Mysterious Mineral Collection


This book entitled "A Mysterious Mineral Collection, Her Precious Stones" is dedicated to my father Walter Soroka and all of those who participated (Author).

A Note from the Author

The minerals and stone tools shown and discussed in this book were mined, identified, researched, organized, studied, and photographed by the author. This book shows and proves that the foundations of this story are real and hopefully made clear for people to understand and enjoy. The author has used the study of past lives based on religious icons and also many dream techniques to find that he is patrilineal with its past and he had even worked directly with the conquistador as an Indian arrastra worker and an Indian miner and flintknapper (Author).

A Note for the Editor

The minerals within this book are in order by the importance according to the Foundations of Heaven in "The Revelation" as written by St. John the Divine. Following the twelve stones are the ceremonial pottery pieces along with a few more pottery shards to show the age of the location. Then the book continues on with a few more arrowheads showing the culture through a variety of handcrafts that aren't too eroded. Many of these stone tools are in a particular order. That was where identifying different stone tools became easier as time went on. Also more importantly the manuscript was first written while the author was finishing up with his third Geology course which was filled with many different types of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Another important idea is to recognize and understand the sedimentary environment of the area. There are even pictures which show the environment in recent years, and there are pictures showing the environment as far back as 1971 (Author).

How to use this book

Do you think that the Book of Revelation is based on the theory of "Apocalypse" as defined in most books designed for Research Papers? Well, this book has been written to give the best detailed descriptions of the Book of Revelation by explaining the story using some important terms from mythology. Such words would include the meaning of terms, for example, "in med res," which means to start in the middle, along with other important epic terminology.

While invoking St. John as a muse to tell a great enchanted story, we define other religious words of worship like sympathetic, contagious, and homeopathic magic which involve the changing of ceremonial events.

This book is planned to display such forensics, and archaeology as evidence to proving this site to be Biblical. Such information can't be found or read from anywhere else. This sacred land has offered a complete and thorough variety of stone tools. Many of them involve a large amount of different minerals which were brought to this geological site during the spreading of Christianity. Proof of this can be shown through many Religious writings such as a white engraved cross marking the end of the site within a rock face of petroglyphs.

Hopefully people will learn that the Bible evidence presented in this book is very important. It helps support others who have evidence to prove that the word of God is true according to the ancient writings of the prophets of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and the Father of Heaven (Author).


There is another important aspect to this book considering how the author has advocated all of the facts about the truth himself about this archaeological site. In the beginning the operation was for minerals whether it is gold, silver, or gemstone minerals which were filed as far back as 1971, although as time went on the realization of the truth to what the location was really involved with became clearer. This was the reason nothing was really sold off for a profit or a living. And ever since then many outside parties, or third parties have acted upon the site without furthering the research because the work needed to be presented in an understandable fashion. And every time the author has tried to speak to anyone or any source they all seem to make it more complicating. According to the Code of Ethics everyone should participate in presenting any knowledge.

Many of these sources include artists, electronic companies, musical bands, and of course publishing sources. Some of these sources in the book are common knowledge for educational individuals which can't be found on the internet through web links. The Geology was performed from understanding how to use classifications of metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks, although nothing was paraphrased or written word for word from them considering they're just charts. However when trying to display the ceremonial purposes of the Book of Revelation in Indigenous ceremony, it's hard to find anyone who has knowledge of its heritage whether it be through a published source or speaking with tribal members.

There were some sources which were previously removed through revising and editing because they were presented to a literary service for publishing purposes at one time to show areas of study. There were also some other studies which were left out because the author would rather only use his own personal testimony and not implicate the same advocation as previously. Nonetheless another purpose of the book is to be a roadway to a novel just as the "Old Spanish Trail" was a path to the land of Cibola for men like Columbus.

If the book is going to present the truth; it will be through this work which was done by his own personal interpretation which came about slowly over the years. The mere fact of how working the ground or earth with your own hands is immensely spiritual. The most important fact is that the author will choose to advocate his own activism considering he has no other contracts and is the only witness to these minerals being authentically from this Badger Springs placer mining claim. And the fact can't be left out that only bits and pieces have been shared by others and the fundamentals aren't yet placed together. On the other hand some information was sent to different places on the author's own behalf. However on the other hand any information relating towards the Book of Revelation in an Indigenous manner belongs to this site or what I call a sacred monument (Author).


The Bible was written long ago as an orthodox way to establish authoritative beliefs of God and the creation of the world through the book of Genesis. While on the other hand it has been deemed as the end of the world within scripture writing of the Book of Revelation as an Apocalypse as defined by most Original Dictionary books, and English Research Paper books. Another important fact is that the Bible supports institutions of captivity such as a synagogue where many religious figures devote their entire lives. The synagogue teaches them how to lead together so they can achieve such status as a Priest. Some may study scripture to the paramount importance as becoming a cardinal, or maybe even the Pope. While others form a synagogue in order to live their entire lives only to worship in Exile, many of the Bibles scriptures were wrote down from Oral Hebrew religions. Other influences were from Babylon and Persian Zoroastrianism. There were also many factions that had slowly arisen with powerful influence. These factions were known as the Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, and the Essenes.

The Sadducees were a priestly family which was in charge of the Temple until the Babylonian captivity during the time of 586 B.C.E. Later Cyrus came to the throne and allowed the Jews to return home and rebuild their temple. After the 2nd temple was completed they started to write "Torah." The Torah can be defined as the first five book of the Bible written according to the Law of Moses. In dark meditation they wrote Ecclesiastes, the Book of Daniel, and the Book of Job which were all finished by 200 B.C.E.

The next faction the Pharisees were formed in order to preserve law and the traditions of reading and written scripture. The Pharisees were the instructors of the written law of the bible doctrine considering they were interpreters of its truth and meaning. Other than these keepers of law there was also the factionist group the Zealots, although they are very violent to talk about taking in to consideration their strict Roman rule.

The fourth and very last group was the Essenes. They were a group of religious people who devoted their time living a very monastic life producing and writing the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were first discovered by a kid who just happened to throw a rock inside a cave. After he threw the rock he heard a breaking or smashing type of sound. Then he decided to take a look inside and investigate only to make the discovery of these impressively large pots of pottery containing the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The practice of studying and writing scripture had been placed within a state of Diaspora dispersion when the Romans who defeated the Temple again in 70 C.E. Probing or searching the Hebrew Bible within the scripture was forced in to Midrash. Most of the writings of the Bible are at the earliest 1000 B.C.E., which was around the time and existence of the Temple. This makes the Bible the oldest known book of scripture to study. There is no other book which has sold as many copies as the Bible either. Almost everybody is religious somewhat, and if they aren't their friends most likely are religious whether they are Mormon, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, and so forth. Nearly every religion studies the Bible despite their canons, torahs, and other religious epics of study such as the Flood Parallel of Gilgamesh as he survives the flood of Noah.

However, when we step in to the real world to find the real life forces of nature at hand to show us evidence about how the Bible was first written as with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we finally realize that much needed evidence is only factually based on the word of God as we search for his prime mythological theme. Nevertheless the search for God and his word was first originated within the contexts of the Old World. Moreover the images are brought to mind which brings the word of God home to the New World according to the Bible writings within the book of John and the visitation of Jesus to the flocks of his children. Of course, Jesus Christ was born Dec 25, 0 and died on the cross on Good Friday and resurrected himself on Easter Sunday during the year 33 C.E...

We already know according to the Book of Mormon that Jesus visited Guatemala. A picture of this can be viewed within the Book of Mormon that shows Jesus visiting a flock of people at the stairs of a temple.

In fact there are other images which bring the Bible home to the New World. One of these images is the fact that there is a town called St. Johns, Arizona where's there's an archaeological site called Raven Site Ruin. These ruins are filled with different types of rock art. Most of their images are mysterious markings belonging to the Anasazi. In fact the Bureau of Land Management has a brochure at the Agua Fria National Monument which gives such information as the involvement of Spaniards with the Hohokam Indians. However they say the involvement is unclear. Most clues point to dates around 1475 A.D. or later, although we can push the dates back when using the proper images (Author).

When the author was working on the mining claim the spirits told him of the Indian boy who was brought up to conquer. They also told the author his name which was the Conquering Chief. And soon a vision of the “Woman of Heaven” and the Indian boy came as a powerful insight to the location.

In fact there are other areas where Indigenous Ceremonies to the Book of Revelation have been celebrated. One of these locations according to the Medicine Man was along the Verde River somewhere in some sweat lodges or teepees where tribal members participated in ceremony. It is also believed that a rock that is shaped like a castle is a site along their river that is named for the location where the Woman of Heaven passes her mark physically and spiritually along the forks of two rivers.

Also many of the stones tools from the site indicate that the flintknapper was younger in age. The finger print wear on many of the stone tools were noticeably closer together with smaller finger index marks. These stone tool images along with the historical evidence are the key to showing how the involvement of the Spaniards and the Hohokam are clear in fact (Author's Personal Biography).

The internet is filled with many websites which talk of the "Woman of Heaven" and the Book of Revelation giving detailed descriptions which are usually contradictory. Most articles and website writings on the stones within the Book of Revelation are explained by using the High Priest's Breastplate. Most of the information found within these websites is correct within the astrological properties of the stones charm. If there is one thing this book can display, it would be the fact that the Book of Revelation as written by St. John the Divine is in actual reality an authentic Indian Story.

There is also some confusion about when the "The Revelation" was written. It is believed that John the Divine wrote his work around the time of 95 A.D. when he was exiled on the island of Patmos. Another misconception is that many scholars believe he was one person. Nevertheless many other scholars feel that he was also John the Apostle and John the Evangelist as well as John of Patmos. According to some studies John the Apostle was born in 6 A.D. in Galilee and died in 100 A.D. and John the Divine was born in 10-15 A.D. in Galilee and died in 96 A.D. However John the Evangelist is believed to have been born in 1 A.D. in Patmos, Greece and died in 100 A.D. Now that we have dates on all the separate writers we can clear the confusion and realize that all three people were witnesses to the testimony of Jesus Christ in 33 A.D. when he was crucified (Author).

The Revelation Outline

I. Woman appears in Heaven

A. Faces the Dragon

B. Brings up the man-child

1. Gets the morning star

2. Caught unto the throne

II. A beast rises from the sea

A. Unto a leopard, feet of a bear, mouth of a lion

B. Dragon gives him power and authority

III. Lamb stands on the hill

A. Voice of Harpers

B. Sung a new song before the throne

1. Dark Angel says Babylon is fallen, is fallen

IV. Seven Vials

A. Euphrates in the sky

1. Three unclean spirits

B. Babylon falls

1. To give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath

V. Woman in purple scarlet

A. She becomes the Witch Catching Deity

B. She uninvolved God to show her precious stones

1. She writes "mystery" on her forehead to uninvolved god leaving his light a mystery as she becomes the Witch Catching Deity

VI. An unclean and hateful bird

A. She doubles her work

B. She takes within herself the blood of the prophets

1. She represents everyone who is slain

VII. A white horse

A. Old and Faithful

B. The beast and the white horse taken

VIII. Lays hold on the dragon

A. Bound the demon and the false prophet

B. Cast them in to the fire

IX. Jerusalem coming down from heaven

A. A bride adorned for her husband

B. The Wall, her precious stones, and the foundations

C. The city needing no light

D. The Tree of Life

Table of Contents


A Note for the Author

A Note for the Editor

How to use this book




Table of Contents

Woman of Heaven

The End of the Spanish Trail

The Visitation of Jesus

Photograph of stones




Emerald (Bixbite)









Unglazed Pottery

Libated Pottery

Vessel of a Potter

Snowflake Pottery

B.C. Pottery

Petrified Pottery

Hohokam Pottery

Shell Tempered Pottery Fragment

Marble Pottery

Basalt Arrowhead

Chryscolla Arrowhead

Jacinth Spear Tip

Opal Arrowhead

Schist Arrowhead

Agua Fria National Monument

Location pictures

Mining pictures

Here's a link to a PowerPoint in my Google Docs.

Below is a link to "Mysterious Mineral Collection" subpage 2.

Creative Commons License

Mysterious Mineral Collections by Rodney Soroka is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at

Copyright Registration Number- TXu 1-961-662 Effective Date of Registration: December 23, 2014