Catcher of Love Subpage 4


Many hours pass before the next morning sunrise which in her eyes is the Fourth Day of the Jesus Way Ceremony considering her work is incomplete. So far she has many more tasks to perform such as getting an early rise meaning getting up before the six remaining conquistador crowns do at the very least.

And when she camped she picked the perfect spot upstream from where the six remaining conquistador crowns are camped which will make it easy to keep up with them once they do leave. Nevertheless she feels that the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse and she had enough rest for the evening.

Of course, she has awakened a little bit before sunrise in order to give them a rude awakening only to give them a reason to get the move on once again. So far she has given them some peace and serenity to rest giving them a fair chance since some of the others weren’t so fortunate. Nonetheless she is ready to do what she was meant to do and that’s drive them out from the North American Continent.

So now she wants to break camp and give them a surprise awakening before the sunrises and that’s what she intends to do by packing her bags and hopping on the white horse. Quickly she turns heading downstream from the north while staying at high bank. It takes a few minutes considering that she had decided not to camp too close to their proximity.

Once she gets in range from up-stream within the gulley, the “Witch Catcher” takes out her sling shot and loads a rock that she had found for the occasion. Of course, she picked up more than one rock or so for the occasion, but just enough to do the job of waking them up for another day in order to help them with getting a move on.

Straight forth she start to swing her sling shot around building up enough force to make the distance separating her from the six remaining conquistador crowns. And after a few swings around she lets go of the rock which makes its way landing very close to camp. When it lands it catches the attention of Conquistador Riguel and also Conquistador Miguel who had only fell back asleep a little while go meaning that it probably hasn’t even been a half an hour or so.

When Conquistador Riguel first hears the rock land, he nearly kicks and nudges Conquistador Miguel who had already been woken up from it. Right away, Conquistador Riguel says to Conquistador Miguel as he rises, “Did you hear that it sounded like someone threw something over here?”

After waking up and hearing that noise, Conquistador Miguel says out loud, “Are you sure because it sounded like someone tripped and fell sneaking up on us maybe?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza woke up from the noise of the rock landing too saying out loud, “What was that noise?”

Conquistador Riguel tells Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza what had happened saying to him, “It sounded like someone threw something like a rock over here!”

At that moment the “Witch Catcher” prepares another rock after realizing that she doesn’t seem to be getting the response she wanted from the first rock she threw. Then she swings her sling shot around making the next attempt from a good distance away so that none of the six remaining conquistador crowns sees her in the act of pushing them onward. But this time she used a rock that was a little smaller than the other one so that she can pick up more distance hopefully hitting closer to their camp rousing them up a little bit.

When the second smaller rock hits landing nearby their camp for the night, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza yells out loud to every one of his men, “There’s another one!”

Conquistador Felipe hears the second smaller rock land making a distracting noise saying, “I heard that one!”

“She’s just messing with us?” Conquistador Padre says out loud after there’s a second of silence waiting for another rock to come.

Then finally a third smaller rock lands closer to the group of conquistadors as they all start to get up noticing that the morning skies are becoming light blue ready to dawn a new day. When the third smaller rock lands all of them decide that it’s time to pack up camp and get a move on anyhow.

“It’s that crazy shamanic Indian woman trying to push us out!” Conquistador Rafael says out loud while packing up his blanket and bags to pack back onto his horse.

“There’s no use hanging around here anyways.” Conquistador Miguel explains while packing up his belongings just like the others.

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has gathered his things as well realizing that it’s the crazy shamanistic like Indian woman playing games to rouse them up and motivate them all telling, “Well, let’s move out and play her game!”

Immediately the six remaining conquistadors quickly pack up their belongings which were easy considering that they had never used very much in the first place. Another fact was that they never had a fire to draw any attention, although that didn’t matter too much because she was always there right on her tail.

“I’m all for that!” Conquistador Padre says as he hops onto his horse ready to leave the scene with the others.

Moments later, the six remaining conquistador crowns are on their horses and ready to leave the scene even though they have no idea what direction she’s located at. So far, they comprehend the idea of how she has pushed them out and they are falling for her game. But what other choice do they have other than making their way towards the east coast.

Once they all make their departure, the “Witch Catcher” is within eyes distance watching as she says to her white horse, “I knew that would get their attention!”

“That crazy shaman Indian woman caught our attention!” Conquistador Felipe says as they make their way from out of the gulley.

Quickly the six remaining conquistador crowns find their way back onto the “Old Spanish Trail” even though many parts look unfamiliar. For some reason back tracking for them all is a lot harder than when they first came in to the mining camps. Things looked different for them all when they came here heading west towards Arizona. Now they are heading east while retreating from being known as enemy combatants.

Minutes pass by as the “Witch Catcher” keeps a good distance from them, although she has chosen a different path just in case they are angry and want their revenge. And so far she is a little further north than the six remaining conquistador crowns are while they are all riding east. She has many obstacles to overcome now because there are too many hills and trees within this mountainous terrain.

Meanwhile back with the six remaining conquistador crowns, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that they are going to fast yelling out, “Hey, slow down everyone!”

Of course, none of them can hear him considering that they are all riding like a bat flying out of hell which is a metaphor to explain them a little as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza yells again, “Hey slow down!”

Finally a few of the conquistador men hear Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza yell telling them to slow down. And when they do the others notice causing them to all follow the action slowing their horses down. Right away, Conquistador Rafael wonders why Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wants them all to slow down asking, “Why did you slow us down?”

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think that they should be extremely careful just in case it’s a trap answering back diligently, “I decided that we should slow down just in case it’s a trap because so far there’s no sign of her!”

While adjusting their riding speeds to a slower pace, Conquistador padre makes a remark, “Not since she threw those rocks at camp!”

Conquistador Felipe figures that the crazy shamanic Indian woman threw those rocks suggesting, “We can be sure that that crazy shamanic Indian woman threw those rocks to push us out!”

To put things in to perspective as little bit more since they are out manned and possibly outnumbered still even though they have made a distance from the mining camp on the Agua Fria River, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza communicates, “And that’s why we ought to be careful just in case she set a trap with some more of her crazy Indian friends around.”

After thinking about how far they are from the coast of where Galveston, Texas is located currently today, Conquistador Miguel mentions how far from the coasts they are saying, “We still have a great distance before we make it to the port!”

Conquistador Riguel decides to correct him about that commenting, “Yes, but we will stop at our next mining site along the way!”

“Then we can pick up some more men and supplies!” Conquistador Padre says hoping to build their defenses a bit while giving the others and him a bit of hope.

While starting look around for signs of that crazy Shamanic Indian woman or any of her Indian friends, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza hopes that those men are alright saying, “I just hope Conquistador Arturo and the others are alright and nothing happened to them!”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe thinks how devastating that would be if the Indians sacked their mining camp at the same time as the one located where El Paso and Juarez, Texas is located replying, “That would be devastating if the Rain People sacked our other mining camp while pushing and driving us out!”

Conquistador Rafael figures that the mining camp located near El Paso and Juarez, Texas is located in the opposite direction insinuating, “But that mining site is located in the other direction than our mining camp!”

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back agreeing with the other conquistadors, although he has another reference to make carrying on with, “Yes, but we still have a ways to go and so far she has kept up with us the entire way almost like she knows the “Old Spanish Trail” like the back of her hand!”

Now Conquistador Padre realizes what he saw painted on the back end of the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse mentioning, “I know why she painted her bloody hands on the back end of our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse!”

The first to respond with a question is Conquistador Miguel who is still looking around here and there saying, “What?”

Consequently Conquistador Padre is most certain of what he saw even though they were at a distance elucidating, “They were her hand prints in our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s blood on the back end of his white horse only to show how she knows this trail like the back of her hand and that she’s out for blood!”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes out with a bold line considering the fact that he’s probably right saying, “You pinned that one on the donkey’s ass!”

Next Conquistador Felipe is anxious to make a remark blabbing out to the other conquistadors, “She’s playing us for a bunch of fools!”

Right then, another rock hits Conquistador Padre’s arm on the left side right below the shoulder bouncing off while making a loud thud sound and landing on the ground making another loud sound when it lands in the dirt. Hurriedly Conquistador Padre ends up turning around freaking out in pain wondering what has just happened.

After hearing the loud noise, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza pulls his horse’s bridle the other way turning around calling out, “What the hell was that?”

When Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks that way at Conquistador Padre, Conquistador Padre says really loud, “A rock just hit me on the arm!”

Conquistador Felipe looks off past a few scattered trees leading to a crescent which dips below yelling out, “Right there; I just saw a glimpse of her passing through over that way!”

Of course, when Conquistador Felipe had seen the “Witch Catcher” she rode by so fast that he couldn’t see too much, although just enough to make his call on her. So far the others hadn’t seen a thing because they were all looking around too much to notice anything that isn’t peculiar. Meanwhile the six remaining conquistador crowns scatter closely looking out for her.

After giving up on her whereabouts, Conquistador Rafael turns to the others saying, “Where; I don’t see her?”

To put the picture in the right frame of mind, Conquistador Felipe explains, “She just passed through over that way real fast; I don’t see her now!”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to become more agitated thinking about how she’s toying with them quite a bit affirming, “That’ crazy shamanistic Indian woman has really boosted my temper!”

Surely Conquistador Miguel and Conquistador Riguel are quite angry as well and they are desperate for retaliation as Conquistador Miguel says, “Maybe, she’s alone this time so we should go after her?”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back trying to persuade his conquistador men otherwise arguing, “No, stay here! It could be some kind of trap and she has her friends waiting over there for us!”

With his arm still in some pain, Conquistador Padre has to agree with Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza stating, “He’s right; she could be tricking us to chase her down!”

Consequently Conquistador Rafael feels that he’s right as well that it’s a trick and she’s waiting nearby with her friends indicating, “That’s right; she could be waiting for us to split up before hitting us hard again!”

While riding along looking in the direction she rode off in to, Conquistador Padre decides to move the group of conquistadors along saying, “Let’s just ride on out of here before she has the chance to do anything else!”

So far the “Old Spanish Trail” has been giving them the creeps since their Conquistador Prophet Ramon has been taken from them. Everything is kind of distorted and looks different while retracing their steps from many of years prior. Some of them haven’t been back this way for at least a few years which is making things very difficult.

Once the “Witch Catcher” has passed through a many more hills of trees just in case they were to chase her down for some unknown reason, the “Witch Catcher” says to the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse, “Hopefully that will keep them on the move!”

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that they will just keep on riding along at a certain pace so that they are more aware of their surrounds suggesting, “We will continue riding on out of here along the “Old Spanish Trail” while we try keeping a better eye out!”

Moments later, a few wild long horn deer make a noise a little ways away as they scatter from the “Old Spanish Trail” during their pass. The six remaining conquistadors seem to jump their horse a little, although soon they realize how close they were to a good meal. Nevertheless they all continue on watching out every step of the way hoping that wild game is all they see the rest of the journey.

The minute they all ride passed the wild long horn deer, Conquistador Miguel thinks about how their food rations are quite low remarking, “We just passed up a fine meal back there!”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is more concerned about making it up to him by saying, “Tell you what; once we shake that crazy shamanic Indian woman off of our backs, we’ll go on a little hunt?”

Afterwards Conquistador Riguel makes a comment relating to that correlating, “If we all make it out of here and back to the coast alive!”

Conquistador Felipe is keeping a close eye out looking around which is soothing his prosperities considering that he realizes they still have some gold left blabbing, “We’ll make it!”

It seems that Conquistador Padre isn’t so sure of stepping their speed up with his left arm still hurting telling them all, "Let's not ride too fast because my arm is still hurting quite a bit!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Rafael doesn’t comprehend how they are going to out run the “Witch Catcher” when she has possession of the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse mentioning, “There’s no way we can out ride that crazy shamanic Indian woman when she has our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse anyhow?”

And for even more reasons Conquistador Felipe realizes how their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse knows their horses fairly well relenting, “There’s really no way to shake our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse because he can sense our horses through instinct.”

Moreover Conquistador Miguel figures that Conquistador Felipe is using a really big word while elaborating with an afterthought, “You’re using some big words to describe how we are in trouble as far as ditching this crazy shamanistic Indian woman!”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has to agree with Conquistador Felipe about how the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse is too familiar with their horses saying, “Conquistador Rafael and Conquistador Felipe are right; there is no way we can out ride that crazy shamanic Indian woman when she has a horse such as our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse who has built a bond with our horses!”

In fact, the six remaining conquistador men are so sure that she has many ways of using their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse against them that Conquistador Rafael mentions this declaring, “And she’s using our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse against us in order to stay on our tail trailing us all!”

Moments pass as Conquistador Padre begins to feel a little better, although his arm still hurts a bit as he makes known his thoughts telling everyone of the other conquistador men, “I’m sure she’s watching us right now and there’s not much we can do about it because we don’t know if she is alone or if she has some friends around.”

So far, the six remaining conquistador crowns are riding slowly considering the dangers that may be lurking ahead. They are much more careful now that they have lost their Conquistador Prophet Ramon from the incident with the hateful bird. None of them want to take a chance at being the next in line to abide the rest of their spiritual eternity riding the clouds of heaven above.

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza realizes that the crazy shamanic Indian woman may be watching them, although there’s nothing they can possibly do about it while informing them all in light of Conquistador Padre’s remarks saying, “Well, there’s nothing we can do about her watching until she gets close enough!”

While thinking of her crazy Indian friends as they continue with the plunge ahead, Conquistador Miguel has a few words to say, “I have a feeling she’s going to keep a good distance from us because she has help from other Indian tribes!”

And only to add to all of the idiosyncrasies of her and her cause, Conquistador Riguel can only admire the unknown and unseen aspects saying, “And she has help from somewhere else such as the supernatural!”

Conquistador Felipe can relate considering he feels as though there’s a big huge dark cloud hanging over them and it isn’t coming from heaven citing, “Yes, there is a large black cloud hanging over us!”

Thus Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels as though there’s something else hanging and lurking over them all lying and waiting for the right chance at them saying, “Yes, well there’s another power hanging over us as well!”

By this time, Conquistador Padre has overcome the incident as he seems agitated wondering what Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is talking about asking, “And what power is that?”

To explain the powers that he feels hanging over them all, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza carries on with his answer uttering, “The power of the gods!”

While riding and checking around quite lax like, Conquistador Rafael can’t believe they would even blame the crazy Indian tribe being tied in with the power of the gods pointing out to the others, “I can’t believe you all would blame the power of the gods with that crazy Indian tribe!”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks about how the arrastra worker War Hawk was asking to borrow his book prayers to the Spanish ”Lords and Saints” telling them all, “Well, War Hawk wanted to borrow my book to read and learn about the Spanish Lords and Saints! So what does that sound like to you?”

Seconds later, after hearing about the book which Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza loaned to War Hawk, Conquistador Rafael answers back gibbering to him, “It sounds like War Hawk wanted the book so that they learn the Catholic saints in order to understand our gods versus their Indian shamanism.”

Of course, Conquistador Miguel feels that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza should have never loaned War Hawk the book saying, “You should have never loaned him any of your books, I suppose!”

Afterwards Conquistador Riguel remembers hearing something about the Indians asking Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza for some candle wax saying, “I heard a rumor that the Southwest Tonto Hohokam asked you for some candle wax?”

Moments later, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back explaining the situation saying, “Yes, they asked for some candle wax in exchange for more hours at the arrastras!”

Conquistador Felipe wonders what the heck they would need candle wax for considering they always had camp fires lit up on top of the tell mound carrying on with, “What they heck would they need candle wax for when they always have their fires burning?”

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza returns with something to say on that behalf baulking, “I don’t remember; I think they seen some of my candles and asked if they could have a few. So the next shipment I gave them a few more candles and some candle wax and candle wicks to make some candles to use!”

Lastly Conquistador Padre makes a comment trying to put things in to perspective meaning that the candles don’t signify a threat saying, “Maybe, they just wanted them for their rock shelters!”

Meanwhile back with the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People Anasazi Wind Dancer watches Little Dream Catcher scrounge up all of the wax candles that the conquistadors have been saving up asking, “What are those?”

While getting ready to take one to her dad Father Dream Catcher, who hasn’t been getting out too much these days, Little Dream Catcher says, “They are wax candles which are great for using in the rooms of the rock shelter to light everything up!”

Nevertheless Anasazi Wind Dancer thinks about her Kivas giving more details, “I like my fiery kivas better!”

The Bow of Man chuckles meaning that they are old fashioned within their Indigenous ways of living their religious beliefs while saying, “They’re too small; it’s better just to put a camp fire in the middle of the room!”

After watching Little Dream Catcher try to leave the rock shelter, Anasazi Wind Dancer asks, “Where are you going with that candle?”

A second or so later Little Dream Catcher replies before leaving, “I’m taking this candle to my dad Father Dream Catcher who has been in solitude praying for the past three days!”

The Bow of Man wonders why her father is still praying in solitude asking, “Why has he been praying for so long?”

Quickly Little Dream Catcher tries to answer the question by explaining, “My dad Father Dream Catcher will continue on praying until he feels necessary or until we run out of candles!”

Now Anasazi Wind Dancer pulls out some of her divining rocks in which she tosses to tell the fortune so to speak saying, “Well, it’s not over with yet!”

Momentarily Little Dream Catcher leaves the rock shelter to visit with her dad who is in the following rock shelter over from the next one. When she arrives, her dad Father Dream Catcher is still praying, although his candle that he had at the start of the three day Jesus Way Ceremony had burned up so far.

At first, Little Dream Catcher turns to her dad while his eyes are closed praying silently saying, “I brought you a present!”

Moments later, Father Dream Catcher turns with his eyes open replying, “It sounds like the three day Jesus Way Ceremony has ended!”

Immediately Little Dream Catcher answers back conveying, “No, it isn’t over with yet!”

Next Father Dream Catcher takes the candle from her so that he will be able to worship the Lord Jesus Christ for another day saying, “Then I should keep praying until it has ended!”

Finally Father Dream Catcher starts to prepare the candle for some more prayers to carry on fulfilling another day unto the unfinished work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the “Witch Catcher.” Of course, Little Dream Catcher feels that she should let those who seek solitude for their worship should do so in private as she turns to leave heading back to her rock shelter.

As she leaves, Mother Dream Catcher arrives to accompany Father Dream Catcher when Mother Dream Catcher approaches saying, “Leaving so suddenly?”

Right then, Little Dream Catcher answers back, “Yes, father is still praying heavily!”

The scene fades out and moves back to the “Witch Catcher” who is riding along while making something to aid in her craft. In fact, it’s a type of figuring, although it’s nothing of a fertility figuring or anything of that sort. The fact of the matter is that it’s a type of voodoo doll or then maybe on the other hand she might call it a hoodoo doll depending on what deeds she feels she’s up to at the time.

The gift came from the gathering centers of the North American Continent which came from Central America or South America. There the Indians were taught something of witchcraft which came from far away, though they still have some forms of their own in the ways of Indigenous shamanism.

Nevertheless as she makes the voodoo doll, she pictures all of the conquistador men while she rides trying to give the doll its final touch ups. So far, it looks more like Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who she wants to be driven out for good. However she has made a thing for Conquistador Padre now that she has struck him with her good aim.

And now she has finished up the face with a little bit of dark paint that she has taken from her bag so swiftly while riding along. For some reason she feels like testing it out just to see if it works, although she will have to get close enough to notice and recognize its charm. Yet she has to make up her mind by fixating her mental images onto only one of their faces to make sure that the voodoo doll works its magic.

So far, they have passed many areas such as the Verde River, the mountain with four peaks, and Tonto Basin which means they are far passed the Tonto National Forest. In fact, they are about where Payson is, although though they are far south headed towards the Mogollon Rim. At first she speeds up a little trying to get to where she can catch a glimpse even though she has studied the “Old Spanish Trail” for many years and has built another alternate nearby.

Of course, most of her studying the “Old Spanish Trail” comes from the many Rain People Indian Scouts that have been waiting for this time to push out the Europeans who bring only disease and famine. There is a pass further ahead but it may be too risky for her to be seen so she has decided to pick a particular spot to do her abiding.

Once ahead of her game, which happens to be the six remaining conquistador crowns, the “Witch Catcher” pulls the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse aside only to wait a few moments. Momentarily she holds onto her voodoo doll while waiting for a minute or so until they pass by her spot where she has a view.

As the six remaining conquistador crowns pass, the “Witch Catcher” takes the voodoo doll and squeezes the stomach of it as tight as she can without breaking anything. The voodoo doll is made mostly of wood sticks for the bones and some leather clothing fabrics for the entire parts of the body structure. Then straight off the bat before she does anything else, Conquistador Felipe starts to have stomach cramps which are so bad that he starts to slow down. Right away, he starts to lag behind as the others slow down only to come to his aid as she watches and waits.


Suddenly Conquistador Felipe ends up leaning over as though he can’t even sit up straight while the five other conquistador crowns turn back to his aid. At first, they have no idea what has happened thinking that maybe he had been struck by an arrow such as their Conquistador Prophet Ramon who was killed by the hateful bird.

But then after pulling their bridles around while circling and wondering if they should leave or stay as his aid, they all realize that it’s some other problem as he tries to sit back upright. Momentarily Conquistador Felipe continues to moan and groan like there was some pain that was so extreme that it made it hard for him to move on.

First off, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza questions Conquistador Felipe about what’s wrong questioning, “What’s wrong; are you alright?”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe tries to muster up enough energy to say something despite the growing pains answering him, “Yes, I’m alright! My ribs and chest just started hurting and then my legs started cramping up really bad!”

Thereafter Conquistador Padre figures that the fatigue from riding so fast and far has gotten to him as he bellows, “You’re probably just feeling a little sick from the long ride is all!”

Next Conquistador Felipe starts to perk up a little as though he’s slowly recovering while gaffing, “Yes, maybe! I think I’ll be alright!”

Moments later, they all start to head off once again very slowly as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza leads the way turning his bridle back towards the east. Soon the other five remaining conquistador crowns turn and follow while Conquistador Felipe lags behind just a little bit. For another few moments Conquistador Felipe continues trying to catch his breath from his reaction to her voodoo doll.

Meanwhile Conquistador Rafael approaches along the side of Conquistador Felipe on horse only to say something such as, “You had us scared for a moment and we thought we had lost you to another arrow!”

So far Conquistador Felipe feels it was as though something else had come over him like a presence of the supernatural perhaps blatting, “No, it was something else!”

“You mean like that crazy shamanic Indian woman doing some type of magic?” Conquistador Miguel says after overhearing them from only a few yards away.

Next Conquistador Riguel comes up with another gesture telling them all, “Or maybe it was some of her hoodoo or voodoo, huh?”

There’s no doubt that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has to convince his men otherwise even though they seem to know better. On the contrary, they don’t know that much about that crazy shamanic Indian woman anyways other than that she is full of surprises. And not to forget the fact that she winds up showing her face every so often while leaving them helpless.

No that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has something to say to give the conquistador men some doubts about her having any powers of the occult on her side, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says, “Come on; you’re just imagining things. She’s just some crazy Indian woman who has the moves and one who has studied the area!”

Yet Conquistador Felipe is so sure that it was something else as they start to pick up their speed trotting their horses along as he murmurs, “Maybe, she’s just some crazy old Indian woman; but she must be a witch of some kind because it felt someone was squeezing the jibbers out of me as my legs cramped up!”

Finally Conquistador Padre feels that he just getting old like him and Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza shrugging, “You’re just getting old like some of us!”

Still Conquistador Felipe thinks about their retirement which seemed to never come commenting, “That’s true and now maybe we can go back to Spain and enjoy our retirement!”

With a bit of sarcasm for holding them up a little, Conquistador Miguel comes out blurting, “You won’t make it to your retirement if you can’t hack it!”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe protects his integrity by coming back saying, “I can hack it if it wasn’t for that crazy Indian woman scouting around hunting us down!”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has put away her evil eye now that the six remaining conquistador crowns have regained their ground saying to her lonesome self, “Well, I messed up and dolled that Conquistador Felipe!”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse sighs as though he can comprehend exactly what she’s saying even though there is a bond with the horses belonging to the six remaining conquistador crowns. Soon they are exiting from her view as she changes direction in order to cut them off once again further ahead.

After turning from her last line of sight that she had with them as they faded away again, the “Witch Catcher” comments again alone, “One conquistador is as good as the other and I have my for them in my golden bag of tricks!”

Now the “Witch Catcher” has brought some other ideas to mind about how she has affected one of the six remaining conquistador crowns with her magic. Of course, she feels that somehow she can affect some of the matter surrounding them as well. But there’s no doubt that she has the powers of heaven and the testimony of Jesus Christ to help her for the most part.

It will be a challenge to cost them what she had wanted to in the first place which were the treasures of the New World such as gold and many other precious minerals like silver. However they made away with more than she had first expected and she would like to lighten the load somehow. Finally she prays to the skies of heaven for some ideas on how to affect them from a distance only to cause them much aggravation.

Some time goes by before the “Witch Catcher” has them in her line of sight once again, although this time she has something up her sleeve to slow them down a bit. Luckily she has some distance between themselves and her as she tries to concentrate on the task at hand. She has many ways of performing this task and one of them involves the voodoo doll again since it has been working like a charm.

Now the voodoo doll has a sort of connection to the six remaining conquistador crowns as far as sympathetic and contagious magic is concerned. And then the “Witch Catcher” takes the voodoo doll again, which has some small leather bags attached to it representing the bags of gold ore that the six remaining conquistador crowns still have in their possession, holding it tightly in her hand.

Quickly the “Witch Catcher” rips one of the leather satchels from the voodoo doll trying to make a sympathetic connection to her mark which seems to work when she crumbles it within her hand. Right then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza notices one of Conquistador Felipe’s leather bags of golden ore falling from the back of his saddles straps that he has he saddles bags fastened to.

Hurriedly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns to the side where Conquistador Felipe is riding along yelling out, “Hey, one of your bags of golden ore came loose!”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe stops and turns around by pulling his horse’s bridle really fast the other way. The other conquistador crowns start to slow down while watching and thinking that maybe the ride has been very rough while checking to glance back at their own load.

Fast like Conquistador Felipe rides the other way back towards his bags of golden ore which has fallen and spilled out a little. The moment he rides up he notices that there are a many gold nuggets sprawled out about the place. Quickly Conquistador Felipe jumps off of his horse even though he is still sore from the ordeal of witch craft that had overcome him.

The second that Conquistador Felipe gets off of his horse while holding on to his horse’s bridle, he comments out loud, “How the hell did this happen?”

And for some reason Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks that it was all of the bouncing and jumping around while riding this great long distance so fast that did it suggesting, “Your bags probably just came loose from all of the bouncing and jumping around from this long distance we have ridden, that’s all!”

Next Conquistador Miguel turns his horse’s bridle the other way towards Conquistador Felipe saying, “Well, there went some of your retirement you were saving!”

Following Conquistador Miguel’s comment, Conquistador Riguel thinks about how Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza mentioned something about the Conquistador Prophet Ramon possibly stashing some gold somewhere marveling, “Well, perhaps he will have the chance to find our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s private stash that’s somewhere back there with those Southwest Tonto Hohokam and Rain People Indians!”

Just then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tries to ignore it even though he can’t while saying, “You had to mention that!”

And for some reason Conquistador Padre never heard of anything like that articulating, “What’s this comment you’re making about our Conquistador Prophet Ramon hiding some gold behind our backs?”

Following that comment Conquistador Rafael thinks about that saying, “You mean to tell us that our Conquistador Prophet Ramon was stashing gold from us and you didn’t do anything about it?”

It seems that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is sort of in a bind about this story now that Conquistador Riguel spilt the beans so to speak as he comes back retorting, “I saw him carving an “X” near some little holes up the rock face around the corner bend of the river, although I never seen him hide anything! I wanted to see if he had secretly hid something but I never got the chance to with all of the Indians wanting to learn our culture. And that’s what I told our Conquistador Prophet Ramon when I saw him down river; I told him we needed more caravans to reach our goal in order to build a mission. A mission so that we could teach the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People our Spanish culture and heritage.”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” is riding the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse while holding her topaz stone trying to ease drop in to the conversation using a type of necromancy with the familiar spirit. So far, it seems that she has caught a bit of the conversation that has picked up some future interest.

After a few more seconds pass, she makes a comment while saying out loud, “Oh, this is good!”

And back with the six remaining conquistador crowns, the conquistador men are feeling less emotional about the death of their Conquistador prophet Ramon who had died from the arrow of the hateful bird. Now everything makes sense as to why he had taken off alone many times here and there trying to evade the others.

The Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks for another moment while Conquistador Padre says to them all, “Do he think he stashed any gold?”

It seems that some of the other conquistador men are thinking about their Conquistador Prophet Ramon possibly stashing some gold behind their backs as Conquistador Felipe says, “That’s hard to say since he had taken off here and there and been missing for a while running around passed the river’s bend!”

Next Conquistador Miguel figures that he was trying to have some privacy asserting, “Well maybe he was doing his thing?”

And for some reason Conquistador Riguel figures that he had his own plans of hiding gold from them all blatting, “Yes, his thing of hiding some stashed gold from us!”

Of course, Conquistador Padre is sort of confused as to why their Conquistador Prophet Ramon would even stoop so low as to hide gold from them all anyhow jubilating, “Why would our Conquistador Prophet Ramon hide gold from us anyhow?”

There’s no debating the fact that this question is one that belongs to Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza, who had figured as well, as he comes back honestly saying, “So he could come back in a reincarnated life to redeem his fortune!”

“Why would he want to try and do a thing like that?” Conquistador Rafael weighs up trying to figure some things out on his own.

Moments later, Conquistador Felipe comes back with some explanation considering that he is thinking about his retirement still, which is something that he is in the risk of losing, while saying, “So that he could come back for the gold when it’s worth the price of diamonds, emeralds, or rubies!”

With such an absurd thing to say in a crisis like this, Conquistador Padre is curious as to why he would want to come back here with all that had happened despite even his own death gawking, “Who would want to come back here to the New World with those mean Indians all over the place?”

Just then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza hops in to the scheme of the conversation again carrying on saying, “Well, I suppose he didn’t think that we’d be pushed out like that either and he thought he could pull a scheme behind everyone’s back!”

And for some unknown reason Conquistador Padre wonders if that’s what this is all about considering that the Indians took their Conquistador Prophet Ramon out shilling, “Maybe, those Southwest Tonto Hohokam Indians seen our Conquistador Prophet Ramon stashing the gold and they retaliated against us thinking that we had plans of coming back here some day to redeem the hidden treasure?”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza catches his point while perking up some interest that makes sense to him answering him, “That could be so, although I couldn’t find anything except some inscribed “X” next to some little cave like hole that is only big enough to barely even stick your head in!”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has caught onto most of their conversation even though she’s a good distance away. It’s her extrasensory perception (ESP) that has been at the power of her left hand along with the powers of darkness. However she is holding her topaz stone to feel the vibration with her left hand, she still uses her right hand to steer her white horse’s bridle.

Once she has caught enough of the conversation to make sense of what had gone on before she had arrived, the “Witch Catcher” says out loud, “So they have some gold still hidden that the Conquistador Prophet Ramon had hid from them. And in many centuries it will be worth the price of diamonds!”

In the intervening time, the “Witch Catcher” continues on with her secret form of eavesdropping in order to get the information she wants from the six remaining conquistador crowns. So far most of this information is new to her and she has never heard of it before from any of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam Indians. And for whatever reason she doesn’t know why she wasn’t informed because she can’t turn back now for any reason whatsoever.

Finally after a few more moments go by while there is a period of quietness amongst the six remaining conquistador crowns, the “Witch Catcher” has something else that she’s says out loud equivocating, “Looks like the Southwest Tonto Hohokam must have no knowledge of the hidden bags of gold that Conquistador Prophet Ramon must have hidden from them all, or they forgot to tell me something. It’s a good thing that the secret didn’t die with him.”

And moments later, the six remaining conquistador crowns are back in to the scheme of their conversation which has sort of cooled the nerves of the “Witch Catcher” for now while Conquistador Padre says, “I know that our Conquistador Prophet Ramon hid a good portion of our gold down in that hole you found with the “X” otherwise they wouldn’t have pushed us out and that crazy Indian woman wouldn’t be chasing after us.”

It seems that the other conquistador men are sort of confused with that thought of action thinking that the Southwest Tonto Hohokam kicked out for that reason. They all think this specially after the Indians had been hinting around with such a curiosity about their religion as far as their Lords and Saints are concerned.

There is no doubt that Conquistador Felipe seems to agree in a way by questioning the last remark of Conquistador Padre saying, “You think that’s what this is all about? The Southwest Tonto Hohokam has kicked us out because our Conquistador Prophet Ramon had been stealing gold and one of them had seen him while we all were dumbfounded and blindfolded?”

Now Conquistador Miguel seems to agree with that line of thought that they were sized up unknowingly for their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s actions correlating, “That seems to make a lot of sense that we were kicked out because they had seen him hide the gold and probably thought we were in on it!”

Soon Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that maybe they are right because they had to share some of the gold with the Southwest Tonto Hohokam so that they could make trades with neighboring Indians commenting, “Maybe you’re right considering that we had to share a small portion with them for trades with neighboring Indian tribes.”

Therefore Conquistador Felipe feels that the Southwest Tonto Hohokam mean business with chasing them out and hunting them down one by one by explaining, “And now that they think we are not only ripping them off but ready to return one day they are very angry!”

After hearing the remark of Conquistador Felipe, Conquistador Rafael figures they are right and that the crazy Indian woman isn’t going to stop until they are all picked off one by one by telling, “And they aren’t going to stop until we are picked off one by one because we were dishonest with them all!”

Now Conquistador Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza carries on with the aspects of more details saying, “I guess they have been trading some of their gold with more than the Indian tribes around the local area and they are pretty angry for many reasons!”

Thus Conquistador Miguel is almost certain that the reason is because of their Conquistador Prophet Ramon taking their gold and hiding not only from them but the Indians as well floundering, “Yes and the reasons are because our Conquistador Prophet Ramon stashed our gold ore with plans of retrieving it someday behind all of our backs and even the Indians!”

But then on the other hand Conquistador Riguel is stepping ahead of the game by thinking in to the future as well describing, “Well, it looks like we will all be taking a trip back this way one day and our Conquistador Prophet Ramon won’t be anywhere around to reap the rewards of our findings, huh!”

Immediately Conquistador Padre has already decided not to return within this lifetime squibbing, “You mean you’re already thinking of returning back here for some gold you don’t know exists; not in this lifetime?”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that Conquistador Padre is right about never returning when they are still trying to continue on with their escape saying, “That’s right; we’re going to have a hard enough time getting back to the coast besides ever trying to make another Charter to these lands again!”

Hereafter Conquistador Riguel is still thinking about returning for some reaping of the rewards carrying on explicating, “Who said anything about a Charter or Land Grant?”

Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza protects his interest by recoiling, “I’m the one who says it would have to be on a Charter or Land Grant!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Miguel figures that Conquistador Riguel is talking about something else such as another time contending, “I think he means sometime in the future like many hundreds of years from now!”

It seems that Conquistador Rafael understands that he means in a reincarnated life supposing, “You mean in our future reincarnated life?”

Now the “Witch Catcher” feels that her eavesdropping has landed her more intentions of their return to the New World sometime in the future perhaps, although according to the information she gathers that could be whenever. And that means that regardless of whether or not she takes them down or allows them to escape across seas to Portugal and Spain, they’ll return to reap the rewards of their lost fortune.

“Now they’re thinking of returning!” The “Witch Catcher” says while being sort of confused as to whether that’s a good thing or maybe a bad thing.

Furthermore she continues on thinking about how there is perhaps more to the story than the Southwest Tonto Hohokam originally told her. And she seems to think they are hiding something or they just forgot to mention it to her. Then on the other hand there’s a chance that they don’t know about the hidden treasure that their Conquistador Prophet Ramon hid. And still there’s a chance that he never did hide anything in the first place.

Nevertheless the “Witch Catcher” can’t get the thought out of mind as she communicates out loud, “It sounds like they aren’t even sure if there’s a treasure hidden back there or not by their fallen prophet!”

And in the time after a period of having nothing to say, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes a look around wondering why everything is so quiet saying, “It’s been pretty quiet; I wonder if she’s watching us right now?”

Straight forth Conquistador Padre looks towards the north where there’s nothing but trees and waving hills off in the distance answering back, “Oh, I’m sure she’s watching us and our every move!”

It seems that Conquistador Felipe is more concerned with whether or not she is close enough to hear them all talking explaining, “I’m sure she is watching us too, but as long as she can’t hear what we’re saying to one another!”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that she must already know and it doesn’t matter anyhow stating, “I’m sure if the Southwest Tonto Hohokam know; then that crazy shamanic Indian woman must know about the hidden gold too!”

Of Course, Conquistador Rafael is almost certain that she knows as well and that’s exactly what she’s after carrying on telling, “Sure she knows and she’s not going to stop until she pushes us far out of the way!”

In the meantime, the “Witch Catcher” feels that they are starting to become more or less confused as she continues on eaves dropping the situation speaking aloud, “They seem to think that I killed their Conquistador Prophet Ramon and I’m chasing them all away because of all of that hidden gold back there as well as all of the gold still to be mined!”

As she continues on watching slowly from the distance through a clear path that she has longed for through her training, the “Witch Catcher” moves along within the trail very slowly watching them talk while slandering, “Most of this is all new to me considering that the Southwest Tonto Hohokam had never told me anything before upon leaving. It can all sit there until I return for all I care if they don’t find it!”

By now, Conquistador Miguel wonders what they are going to do if the crazy shamanic Indian woman and the Southwest Tonto Hohokam questioning, “And what are we going to do if that crazy shamanic Indian woman gets to the gold before we can get back this way?”

And the one to answer that question would be Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza, although Conquistador Riguel butts in to the conversation answering his friend, “We’ll never even know if that crazy shamanic Indian woman and her Southwest Tonto Hohokam ever retrieve the gold so we are taking a big risk at returning!”

Right then Conquistador Felipe comes up with something to say blabbing to the others, “I’m sure she’ll go after the gold once she returns back their unless the Indian tribe takes advantage of it first!”

“You can all bet on it!” The “Witch Catcher” says out loud far off in the distance as she watches from the exact area that she had scouted long before their plans of removal were ever first syndicated.

Lastly while trying to forget about the whole entire return of the New World sometime in the future, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to get their minds off of the subject by saying, “Come on; let’s all just forget about the whole thing until we make it back to the port!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Rafael agrees with Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza by adding to the conversation, “Yes, let’s just worry about when we make it back to the port alive!”

And there’s no doubt that Conquistador Miguel can only think about returning here to the New World to reap whatever he can insinuating, “It’s hard to forget about it all when there’s so much gold that we have lost!”

Yet Conquistador Riguel can only mention their Conquistador Prophet Ramon and all of the gold they lost on his horse along with the hidden treasure he stashed saying, “It especially hard to forget about all the gold that he had loaded on his horse besides all of the gold he hid and stashed from us all!”

Right away, Conquistador Padre can only think about how his left arm still hurts from the hard blow from her sling shot shrugging, “That’s easy for you all to want to return considering none of you have been hit by one of the rocks slung from her sling shot!”

Straight forth Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says out loud trying to change the subject once again, “Silencio!”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” can’t believe that some of them are thinking of returning despite the hardships communication, “It’s a big mistake for them to return!”

Soon she continues riding along while thinking about what the future holds upon their return which doesn’t seem so good. In other words it’s almost as though she can get a mental image of the picture of how things are in the future. And she sees many innovations and some of them are with devices that can kill and harm others such as her sling shot or even the hateful bird’s arrow.

Of course, she can see the visions of weaponry such as all of the guns and cannons that they have made, although her image of them are only on the surface considering that she can only perceive them to a point. However it’s enough to realize that she has a good chance at cutting them all off when the time comes, even though she may pass the job off onto someone else with a disinterest in anything as far as the hidden treasures are concerned.

Moreover while trying to draw more clues as to what else surrounds them, she can’t get a clear mental picture of them all considering they aren’t all involved with one another in the future like they are in her present time. And not to leave out the fact that they all look and appear different because they are different people.

Yet she can get some impressions about how some of them will remain under Spanish ancestry which is and will always be a part of their heritage. And there’s no doubt that they will all have to travel overseas again in order to make the journey for discovery once again. Yet they will all have to wait a good number of years in order for the sake that the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People will forget about them someday, although that may never be the case.

The “Witch Catcher” can also see them having problems with some of the Indian Warriors who know about the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s hidden treasure of gold stashed in burlap sacks. However then on the other hand she can also see some other influences there which are hard to visualize, though the visions are apparently of someone else in the area trying to reap some of the ancient treasure by their lonesome.

Still these visions of hers are around the vicinity of the arrastras which will be sought out by at least one or more miners who share the motivations of the westward movement. And there are many other things going on around these areas north of Phoenix. Of course, most of these activities are related to stories of gold fever which always ends up in turmoil such as one taking off with all of the loot while the others are dead or wounded.

Finally after pondering the thoughts over for a short period of time that was sort of played out in slow motion within her mind, the “Witch Catcher” comes back with a another realization saying, “When they return, they’ll have more trouble than they bargained for when they arrive!”

Lastly the “Witch Catcher” decides to calm her nerves in order to change her plan so to speak in a sense. That’s because after eavesdropping and comprehending the mordacity that the six remaining conquistador crowns have after experiencing the loss of their Conquistador Prophet Ramon, she realizes things have hit left field using a comparison to get her own point across.


After a few more hours have gone by, the six remaining conquistador crowns have all been quiet for some time while trying to diffuse the feeling of gold fever that had overwhelmed some of the men earlier. So far the men have been so weary of what they have left as far as their precious metals of discovery that they are slowly losing their dignity about the rewards of the New World as well.

Another fact is that others have noticed too and they have the attitude to change their demand of ever returning in the future and there’s only one way to accomplish the idea. Of course, that idea involves reducing and limiting the amount of gold ore that they return home to Portugal and Spain with. The spirits of heaven have nonetheless become a little more agitated too trying to think of more strategies to turn their luck around the other way.

At first, there are some spiritual beings that have manifested in the lower plane only to help do what they feel is right in order to change their view and outlook on things. The first spiritual being is a woman and she isn’t alone either. And that’s because she has the guidance of her children who all share a place with her on her own enchanted holy candle that is within their grasp but beyond their comprehension.

Meanwhile the six remaining conquistador crowns begin to talk once again as Conquistador Padre through with the beginning of a conversation saying, “It’s been pretty quiet with no sign of that crazy shamanic Indian woman!”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe has a word or two to add to Conquistador Padre’s line replying, “Yes, isn’t that a godsend?”

Afterwards Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that she’s most likely nearby while watching as well stating, “Don’t worry; she’s still around here somewhere watching us and our every move!”

Soon the Virgin of Guadalupe looks to her children of the candle while elaborating, “She’s not the only one watching!”

Quickly she brushes her hands off in to their direction as the children of the candle approach ready to take what they can for as momentum of their affections. And this is a kind of affection is one which for them ends up being virtually nothing. Nonetheless they all move in closer and closer without being seen considering that they are on a higher plane of consciousness within a spiritual level.

The first child of the candle moves closer towards Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza as he searches through his saddle bags locating a few bags of gold ore that are tightly fastened to his saddle bags. First off, the child of the candle grabs a few gold nuggets realizing that only a few would be unnoticeable straight off the bat unless they were to actually look through their saddle bags.

The second child of the candle follows suit, although he moves closer towards the horse of Conquistador Felipe who had almost lost some of his bags of gold ore further back along the “Old Spanish Trail.” It only takes a few moments before the second child of the candle reaches and gets his hands on a few good size gold nuggets in order to lighten his load as well. Nonetheless the second child of the candle performs his task swiftly and hurriedly before turning back while the others continue moving forwards towards the others.

Soon the third child of the candle makes his way over towards Conquistador Padre who is still feeling his left shoulder here and there because the pains perk up and hurt occasionally, although he has been trying to ignore it all. Nevertheless the third child of the candle locates the golden bags of ore on Conquistador Padre’s saddle bags taking a few also which will remain unnoticed until later when they camp or stop to inspect their saddle bags.

Of course, none of the six remaining conquistador crowns ever notice any of their gold being lifted away lightening their load or least as far as the present time is concerned, although Conquistador Miguel thought that he had seen an apparition cast its way towards him. However he tries to ignore it thinking that it was nothing other than the sunlight and maybe even the wind playing tricks on them.

Nonetheless the fourth child of the candle moves in to do his own abiding despite the fact that he had been extra careful at trying to remain unseen, although the rays of the sun had hit just right in order to shine off some of his energy. Yet the fourth angel of the candle makes off with a couple of good size nuggets from the golden bags of ore belonging to Conquistador Miguel which are unnoticed and unrecognized by any of the six remaining conquistador crowns.

And still there is another fourth angel of the candle who has yet to strike taking some of his own rewards for the keepsake. There’s no doubt that his target is Conquistador Rafael who has been keeping a good tab on his rewards as far as the gold treasures are concerned. It has been also noticed that many of their horses were packed with bags of gold ore just in case something like this were to happen, although they never really seemed to anticipate it too much.

Immediately the fourth angel of the candle reaches out for Conquistador Rafael’s bags of golden ore which are packed pretty fully with many good sizes nuggets which are great museum like specimens. But this fourth angel of the candle takes two handfuls stepping up the ante just a little bit more. And for some reason Conquistador Rafael had felt some presence come over near him while riding quietly along with the others, though it was only an impression which was slightly felt.

Lastly the six angel of the candle moves in for some of their own medicine to teach the six remaining conquistador a thing or two about respect for the New World and it’s native tongues. And immediately he heads for Conquistador Riguel who had been watching Conquistador Miguel’s back, although it seemed like he had seen anything out of the ordinary such as any apparitions or such.

It doesn’t take long before the six angel of the candle moves in taking some of the golden nuggets away from Conquistador Riguel which makes his load lighter as well like the others. And now the sixth angel of the candle turns around heading back to the others as they return to where the Virgin of Guadalupe is standing so patiently. For this is another part of keeping a patrilineal family pure from the iniquities of foreign excursion from the Old World across the seas.

A ways away, someone is still riding along so afar off while watching without being seen by any of the six remaining conquistador crowns. Of course, it is the “Witch Catcher” who has been waiting so patiently for the deeds of iniquities to be fulfilled. This shows how the “Witch Catcher” isn’t the only one who wants the conquistadors of Spain removed from the sacred lands consisting of Sacred Paradigms and Mountains.

The “Witch Catcher” makes a comment on the behalf of the Virgin of Guadalupe saying, “Surely they never noticed anything in particular!”

By now, a few of the six remaining conquistador men feel as though they are being watched from somewhere else, although they can’t seem to put a finger on it as the Virgin of Guadalupe comes forth gathering up all her children saying, “And now let’s depart from thee!”

But the Virgin of Guadalupe and the six children of the candle haven’t made any retreats from the grounds of the “Old Spanish Trail” where they have been standing. However they have been keeping a good eye on them trying to figure out ways to change their hearts in wanting any type of return to these lands. And the only way they all feel that they can accomplish this deed is to try and take away all that they have worked so hard in retrieving.

And finally one of the children of the candle who happens to turn back before returning says out loud to the others, “They’re blind!”

Nevertheless the “Witch Catcher” is nearby watching considering that she can see things that the six remaining conquistador crowns can’t see with their naked eyes. And that is subject which are out of this world, or in other words out of the world known as the ordinary. These beings are operating and live within a realm beyond our comprehension or at least as far as the understanding of the six remaining conquistador crowns.

Now the “Witch Catcher” makes another comment as the six remaining conquistador crowns pass away from the visions of the Virgin of Guadalupe and her children of the candle saying, “Their gifts will be cherished!”

Moments later, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza realizes that one of his golden bags of ore looks and feels a little shy for some reason while he feels his hands around checking. But then he just seems to brush it off thinking that his bags have just been banged around throughout the entire journey making them feel different. Yet he still tends to check some of the other bags of golden ore that he has, although some of them are only partially full which makes a misjudgment.

Sometime after noticing, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza slows down in order to say something to the other six remaining conquistador crowns jabbering, “Hey, I think some of my bags seem a little light!”

After slowing down a bit, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to untie one of his bags of gold ore in order to take a quick look while Conquistador Padre answers him, “Maybe, some of your gold fell out when we were riding back there a ways?”

Meanwhile the Virgin of Guadalupe and the six children of the candle continue watching from the heavens above while the “Witch Catcher” keeps her evil eye nearby. Now every one of the six remaining conquistador crowns stop in order to check their load which was one that they never really had to inspect much anyhow.

Of course, Conquistador Felipe can only think about one of his bags of gold ore that he had dropped earlier saying, “Now everyone has dropped some burlap bags of gold ore?”

As Conquistador Rafael looks at one of his burlap sacks of golden ore, he makes a comment about how he isn’t really sure how much he had commenting, “We never really had a chance to even look at our gold let alone figure out how much we all had loaded up with us!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza agrees with Conquistador Felipe and Conquistador Rafael saying, “No we haven’t had a chance to do much of anything except try and get out of here!”

Next Conquistador Miguel can only think of adding that crazy shamanic Indian woman once again quarreling, “Try and get out of here ditching that crazy shamanic Indian woman!”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back while overlooking one of his burlap sacks of gold ore saying, “Well, I know there was more gold in this burlap sack than there is now!”

Conquistador Padre thinks back to what he had said earlier quibbling, “Like I said earlier; maybe some of the gold fell out while we were all riding back there a ways!”

It seems that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has no choice other than to agree with him considering that there is no explanation to explain what happened to some of their gold, especially after they have been riding amuck trying to evade any future confrontations with the “Witch Catcher” or any of her Indian friends.

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to take the only explanation going further speaking, “Maybe so; but I think that crazy shamanic Indian woman has something up her sleeve. Or she’s like some skin walker who can spiritually come and steal our gold and there’s not a thing we can do about it!”

And for some reason Conquistador Padre comes back saying, “That crazy shamanic Indian woman has everything up her sleeve!”

With a bit of sarcasm, Conquistador Riguel comes forth chuckling, “Yes, with a bit of chasing us out, to stealing our gold, and to killing us all up her sleeve!”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wants everyone to check their burlap sacks of gold ore to see if any of them notice anything missing carrying on, “Everyone check your load of burlap sacks and decide if you think some of your gold is missing!”

Meanwhile the six remaining conquistador crowns all decide that it would be a good idea for them to inspect their prosperities for the moment even though they have no idea where the “Witch Catcher” is at. As they start to look over some of their burlap sacks some of the conquistador men feel that some of their gold is missing. Then on the other hand a few of the men feel that they are uncertain of whether any of their gold is missing, although their burlap sacks do feel a little on the light side for some reason or other.

Conquistador Felipe is the first one to comment once again about how his burlap sacks are feeling light saying, “Some of my gold appears to be missing!”

Straight off the bat Conquistador Rafael thinks back to when he had dropped some of his burlap sacks of gold saying, “We know you are missing some gold already from when you dropped some of your burlap sacks back there a ways!”

Consequently Conquistador Felipe takes another good look at one of the burlap sacks of gold that he had dropped while explicating, “Well, it appears that more gold must have fallen out because I swore there were more gold nuggets than there are now!”

Moments later, Conquistador Padre looks over his load of burlap sacks of gold before carrying on saying, “Well, I’m missing some gold too and I don’t see how it could have fallen out anywhere!”

Next Conquistador Rafael seems to ponder over his own burlap sacks of gold that he felt he had gotten away with by chance getting to the point, “I guess you could say that my burlap sacks of gold look a little light as well!”

Just then Conquistador Miguel looks at his burlap sacks of gold realizing that his are shy a few good nuggets as well signifying, “Well, it seems that I’m short a few good size nuggets as well for some unknown reason or other.”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that they are all out some of their gold explaining, “We are all out of some of our gold. Every one of us some way or another has lost some of his rewards!”

And for some reason or other Conquistador Padre is pretty Smirne about wondering how she has been able to take their gold from them all without even being too close to them asking, “And how the heck do you suppose she is taking our gold from us?”

With some confusion on his mind, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back trying to only diffuse the situation on hand by disclaiming, “Who knows; but however she is doing it appears that she’s going to take everything!”

There is no doubt that Conquistador Felipe thinks that the “Witch Catcher” may have somehow tripped them up in some way thinking back to when he had dropped some of his burlap sacks of gold gesturing, “It was that shamanic Indian woman who had caused my burlap sacks of gold to fall using witchery!”

Furthermore the six remaining conquistador crowns continue to ponder their thoughts over while they all start to try and turn their bridles the way of the “Old Spanish Trail” heading east as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says, “Let’s head off and find our next night’s camp so that we can rest up ourselves and our horses!”

As they all start to turn back to leave along the “Old Spanish Trail,” Conquistador Padre can only picture in his mind how it’s getting pretty scary to camp out at night telling the others, “It’s getting pretty scary at night camping out with that crazy shamanic Indian woman around watching!”

Right away, just before they tend to speed up a little bit more, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza reassures his conquistador friend by saying, “Don’t worry; we’ll find somewhere that feels safe when we end up camping out for the night!”

From far away, the “Witch Catcher” is watching while still eavesdropping on their situation at hand. She has noticed that they were all scoping out their burlap sacks of gold which means they have realized there is some of their rewards missing. And she understands that they are blaming her for their iniquities of every essence of what has happened.

While picking up the pace in order to keep up with the six remaining conquistador crowns, the “Witch Catcher” makes a comment out loud talking, “So they noticed their gold is missing and they blame me for every little bit of it!”

After the “Witch Catcher” makes that comment out loud, the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse squeals a fairly loud horse sigh in repose as though he understands her every word that she is saying promptly. It’s almost as though the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse understands what a few words mean such as gold and the word missing. Of course, in his whimsical mind the six remaining conquistador crowns are all robbing themselves.

The six remaining conquistador crowns continue their way down along the “Old Spanish Trail” thinking about what they will have to do in order to maintain and hold onto their gold. So far they all are threatened by the “Witch Catcher” and her games of witchcraft and witchery which are in total control. And these powers of hers are becoming more refined and profound as the time moves forward in to the future.

Now the six remaining conquistador crowns are becoming fatigues and as well tired of all of the games that this “Witch Catcher” has set forth before them all. In their minds she has many games to play, although within her scheming mind of hers she has some serious issues to manage and control for the time being until they are carried out completely.

However the six remaining conquistador crowns have some issues to relate and try to understand which are that they are accusing the “Witch Catcher” of witchcraft and witchery which she has made a part of her Indigenous Religion. Yet they do feel that she is some type of crazy shamanic Indian woman which in their minds is pretty much the same thing in their minds to a point.

In conclusion to their thoughts of her being not only some crazy shamanic Indian woman but some type of occultist who understands the natures of witchcraft, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts the conversation off by saying, “So what kind of witch do you suppose this crazy shamanic Indian woman happens to be that’s been following us?”

Meanwhile they all start to slow down a bit considering that their horses are tired from trying to move them along a great distance in order to find a good place to camp for the night. Nonetheless Conquistador Padre can only think about his left arm which is still red as well as still hurting quite a lot as he comes back retorting, “I don’t know; but she sure must have some kind of shamanic Indian witch lore behind her or something!”

However the crazy shamanic Indian woman hasn’t been around as far as they can see as Conquistador Felipe makes the comment surmising, “So far she hasn’t been around the last ten or so miles perhaps!”

Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think of what he had said earlier as he comments, “She’ll show up eventually some time or another!”

But Conquistador Miguel figures that she will wait until they are camping for the night before she shows up again telling them all, “Yes, when we are all camping for the evening she’ll have some sort of surprise for us waiting!”

Next Conquistador Riguel remembers some rocks that had been thrown at their camp when they were camping for the night saying, “She’ll probably throw a few more rocks at us with her sling shot to scare us out of there and on the move again!”

Then Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think of whether or not they can be sure that it was positively her querying, “How can we be sure that she threw those rocks!”

Of course, Conquistador Padre is most certain that the rocks had all come from that crazy shamanic Indian woman jousting, “Who else could it be with a shot like that to the left arm?”

Nonetheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that maybe he’s right about the left arm because she was seen for a glimpse saying, “Well, I understand that she was the one who slung the rock at your arm but we aren’t positive about the rocks thrown at camp!”

Still Conquistador Felipe realizes that it was most definitely the crazy shamanic Indian woman replying, “Come on; it’s that crazy shamanic Indian woman who has been following us all along!”

Soon Conquistador Rafael can only think about their Conquistador Prophet Ramon being hit with an arrow by the hateful bird communicating, “Well, you said you saw someone threw the trees other than that crazy shamanic Indian woman after our Conquistador Prophet Ramon was hit and killed!”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe thinks back to when he first saw a glimpse of the hateful bird within the trees a good distance with a bow and arrow saying, “Yes, I said I saw some Indian through the tree line with a bow and arrow that was mucho Grande in size. He looked like he was covered in some blackish feathery costume perhaps!”

Now Conquistador Rafael comes back realizing what he had remembered Conquistador Felipe saying earlier as he says, “I remember the part where the Indian had a large bow and arrow but you never said anything about the Indian being covered in some kind of black feathery costume?”

At just about that time, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza interrupts them all by going in to some more of the details, “Yes, he told us about that when we were camping last night. I also caught a glimpse of something but it was really faint and I was riding too fast trying to get away I guess.”

Finally Conquistador Rafael admits that his mind is only clustered up with tons of thoughts and he is very tired explaining, “Yes, I remember most of the details but my mind is so clustered up with images from the past two days that I’m very tired and ready to camp for the night!”

Soon they start to make their way closer and closer towards the Mogollon Rim where there are more treacherous mountain ranges. However they still do have another night of camping out before they will even be able to make the distance towards the boundaries of where New Mexico lies today.

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that they should wait until they find a source of water before they stop to camp out for the night scrambling up, “We will stop and camp as soon as we find a source of water such as a stream or small river perhaps!”

Right away, Conquistador Padre sees that they haven’t been this way in such a long time that they are getting confused saying, “Well it’s been a long time since we have come back along the “Old Spanish Trail” and I think we are becoming a little confused.”

Next Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wonders if he should pull out his map and look to see where they are and to see if there is a source of water written on the map answer back, “Maybe I should pull the map out and take a look to see where we are at and if there is a river or stream marked on it?”

Then Conquistador Felipe remembers the river flowing west which is the Salt River today and feels that they have passed it up telling, “I think we have passed up the river that flows from the east to the west which runs in to that river where those Indians attacked us!”

Finally after hearing enough about whether or not he should pull out the map and take a look, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to balking, “Maybe, I ought to take the map and have a look!”

Meanwhile Conquistador Padre decides to act as a look out while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza reaches for the map in his leather satchel bag saying, “I’ll watch out for anyone or anything while you take a look at the map!”

Of course, as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes out his map of the area, he retorts, “I think you all ought to keep an eye out just in case!”

But Conquistador Rafael thinks that they should keep on the move and not spend too much time lingering around shrugging, “I think we should keep a move on until we find some sort of stream or river with water!”

Straight away Conquistador Miguel watches as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza reads over the map gawking, “Why you afraid that crazy shamanic Indian woman is going to jump out at you from behind or something?”

Moments later after taking a slighted eye at glancing around a few times while quivering sort of like, Conquistador Rafael looks back to Conquistador Miguel with a slight of eye replying, “No, but this place still gives me the creeps waiting around like this!”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is sort of confused as to where they are according to the map that he has clarifying, “I think there are a few streams up a little ways further maybe a few miles or so!”

After hearing how far they have to go before they can even camp next to a source of water, Conquistador Riguel figures they should get a move on before the sun sets for another evening suggesting, “Well, maybe we should get a move on before the sun goes down and we are out here like sitting ducks!”

Lastly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza realizes just how far they are from the Mogollon Rim which will be a great place to try and separate them from the “Witch Catcher” as he jousts, “We’re not too much further from the rim of mountain ranges that separates this land from the greater plateau of red mountain ranges!”

And after picturing some of the images such as those in his mind, Conquistador Felipe recalls some of those days on the “Old Spanish Trail” mumbling, “You mean those red mountain ranges that we said had no gold in there because of all of the red sands?”

In conclusion to Conquistador Felipe’s comment Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back agreeing with his comrade partner saying, “Yes, those carved out red sands that are desolate and naked!”

Immediately Conquistador Miguel can only add to the comment made by Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza by metaphorically saying, “Those red sands aren’t the only thing I’d like to see naked and desolate!”

Of course, Conquistador Padre is the one to question the comment of Conquistador Miguel considering that he had been slung shot in the arm by the “Witch Catcher” and her sling shot jabbering, “Is that all you can think about is some booty when we have a crazy lunatic Indian shamanic woman trying to push us out?”

Nevertheless Conquistador Riguel feels that he should defend his comrade conquistador friend by expounding a line, “We were thinking about some booty from somewhere else like back home in Portugal or Spain!”

Yet Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only agree with the comment coming from Conquistador Riguel by saying, “Just forget about getting any booty around the New World with the Indian natives being against us all!”

At least Conquistador Padre has a woman to go home to even though most of them had decided to leave many family members in their native lands while contrasting, “At least we still have some family to return home to when we get there!”

That comment springs another thought from Conquistador Miguel as he comes forth saying, “Yes, if your family is still there waiting for you!”

Next Conquistador Miguel wonders why he would say that when he hasn’t written any of his family in many years jubilating, “Why would you say that when you haven’t seen or heard from your family in a long time?”

Immediately Conquistador Padre tries to defend his integrity by answering back, “I don’t have to write them because I know they will be there when I return back home arriving in Portugal and Spain!”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” is still eavesdropping while thinking about what kind of family they must have at home driveling, “So they’re only concerned about their family back home! I wonder what kind of people they are compared to these gold diggers?”

Thereafter the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse makes another sigh in admiration of hearing some familiar words, although the “Witch Catcher” has another line to exhilarate by gibbering, “Hopefully I will get the chance to meet them!”


Moments later, the “Witch Catcher” can only think of other thoughts about their relatives and loved ones back home in Portugal and Spain. Yet she can only laugh and chuckle a moment while she thinks of how she is here to push and drive them out from the northern hemisphere rather than think of their family thoughts. But then on the other hand she feels that she will most likely be crossing over to the other side somehow and maybe she’ll have a chance to take a slingshot at seeing them as well.

Soon the six remaining conquistador crowns realize just how dark it’s getting and that it’s about time to camp for the night as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza says, “Well, it’s getting dark and we haven’t approached any streams or rivers yet!”

First off, Conquistador Padre feels that they have enough water stored up in their canteen bags to last them through the night and many hours until the following day saying, “It’s night fall so I think we ought to call it a night and break for camping out for the night!”

Immediately Tesoro De Castallanza feels the same about how they shouldn’t travel while it’s getting darker and darker out replying, “Yes, it’s getting harder and harder to see the “Old Spanish Trail” so we ought to stop and camp for the night!”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe starts to pull on his horse’s bridle yelling out, “About right here is a good place!”

Straight away the six remaining conquistador crowns all slow down while pulling on their horse’s bridles in order to stop. However the “Witch Catcher” does the same considering that she has some other plans up her sleeve this time which will hopefully confuse the heck out of them.

Once the six remaining conquistador crowns begin to slow down, the “Witch Catcher” follows suit by slowing down as well only to make sure that they are prepared to camp for the night.

However it is starting to become very dark outside, so the “Witch Catcher” waits until they all start to get off of their horses in order to unpack a few of their belongings to set up camp. Then the “Witch Catcher” decides to turn the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse’s bridle in order to place her plan in to action.

Immediately the six remaining conquistador crowns tie up their horses while deciding how little they should unpack just in case the “Witch Catcher” has another surprise waiting for them. Nevertheless the “Witch Catcher” and her last surprise had caught them off guard which only resulted in pushed them off for another full day.

Straight away the “Witch Catcher” chooses some high ground which isn’t really far away, but it’s a good enough distance that none of the six remaining conquistador crowns will intrude on her camp. However with her plan in mind, the six remaining conquistador crowns will have a little trouble in determining where the “Witch Catcher” happens to be camping at anyhow.

Furthermore the six remaining conquistador crowns begin to set their nightly campsite up, although they are a little unsure of what to expect and not to forget the fact that they haven’t found a source of water to camp by. Yet they still have enough water to last them another day or so despite the severe conditions of stretching their way towards the Mogollon Rim. Regardless of what they have left as far as resources, the six remaining conquistador crowns decide to only un pack their belongings very slowly as though they had no trust in the place or any place for that matter.

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has set her mind on her deeds as she makes her way to higher ground where she waits and watches giving some time for the six remaining conquistador crowns to settle in for the night. For now she can only wait and watch so that she doesn’t frighten the six remaining conquistador crowns with her plan which will make them all think they have more enemies than they bargain for.

First off, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to unpack some of his belongings such as a blanket and another blanket that he uses as a pillow to rest his head on while commanding, “Let’s only take out what we have to for the night just in case we have to make another fast break out of here!”

Thereafter Conquistador Felipe only takes out a few blankets as well after tying down his horse to a tree replying, “We were expecting a fast break out of here!”

Finally Conquistador Padre continues making a place to sleep while answering back, “Well, hopefully she doesn’t sneak up on us with another surprise!”

Meanwhile as Conquistador Padre unpacks his own belonging in order to make a resting place, he comes back saying, “So far there has been no sign of her for quite a while!”

As Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes his own bed by laying one of his folded blankets down as a pillow and the other one as a blanketed cover while replying to their comments, “Don’t worry; I’m sure she’s around here somewhere watching us all as we speak trying to prepare camp!”

Moreover from a distance away the “Witch Catcher” starts to put and set forth her plan in to action which will make the six remaining conquistador crowns think that there are more Indians than only he and the hateful bird that had taken down the Conquistador Prophet Ramon. Nevertheless she will have to make a few of them in order to catch their attention before the fall asleep for the evening.

First off, the “Witch Catcher” starts off with her plan of action by making her first fire that she will use to distract the six remaining conquistador crowns from getting a good night’s sleep, although they could if it doesn’t bother them all for too long. She starts off by tying up the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse while saying; “Now it’s time to build a fire to sweat them away!”

Secondly the “Witch Catcher” looks for the perfect spot to build her first fire which can be seen from the camping place and point of view of the six remaining conquistador crowns. She starts off by gathering some rocks to form a circle to hold the fire in so that she doesn’t cause a forest fire since she’s so close to nature anyhow.

Next the “Witch Catcher” decides to look for some wood to fuel and be the source of her fire that will hopefully distract the six remaining conquistador crowns and frighten them for the time being. Once she finds enough wood such as logs and branches, the “Witch Catcher” reaches in to one of her bags that she has strapped to her side containing some simple stone tools along with some other items.

Immediately she takes some fibers from the side of a log that she has found removing the bark while stranding it up so that she can use them to catch a spark. Now she has reached her “Quest for Fire” which is another part of the script making her as primitive as a caveman. Yet she is also somewhat like an Indian fighting off some men in conquistador helmet like hats equivalent to an 1800’s cowboy hat.

Soon once she has placed those fibers within a piece of bark that she has split a crack in to lodge those fibers, she makes her first strike with the two rocks making her quest turn to a real spark that turns to a bit of smoke in which she starts to blow a small flame rather quickly. Moments later, the “Witch Catcher” has made her first fire on this journey that will be one of a few perhaps.

So far the flames of her first camp fire is getting bigger with each blow as she continues puffing away at it like she was trying to warm up maybe. Nonetheless once the fire has caught onto its essence, the “Witch Catcher” starts to put some more branches on it so that the camp fire becomes big enough for them all to see from their campsite.

Quickly she moves on to the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse in order to untie him and ride onto the next hill crest that is only a little ways away from there. As the fire starts to build, it starts to create a lot of fire light which is easily seen from the position of the six remaining conquistador crowns.

Yet none of them have notices as of yet as she takes off with her plan in mind towards the next spot. Moments later, as the “Witch Catcher” continues to the next place she had contended on using for her show.

Then as she moves along she makes a fast comment out loud saying, “Hopefully that camp fire will get their attention!”

Minutes later, the “Witch Catcher” arrives at her next stop where she does the same task by tying up the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse while heading off to make another camp fire. However this time she decides to take a look back at the other camp fire which is flamed up pretty good.

Of course, now she is almost certain that one of the six remaining conquistador crowns will see her camp fire soon enough. And there’s no doubt that this stunt is one which will cause them some pandemonium down below at their campsite. Despite what she sees at the hill behind, the “Witch Catcher” continues building her second camp fire which will help throw a buffer in with the first camp fire.

After the many times of trying to get comfortable sitting around and trying to lie down as they wonder where that crazy shamanic Indian woman is located, Conquistador Felipe notices the camp fire a ways away burning bright. There no doubting that they weren’t that observant right off of the bat, although the camp fire has only been burning a little while.

Immediately without any further hesitations, Conquistador Felipe says to the other conquistador men announcing, “Hey look! There’s a camp fire up over there!”

Right away, they all turn to look while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza notices the camp fire burning away scrambling up, “It’s that crazy shamanic witch lady or whatever!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Miguel decides to give the crazy shamanic Indian woman another name replying, “You mean that “Witch Catcher” like woman?”

Next Conquistador Padre wonders what gave him the idea to call her that by asking, “Why would you call her a “Witch Catcher” anyways?”

It seems that Conquistador Miguel remembers a thing or two from when he was looking back answering back, “Well, I remember seeing some writings all over her body when I looked back for a glance. It was when she was right on us really close and I thought I saw some letters that may have spelled “Witch” perhaps!”

Then Conquistador Riguel can only think about his images in mind of how she was tattooed in some kinds of ink implying, “It was almost as though she was covered in war like tattooing ink I guess!”

Moments later, one of the six remaining conquistador crowns notices the second camp fire that seems to be getting fairly big as Conquistador Rafael yells out loud slightly, “Hey look! There’s another camp fire just over that way a ways away from the other one!”

Quickly every one of the six remaining conquistadors stares the second camp fire down as they wonder why there are more than they can all bargain for in the first place. So far, they are unsure if it is the “Witch Catcher” as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza heads for his horse. Of course, he is in search of his telescope which he hasn’t had a chance to use so far on this retreated journey.

After taking a look at the camp fire and seeing hardly anything considering that the camp fire is so far away, Conquistador Felipe asks, I wonder who is camping up there?”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza returns with his telescope in his hand while replying to Conquistador Felipe’s question, “There are Indians camping up there, of course!”

Luckily the “Witch Catcher” had stepped away once her second camp fire started burning fairly good while making it away with the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse. Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes a look through his telescope which he always keeps and takes with him. And when he does get a view of the camp fire, he doesn’t see anything other than a well-made camp fire that seems to have nobody around attended to it.

Next Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns towards the first camp fire that they had noticed once they had all retired for the night trying to fall asleep. However there isn’t anybody at the first camp fire neither as he decides to have a look around about the close proximity. Yet he does notice that the camp fire is out in the open rather than in a conspicuous place that most Indians would choose, although he can only brush it off.

Meanwhile after taking another glance around the outer perimeter of the camp fire, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza makes a remark out loud saying, “Well, I don’t see any Indians or anyone else up there at neither of the camp fires for any reason.”

But then on the other hand, Conquistador Padre wonders if the first camp fire belongs to the “Witch Catcher” and the second camp fire to her friends saying, “Maybe, after making her camp fire that “Witch Catcher” went to meet up with her friends at the other camp fire?”

Of course, Conquistador Rafael figures that maybe they are on their way towards them at their camping spot answering back, “Unless that “Witch Catcher” and her friends are all coming down this way to chase us out!”

In the meantime, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues looking around a bit with his telescope, although he doesn’t really seem to see anything except the flames and the fire light shining all around the place above. Then all of a sudden a third camp fire starts up as the “Witch Catcher” begins to throw some more logs in to it to get it really going good enough for them to see.

Moments later, after looking around a little bit longer, Conquistador Miguel notices the other third camp fire that starts to catch a few high flames. Straight away Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns noticing the other third camp fire to from the side of his telescope’s point of view. It’s almost as though he had a sort of matte shot forming to catch the flickering of the other camp fire.

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro pans his telescope from side to side checking out to see if there is anyone around the camp fire, although once again he doesn’t seem to see anyone or anything. Yet he still looks around hoping that he may see someone or somebody around the area in order to make sense of it all.

A few seconds or so later, Conquistador padre becomes curious if Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza sees anything through his telescope asking quietly, “What do you see, do you see anybody?”

Some more time passes by before Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza retorts expressing with a slight hesitation still trying to get a last peek, “No, I don’t see anyone at any of the camp fires!”

Luckily the “Witch Catcher” had walked out slowly within some of the tree patches with the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse so that she wouldn’t be seen by anyone. However she has planned to make her way back to the first camp fire in order to hopefully throw the six remaining conquistador crowns in to being confused to an extent.

Next Conquistador Felipe wonders what’s going on questioning as he continues looking towards the camp fire trying to see something with his naked eyes, “There’s got to be somebody up there. Those camp fires didn’t get started on their own!”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that whoever started those camp fires is no longer there in sight explaining, “Well who ever started those camp fires isn’t there to be seen unless they are laying down sleeping perhaps.”

But then on the other hand Conquistador Miguel thinks that it’s that “Witch Catcher” and some other Indians messing around telling, “It’s that crazy shamanic Indian “Witch Catcher” messing around with us and she has some of her friends camping around too I bet!”

Still Conquistador Padre seems to think that it’s the “Witch Catcher” and she has met up with her Indian comrades carrying on with, “Like you said; it’s that Indian “Witch Catcher” and she has met up with her friends somewhere.”

By then, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only agree that they should be extra careful just in case that is the fact bringing up, “We’d better keep an eye out and our ears open just in case they are planning to sneak up on us during the middle of the night!”

Furthermore for some reason Conquistador Riguel tends to think more along the lines that the “Witch Catcher” is messing around deliberating, “It’s that’s “Witch Lady” just out there messing around with us is all!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza still feels that they should all keep their eyes and ears peeled anyhow suggesting, “Regardless we should stayed focused keeping our eyes and ears on the lookout for anything!”

Finally the “Witch Catcher” returns to her first camp fire which she had made with the intentions of camping there for the night. And when she does her first camp fire has dwindled down to where it’s barely flaming. Of course, she had been gone a little while, although the time span hadn’t been too long.

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes another look through his telescope noticing that the first camp fire had gone down a good bit while saying, “Looks like the first camp fire towards the east has flamed down a little!”

Right at about that time, Conquistador Padre looks that way while noticing that the first camp fire has gone out a bit as he says, “Yes it has gone down a bit. Maybe someone will come to put some more logs in to it?”

Yet Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza still thinks that the “Witch Catcher” may have some Friends around per say, although he also sees how this situation is odd saying, “I don’t see anybody around!”

And still the six remaining conquistador crowns are too busy paying attention to the camp fires wondering if they are neighboring Indian tribes or some straggler Indians working with her. Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues looking around between all three camp fires as he pans from the first camp fire in to the second camp fire and so on in to the third.

Right then as the “Witch Catcher” sneaks back in to the first camp fire that she had set off before going on to the next, she decides to place a few more logs in for heaven’s sake. Immediately she places the branch logs very hard like by tossing them from a few feet away in to the camp fire.

However she performs this task very quickly in order to dodge the peep sights of any telescopes that she knows the conquistador possess for the purpose of carrying out their charters and land grants. But when she does some sparks fly up in to the air making a fiery firefly like effect that can be seen far down below.

Straight away Conquistador Padre notices the flickers of fiery ashes flashing up above the glow of the camp fire yelling out lightly, “Hey look at those flickers over there at the first camp fire!”

Hurriedly like Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns the telescope that way after pausing for a second to view the first camp fire with his naked eyes. Then when he does take a look he sees nothing or nobody once again just as the times before. He stares through his telescope for a few seconds looking continuously.

In the meantime Conquistador Rafael wonders what’s up with that considering that they are all a good distance away saying, “What’s with that?”

Next Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back with a supposed guess replying, “Just someone throwing some branches or logs in to the fire is all!”

Thereafter Conquistador Felipe can only dream of how it’s the “Witch Catcher” explicating, “It’s just that “Witch Catcher” up there camping watching us!”

Now Conquistador Padre is curious if he can see anything with his telescope asking Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza, “Can you see anyone up there?”

For a moment or so Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks around the area of the camp fire seeing nobody or anyone in sight replying back, “No, I can’t see anyone around the camp fire up there!”

After a few seconds go by, Conquistador Riguel can only think about how it’s that “Witch Catcher” woman messing around with them all trying to keep them from heading up there to her camp site saying, “It’s just that “Witch Catcher” woman trying to keep us from going up there and messing around with her is all!”

And then Conquistador Miguel wonders why that “Witch Catcher” woman would even go to that extent of messing around like that in order to try and keep them from going up to her camp site adding, “Why would that “Witch Catcher” woman even go to that extent to try and keep us from going up there to her camp site to mess around with her?”

By now, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns his telescope lens over towards the second camp fire noticing how it has sort of dimmed down a little bit saying, “Well, it looks like that second camp fire has dimmed down a little bit and nobody is there throwing any more logs in to it!”

Of course, Conquistador Felipe thinks that it’s that “Witch Catcher” up there camping by herself and she had lit all three camp fires insinuating, “I tell you; it’s just that “Witch Catcher” lady up there messing around. She’s probably the one who had lit all three of those camp fires now that she has our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s horse!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Rafael feels that there could be others as well considering that he can vividly remember their Conquistador Prophet Ramon being arrowed down by the hateful bird retorting, “We have no proof that’s she’s alone and that means that there could be some other Indian friends of hers wandering around up there watching us too!”

After hearing all of this arguing and commotion over the whole spiel of things, Conquistador padre adds some ideas to the conversation saying, “If there are others they are either asleep or down here somewhere watching us and our every move as we speak!”

Straight forth Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels that they should all call it a night anyone and try and get some shut eye before the new day arrives talking, “Let’s turn in for the night until the morning arrives unless something end up happening. I’ll take the first night’s watch for a little while!”

Just then the five other conquistador men all start to head back to their homemade beds which are nothing more than a folded up blanket for a pillow and a blanket to cover up with to keep a little warm. Yet the men are all weary from this “Witch Catcher” who has been stalking them continuously from the mining site and so forth until the current moment. And they are unsure of when she or maybe some of her Indian friends will jump in confronting them.

Nevertheless the men all retire trying to get themselves some sleep while they have the chance. So far they have only slept one night which wasn’t that good of a rest anyhow for that matter. Yet they all forget about it considering that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has ordered them all to do so while he takes the first night watch on their camping area.

Of course, as they are all laying down peacefully trying to forget what’s really happening around them, Conquistador Padre decides to be nice and take the second night’s watch saying, “Wake me up in an hour or so and I’ll take the second night watch.”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza agrees with his conquistador friend by replying back to him, “Alright sounds good!”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe decides to take the third night’s watch by instructing his conquistador partners, “And I’ll take the third night’s watch.”

Once the third night watch has been taken, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to give the fourth night’s watch to whoever has the most trouble sleeping indicating, “And the fourth night’s watch will go to whoever has the most trouble with getting some rest!”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has found a spot by her first camp fire where there’s a blind spot as long as she stays a few feet away from it while she enjoys looking through her leather satchel backpack of things such as magic, witchcraft, and healing supplies that she has brought along for the entire journey.

And still the voodoo dolls which she has made seem to be the most effective thing right now within her own personal arsenal. So far she has used them to steal and take away one of the golden burlap sacks held by Conquistador Felipe which was taken from the gold mining camp. Nevertheless she instantly makes the notion to take one of the voodoo dolls out which seems to be a universal doll that she can manipulate.

A manipulation that she uses with her imagination in order to make the voodoo doll look like and represent whoever her mind can develop a mental picture. And this mental picture is one within her mind’s creation through her radiating some kind of entertainment. She also uses some positive affirmations which have been a great aid in maintaining her posture and stamina as a practitioner of the craft of being a shamanistic “Witch Catcher.”

During the time being, the “Witch Catcher” takes out the voodoo doll holding out towards the flame as she uses this gift that she has practiced unto a perfection to direct its manifestation towards a particular someone. Luckily she has had a good deal of experience with using her extrasensory perception in order to keep tabs on all of the conquistador men. She uses this power through the connection she possesses through her blood and honor of her Indian tribal heritage which flows through each and every one of them.

Momentarily the “Witch Catcher” takes the voodoo doll and holds it out towards the flames of the camp fire. As she does she has a mental picture of one of the conquistadors within her scheming mind of hers. However she has some doubts of being too precarious about what she’s doing as she brings the voodoo doll closer and closer to the flames of the camp fire trying to invoke some connection quickly.

Yet she has some doubts of causing too much stress on the six remaining conquistador crowns that they end up leaving early in the middle of the night. And not to forget the fact that they haven’t put a camp fire together as they did on their first night camping together along the “Old Spanish Trail.”

Soon enough she holds the voodoo doll towards the flames of the camp fire trying to evoke her passage of the craft which comes straight from the old ways of the southern continent of South America. Many of these traditional ways and influence have been brought unto the Rain People through areas such as Chaco, New Mexico as a central port to other worldly influences from the New World.

Meanwhile while holding the voodoo doll towards the outside of the flames of the camp fire, the “Witch Catcher” makes a quick comment while invoking the spirit of witchcraft saying, “Maybe I won’t drive them out for the night, but they will wake up sweating a tear or two!”

At this time, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to feel a little hotter, although he doesn’t seem to think quite nothing of it considering that his mind is currently watching the camp fire she’s camping at. But he does notices some shadows here and there coming from the “Witch Catcher” as she moves back and forth slightly every so often. Yet they are so slight that he has to watch carefully in order to catch any glimpse of it.

For the time being Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues watching wearisome like until he makes a comment while wiping some sweat from his left cheek blabbing, “I know you’re up their watching us!”

Moments later, he sees a sort of shadow form for a split second towards the top of some of the trees to the west side of the first camp fire atop the hills. At first, he turned away although he turned back realizing that it was just only a glimpse of someone up there sitting next to the camp fire within his blind spot.

Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza realizes that it must be that crazy shamanic Indian woman who they are calling the “Witch Catcher” for another estranged version of her name. However none of them really seem to know much about her and her origins, other than the fact that she had arrived with the Rain People who settle the rainy lands of what is now known as the four corners.

Below is a link to the "Catcher of Love" subpage 5.