared that one! That’s how it’s done!”

Strong Bow exits the pond and they both make their way back to the top of the hill with the eight to ten pound Rainbow Trout catch of the day.

Back at the arrastras Arrastra Boy has filled a burlap sack of gold ore. He ties it and hands it to Brown Badger who sets it by his satchel which is also full. Quickly he ties it and turns to take them to War Hawk who has already tied his satchel and is still flogging his mule waiting. Quickly War Hawk stops and turns to take the three burlap sacks over passed the Spanish Quarters over to the mule stall where the conquistador guards Riguel and Rafael are preparing the mules to be packed and loaded with burlap satchels of iron and gold ore.

Immediately War Hawk carries the three satchels over to the mule stall and drops them at the gate. Conquistador Riguel approaches and takes the burlap satchels and carries them in to the mule stall so that he can pack them on the next mule train that’s ready to go out in the next couple of days or so. Usually they send two mule trains a month along the “Old Spanish Trail” along their way through what is to be the future provinces and states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to the shores of the Galveston Bay.

When War Hawk turns he is stopped by the head conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who approaches from the Spanish Quarters complimenting, “Bueno trabajo!”

Without hesitation War Hawk greets his admirations to their hard work for the first part of the day replying, “Gracias!”

The head conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is enthused that he has answered him back in Spanish again saying, “Hables espanol?”

Trying to understand what he is saying considering he is one of the only ones to understand the Spanish Language a little, War Hawk answers telling him, “Si, un poco, porque?”

The head conquistador pulls the book out from behind burlap sack he has it inside informing War Hawk, “El libro es en Espanol!”

Right away War Hawk feels he has learned enough Spanish over the years to be able to read it to the others a little maybe. Moreover he has never read Spanish which is a little easier than speaking it sometimes. Anyhow the head conquistador explains this fact to him as he shows him the book expressing, “Reading Spanish is easier than speaking it sometimes.”

The head conquistador places the book besides the entrance of the Spanish Quarters as he says, “It’ll be here when the day’s work is finished!”

War Hawk turns to head back to the arrastra while River Badger empties another bucket of conglomerated ore inside his third arrastra to work. Hurriedly War Hawk heads back and starts the circling task once again trying to fill up as many burlaps bags as he possibly can muster for the day. Of course, all of this work also depends on the River Badger and Water Badger whose chores are working the river bottoms for the conglomerated gold veins of gold ore.

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has another deed to follow up on. It seems that one of his conquistador guards has been mysteriously hiding small burlap bags of gold ore from his mule trains heading back to Portugal and Spain with the lavishes of treasure including spices and herbs that have been collected throughout the area. Nevertheless he has noticed that one of his men has been gone for a while and that person is the Conquistador Prophet of the group Ramon.

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon who is part of the group is the one who is supposed to have all of the wisdom and guidance for the group, although he has a belief that there is more than an afterlife, there is a reincarnation of ourselves in to this world sometime in the future. And for some reason he feels that in 1800 years or so the gold he hides will be worth the price of diamonds. While the head conquistador approaches riding his horse searching for him, the Conquistador Prophet Ramon drops a small bag of gold ore behind a small hold in to the cliff face around the mountains turn just south of the mining camp. Quickly he carves a small letter “x” with a knife next to the spot and heads back to his horse. Just then he takes out a religious early bible and reads it as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza nears his location around the river’s turn downstream. As the head conquistador approaches he asks, “What are we doing over here?”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon answers saying, “Just reading over some Roman Catholic scriptures!”

The head conquistador reassures the question by asking, “Are you sure?”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon adds, “Yes, I’m just taking a reading break!”

The head conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza gives the Conquistador Prophet Ramon a direct order imposing, “Let’s get back to the Spanish Quarters!”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon starts to head back to the Spanish Quarters with the head conquistador following behind forcing him to make his way back to the mule stall area. The head conquistador looks around back behind him trying to see if there’s anything he’s missing from finding the Conquistador Prophet Ramon hiding out from the rest of the band. When they return the day ends with another last load coming from Arrastra Boy, Brown Badger, and War Hawk, who finish up more filling of the burlap sacks of gold ore.

The head conquistador leaves his horse in the horse stall that they have built on the other side of the mule stall. Quickly he looks to see if the mule are getting loaded enough to be ready to be lead out in the next few days or so. It seems to him that they are going to need a few more days of heavy mining in order to fill the mule train with the lavish abundance that is required to pay the demands of the homeland. While he observes the mule train the Prophet leaves his horse in the mule stall and approaches. Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks to the Conquistador Prophet Ramon saying, “We’re going to need more gold caravans of mules in order to obtain our goal of building a mission here to educate the Indians of our culture and Religious beliefs.”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon thinks about what the conquistador has said about needing more money by mining more gold in order to return the treasures for more supplies. In return they could afford to build up the mining camp and add the grounds for a mission that would house many religious friars and prophets to lead the words of Catholicism which has been spreading its ways of Christianity across the globe. Carrying the conversation further the Prophet Ramon, “There’s a good load so far, we’ll fill the mule train within a few days!”

The head conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks about that for a moment or so before saying, “We’re going to need more than that I’m afraid. We’re going to need more supplies. Our grain, wheat and soap supplies are getting very low. Some of our barley is contaminated again and we won’t have any more until the next mule train comes in and it won’t be very much. We’ll have to ration what we have until then. We’re also going to need more men to post themselves her at the camp to help with the necessary preparations to build the mission.”

The Prophet thinks about the Roman Catholic Scriptures he has been brushing up on now that the Romans have conquered the Mediterranean Sea and anything in its boundaries. Most of this has started with the Punic Wars which was the time that the Carthaginians started to lose their control over Spain in 201 B.C. By 206 B.C. Spain and cities such as New Carthage was under complete control by Roman rule. First Rome had taken over the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica completely. Then Spain had become province of Roman control and influence nearly overnight. The Prophet Ramon talks about the literature he had been reading saying, “We have a lot to think about when building our mission. Our own cultural background has been changed by the influence of Roman rule and the Roman Catholic Church has been spreading its ways of Christianity throughout the world. Things are changing fast and we will have to adapt to new cultural beliefs and learn how to bring and persuade those beliefs to the native peoples of these lands.”

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks about loaning War Hawk the book of Spanish Lords and Saints by telling the Conquistador Prophet Ramon, “I promised War Hawk of the War and Hawk clan that I would lend him the book of Spanish Lords and Saints because he asked to read of our culture.”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon thinks how things are already converting to bring these native people unto their Spanish ways and customs of leaving. So far the ancient Indian mining lands are converting in to the ways of Spanish mining as far as their own senses are concerned. The Prophet Ramon replies by stating “See things are already working out with the conversion over to Christianity.”

Just then the head conquistador turns and tells Conquistador Felipe to inform the arrastra workers and the diggers to call it a day. Next Conquistador Felipe leaves the mule stall and walks down to the third arrastra informing War Hawk and the others by yelling, “Parada!”

Everyone stops what they are doing and they all start to go back to their usual business of everyday living by heading back up to the top of the mountain ridge above. War Hawk walks down from the third arrastra passed the Spanish Quarters towards the mule stall. He approaches the mule stall where Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza and the Conquistador Prophet Ramon are turning to head back to the Spanish Quarters. The head conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks to War Hawk saying, “Vienne agui! I’ll let you borrow the book for two evenings before returning it back to me!”

They all walk over to the Spanish Quarters and the conquistador picks up the burlap bag with the book of “Spanish Lords and Saints” and hands it directly to him. After he hands it to him he says, “It’s in Spanish so you’ll have a hard time reading some of the areas!”

“Esta bueno! I’m just going to look at it before the sun goes down and then return to bed for another day of work tomorrow,” War Hawk discloses after he wraps it underneath his shoulder to carry it back.

The head conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza answers back, “Fair enough!”

The arrastra worker War Hawk leaves and heads back home to the living quarters above with the book of “Spanish Lords and Saints.” As he makes his way above he passes up some women grinding corns and other foods in a mortar which is dug inside a large boulder that is large enough for five or six Indian Women to help with the preparations. Next to the teepees are a few metates with a few Indian Women grinding grain to make their Indian Fry Breads. The metate is used with a hand size tool called a mano which is pushed back and forth smashing and grinding whatever is put inside. One of the Indian Women is grinding the corn using what is called a pestle. It is about six inches long and is used by crushing the corn in to a fine powder.

Soon War Hawk finds his way in to his teepee where he is accompanied by his family. Once he makes his way inside he sits down to relax and eat some Indian Fry breads that his mother Ravianna had prepared earlier during the day. While eating Ravianna wonders what is inside the burlap bag he has brought with him in to the teepee. Curious she asks, “What’s in the burlap sack?”

Trying to keep it a surprise War Hawk claims, “It’s the book of “Spanish Lords and Saints.” He let me borrow it. I overheard them saying something about trying to build a mission so that they could teach and spread their ways of their Religious beliefs to our people.”

For a brief moment Ravianna thinks about it replying, “They want to build a mission of Priests and Friars who will preach to us their evil ways. And in the end they will only bring more famine and diseases that our people can’t overcome. You must show the book to Little Dream Catcher so that she can find Our Lady of Perpetual Help so we can find insight with tonight’s second day ceremony.”

While he is finishing up his meal War Hawk wonders asking, “Where is she at?”

Immediately Ravianna answers telling him, “She’s by the kiln painting the ceremonial vessel for the morning’s ceremony!”

“We need to tell her to come over when she’s finished so we can look at the book together because it’s in Spanish and we’re going to have to read it that way,” War Hawk discloses to Ravianna eager to take a first look at the book together.

Willing to go inform Little Dream Catcher about the book, Ravianna says, “I can walk over there and tell her you have it!”

Ravianna heads outside of the teepee to walk over to the kiln where most of their pottery ware and living ware utensils are cooked and baked. She makes her way there momentarily approaching while Little Dream Catcher is painted a snowflake like design on some pottery. However these snowflake designs are much smaller than the others she has made for other ceremonial purposes. Sitting next to her painting tools is some pottery tools such as a white limestone and a hardened pottery palette.

As Ravianna nears the kiln area Little Dream Catcher asks, “What do you think?”

Thinking that it is beautiful Ravianna shrills, “It’s very pretty. Those are small snowflakes your painting on the outside of the ceremonial vessel for this morning?”

Making a last touch up with a brush of the paintbrush Little Dream Catcher shrieks, “Yes, I thought we could try something different. It’s a three day ceremony anyhow leaving us another chance to perform our Jesus Way Ceremony of our Holy Way Ceremony.”

Ravianna answers back swiftly complimenting her, “Very well, guess what? My son War Hawk was allowed to borrow the book. He’s waiting for us so we can look at it together. But, it’s in Spanish so we’re going to have a hard time reading it!”

Quickly Little Dream Catcher hands the brush to Dream Catcher who is working with Little Catcher on some pottery ware that has been recently taken out from the fiery kiln saying, “Aqui, finish this!” She turns ready to walk away adding, “I’m ready to read Spanish!”

Ravianna turns with her chuckling, “Yes, right!”

While continue to head back to Ravianna’s teepee Little Dream Catcher admits, “Well, we all can speak a little!”

Ravianna thinks about that for a moment toting, “Yes, but the arrastra workers speak the most Spanish?”

A few more steps pass by as they both enter the teepee. Inside War Hawk is waiting patiently with the book called “Spanish Lords and Saints” still in the burlap sack until they all are there to read it together. At first, Ravianna invites Little Dream Catcher to sit down next to War Hawk on one side while she sits next to him on the other side. As they both seat themselves in an Indian Style manner War Hawk opens the burlap sack in front of him and takes the book of “Spanish Lords and Saints” out and sets it down onto his lap. As he sets it there he looks at the cover which is in Spanish of course. The cover reads, “Español señores y santos.”

Slowly War Hawk repeats the cover reading, “The cover reads “Spanish Lords and Saints” I think!”

With a surprised voice Little Dream Catcher asks, “What do you mean I think?”

Immediately War Hawk answers back saying, “I mean that’s what it says, “Spanish Lords and Saints.”

Ravianna becomes anxious and agitated right away jiving, “Well, open it already!”

Without much hesitation War Hawk flips past the book cover displaying an introduction, or ‘introduccion’ in Spanish. He reads the word out to them both saying, “This page is an introduction to the book. It’s hard to read the rest because everything is in Spanish and this is the first time reading it.”

Curious Little Dream Catcher coerces War Hawk to flip to the other pages by telling him, “Turn the pages and looks for the Saints!”

With the flick of the hand War Hawk begins to flip through some of the pages which list the names of the Lords in alphabetical order with a description of their miracles, although he doesn’t have an easy time reading it. Mentioning this to them both War Hawk says, “This is hard to read, but I think this page says “senores” for “Lords. And the rest is a list of all of the lords listed in alphabetical order. I’ll skip through and look for a section on the saints.”

After flipping through about half of the book War Hawk comes to a section that says, “Santos” for saints.

Quickly he reads it like the words on the front cover again repeating out loud, “It reads “Santos” which means saints.”

Ravianna gets excited like they’re getting closer impelling, “Find her saint.”

Wondering what first letter to flip to in Spanish War Hawk asks, “What’s the saint’s name?”

Right away without having to think too much Little Dream Catcher says, “Her name is the Virgin Mary, or the Mother of God!”

Quickly War Hawk begins to flip through the pages looking at the names in Spanish at the top. When he gets to the letter “M” he looks through for the “Mother of God” finding nothing. Then he tells them, “No Madre” listing in the saints.”

Ravianna knows what he said, “You mean mother?”

War Hawk answers, “Yes, no mother of anything listed in here.”

Next he continues further looking for the letter “V” finding the name “Virgen Maria!”

He reads the name to them both reading, “Here we are, “Virgen Maria.”

Excited Little Dream Catcher says, “That’s her, the Virgin Mary!”

Ravianna wonders if he can read it, “Can you read it?”

Slowly War Hawk tries to read out loud the first line reading, “El Evangélico prophesized la hija de St. Anne, que juró el lealtad de su hija a los trabajos del señor.”

Trying to repeat the sentence out loud War Hawk reads, “The Evangelical prophesized daughter of St. Anne that works for the lord.”

Next War Hawk reads the second sentence of the paragraph reading, “Virgin Mary, una “virgen santificada del Señor.”

Now making an attempt at translating the second sentence of the small paragraph about the Virgin Mary War Hawk reads, “Virgin Mary, a sanctified “virgin of the Lord.”

Then War Hawk reads the third sentence of the paragraph out loud reading, “Ángel de la guarda y custodia de su juramento de virginidad.

Finally at the third and last sentence War Hawk translates out loud, “Guardian angel and keeper of her oath to virginity.”

At last War Hawk glances at the next paragraph of another saint and stops instructing them both, “That’s it for the Virgin Mary!”

Wishing there was more to her than that Little Dream Catcher says, “That’s not very much, and there’s nothing about her blessed son of God!”

Thinking about how Little Dream Catcher is thinking sort of negative like, Ravianna summarizes, “Well, at least you know you we’re right and that you’re on the right pathway with the ceremony!”

Little Dream Catcher ponders her rationalization as to the matter of subject claiming, “I know she has a son who is suffering!”

During the conversation War Hawk continues flipping through the pages not knowing who to really look up as far as saints goes adding, “There’s nothing else in here. Just worry about the remaining two days of the Holy Way Ceremony because I have to work in the morning in order to keep the conquistador from catching on to our abiding.”

Just then Sunny Horizons who is a member of the Morning Clan and the Sky Clan comes to the teepee informing them, “The ceremonial dance is about to begin, are you all coming to join everyone?”

With eagerness Ravianna and Little Dream Catcher agree that they are both joining the ceremony expressing, “Myself and Little Dream Catcher are coming?”

Before turning away to join the ceremony Sunny Horizons asks looking at War Hawk, “Do you have to work in the morning?”

Immediately War Hawk answers Sunny Horizons by saying, “Yes, we all have to work tomorrow so that he doesn’t become suspicious even though we asked him for three days leniency for personal tribal matters. I will join the ceremony on the third and final day to our blessings!”

Before Sunny Horizons turns to join the Holy Way Ceremony she diligently says, “I must go my husband is one of the Hohokam Clowns in the ceremonial dance. See you tomorrow night War Hawk?”

Nearly falling asleep from a hard day’s work load War Hawk claims, “Tomorrow night it is!”

Before Sunny Horizons has a chance to turn away and join the ceremony Ravianna insists, “The both of us will be there soon!”

Turning away Sunny Horizons makes her way to the ceremonial dance while Ravianna and Little Dream Catcher make the necessary preparations as well.

Ravianna decides they should leave to make the necessary preparations with the ceremonial ritual implements saying, “We both should go finish up the ceremonial tools and join the dance ceremony.”

Getting ready to leave the teepee Little Dream Catcher says, “Before sleeping can you try and find Mary Magdalene in his book!”

Becoming tired War Hawk discloses, “I can look, but I doubt she would be in here!”

Then Ravianna and Little Dream Catcher leave while War Hawk tries to look through the book a little more looking for another name. Momentarily Ravianna and Little Dream Catcher approach the kiln to help with the finishing touches of the ceremonial pieces. When they reach the kiln Dream Catcher is finished painting a layer of blue sardius stone inside of the second day vessel. She places both of her hands along the rim of the nearly finished piece imploring, “It’s nearly finished, all it needs is a little bit of contagious blood mixed with this red sardius stone paint and it will be ready, although the Conquering Chief wants to wait until the third ceremonial day to add any contagious blood! His Leopard Clan man sponsor thinks the vessel should be glazed one color before adding any contagious sardius stone to represent the spirit’s blood!”

Thinking that the snowflake design is most awesome she blurts, “At least we have snowflakes!”

Immediately Little Dream Catcher thinks about a mistake perhaps insisting, “Maybe I should have saved the snowflake design for the cooling of her rite when she arrives!”

Ravianna decides that it is too late to make any more changes and that they must continue on with the second day shooting way ceremony regardless of any mistakes balking, “Well, it’s too late to make any changes now, we must continue and do the best we can and learn from the mistakes before the last day of the Holy Way Ceremony!”

Ready to prepare the ceremonial rug Dream Catcher says, “Very well we should continue with preparing the ceremonial Lakota Rug for the morning sunrise!”

Now the necessary preparations are made with the ceremonial place of worship, as the dancers carry on through the early evening until late in the evening. Then the rest of the morning is filled with Indian prayers and blessings.

The sounds of drums are heard again beaten along with another slight chanting. The sounds are coming again from the teepee that sets just behind the ceremonial teepee on the east end of the site. The music is coming once again from Lightning Sky and Happy Song who are members of the Song Bird Clan. The Song Bird Clan is actually one of their personal Earth Clans. Their music tends to ease the second day of the Holy Way Ceremony and it also brings more blessings of happiness in the breeze blowing past the ceremonial teepee painted with the clan images.

The Conquering Chief has now made his way to the ceremonial rug again on the second morning. The ceremonial rug lies with cedar again making a powerful incense to invoke all of the qualities that come with their traditions of worship. The tradition of animating the night sky is still kept in mind to make it a spiritual sense. Leaning on the Lakota Ceremonial Rug is the man sponsor who begins the second day ceremony by anointing the forehead of the Conquering Chief. The ritual is performed again with some blessed cedar smoke to blessedly sage the Conquering Chief. He nevertheless even anoints his Conquering Chief’s forehead with a libation of ceremonial paint which was to be used with the second day vessel, although the Leopard Clan man sponsor wants to try it this way first and then they will make the necessary changes on the last and final day.

Then finally he grabs a hold of the first day vessel which is very dull looking considering the mere fact that it was never placed in the kiln to be glazed. In the background is the ceremonial Lion’s skin setting the path once again. Next he holds it up pointing north to the night sky filled with visions of stars and galaxies as an animated quality. Then with some very powerful words the man speaks, "I receive of my father!"

Following the token of esteem, the vessel is smashed and his hands are placed together as another prayer welcoming a divine fatherly spirit once more. However after the moment of anticipation from the divine spirit the man brings his hands down feeling nothing again, although the sun does begin to rise forming the second day of Jesus Christ and his pains of labor.

A little while later as the sun plains in to the first view the Morning Sun Indian girl lowers her hands realizing the ceremony has failed once again and no spirit was ever evoked from their rite of passage of the spirit and his freedom from suffering. Of course, they do expect some sort of divine reciprocation returned in the form of a visitation from their lineal relative when the ceremony is performed rightfully on the third day of the Jesus Way Ceremony.


Backtracking to a previous interlude of the intertwining’s of the story; we start at an earlier time with the Woman of Heaven gathering her essential needs. Of course, her needs involve the gathering of sacred stones which are a tiny delicacy to her rite of passage with her offering. Sacred stones can be from any size considering many of them are the size of the standing stones used to build Stonehenge, or the black stone used in Mecca with Muslim worship, anyhow her sacred stones are much smaller in her offering of her unborn baby to be given to the dragon to be able to give the testimony of their patrilineal blood to the man-child.

The last couple of journeys of she had partaken of was too many remote places. One of the voyages she journeyed on was to the Delicate Arch of lower Utah where she took a specimen of red emerald, otherwise known as bixbite to use in her private ceremonial rite of passage. The latest one was to a granite laccolith where she found a specimen of rhyolite which contained some fine crystals of topaz to use in her ceremonial ritual to raise the demon from the depths of the underworld. Topaz has an astrological connection and association which involves such properties to use in her sacred ritual which she has only watch and observed rarely in occasion with her shaman sponsor.

As she gathers her ritual culture, she thinks back to other ceremonies she has had within her Navajo life that comes from the ancient Anasazi. One of her most memorable ceremonies is her Kinaalda or better known as her puberty ritual where she changes in to a woman from adolescence to an adult. Of course, after this ritual ceremony she had acquired more responsibilities involving her help with others and their own personal rituals. Many of these responsibilities she seemed to share with her mother Kiva Doll, who taught her about many things such as how to make stone tools and how to live off the land on her own. Kiva Doll belongs to the Witch Catcher clan as a shaman and the Black Bird Clan as a healer within the Traditional Anasazi ways. Her mother Kiva Doll even taught how to differentiate many different minerals such as flints, jaspers, cherts, serpentines, chalcedony, and of course anything closely related to quartz, which makes up most of the minerals she will use in her rite. She has even learned ancient ways of serpent handling while dancing which have been practiced over the years within her family. Many of these traditions were carried down by her Grandmother Yngvianna over the years.

Another facet of her learning has been with developing a supernatural power through the middle of her Kiva. There she has formed and created a hole to the other side in a paranormal sense where she can harness a “Bridge of Light.” Through this “Bridge of Light” she can form a rainbow to the other side within the “Circle of Life." However on the other hand she has learned quite a lot from other unrelated sponsors such as the Rainbow Girls who belong to the Coyote Ye clan and the Salt People clan. Through this connection she has learned the ways of the coyote and the wolf and other ways of performing rituals within her dancing rite using salt and pepper shakers. Also she has learned to harness the “Bridge of Light” which forms a rainbow to the other side within the Circle of Life.

Over the years she has become very closely knowledgeable with the many varieties of minerals and their associations with astrology. She has become a member of a Divine clan bringing her nearer to the center of nature. To her, religion has become one belief that was created by nature. This belief makes her a kind of shaman who believes she is more along the lines of a goddess, a Wiccan Goddess because the qualities are inherent within her as an earlier form because Wicca is a newer religion. Nevertheless her Pagan qualities are much older and molded in as well. And these feelings she has for nature and how those forces operate has drawn her to the wilderness. She has also developed her special talents and abilities. Of course this falls along the lines of theories, especially when considering Malinowski and how religion is a reduction of society. Here’s where she has alienated herself to the powers of her offering which will be sacrificed for the testimony of another religion to be given to their Native heritage.

The religion of Christianity has changed their culture in many ways within other areas further south from here where the influence of Spain is still prevailing. And this is where she has to forgo a transition from one status of life to another which involves giving life as a death ritual for the testimony of the Great White Spirit to be given to their people. It’s a way to stop the Spanish Influence from spreading to their land with disease and famine.

The ceremony she is about to perform is a Critical Ritual to completed at the end of her pregnancy and the ceremony is newly formed and has never been attempted. It’s a rite of passage that is also Calendrical because she has started the ceremony on her Sabbath Day during the spring solstice, a day she would normally choose not to work. Nevertheless she has learned the ways of magic and how to invoke spirits, but this feat involves serpent handling, to bring up the dragon through a ritual stone with the qualities of raising demons in to flight. However, she must trance herself before performing the actual ritual and offering. Ready to do her first warm-up, she places a cloth bag down and gets ready to open it.

Quickly she opens the cloth bag and pulls out two shakers. One is a salt shaker and the other is a pepper shaker that she has made especially for herself. Here’s where she can show where her cult of personality has been with being a divine cult which is more along the lines of her own sect that has split off for ritual. Without much hesitation, she starts to hop scotch up and down like she was performing some sort of warm up.

With a sense of finding a place that feels sort of sacred in a way, she sets the shakers in a pouch that she has tapered to her leather char colored breeches. She turns around and walks back to a pair of ceremonial canes she left days before checking over the paradigm. She picks up the canes and a flat rounded hammer stone she had left as well. Entering her ceremonial circle she places the first ceremonial cane in its place and pounds in in to the ground a few inches or so. Next she takes the other ceremonial cane and walks to the lower circle where the dragon will enter this realm marked by another ceremonial cane. Then she returns and walks back to another bag she has and peeks inside for a split second to make sure the scene is lethargic enough after a ceremonial dance around the circle.

Without wasting much time she starts to dance in a circle doing a two-step motion while she takes out her shakers and starts to dance lightly without disrupting the womb of her offering. Lightly she rubs the shakers around her pregnant belly with a soothing motion to ease the dancing. This is where it shows how she has developed her abilities, which were inherent within her since she has been hanging out with the many different Indian Clans.

Slowly she continues the pace before she stops and reaches to her topaz necklace she has laced around her neck. As she feels the stone she takes a look inside seeing nothing so far. Located on her chest just below where the necklace hangs is a tattoo spelling “Demon Flight.” After tacking a brief glance she lets go and presumes the ceremonial dance for a long while.

Once she has warmed herself up, she stops and walks to the outside of the circle and steps past the cloth bag where she has left the other bag. She leans down and opens the larger sack once again. For a moment she pauses and takes a look in to her talisman or amulet to see if there is anything reflecting from the inside. Seeing nothing she continues on with the next part of the rite. Carefully she pulls out a reptile serpent to help make the connection to the unknown. This will help her as a shaman to make a connection not only to the unknown, but to the supernatural realm where she can travel up the river of demons to find the dragon.

Now she can begin with her sorcery magic as a witch to work the evil forces in and around the baby of her offering. At this point she is more unto the lines of a Love Witch than a poison witch even though as a witch anything bad is what she does. Instead of poison to make the offering, she will use malicious intent to bring the offering of her baby to make the testimony of the Great White Spirit.

The purpose of the next part of the dance will help her with her trance to make an association between the dragon and the stone through serpent handling. This is a very risky situation considering that it involves very highly evolved sprits as associated with the stone lapis lazuli. Nevertheless she carries the closest thing to carry on with the first day of her three day ceremony

In her hands she holds an iguana that seems slightly calmed down from her tranquil nature. Little by little she begins to dance with her hands held towards the sky while rolling her eyes back in a trance like state tranquilizing herself. She hasn’t used anything so far in the form of hallucinogens which are a mind altering substance as an alternate reality to the subconscious mind, although she has used hallucinogens such as mescaline which is one of the main ingredients in peyote, a low-lined cacti button.

Hours and hours go by as she dances along with the serpent while chanting and singing along around the ceremonial cane she has placed in the center of the circle. Holding the serpent on her pregnant belly for a few moments, Ynana thinks about conquering the serpent in a dream-like state. However the serpent is in her hands as a miniature, which is smaller than life within the supernatural world, nevertheless it seems larger than life inside her mind’s eye.

Dreaming about conquering the serpent, she pictures herself spearing the serpent over and over again. Still it seems that the arrows that she is throwing don’t seem to penetrate the serpent and fall off. Over and over again she continues on with the sort of trance like dance until the serpent has overcome her and devoured her flesh.

With much contemplating through her dreamlike state, she stops and sets the serpent or iguana on the ground next to her cloth satchel bag. Then she stands up straight thinking about how she is transforming from a Medicine Woman to a pure blooded witch who only needs to up the stakes through harnessing the testimony within her powers. So far she has broken away from the deeds of Medicine Men. She has performed the rituals associated with becoming more than an apprentice or beginner who has run off with all her own rules and knowledge. Now that she knows the rules and is an integral part of them, she can change and adapt them as she chooses to find the appropriate way to perform her rite of passage.

Suddenly she feels it is time to step up the ante and return the next the day with the next stage of serpent handling. Tomorrow she will return with another surprise to her ritualistic dancing forms of an ancient variety. It’s time to yield the powers of the Kokopelli and the powers associated with raising the serpent with some Egyptian qualities. Of course, the Kokopelli powers are to raise the river waters for their agricultural needs, although in this case we are in the process of serpent management. Luckily, she had fed the serpent of her tomorrow’s handling with a large lively meal which helps to keep them sort of sedated like for the ritual.

This is where she can bring out her southern rites long before they are inherited in culture. These are her early Evangelical qualities of bringing her petroglyphs and pictographs of the two Kokopelli dolls to life with her analytical dogmas. The first one, the standing Kokopelli, has to do with the Anasazi way of life as found with St. John’s and of the Raven Site, and the other one is the standing Kokopelli in connotation with the petroglyphs of Canyon De Chelly and other places such as the sidewalks of Chaco Canyon.

The following day Ynana returns with more tools with her daily routine of the middle part of the ceremony. She sets down a larger cloth sack she has made with another gift to her second day of her ceremony. First she pulls out her two shakers and starts to organize a warm up dance to start things off alright. Round and round she dances herself around the ceremonial cane centering the circle she has tracked in over and over with her foot prints within the sparse grass lings. After a while she takes a break and lies in the grass lawn with a flute she has made out of a carved piece of wood.

Trying to calm her serpent for the near task of another trance like dance, she arises and approaches the cloth sack and opens it up. She reaches in and pulls out a western diamondback rattlesnake that has been eased by her tranquil fluting music. Slowly she spreads her hands out with an easy grasp to her hands as she spreads out her hold on the serpent. Ready for her magical visions within a trancelike state, she begins to dance while chanting and singing once again. Now that a feeling of euphoria has entered the adrenalines of her mind, she continues snake dancing with a vision coming to her from the supernatural world.

Consequently she has been bitten a few times through her snake handling routines, even though she has had more practice since those times. She has developed a slight immunity to certain kinds of venomous snakes and other critters such as iguana which only tends to bite her when aroused. Nonetheless she knows how to hold most snakes that she has danced with before in the past such as western rattlers. Relatively she found the western diamondback snake when it was younger within the last few months by digging it out of a gopher’s hole that it had burrows in during the last of the cold winter months.

The one she has in her hands is still fairly small and easy for her to use in her rite of passage. Yet she will let it loose once the ceremony is complete. The patterns on the western diamondback’s scaly skin are diamond shaped with a darker color riding along the back and of a lighter sandy color along the sides. They are easier to work with than the sidewinder which she has come in to contact on occasion because they are mainly found in southern end of the state. For some reason she finds it difficult to deal with sidewinders because they move with a sideways motion which is hard to grasp while performing her task.

They’re also hard to catch compared to some of the other rattlesnakes. Most of the rattlesnakes she encounters she catches during the rainy seasons when they come out from their water logged burrows. Other than that she sometimes places her foot in front of them while they are coiled up. Immediately they will strike the bottom of her feet over and over again until they are dizzy. Then she can pick them up without getting bit on the hand or between the fingers. Usually she doesn’t like to catch them this way because then they are more feisty and hard to deal with. It has taken a while to get used to handling them within this nature.

Anyhow the one she is dealing with has been euphorically working well for her and the purpose of her dreamlike technique. Now instead of using her trance to raise the sun as found with the Egyptian image of the pharaoh fighting the snake and its voodoo, she will use the trance like hallucination to raise the dragon. In these visions she will conquer the serpent, although after her sacrifice she will have no one other than the testimony of the Great White Spirit to share them with. There will be no stick to throw in to the Nile to raise the morning sun as with Egyptian Mythology. There also won’t be no fire spewing cobra symbol made of gold to be used by her as worn by Egyptian pharaohs showing the transformation of their mother Goddess Isis, who is also a fertility symbol. All she has are her shamanistic visions of conquering the serpent rattlesnake to help her with her visions of the dragon.

Within her day dreamed daze, she begins to connect to the supernatural world of a larger serpent within her mind. Quickly she thinks about confronting the serpent as its tongue slithers around and down upon her with a larger than life size. She dodges and maneuvers around while trying to aim one of her spears at the beast to make a couple of throws. Yet the snake serpent in her mind starts to slither forward towards her as she dodges by jumping to the side. The snake serpent slithers forward past her as she follows and tries to corner him between two large rocks.

Without hesitation she aims one of her spears and throws it as the large snake like serpent slithers its tongue at her knocking her down to her feet on her side. Fastly she gets back up while fumbling her spears and regains another course with her aim. Suddenly she throws another one and hits the serpent snake on the top of his diamond shaped head. The snake serpent turns his diamond shaped head as she chucks another spear hitting it in the head again.

Nothing seems to affect the snake serpent as she falls down after its tongue slithers and flops her way. Without much hesitation, Ynana gets back to her feet and takes another initiative at making another shot. A third spearing shot penetrates the head right next to the other two lodging deep within the skin of its diamond shaped head.

As it slithers forward towards her again, she throws another spear which angrily aggravates the serpent snake. Hastily the serpent snake lunges closer to her and then finally strikes her as she wakes from the trance as the western diamondback strikes her between the fingers. Calmly she stops and returns to the cloth sack and puts the rattler away to make an end to the ceremony. It seemed to her in her vision and dreamlike state that the snake serpent was trying to bite her pregnant stomach to devour her offering.

Anyways she looks to the wound from the bite which doesn’t look that bad. Just a little bit of snake venom foams up as she starts to suck it out from her fingers while spitting and spewing the venom out. She repeats the procedure for a while as the single fang hole accompanied by another red blotch tends to fade away as far as the swelling is concerned. Surely the foaming wares away after a long while goes on by.

At first she looks to her topaz stone to see if there’s anything reflecting from inside. She sees nothing as presumed and then she looks to the sky seeing a bird of prey that looks fairly large hovering above the scene. She looks wondering if it’s a turkey vulture that hasn’t settled down waiting for the kill yet, or maybe it’s a large type of condor of some kind. Still it is some sort of raptor like bird of prey. Continuing to watch as it circles around and leaves the area flying over the tree tops, she wonders if it happens to be a thunderbird which is rare and only discovered through myth and legend. In any case she watches as it flies farther and farther away until it disappears out of sight.

Furthermore she has heard legends and seen large pictographs of such animals attacking small people and small rodents. But the serpent of prey she is after is more along the lines of a Firebird which comes from the supernatural world. Nevertheless they are a rare feat to see because they are only here saying to the stories carried down through the generations of her family’s lifetime.

Trying not to waste too much time, she decides to call it a day and runs with the idea of the winged serpent and to return tomorrow for the third day of her three day rite of passage. She soon packs her things and returns to a camp she has made out just past the tree line a little ways. Before retiring for the night, she releases the western diamondback rattlesnake letting it free. Then she lays back a while thinking about the daily task of tomorrow. With a slight of hand, she rubs her stomach and thinks about a few sudden kicks that she feels consecutively.

The thoughts of her sponsors come to mind as she thinks about having to perform this rite of passage on her own. The accomplishment from this ceremony is much more than her Kinaalda, with the rewards of motherhood and the responsibilities to go with it. However she is giving up her chance at actually being a mother by giving her baby as an offering to give the testimony of the Great White Spirit to the man-child ceremony of the Conquering Chief. Moreover she must perform these rituals alone to take up the seed of the dragon through the eyes of the unknown.

In her experiences she has realized that most supernatural beings and paranormal activity only shows itself once. She has also experienced the reality that they supernatural and unexplained occurrences will only happen for particular persons of interest and then they vanish forever. And this is one reason she has chosen to perform her duties under the wings of a prayer to a higher, or maybe even a lower power of the world down below.

Relaxing and rummaging her mind over the third ceremonial day, she thinks about how the snake went for her belly in the dream. With other dramatic scenes darting in and out of her mind, she thinks about what the dragon should look like. In her third eye she pictures a large bird sort of close in nature to the thunderbird, although its wings are made of fire resembling a firebird more or less. For some reason she can visualize flames and smoke pouring out from behind the firebird like beast. Rapidly she is swallowed by burning flames and she opens her eyes in a quick wink of an eye.

She takes out a gris-gris back she has with some pearls she had extracted from some oysters she had found in some mountain canyon that had some Permian and Pennsylvanian layers of strata. While closing her eyes she ponders over the emotions of chiseling out the pearls from the area she found them in and extracting them from the inside portion of the oyster shells. Looking for a way to initiate them in her rite she envisions them as a gate leading to heaven from the depths of hell.

Other than that she can’t make any other astrological association to fathom with the dragon with her collection of twelve pearls she had so patiently prepared. Though she looks to her topaz crystal she extracted from a specimen of rhyolite granite. She can connect to her topaz stone making an astrological connection to the serpent through its association alone, still it would be better and more powerful when she performs the rite of passage.

Warming up her lucky stone she considers very powerful, she holds it within her right hand and closes her eyes once again thinking about dancing around the ceremonial cane. In her thoughts she can see the smoke rise from the lower valley, although she can’t picture the ceremonial cane. All she can see is a cloud of a thick white mist carrying over through to the tree tops below. Trying to focus in closer to the image in her inner eye, she wakes once again without being able to put a visual on the apparition she wants to communicate with.

Soon the night sky starts to change to dusk as she tries to visualize what the dragon would like and what to expect. So far her image of a fiery thunderbird or sunbird seems to far-fetched to fathom as far as she can believe. Falling back while closing her eyes, she starts to fall to a light sleep while more pictures of a winged serpent come to life in her dreaming. Many of these thoughts she gets seem to resemble a slight human form. A few images are of a winged serpent with a human-like head with horns. Nevertheless, her thoughts of zoomorphism go away and other varieties take over.

The next day she rises and sets out to continue on with the third day ceremony of her rite of passage. She starts of by getting her shakers ready and a few other dancing items that she has to add. While preparing she thinks about how she doesn’t have anything to help her with trance and hallucination within her ritual. There’s no reptile serpent to use as a guide with connecting herself to the supernatural realm. There’s no iguana this time, and she doesn’t have a western diamond back rattler to use with her prophecies. This time she has to go at it alone with only the topaz stone and its astrological association of putting the dragon or demon in to flight to help her with her purpose.

She even feels alone because she doesn’t have any sprit helpers to help her with her deeds of the day. She has to be a kind of spiritual diviner who can gain much insight in to her visions. She must dance until she can seek the intent of her divine calling upon the serpent from the supernatural world. Then she must try and harness its power in to taking her offering for that divine judgment.

With all of the things contemplating through her mind, she takes a drink of water from one of her water containers and then holds one shaker per hand. She puts the salt shaker in the right hand to make her offering a blessing to the Great White Spirit of the sky. She holds the pepper shaker with her left hand to separate the darker forces unto her left hand. Mimicking a genuine hand trembler, she shakes her hands like she were a natural diviner while she warms up her first dance around the ceremonial cane.

She starts off slow considering she has been getting quite some kicking action from her little baby that she has been ignoring due to the process of the initiation. Continuing with a slow pace she joins in with some chanting Indian songs that she written for the occasion. The first one only lasts a couple of minutes as she dances around in a two-step motion around the ceremonial cane. Next she switches to a different song that she has written as well that is much faster paced as she sings and chants her way around the ceremonial cane. She does this several turns around until the song runs out several minutes later.

Taking a breather while catching up with her breath, she takes a look to her stone seeing whiteness and cloudy tint seem to taint the stone. Still she resumes her pace and continues dancing around her ceremonial cane several more times before she begins the chants of another song she has written for another dance. She continues dancing for another couple of minutes while chanting the new song before taking another look at her ceremonial stone which seems to have a reddish tint to it this time. The tint is faint as she looks at it with a deep glare and sets it back down against her chest. Hurriedly she turns around to change directions around the ceremonial cane to do another chanting song while singing and dancing another ancient dance routine.

After making several turns around the traditional circle she feels her belly after another kick has caused an excruciating pain like it was done with intentional discourse. As she makes another complete circle she notices a group of cumulous clouds pour in to the valley below. It’s almost like a thick covering of fog has presumed overhead and below, although there’s no mist to go along with it.

While making a turn around the far end closest to the downside of the hill leading to the other ceremonial cane, a glimpse of something drifts back behind another cloud from a patch of trees surrounded by a haze of white smoke that is forming a thick veil. Soon she passes again around the ceremonial cane while she takes another look towards the bottom of the crest. When she makes another turn around the traditional circle, she starts to make another gaze towards the bottom while seeing a tail sway back and forth through the cloud embankment of white mist that has formed the valley below.

Immediately she stops chanting and singing and then begins to slow down while looking down the crescent drop. Quickly she stops completely and rests her hands holding the shakers to the side of her body without keeping interest in anymore singing and dancing. Watching she notices the body turns back and forth while a large demon like eyes protrudes out gleaming her way. Then all of a sudden, a burst of smoke and flames changes its course heading in her direction while burning everything in its path. Without much hesitation she whips around the other way and runs out of her ceremonial circle.

Running with a faster pace she makes her way out of the ritualistic circle entering the tree line ahead. She turns around noticing the grass and bushes behind her burst in to a fiery blaze that tends to be making its way closer to her at a fast rate. Hastily she runs faster reaching further and further in to the tree line. Looking back she realizes that the dragon is gaining ground on her and catching up rapidly.

She turns around again to watch her steps as she steps awkwardly through thickened brush which tends to split and crackle as she passes. Once she makes her way a few more yards further the brush and foliage starts to smolder around her along with the bark from the nearby trees around her. Noticing she continues to run until her legs start to warm and burn up. Trying to get away she falls to the ground with her hands bracing her.

Quickly she gets back up and once back on her feet, she starts to run again. Swiftly she turns around to see how close the serpent is from her while she looks the other way. All she can see is a wall of fiery flames with a pair of demonic like eyes coming towards her at an alarming rate. Rotated the other way she trips backward over a log that wasn’t visible at first. With a hard trip over backwards, she falls flat on her back while everything burns around and above her. The trees blocking the view of the sky seem to be in flames smoldering.

Like an observer, what’s happening appears like only a perception of reality that she has dreamed up within her shamanistic mind. Nevertheless without any hallucinogens, this paranormal activity seems more natural and is the first she has encountered at this extreme measure. It is like a paranormal dream that she gained insight on through her delusion while she was sleeping earlier before the ritualistic ceremony. However many parts of her dream were unknown to her, and now that they are validly more intense and real, she realizes she has been truthfully succumbed by the serpent.

Opening her eyes she can only see flames burn and smolder everything in its path as she feels the heat of the serpent’s fiery soul. Wanting to look blow her topaz necklace, she comprehends the significance of her make-believe reality as the serpents takes the unborn infant from her womb. It felt like the baby was just ripped out from her body and soul without any discourse or bodily harm that would kill her.

In a super naturalistic sense the powers of nature and magic have joined the forces of heaven and hell to make way for her baby to be given as an offering to bring up the man-child shooting way ceremony to the testimony of Jesus Christ. Now it seems that in a magical sense of sorcery and witchcraft, she knows how the world works and she understands the forces of nature and has had her magic and religious experience and she also understands some of the basic principles. Once her offering is complete, the dragon is Roth with the woman of heaven and flees the scene with her unborn infant in to the smoke filled air that fills the wilderness.


At the time Little Dream Catcher is finishing up with one of her masterpiece dream catchers that she is in the process of making. In fact, this one is so special that she even seems to know the outcome of the Jesus Way Ceremony to where the magic just comes and spells itself out naturally. So far she has finished intertwining the last letter to the inner webbing to spell out the Woman of Heaven as becoming a deity. Or better yet, a witch catcher when she hides and refrains from giving herself away to the spirit of Jesus Christ when he comes to see the flocks of children.

When the last strand is finished the result is the words “Witch Catcher” spelled inside the webbing of the Dream Catcher. This dream catcher is a symbol of being a gift to the Woman of Heaven, although it’s a cheap trick to the conquistador who will eventually surrender to its drawing power. For her personal good luck, she has a little dream catcher that she carries around for her own good luck at dream weaving. Once the dream catcher is completely finished with its final touches, Little Dream Catcher takes a moment to bless it with spiritual powers to give to Ynana.

The third and final day of the three day ceremony to raise Jesus Christ from the cross to be a sun god before visiting the flocks of children is underway. In other words Jesus Christ will become the Morning Star as he descends from the heavens on his way to visit the flocks of his children.

The third day vessel is being prepared and there are more additions such as more artwork that will bring many different images to mind. And hopefully the new changes that have been made will bring more luck to the three day ceremony.

One of these changes was with the glazing of the vessel to be used in the libation for the ceremony. This time the vessel will be glazed to look like a polychrome vessel with an orange color tint to add a lot more brightness to it.

There are even some more vessels that have been prepared like a vessel from White Snowflake Hohokam Indian which happens to be a vessel decorated with white snowflakes. White Snowflake Pottery is more prevalent in areas further north such as Flagstaff. White Snowflake Hohokam Indian is a member of the Wind Clan which is another strong family tied clan in the Indian community.

While the last and final day is about to get underway, the night time is nearing only a few hours left. Now the Woman of Heaven and the Anasazi Indians of the four corners who will one day in the echoes of a future time become the Navajos of the Govennador which is a cluster of Navajo sites stretching in to New Mexico through the Largo and Gobernador.

This Spanish Period was a time when the Navajos left the Govennador because they were pushed out by the friars of Francisco De Coronado. However this period is about the Nations of Indians pushing out the first conquistadors of the New World.

Moreover now the Anasazi are more or less connected with the ways of Mesoamerican life through the cultures from Chaco which is one of their hidden spiritual places. From there they have brought the “middles of time” which will bring a surprise quality with their arrival. And when the Anasazi and their combined cultures of South America collide, hopefully the conquistadors and their overpowering ways of life will be uplifted.

It’s only another day before the third day of the Jesus Way Ceremony, when the arrivals of Jesus are hopefully the outcome of their ancestral magic. And then when the ceremony is complete and the Conquering Chief is in the spirit of heaven, then the Nations of Indians, such as the Navajo of the four corners will be able to push out the conquistador. Of course, he will have the respect from the guilt of being respected as one of their own in a sort of sense.

Meanwhile before the third and final day of the Jesus Way Ceremony commences, the Nations of Indians are meeting about what is going to take place within one of their sovereign lands. And according to them this sacred ground is none that can be taken away through the means of an overseas Land Grant or a Charter with the logs of a ship route.

And within the walls of Chaco valley, which is a cornerstone of Mesoamerican culture, is the meeting of the Nations of Indian announcing the arrival of the “Woman in Heaven.” However she isn’t present considering that she and her Navajo Legion of Armies are nearly arriving to their destination point.

Within the ceremonial meeting hall is an altar of the many gifts that have been brought up from as far as South America. There are a many different varieties of South American Jewelry, South American tapestries, Central American tapestries, South American Artwork, and some Central American Artwork that was brought up from as far away as Guatemala. There are also a few animals such as some parrots and some other South American birds which have many bright colorful patterns.

Here are the first aspirations of another meeting of the Jesus Way Ceremony such as the one that is going to take place once again for the third and final day. And hopefully both sacred grounds will be visited by the savior Jesus Christ. Nonetheless the main focus of the day is the first ceremony with the visitation of Jesus Christ which happens in the northern hemisphere.

The introductory meeting is about to commence with a few words about what is happening as far as the initial steps to remove the powers of Spain from the map. Many of the ancient Anasazi who now occupy the Navajo lands are in attendance.

The Anasazi High Priest Shaman has the first words to commence the meeting before the final third day ceremony is complete peaking, “And the day is near when the oppressions of the white man are come and gone!”

Next the wise man of the Anasazi decides to add some words saying, “We invite the spirit of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary into our hearts!”

Afterwards the Anasazi High Priest Shaman continues on with some words to the religious worshippers of the congregation lecturing, “And by noon tomorrow the Woman of Heaven Ynana will join the Southwest Tonto Hohokam to help with the removal of the Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza from our homeland.”

Then there’s another word of prayer from the wise man of the Anasazi praying, “And again we invite the spirit of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary into our hearts!”

Now the Anasazi High Priest Shaman decides to add another prayer announcing, “May we relieve the pains of Jesus Christ from the cross and in our hearts?”

Soon one of the Anasazi patrons in the crowd speaks out some words asking, “What if she fails?”

Lastly the wise man of the Anasazi deems to say out loud, “She will not fail!”

Now far away are the echoes of the Woman of Heaven and her army as they make their way towards the lands of the Agua Fria River which belongs to the Southwest Tonto Hohokam. There are many by her side as they try and pace their time while reaching the lands granted to the conquistador.

Before moving again with her armies, Ynana turns to them and says, “We must arrive before noon the day after the third day ceremony!”

Immediately she shrugs her backpack and begins to move out once again as one of her Anasazi Scouts looks to her and says, “And by that time the lands of the tribe will be sacred as a monument of Jesus Christ!”

Then Ynana turns ahead and says to her tribal friends, “And then the testimony of Jesus Christ can be uninvolved and hidden from the conquistador so that I can become a Witch Catcher Shaman!”

The Anasazi Scout looks back to her while some others are listening saying, “But he is still under the influence of Rome and Spain and therefore has some sense of religious curiosities!”

With a twist of words, Ynana turns back for a few seconds recoiling, “Yes, but still his love is gold and he’s been stealing more and more from our mining operations while enslaving our people.”

Next the Woman of Heaven’s artist Anasazi Wind Dancer steps forward while checking her facial features to make sure that her looks are at the top most saying, “And soon in the future more conquistadores will come pillaging the Anasazi lands of a future race of ours!”

In some lasting words, the Bow of Man decides to get the Anasazi group on the move once again with his positive motivating words, “We need to arrive in the presence of Jesus Christ!”

Moreover back at the three arrastras of the conquistador, the mule driver War Hawk is getting in to his work while whipping the mule around, although these are the thoughts in his head as he sleeps another night off before the morning after the third day ceremony.

And regardless of what happens with the Jesus Way Ceremony, War Hawk still has to make his presence known and felt down at the three arrastras so that the conquistador doesn’t become suspicious of such a ceremony taking place.

Meanwhile as there are more preparations taking place, Little Dream Catcher turns a bit, while finishes up some work on her gifted dream catcher, and touches War Hawk wondering what is causing him to shrug around in his sleep. So far it seems that he is a bit restless because of the stresses and pressures of being within the beginning of the third day of the three days Jesus Way Ceremony.

Once War Hawk awakes a tiny bit, he looks to Little Dream Catcher, as she barely sleeps while making her gifts to Ynana, asking her, “Has the ceremony begun?”

Right away, Little Dream Catcher looks outside of their home within the basalt rocks answering back, “It’s about to! Everyone is outside preparing for the final evening!”

Just then, their youngest Indian son Little Hawk wakes as Little Dream Catcher takes him in to her arms and sits him down on her lap while holding her dream catcher. Finally her dream catcher that she made is complete considering that she has inscribed the words “Witch Catcher” in to the webbing. Next she as she shows it to her son who takes it as though he wants to play with it while sitting on her lap.

Now War Hawk starts to arise as he wakes with the motivations of going to work on the arrastras early enough to keep the conquistador busy while his family performs the final evening of the Jesus Way Ceremony. Otherwise there is a chance that he may notice and the ceremony could be spoiled considering that he is supposed to be uninvolved with the knowledge of Jesus and his relieving our sins.

With things starting to perk up outside of the basalt rocks, Little Dream Catcher looks to her husband and says, “Well, it’s time for you to go to work because the ceremony is about to start!”

Meanwhile many members of the family gather around with further preparations considering that they hide most of the stuff during the daytime hours. They hide everything just in case one of the conquistadors was to come have a looking around up top of the tell mound. But lately they have been pretty active during the late evening hours the last two nights and the next evening is here.

Quickly War Hawk gathers his gear and clothes as he decides to leave saying, “I better get down there and keep the conquistadors busy until the ceremony is complete!”

And just before War Hawk gets ready to leave, Little Dream Catcher while holding Little Hawk looks to him and says, “Just fill as many bags of gold as you can to keep them all busy!”

Then War Hawk starts to have doubts about going in to work a bit earlier as he has been the last several weeks. At first he was going to go in early only for the three days of the Jesus Way Ceremony, although the Southwest Tonto Hohokam Tribe decided that it would be better if he started to go in to work much earlier than that so that they don’t raise any suspicions of their ceremony.

Now War Hawk gets ready to leave the basalt rock dwelling as he turns to his wife and says, “I hope he doesn’t say anything about the late night dancing and celebrating that has been going on up here the last several evenings.”

Next he walks out the entrance of his dwelling which is semi connected to many of the other basalt rock home dwellings within the cluster of homes on top of the cliffs south of the Agua Fria River. And before he walks out and leaves, his daughter Little Catcher shows him a dream catcher that she had made for the Jesus Way Ceremony saying, “Look what mother helped me make!”

Before War Hawk leaves, he looks to his daughter and says, “That’s beautiful sweetie, now just hold on to it for good luck!”

Before War Hawk leaves she decides to hand him the book of Prayers to the Spanish Lords and Saints saying in a hurry as she hands it to him, “Here’s his book to give back to him!”

Right away, War Hawk takes the book from her and looks at it for a moment before putting to his side to carry down with him. Then finally War Hawk kneels down and kisses his wife goodbye as he exits the basalt rock shelters and heads down towards the arrastras along the Agua Fria River. Meanwhile his wife turns to exit the basalt rock shelter and prepare for the ceremony which is about to start in several minutes as many of the members of the Tribe gather around in front and on the sides of the ceremonial platform.

As War Hawk makes his way down the crest of the mountainous rise, the conquistadors are noticing the noise once again that has been going on the past several nights. The Prophet Ramon is the first to notice as he looks up to the cliffs just passed the Agua Fria River on the south side noticing the many noises of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam Clowns who are dancing around celebrating.

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon looks to the Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza saying, “Sounds like there’s another celebration going on up top! They have been celebrating very early in the morning the past several mornings for some reason. I wonder why?”

The rest of the conquistadors look as well as they ready some of the mule for another days work. Lately they have been working earlier than usual trying to get as many mule loads as they can along the “Old Spanish Trail” leading to what is now the Galveston Bay of Texas. Of course, another reason they have been working harder and earlier are because War Hawk has been showing up earlier and working harder trying to distract their attentions from what is going on up top, although it so far has worked out for the first two ceremonial mornings.

Then Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza walks out from behind the Spanish Quarters to look up seeing some light flickers from some camp fires which is normal and most common deliberating, “Yes, something must be going on up there. Maybe it’s the Morning Clan having another morning culture fest for some unknown reason!”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks about having one of his men bring some supplies over to Conquistador Fernando and his men who are trying to find some more places along the Agua Fria River which have gold saying, “Send Conquistador Pablo with some supplies for Conquistador Fernando and his men up river!”

Soon War Hawk approaches closer and closer down the crest of the mountainous rise, the other two arrastra workers Arrastra Boy and Brown Badger and join up to help with distracting the conquistadors from the third day ceremony which is about to commence. Once they catch up the conquistadors notice their approach for another day of working earlier to distract them from catching on to their Jesus Way Ceremony.

Immediately War Hawk looks to his two amigo friend arrastra workers as the conquistadors watch saying, “Are you ready?”

When they all reach Badger Springs which comes down from the west end of the mountainous rises that flows in to the Agua Fria River, Arrastra Boy looks ahead before crossing the river telling them all, Just make something up if they ask anything about the ceremony!”

At about that time Water Badger and River Badger arrive running down the mountain trying to catch up with the others. Once they reach the Agua Fria River which is flowing a little bit, although the rocks that they have to cross over are somewhat covered in scattered spots. Quickly they all try and make to the arrastras even though the mules are all tied down within the mule stable which is located next to the mule stalls just up and passed the conquistador’s quarters.

It’s still dark which is the time that all of them start, although the last two nights as well as tonight they are all pushing it to start earlier. Straight forth the Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza approaches War Hawk asking about the late night celebrations querying, “What’s with the late night dancing and celebrating that we hear going on up there because I granted you three days leniency for personal tribal matters?”

Luckily War Hawk decides to agree with Arrastra Boy and his making something up saying, “It’s the evening clan celebrating some luck for some of their crops and their harvesting!”

The conquistadors all look wondering why they would celebrate so early, although Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tries to brush things off so that they can have a good harvest of their own, which is gold rather than corn or some other string of protein such as maize saying, “It’s kind of early in the morning to be celebrating for a good summer harvest!”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon can only think of one thing which is on his mind and that’s mining some more gold, of course so he can skim the top nonetheless perhaps carrying on, “Let’s just get to work and fill some mule loads.”

The Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that he right now that all of the arrastra workers are her early and in full force tallying, “Yes right, just go get your mules for the day and let’s get to work!”

Next War Hawk decides to hand Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza his book of “Prayers to the Spanish Lords and Saints” saying, “Here is your book back!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes the book back from him while asking, “What did you think of it?”

Straight off War Hawk tries to diffuse the fact that they are interested in Catholicism anyhow bragging, “It’s a good book, although none of the Lords and Saints is a part of our religion!”

Thereafter Conquistador Felipe hands the whips to the three arrastra workers and then he heads back to the stall with the three diggers to hands them some shovels for another day’s work. Luckily they have made it getting to work earlier than expecting in order to protect the iniquities of their third day of the Holy Way Ceremony.

Anyhow up on top next to the basalt rock shelter is Chief Tomahawk who has arrived to gather everyone for the ceremony before it begins. As he stops and visits Dream Catcher and Little Dream Catcher, who are preparing the children for the occasion, he wonders where War Hawk is asking, “Where’s War Hawk!”

Without any further hesitations like she were anxious to have a good ceremonial experience, Little Dream Catcher looks back to him as she dresses and blesses a candle she had made for Miraculous Mother saying, “He and the other arrastra workers have gone to work early to keep the conquistador busy while we perform the Jesus Way Ceremony!”

Then right away Chief Tomahawk gets a serious look upon his face while being ready to head to the ceremonial grounds which are only thirty feet or so away saying, “Good, then we should have no problems while enjoying the morning sunrise!”

Nevertheless Ravianna gets the chance to talk about the newest vessel of a potter which is looking very nice saying, “With the vessel that we have made for the Holy Way Ceremony we are in for a sunny day!”

Just then Father Hawk enters, who happens to be War Hawk’s father, as he wonders how his grandchildren are doing before the Jesus Way Ceremony saying, “Looks like you are all dressed like little guardian angels!”

Last of all Little Dream Catcher places her Miraculous Mother candle next to some others such as one inscribed with Jesus Christ’s name, the Lady of Perpetual Help, the Virgin of Guadalupe, and one with St. Raymond Nonnatus along with some others. Of course, she is probably ready to light them up before the Jesus Way Ceremony begins once a ceremonial fire has been put in full swing.

During that time Ravianna and Dream Catcher decide to take their places within the outside of the ceremonial circle. They feel that they should do this in order to give their props a last inspection to make sure that everything is ready to work out smoothly. However they both have some positive feelings this time unlike before when they had some doubts which were related to the kiln work and glazing perhaps.

Meanwhile the Conquering Chief and his man sponsor prepare as the morning sunrise comes closer and closer. They both start by preparing the ceremonial Lakota like rug that is used for such divine purposes. There are also some new additions such as some petroglyphs which have been added to the basalt rock next to where the ceremony is about to take place. The Conquering Chief even glances at the new vessel of a potter which has been so effervescently glazed in the kiln this time with a glow like orange sunburst like finish.

In fact, this time there is an almost certainty that things involving the material culture of the ceremony have been made more profound than before. At this time, the Conquering Chief and his male sponsor are extremely satisfied with the results of the tribe’s making. And at this time the pains of Jesus Christ are felt more and more as the morning hours close in for the morning sunrise.

The Morning Sun immediately begins some prayers before the new morning while some of the other Indian maidens join in to do the same such as Spark of Fire, and Sunny Horizons. However the early morning sunrise is only a few minutes away or so as many of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam residents gather at a distance to watch and witness the coming arrival of Jesus Christ.

Moreover down below the three arrastra workers are already in the mode with an early morning of whipping their mules around to crush the conglomerates that the diggers Water Badger and River Badger have recently brought back. Nevertheless the conquistadors are over by the mule stall looking and watching as the morning is still a couple minutes away, although they just look wondering if something is up.

Right away, Conquistador Riguel figures on how they were sort of pushy the last several days trying to start work earlier and earlier saying, “They seem sort of anxious to fill some bags with ore!”

Finally the Jesus Way Ceremony begins as many of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam Tribal Members remain quiet while sitting respectively Indian Style. Then the male sponsor takes the middle of the ceremonial platform along with the Conquering Chief while the residents of the tell mound all lay their hands on their knees with their palms up.

Soon there is a light drumming beat with some rattling musical rhythmic sounds coming from Lightning Sky and Happy Song while they form an introduction to the Jesus Way Ceremony. The beat is continual as the Holy Way Ceremony gets underway, although everyone listens with their eyes open until they soon enter a slight trance closing them.

Other members choose to use some sort of worshipping style of prayer that is cultural to their own family and dwelling. There are some members of the tribe who choose a low toned chant which is nothing more or less just a humming sound with some sort of rhythmic overlay. Meanwhile the Leopard Clan male sponsor begins to anoint the vessel of a potter before carrying on as it lies there in-between them both.

Afterwards he begins to anoint the head of the Conquering Chief while the following heavenly words are said, “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken into shivers; as I receive of my father (Rev 2:27).”

Immediately the male sponsor takes the vessel of a potter and he lifts it up towards the anointments on the Conquering Chief’s forehead before smashing the vessel in-between them both. Luckily the pieces of the vessel of a potter are glazed properly to where the pieces have broken evenly to get the power of animism flowing from the raven that was drawn and libated inside.

Now the Jesus Way Ceremony has been completed through the powers of Sympathetic, Contagious, and Homeopathic Magic. Now these steps are complete as the pains of Jesus Christ are relieved from the cross after three days of torture he suffered during the ceremonial rites. Yet at first he will become like a sun-god before he can reach the New World to visit the flocks of the children.

Soon moments later as the Southwest Tonto Hohokam look they see the morning lights emerge as a voice comes from heaven rejoicing, “And I will give him the morning star (Rev 2:28)!”

However some time lapses for a brief moment as the morning sun rises forming the morning star with Jesus Christ in the center of it all. It’s almost as though he has become like a sun god such as Ra, who is the Egyptian sun god nonetheless. Yet, as his light shines forth unto the ceremony, brightness fulfills the ceremonial grounds almost as though only they could see it to witness the testimony of Jesus Christ.

But still his arrival seems instantaneous to as the Conquering Chief see the welcoming hands of Christ inviting him to the world of heaven. And everyone else is able to see his majesty as well as the Conquering Chief accepts unto him to witness the testimony of Jesus Christ. And then on the other hand there are some thoughts that flow through the Lords mind as he thinks about the seven churches who allowed him to be crucified on the cross, although those thoughts are gone in a flash as he keeps his promise unto the Conquering Chief.

Moments later the door of heaven opens as the Conquering Chief has entered into the dimensions of a heavenly plain as Jesus Christ prepares a way for his learning unto his testimony. As the members of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam notice the success of their ceremony and how it has all worked, many of them bow their heads and pray in Indian style while this is all still happening.

Down at the arrastras, War Hawk and his worker friends are trying to take a moment as well to bow and prayer to the light of the lord which has come upon their sacred grounds. However the conquistadors have no realization of what’s happening considering that the Jesus Way Ceremony was a cultural rite of passage in which only the tribal members could see. And it is one in which the Conquering Chief would reach a level higher than even adolescence can achieve.

Furthermore as War Hawk and his arrastra workers are bowing and praying slightly while trying to work at the same time, the Conquistador Prophet Ramon notices from a distance while commenting to the other conquistadors, “Mira!”

Of course, the other conquistadors look even though none of this is making much sense to them all. Nonetheless they all chuckle with an inside feeling as they turn their minds back to whatever else they were doing like they were some blind men or maybe even perhaps deaf to a point.

However while on the arrival to the end the Badger Springs Trail where the three arrastras lie within the Southwest tonto Hohokam site, Ynana charges up her precious stones within the light of Jesus as it animates and spirits the skies. Also Wind Dancer remains by her side while praying along with the Bow of Man as they pay their respects to the testimony of Jesus Christ. As she charges them up in the bright yellow rays, they sparkle and reflect the sun of his inner being as it illuminates North America.

And on top of the tell mound are the other members of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam Indian’s who are still praying until they decide to go further with their plans. But no matter what they have to wait for their friends of the four corners to arrive in order to overthrow and push the conquistador from their sacred and ancestral homelands.

Once the Conquering Chief has entered the world of heaven many of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam decides to do some cultural dances, although they decide to do them quietly for a little while the conquistadors are down below being preoccupied. Soon the new morning is turning later and later as most of the tribal members go back to their usual business until the relief from the four corners make their presence known.

Meanwhile the arrastra workers continue working such as War Hawk who has been trying to mine as much gold away from the conglomerate rock as he can to keep things covertly hidden. Then there’s everybody else who has begun to move in to position in order to be prepared for taking their lands back into their own possessions. Some of the Indian residents decide to go home to wait such as Little Dream Catcher who decides to leave her candles lit until the Holy Way Ceremony is complete.

Below is a link to the "Catcher of Love" subpage 2.

Creative Commons License

The Catcher of Love by Rodney Soroka is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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Copyright Registration Number- TXu 2-076-439 Effective Date of Registration: December 22, 2016.