The Fudge Factory

The Fudge Factory

The following manuscript called “The Fudge Factory” is a story about two gay bosses who terrorize every one of their employees with asking them out on dates. Of course, most of this story happens out in Fudge Town, U.S.A. which is in the middle of nowhere. And he is sort of out of place being in a small city and all which makes him and his twins stick out like a sore rear.

The setting starts off with the main character Barney on his way to his job where he will meet up with his co-whore partner Bert. They have a twitch which is being untrustworthy to one another while on the one hand trying to act loyal to each other. Nevertheless the setting is around their employment called "The Fudge Factory” where they both boss many employees gluing chocolate candy boxes together.

There are a few long term temporary associates or employees hanging around when the first scene opens which gives the newcomers someone to ask questions about the place. Most of the newer employees get the run around, although they tend to get the picture eventually. Furthermore the owners have chosen a temporary service called “Just Flirty Chicks” only to make the gay bosses very uncomfortable with a chick like name.

Eventually Barney and Bert begin to ask many other employees on dates even though they are whores when they take roll call at their employment. They are so ridiculous and obvious that everybody and their dog seem to have something to say about them both. Even the head honchos make comments about them as well as the other full-time and temporary employees.

After much time becoming annoyed, one of the temporary employees tells Barney to shove it while also wanting more temporary guys then chicks. By now, Barney is becoming ill with all of the girls walking around the place. Nevertheless he tries to ignore it by asking for more guys as he gets his chance. However they make him angry as he fires the guys and keeps all of the temporary chicks in order to get even in a sort of way.

Yet the owners and Barney realize that they have to have an equal amount of girls as well as guys in order to make the company function. But then again, after a few days nobody shows up for work and there is a picket line of angry temporary workers. Lastly everyone decides to go out for a night on the town.


The manuscript called “The Fudge Factory” begins with Barney making his way to work in order to be on time. This is just another one of his usual days thinking about things that drive the other bosses crazy. Nonetheless he never seems to think anything of it regardless of what the other people or even the bosses think. He carries on with a care free attitude as though he is invincible.

His day starts off just like any other day which results in people shunning him and wondering what he is even looking at. Sometimes his eyes are a giveaway as he tries to make his way to work without any cares in the world. But everyone around him has cares as he sticks out like a sore thumb trying to carry on with his own personal business.


The scene starts off with Barney, a gay boss who works with a fudge factory packing company, driving to work to meet his co-whore Bert. In the meantime while driving along; Barney is listening to his favorite radio station. There are also people walking down and up the street and of course, Barney can’t keep his eyes on them. At first, Barney sees what looks like a long haired hippie, although when he passes he notices it’s a chick and gets depressed like he’s losing his touch.

Then the radio plays his favorite commercial on the radio air waves as Barney listens hearing, “We’re having men’s and men’s night till 1:00am in the morning at you want to tie your boyfriend up to one, “Bed Knobs!”

And then another voice over with a different voice comes about saying, “And for all of you women out there we are having dollar drink specials if you’re not drinking on the job!”

Soon Barney says a loud in his car while driving to work alone, “Man, I’d drink any man’s job!”

Momentarily Barney stops to get some gas at a local convenience store where there are more guys around than girls. And right away he has trouble parking because he too busy checking out other guys rears nearly hitting the bumper posts at the side of the pump. After Barney parks next to a gas pump in order to get some gas before going to work along with getting some morning munchies, he heads inside turning towards ever male rear he sees like they were special from each other or something gay like that perhaps.

Just at that time, a cheerleader all dressed up hot like turns walking out of the convenience store watching Barney do his gay things and stuff as she licks her lips to him which turns him off. Barney looks again as he nearly trips over the curb in front of the store as she laughs along with a few other local girls who have seen him around here and there occasionally.

Thereafter the local cheerleader says to Barney before heading through door bumping in to other guys purposely like, “Hey, watch it fudge packer boy!”

Many more seconds pass by and Barney finds his self in line with some other guys. One of the guys in line is buying a thirst buster or a large 40 ounce drink while Barney checks out his cleavage. The guy turns around and notices Barney checking him out and says, “What are you looking at chump?”

The next guy gets in line while his girlfriend approaches with a bag of chips and a drink while Barney looks back and forth at the both of them. Of course, the guy’s girlfriend pays no attention to Barney until he checks out her boyfriend’s rear while looking back at him. And there’s no doubt that she had heard what the previous customer had said.

Immediately without any further hesitations whatsoever before things with Barney get way too out of hand while standing in line at the convenience store, the girlfriend of the dude shrills out loudly, “Hey, get your own man!”

Straight forth all of the other customers and the store clerk are catching some attention from Barney and his ill facets of behaving. Soon Barney finds his self-face to face with the convenience store clerk as he wonders what he came there for in the first place. It’s almost like being eccentric has spoiled his thinking process nevertheless.

Later, after staring him down a few moments or so, the convenience store clerk asks’ Barney, “What gas pump?”

Afterwards a woman standing behind Barney says out loud, “Are you here to pump gas or every male rear in the store?”

“Yes, I’m here to gas up!” Barney says back to the convenience store clerk.

“Well, you’re looking very well dressed and premium today!” The convenience store clerk says trying to make some funny conversation to this everyday customer.

“I always look premium for you.” He says to the convenience store clerk trying to be a funny homo.

The convenience store clerk looks back at him strangely as many other customers wonder what the holdup is in the line of the convenience store.

“No, any regular man or gas will do for me!” Another comment comes forth as Barney hands him the money so that he can gas up and leave for his employment.

Quickly Barney chooses a gas pump and then leaves as a many customers look and stare as if they know him even though they try to pretend that they don’t know him for that reason or other. And even the convenience store clerk makes it obvious to the many other customers as he stares back at Barney’s rear. He does this trying to make a mockery of the entire façade like scene in his convenience store when it’s his shift.

Eventually Barney makes back to the parking lot as many strangers and customers laugh staring at him the entire time. Barney stares back licking his lips like he wants something from them all as they chuckle making light remarks that are barely heard. Finally Barney makes his way back to the rear of his car which is the favorite part of his car, of course.

Then he opens his flip-flop door of his gas nozzle as he licks his finger afterwards tasting the gas. A few patrons are watching while they are bored filling up their tanks of their vehicles. There is one customer with a Dodge like Hemi motor getting a good amount on the gas pump next to him.

Barney turns to check others out as they stare back while finishing up their task of getting gas at the pump. A few females are staring from another pump that ends up giggling at Barnet because he doesn’t seem to fit in with anyone around. He is sort of like a clunker at muscle car auction in their eyes so to speak.

After another moment or so, Barney turns around looking across the street for anything else to stare at. He then tries to diffuse the embarrassment by finishing up with the gas pumping so that he can do some pumping and thinking at work. The last thing Barney sees is another girl pumping gas across the way that makes him feel disgusted.

Lastly there is another guy pumping gas who tries to act sexy like back to Barney as Barney sucks his thumb trying to turn the chick’s eyes away. Barney puts the pump away and then sucks his thumb again on the way back to his driver door of the car. Barney starts his car while sucking his left thumb and looking out the car window checking out another man who has pulled up and is walking inside. Luckily that man doesn’t notice Barney checking him out or he might be upset of something like that.

Meanwhile Barney pulls out of the convenience store while a local sheriff drives by putting on Chap Stick and wearing blush looks at him with a suspicious look. At first, Barney isn’t sure if that’s a come on from the sheriff or if he really does look suspicious to them being gay and all. And for a moment Barney thought about blowing him a kiss, but he doesn’t want one of those acting like a nuisance ticket in public. Nonetheless Barney turns and heads for work to meet up with his co-whore Bert at the Fudge Packer.

Meanwhile outside of “The Fudge Packer” plant, Cindy who is a temporary from the “Just Flirty Chicks” Temporary Service is sitting down on the curb next to the grass on the side of the driveway next to the building. There are so many gnats that are flying around that she is shewing them off of her left and right. And at about that time, two new temporary dudes from the “Just Flirty Chicks” Temporary Service arrive and approach Cindy who is shewing the gnats away.

The first to approach is Jay with his friend Roy as Jay looks back to Roy and laughs at her swatting her face and stuff while he looks back to Roy about to laugh as he says, “Having troubles?”

Right away, Cindy looks up at the both of them and says, “No.”

“Shew!” As she swats and tries to push some more gnats away from her face and shoulders.”

Then Cindy gets even angrier while calling out, “This job is gay!”

Right at that moment, Barney pulls up along with his co-whore Bert who pulls up and parks next to him. Immediately Barney and Bert both get out of their cars and approach one another as they get closer to one another.

Jay wonders what she means by asking, “So why is this job so gay?”

Then Roy sees Barney and Bert holding hands as they both walk towards the entrance of “The Fudge Factory” Company as Roy questions Cindy, “And who’s that, and why are they holding hands?”

Then Jay asks out loud with some other dudes nearby that are new and laughing, “Why do they walk like that?”

And without any further hesitations whatsoever Cindy answers back saying, “Oh, those are our bosses; they are both gay like boyfriend and boyfriend!”

Afterwards Roy inquiries about the company little by asking Cindy, “Is that why they call it “The Fudge Packer?”

And Jay realizes that he said the wrong name saying, “Its “The Fudge Factory!”

For a stupid answer Cindy says, “Well, then the company could be named after them both.”

And of course, Jay can only crack up as he comes out saying, “A place with some fudge packers.”

Next Cindy can only make her own little joke saying, “I told you; this place is so gay. Like there wasn’t anything else and not to mention that I’ve been stuck here at this gay place for a while now.”

Finally Roy decides that they better check in so that they can get started on time as he says, “Well, we better get inside and get situated so we can earn some money!”

Then Jay says, “Yes, we need to get some days in regardless of these weirdo bosses.”

And after that, Cindy decides to go inside as well saying, “Yes, it is about that time, huh to put up with all of the idiots at this place.”

Moments pass by and Cindy helps Jay and Roy out by saying, “Hey, hand that supervisor your time “Just Flirty Chicks” time card because he is straight like and arrow.”

Surely Roy and Jay listen to what Cindy is saying as the supervisor takes their time card and direct them with Cindy to a bunch of tables with chocolate cardboard boxes which are ready to be glued together so that they can ready them for their production line. Roy and Jay see the glue guns hanging there along with some other employees who are eager to work. There is also a table of chocolates with some employee sneaking one in to his mouth while trying to hide it as Cindy notices.

Right away, Cindy tells Roy and Jay because of some other chocolates nearby which are ready to be hand placed in to the boxes, “And don’t try and eat anything or you will get fired!

Next Roy and Jay look at the guy try and hide stuffing his face as they pay good attention to what Cindy is saying to them. And at that time Barney and his co-whore Bert are already taking roll a many good yards away with everyone waiting. Barney looks around for some new meat along with the old male meat that has just been hired.

As he starts to look at the roll call list, which are the names of people there to work for the day, Barney notices the new crowd saying, “I was done watching and flirting with those other guys from before.”

Next Barney’s co-whore Bert is wondering about the new temporary employees on the list before saying from Barney’s comment as he chuckles lightly, “Looks like there are some new slices of meat sent from the temporary meaty department.”

At first Barney says like a gay faggot as he co-whore listens quietly, “Mike, that’s too manly of a name for me! Jake he’s got a limp. Suzy, she’s a female. Tom, he has a bald spot. Marty, he has freckles. Al that name sounds very hot and sexy. Roy and Jay, we’ll check them out.”

Barney’s co-whore Bert starts laughing like he is to Barney what a side kick is to superhero even though they aren’t any superhero as Barney says, “Wesley, he’s a hunk. He’s a cutie pie! I’ll make him head of QC, Quality Control because man he has some product there under his belt. I especially like his fish necklace and he can wear it when I take him out on dates. But he wears it when he’s out fishing in the moonlight.”

The co-whore looks out towards the crowd while laughing where there are a few employees waiting at a fudge packaging table while others are standing at the fudge packing table where they put the chocolates in. Of course, they have to wear rubber gloves which are pinkish in color and everyone finds that so gay as well.

Meanwhile back at “The Flirty Chicks” Temporary Service the employees are laughing at some of the guys they sent Barney as “The Flirty Chicks” Boss named Stan says, “What do you think about those ugly guys we sent those gay clowns.”

Then one of the other employees named Stacy says, “I think the one with the fake hip ought to turn them both off a bit!”

Next another employee named Lisa says, “Why would some gay dudes come here where we mostly send females because guys are lazy anyhow?”

Soon “The Flirty Chicks” Temporary Service Boss says about that comment, “Because guys and especially gay guys can’t save their money because they’re too busy buying their boyfriends gifts all the time. Basically, they are spending thrifts.”

Finally Stacy decides to ask a question asking, “How do “The Fudge Factory” owners handle them do you think, “I don’t know; I never met them or asked them out on a date!”

They all look together and laugh like it was an inside joke meant for all of them to squander everything about the games they are playing with the gay guys. And not to leave out the fact that there are other places with gays which they treat with the same respect which is to send who they have available. And those people aren’t always the best looking when it comes to idiots in the workforce.

Minutes later, they are still chuckling and laughing like it was so funny that companies out there can want specific people right off the bat on the whimsical of a moment. And there are so many companies that require prior experience through places such as temporary services before hiring someone full time or permanent that they have a chance to use the system to their advantage of an inside joke.

Meanwhile a few employees can hear Barney calling roll call while his co-whore Bert is laughing wondering which ones he would like to hit on or ask out on dates. So far, Bert is nothing more than some background laughing as though there were some laughing signs up from a comedy show sitcom audience or something of that nature.

They all look around wondering what is going on while some employees look at each other with that drop face mouth and chin while shrugging their shoulders. And as they are confused as to what kind of job they were sent on, many of the new temporary employees don’t care as long as they can stand around and does nothing like most lazy people in the generations of today.

Of course, Wesley heard his name, though he only heard some of the comment, although he knows the routine with these bosses or line leads that have a normal daily occurrence. Some of the other full time temporary employees look at Wesley being glad that they were talking about him rather than them.

Then before Barney and Bert come to greet the new temporary employees and the new employees at the line of tables’ lines up for fudge packing, Barney makes another remark, “I would like to give some of these new temporary employees some new private lessons.”

And after hearing that, Barney’s co-whore Bert says in regards to what Barney has said, I bet they would all like that………..some private lessons!”

Then as they approach the tables where some new employees are waiting, Bert makes a comment really quickly saying, “I really like having guys box our chocolates rather than the girls!”

Then Roy gets sort of angry from standing around doing nothing as he says to Jay and Cindy brought them to the table in the first place about Barney and Bert screwing their time around, “Are we going to get to work or watch you flirt?”

Right away a few other newcomer dudes and girls chuckle and laugh like that was really funny. Then Barney steps up and introduces himself to the temporary associates saying, “Hello everyone, this is the Fudge Factory where we make boxes and then place them on the chocolate assembly line where our line employees and line help fill the boxes and stack pallets and many features which offer our products.”

Right away, one of the other new employees named Charlie says to some other newcomer temporary girls, “Sounds like a gay job!”

Then Jay makes a comment about that saying in a light tone of voice, “That’s what she said outside.”

The temporary employees all find their place on the line while Cindy sort of help them out as Barney says, “Cindy will show you how to get things up and running as she starts the line and gets you all started together as I collect all of your temporary employment time cards. I will sign them at the end of every week so that you can turn them in and get paid every Friday. Or you can collect your card for daily pay if you’re ever short on money.”

Then one of the more experienced temporary employees named Mike says, “That Barney likes things hard up and running and that’s for sure!”

Then another temporary employee Dave says with a light tone of voice, “They should be showing them what to do instead of having Cindy doing it!”

Suddenly Mike makes a rebuttal about his last comment saying, “Barney and Bert are always just trying to use other chicks to arouse the guys so they can play their games.”

Then Bert starts laughing at all of the guys checking and looking at Cindy’s rear as she bends over to pick up some more boxes to put together. She has a few together as a few other temporary employees try it out as Cindy puts another one together by folding it together on the sides before grabbing a glue gun to glue the sides down.

The guys all watch as she uses the glue gun which looks hard to do, although a few other try it out before placing some perforated bottom liners and some perforated liners that separate the chocolate candies from one another. Then Barney turns to Bert and laughs as everyone wonders what their trip is considering that only Roy and Jay know and realize that they are different meaning fay.

Then another temporary employee named Roger, who has been there a few weeks or so already starts to laugh mentioning, “I’m sure they’ll all and I mean especially the gay bosses like Barney and Bert staring at them all day like they’re some male lingerie ad in some department store catalog.”

Right away, Mike makes another smart Alek remark saying, “Yes, he’ll take them all for a lingerie ad that looks like they have poop stains all over their clothes rather than stocking and packing fudge.”

Next Dave makes a funnier comment as to Cindy using the glue gun as she holds it like it were a sexual organ as Barney says with his hand cupped to his co-whore Bert, I bet the guys all like watching Cindy use the glue gun like it were a dill strap or something!”

Finally as a closing to their wits, Roger can only say considering he’s seen Cindy stretched and flaunt her cleavage like it were a daily public peep show. However he has been checking out some of the other chicks working around the place, even though many of them don’t stay along because of the sexual predations coming from Barney and Bert the so called Fudge Packers, as they are nicknamed.

However Roger and the other temporary employees figure that Cindy is just and only trying to make the two Fudge Factory employees, who are gay or bisexual, angry to a point. And some of the other female temporary employees, who have been hired recently and in the past, have been seen trying to freak out the Fudge Factory bosses as well with the way they walk and shake their rears sexy like around the business establishment.

Finally after watching Cindy perform the task several times as many of the new comer temporary associates, Roy looks at her as she does everything so perfect except for a few idiosyncrasies as far as guys with smirks on their faces. He is ready to try it along with the others as he thinks about saying something.

Soon he decides to make a comment regarding watching Cindy rather than being put to work right away by saying, “That’s looks easy and sleazy enough!”

Quickly Cindy stops by placing another prepared chocolate candy box in a stack as she says in response to Roy’s comment, “Nobody calls my work sleazy!”

Right then, Barney and Bert start laughing considering that they enjoy hearing the women being put down when they are out for the sexy guys who are sent to work temporarily here at their Fudge Factory establishment. Nonetheless Barney stands there with Bert watching Cindy making sure that she is training them right considering that he is too busy with a preoccupied mind.

Then after glancing for a moment, Barney asks everyone standing around like they are already trained, “Do you all see what to do know?”

Then one of the temporary associates named Becky says, “Yes, I think we caught on to the rhythm of things around here!”

And hurriedly Barney and Bert turn around and leave like they are busy trying to or wanting to do something else. But of course, everyone starts working trying to get the idea of what to do as Cindy seems to continue to lead the way so to speak. Another fact is that the temporary associates feel that these dudes or fay bosses are strange or lazy as they all appear to be confused a bit.

Consequently Roy wonders what Barney and Bert did with their time cards that they need to return whenever they want to receive cash as he asks the other temporary employees, “So where does Barney and Bert keep our time cards?”

Moments later, one of the Dave makes a normal comment which wasn’t meant to be funny at all saying, “I guess they keep the time cards in their drawers!”

Next Becky thinks that that sounds very weird that they would keep the time cards in their drawers or is her mind afar off as she asks, “You mean to tell me that those dudes keep our time cards down their pants?”

Afterwards Dave tries to correct his last line of dialogue by correcting, “Well, I meant in his desk drawers or maybe on top of their desks somewhere, unless they share a desk!”

Quickly Jay carries on as though he thought something out of the ordinary considering that he knows what Cindy told them about them as he says, “Oh, I thought you meant down their drawers too.”

Straightaway Becky wonders why they would share a desk anyhow asking, “Why would they share a desk anyways, can’t they each afford their own desk? I just want to get paid; I just hope they aren’t out their pawning off their office furniture or something to pay me for my time.”

Becky fans her face as she tries to make a point about her stupidity of having any comprehension whatsoever in fact. Most of the temporary employees shut-up wondering what kind of joint they are working at even though none of them know the truth about the place as of yet.

However a ways away the “Just Flirty Chicks” Temporary Service receives a call from Barney who had just left the line and is no longer paying any attention to it at the moment. The phone rings and rings for a moment and then there is an operator telling him to hold on a second or so. It takes a minute at least until Stacy answers the call waiting.

Immediately Stacy says as she picks up the telephone, “Just Flirty Chicks” Temporary Service!”

Quickly Barney says, “Yes, this is the Fudge Factory and I was wondering if you could send a few more temporary employees out tomorrow because we had a few that didn’t show back up today?”

Straight forth Stacy returns her answer to Barney as she says, “Yes, we can hook you up with a few more temporary employees for tomorrow, no problem!”

And right then, a late temporary employee named Kate shows up finally as she enters Barney and Bert’s office while saying, “Sorry I’m late, I was in a car accident and someone rear ended me!”

Right away, Kate shows a police report to prove she has an excuse because there really was an accident and she isn’t lying nonetheless. Barney and Bert both just glance at it considering that they really do believe her anyhow. Then they both wonder if she is alright regardless of their cultures of life that are odd for any reason.

Now Barney says to Kate, “Well, most accident happens when someone hits your rear end!”

Then Kate turns like they were saying something kinky to her as they refrain from giggling this time. She leaves and exits the office as she then heads for the production line that is around the corner. However she can’t believe their comment and is confused to some extent considering that she was really in an accident anyways.

Then as Kate makes her way around the corner, she makes a remark softly that only she can ear saying. “What a gay retard?”


Unexpectedly break time is near and everyone is getting anxious to catch a breather for the quarter part of the shift being through. A few more moments roll around as everyone seems agitated and anticipated for something to snack on or whatever. And then suddenly break time is called as Wesley stops working while saying, “Break time, everyone!”

Immediately Roy is ready for a smoke break along with a soda and so is his friend Jay who has been anxiously waiting to cure his nicotine habit. In fact, sometimes they even dip tobacco such as with a spittoon, no because they are like cowboys and swallow their spit. Of course, that is a deterrent right there with any inappropriate behavior that would be funny to laugh at in their world of terms.

Nevertheless Roy is the first to make a comment saying, “Time for a smoke break!”

Meanwhile Jay thinks about what Kate said about some mini thins or nose dose saying, “I think at lunch we should stop and get some of them mini thins or nose dose so that we can watch our behinds around here?”

Thereafter they both head to the soda machine and each look to see what they want to drink for first break. Roy and Jay both look at the selection wondering what they want to drink. However another management employee approaches the soda machine and cuts them off by jumping in front of them.

The gay management employee looks to the selection and picks a soda and makes a wise crack as he takes his soda, “A Mr. Pecker!”

Jay wonders what he heard since he didn’t hear him all so clear commenting after the gay management employee walks away as he says, “He’s going to go back in the office and play with his pecker?”

Then Roy says, “Are you sure that’s what he said?”

Next they get their sodas while jay says, “I just made that up; but he said something like that!”

Now Roy says back to his friend, “Let’s hurry up and have a smoke really quick like.”

And as they walk outside to the smoking area, Cindy walks up from behind both Roy and Jay asking, “Can I have a smoke?”

Right at that time, they both reach the smoking area Roy decides to be the one to give her a cigarette saying, “Yes, here’s a manly cigarette! What did you run out?”

After that Cindy answers Roy by telling him, “No, I usually just bum cigarettes instead of buying them!”

Jay looks at her after lighting his cigarette and says, “But you had one earlier!”

Finally Cindy says, “Yes, and I bummed that one too!”

Roy and jay sort of look at each other like they hope that she doesn’t continue to ask for cigarettes, although Roy and Jay both want to get laid. And Roy has been checking out Kate while Jay has been checking Cindy so far. However Cindy wonders what they are doing after work and Jay takes this as a hint by thinking up something to say back to her.

Now Cindy asks them both, “So what are you both doing today after work?”

Roy is polite by allowing his friend to answer that question considering that he was checking out Kate as he says, “Probably kick back at home and listen to some tunes or practice the drums while he practices the guitar!”

Immediately Cindy tries to get in with them saying, “I can sing!”

Right away, jay takes the chance at saying, “Really, are you good?”

At that moment, she burps and then says, “Maybe, I could come over and sing a few with you?”

Next Jay thinks that is a great idea replying, “Sure, what about after work today!”

With some gladness Cindy comes back telling them both, “Sure that would be great jamming with you both after work!”

And without any further hesitations Roy wonders if she has any friends that play the bass asking, “Do you have any girlfriends that play the bass?”

Cindy retorts to them both, “No, but I have a friend that plays the tambourine!”

Roy and Jay look at each other and laugh thinking well who couldn’t but then again they want some poontang coming back with, “Okay, that’s bitching!”

Cindy takes the last hot boxing drag from her cigarette which makes Jay nearly go crazy as she blows it out saying, “Well, breaks almost over with and I have to drain the creek!”

Now Cindy turns around after flicking her cigarette in the ash tray and then she heads to the bathroom. Roy and Jay both take their last drags and turn back as well thinking about the conversation. Of course, they both doubt that Cindy will come over after work but then who knows maybe she will unexpectedly.

Jay asks Roy wanting to get laid as he asks him, “Do you think she’ll come over?”

Roy comes back with his answer saying, “Well, I don’t know unless she is a tease!”

Straight away Jay and Roy head back to the line while finishing their soda drinks. Many of the other Fudge Packer Temporary Employees are standing around talking. They are in little groups here and there laughing and giggling about their topics. Some of them are overheard talking about Barney and Bert and how they are peculiarly strange and eccentric.

Finally Jay and Roy make their way back to the line as some of the other fall in one by one trying to make their way back from break time. Some of them are straggling as they stumble from being out in their vehicles taking shots of their liquor perhaps. Momentarily the Fudge Packing Line begins again and everyone is back to work with their daily tasks of the shift.

Roy looks to Jay wondering if the bosses all took their break meaning Barney and Bert who are cooped up in their blinded windowed office saying, “Do those bosses ever come out and take a break?”

Jay comes back with a funny line saying, “Maybe, they took a break and one of them rolled over and fell asleep.”

Roy laughs and so does Dave as he overhears his comment as Dave carries on with a remark, “That was funny what you said; maybe that was just a snack for them both before lunch time!”

Then Kate says to them all as she starts working seriously, “Get to work you clowns!”

Of course, Wesley makes a wise crack to her from the other side of the line saying, “Yes, mam boss!”

Then Dave makes a comment to Roy with a light tone of voice, I wish she was our boss?”

At that time, Jay asks really lightly as Kate and Cindy are really acting like they are busting ass asking lightly, Why is that?”

Right away, Dave says, “Then we can get rid of these gay bosses and get a strip tease!”

Roy right away laughs, “Huh, huh, huh; strip tease, I have bills to pay!”

Jay comes in with a line quickly adding, “So do I, we all have bills to pay!”

And with some comic retaliation on the subject, Roy says, “Who cares about bills? I’ll just put my bills in her G-string and call it a day!”

Roy and Jay laugh while they chuckle a second while Kate glances wondering what that was all about as she says fast like, “I heard that!”

Then Kate comes back with some sense, of course, saying, “You know; I have bills to that I have to pay. I have my rent, I have my car insurance, I have my abortion payments to make and that’s three of those bills that have racked up!”

Then Cindy comes in thinking that that’s okay considering what kind of payments she has to make every month as she counters, “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one; I have my sex clinic payments to make which happened with my last boyfriend!”

Next Kate carries on asking about that as she queries, “Oh yah, and what happened there if you don’t mind me asking?”

While all of the Fudge Packer Temporary Employees listen in with an eavesdropping attitude, Cindy carries on saying, “Well, my ex-boyfriend had something crawling around his you know what and I freaked out and took him straight down to the sex clinic. He swore up and down that he didn’t have anything and then when he came out of the sex clinic positive for crabs I took the clinic furniture and thrashed that office furniture nearly killing him. That will teach a boyfriend to lie to me about being with someone else and getting something!”

Surely after that Kate comes in with some words kindling, “Sounds like you have had quite the experience!”

Finally Cindy answers her back with everyone eavesdropping and listening in on the conversation, “Yes, I sure had quite the chance to thrash on some crab fishing and that’s for sure!”

Suddenly lunch time begins to roll around and Barney is getting very hungry and so is his friend co-boss and co-whore Bert. Of course, their lunch hour is at any time they want because they are spoiled little gay retarded brats anyways. Nonetheless Bert had prepared some lunch not only for him but for his co-whore partner Barney that he thinks of as a lover rather than only a worker that he spends his time with mostly.

But before Barney even says anything about lunch time coming around, he can only fathom his eyes back to the crowd thinking about how he wants fewer girls like Cindy and Wendy and only more guys for him and Bert to be able to flirt their gay espionage on to. And for several moments Barney can only look through the blinds of their office and glance off at the lines with the chocolate fudges that they are making.

As he glances off Barney notices one of the male employees putting a piece of chocolate fudge in his mouth while trying to eat it. He even acts as though he isn’t doing anything wrong as some other temporary employees wonder if that is alright as he tries to chew and suck on it without anybody else noticing.

However Barney notices while turning to his co-whore Bert to point at this individual while saying out loud in the blinded windowed office, “Hey look at how that temporary employee puts the pieces of chocolate fudge in his mouth and then he glances off to the other temporary employees as though there is nothing wrong. I guess either he is a gay dude or he thinks it is lunch time, I suppose!”

At this point in time, all Bert can do is look through the blinded windowed office and start to giggle like a weird little faggot laughing, “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Then Barney decides to come up with another wise crack line for his friend Bert by candidly expressing, “You know what I have in mind for his lunch, huh?”

Of course, right away, Bert starts laughing like he knows and realizes exactly what Barney is referring to with his speech. And he does this by thinking of the temporary employee lying between their crotches eating a faggot sub sandwich or something like that. Then Barney starts really laughing while being a queer and all nonetheless.

Then Bert tries to come out speaking his words out loud by saying funny like in a way, “A six inch sub sandwich!”

Now they both can’t help but start laughing together like they are some comedy house or something like that trying to keep the crowd loving it. In fact, they are laughing so hard that the temporary employees can hear them giggling and nearly choking to death as they say other funny lines to one another like it were a hysterical aftermath of the situation.

The temporary employee that Barney was watching eating some chocolate looks towards the office behind the glass windows while saying to the others, “What’s with those bosses; is that all they do sit in there and giggle to themselves?”

Next Jay adds in really quickly, “They are probably in there playing with themselves or packing each other’s fudge!”

Another temporary employee makes a quickened quote about the both of them by adding, “They sound like a bunch of geeks!”

Next Roy looks that way while overhearing the conversation at the other end of the line by carrying on the conversation, “That’s because they’re gay!”

Then another temporary employee freaks out about that saying something along the lines of, “What; those bosses are gay and they work around here in a fudge packing plant!”

Next his friend, who he met at the temporary staffing facility place, decides to drivels, “I had a feeling about them dudes almost like they were married the way they be laughing together like Siamese Laughing Twins or something or other.”

The chocolate fudge eating temporary employee comments, “I knew there was something going on between them two dudes; but I didn’t think they were fudge packers; if you know what I mean jelly bean. Don’t be wise bubble eyes. Understand rubber-band!”

Then Kate walks in to the last part of the line butting in with, “And just drops off the key Lee, and set you free!”

And Jay says something funny along the lines of speaking, “We definitely don’t need a key of whatever those two are using because it’s probably a gay drug that they’re using. And what does she think she is a juke box?”

Then Dave comes across with some insight to the lame ordeal of a job by talking, “What about the owners of the place; are they straight!”

Then Roy butts in to the line of speech, “What do you think; what kind of owners would hire two gay extremists anyways?”

Next the chocolate fudge eating temporary employee makes and astonishing comic line which almost like an astonishing magic trick as he says, “Ones that are gay themselves probably!”

Then Barney comes out after reading their lips while yelling out, “Alright, enough chit-chatting around out there and get back to work and don’t eat any of our chocolate fudge!

Next Bert whispers to Barney when he turns back in to the office that is surrounded by blinds, “I know what chocolate fudge we have in mind for them! Our own personal chocolate fudge”

And after Barney says that, Bert starts laughing hysterically like it was funny when Barney tried to be a man faggot. Next they both just start cracking up and giggling together while the chocolate fudge temporary workers look round at about each other in total confusion.

Right away Cindy makes a slight comment while doing her job on the chocolate fudge line saying, “Man, those gay bosses sure get feisty when they’re angry!”

Soon Wesley comes in saying something from down the production line a little bit chatting, “At first, I wasn’t sure if I accepted a job or a date!”

Everyone looks away from Wesley like he’s strange and from another planet or something as he focuses back on his work while someone whispers, “Shush; Barney has the hots for him!”

Then Dave chats to Jay and Roy really quick making a blasphemed comment, “That’s okay that there are fay dudes around because it’s better that way because then there are more hot chicks on this line for us. And we don’t have these bosses hitting on any of them!”

Next Roy makes a remark regarding Dave’s comment adding, “Unless they are lesbo’s!”

Of course, figures that’s even better for him because then he can have two chicks instead of one as he answers back, “That’s even better because two chicks is better than one chick anyways!”

Right away, Jay wonders if Dave and his big mouth can live up to their game by asking, “Why have you ever done it with two chicks?”

But Dave can only think for a moment before coming back with the real truth of the story at hand by detailing, “Oh, well not really! Why have you!”

Now Jay can only give the shoulders like they are saying never when he comes back telling, “No, not that I can think of, I guess!”

Soon Dave looks at Roy wondering if he has ever slept with two chicks considering that he had to open his big mouth and was shunned at the same time jousting, “And you Roy?”

Suddenly Roy thinks for a brief second like he doesn’t want to come up with an answer, but then he says, “Uh, almost!”

There’s no doubt that others had heard what he said as Wesley had been listening in as he asks, “What do you mean almost?”

Before Roy can say anything, he decides to look around to make sure that there aren’t you know any you know around just as he twiddles a line, “Well, I almost a two chicks several different times; but it got screwed up!”

The chocolate fudge eating temporary dude wonders how he could manage to do that by swindling some words, “How could you screw up getting screwed by two chicks?”

Seconds after that Cindy comes in to the conversation adding, “I made it with two chicks once!”

Roy immediately answers her saying, “Oh really?”

“I was drunk!” Cindy says with a snorkeling laugh.

Still everyone is looking at Roy waiting for his explanation while working about how he screwed up with trying to lay two chicks asking, “Well!”

A few others ask which propels Roy to tell his story saying, “Well, one time a friend invited me to go over to where two chicks were and my friend got in to them right away. I was kind of turned off because they weren’t what I had in mind. Plus the guy thing; I’m not in to that. So when he was waving me over, there were two other hot babes that I knew across the street who were flirting with me and seen me go inside!”

And without any further hesitation, Kate laughs and says, “Oh yes, those hot girls really wanted you?”

Then Roy is like, “Yes, and they kept laughing saying, “Roy is in there with Monique and Daphne”

Of course, significantly Roy carries on with his story while they all continue their duties on the chocolate fudge line, “And they kept saying that over and over!”

By this time Barney and Bert have overheard the conversation since they are talking so loud and they are giggling lightly as Cindy cuts in to the comedy of it all accumulating, “Wow, sounds like they were really calling out your name, huh?”

And then with getting back to his story, Roy brings in more information saying, “Yes, and then my friend and his chicks were really pissed at that point and threw me out!”

Dave thinks that this is where the story gets better, “And I bet you got out of there and then made it with those two chicks!”

With a turn of twisting the story, “Then they started flirting and asked to ride my skateboard that I rode over on. Then they both darted in to their place and kept my skateboard. So since I had many skateboards I decided to let them have it and maybe one of them will fall and break their necks!”

Wesley makes a comment about that saying, “I sorry to hear that two hot chicks stole you away from some other chicks only to steal your skateboard!”

Becky is now a comedian as she says from a distance away, “At least it wasn’t your virginity, huh?”

Next someone notices that the blinds are partly open with the window cracked to Barney and Bert’s office, as the chocolate fudge eating temporary dude says, “Hey, the bosses have been listening!”

Dave thinks about getting with two chicks as he says, “Who cares; it’s almost lunch time anyways. I was thinking of working only a half day but maybe I’ll work a full one and hit the adult clubs tonight!”

At this time, Roy feels like comparing this reality to a movie by saying, “I feel like I’m in a movie similar to “Horrible Bosses,” but instead it’s “Gay Bosses!”

Right away, Dave says as a comic line, “I don’t think any of them actors or actresses would stoop that low!”

Jay thinks that he’s being watched as he works on the chocolate fudge line chatting, “Who cares; because I feel like I’m being watched by someone!”

Finally Dave says, “This place gives me weepy creeps!”

After thinking about the lame place for a brief moment, Roy looks around and says to the others, “Kind of reminds me of a Texas Whorehouse; of course, one with a gay side to it!”

Then Dave adds a momentum of his self-esteem telling the others on the line, “I have been to a whorehouse before!”

Cindy walks nearby to get something as far as more supplies as she makes a remark, “Well, that’s good for you!”

And he keeps carrying on about his experience as well by telling them all, “Well, it was kind of like a brothel I guess. It was when I and some friends went to Amsterdam a few years back and there were chicks soliciting all over like an all you can eat buffet!”

Next Jay is hoping that it is getting close to lunch time as he changes the subject saying, “Speaking of buffets, when is lunch at because I am way hungrier than a Whorehouse of fat whores?”

But for some reason Dave forgets the coworkers name next to him on the line a few temporary employees over as he says, “Well, there’s this stupid idiot restaurant called “Bimbo’s Pizza” down the street!”

Right away, Kate gets so angry yelling out to Dave with a loud voice that could wake up a coma patient, “Hey; that’s my last name Bimbo you jerk off!”

Wesley over hears that and really starts laughing while Dave sticks up for his slip of the tongue saying, “Sure it is; who would have such a slutty last name that sounds like that?”

Then and there Kate comes back to the scheme of things adding to clarify things, “A person who’s other job is a strip club dancer!”

They all chuckle and laugh without making any sounds, although their lips are only shaking and not moving considering that Kate is hot as hell and they are also chattering their fingernails too.

After that Wesley cuts in to the conversation once again saying, “Well, I hate to burst you G-string, but how do you balance a life between two jobs!”

Right away, Kate can only explain how she really does do it by telling them all as a group of workers, “That’s easy; I take lots of no doze and mini thins!”

Roy looks at jay and says to him, “Sounds familiar, right Jay!

At that point, there is a noise coming from the office behind the blinded windows as the sounds are loud like Bert laughing about the other one in sexual way. The laughs continue on for a few seconds as every one of the temporary employees looks with a smirk like smile on their face that is about to break out in to laughter, although they don’t want to be fired. But what the hell they are all across that line with this topic now anyhow. It’s almost like it had been pushed right in their face this whole entire ideology out of hand.

Before Roy figures that it sounds like it must be good whatever is going on in there as he makes a comment about these weird sexual sounds saying, “Sounds like they are getting it on!”

Then a voice from afar comes as Marty, who has been at the other end of the line with the other experienced Fudge Packer Temporary Employees calls out, “They usually have desert before lunch!”

Afterwards Jay thinks that’s a lot of energy to expel right before lunch saying, “I wonder what they do before dinner each and every night!”

Cindy becomes the funniest one next by adding to the comedy of it all babbling, “I hate to see what they both squealed out before breakfast!”

A few more moments go by while the temporary employees continue working as they watch out for the gay bosses. Soon both Barney and Bert stop making their funny noises while Jay makes a face towards the blinded windowed office. It doesn’t take but a few more seconds there are even more giggles at what must be going on behind that blinded room.

Now Jay makes a remark saying, “Sounds like they stopped!”

Next Roy makes a funny comment saying, “Or they gagged one another!”

Right after that smart Alec like attitude coming from all of them as there are hardly any line leads just some fay run arounds, Barney and Bert come out ready to make it for lunch time. And their laughs are continual as they both leave. Momentarily a few of the other upper management bosses approach while they are holding their arms around each other laughing. There are even a few gals that ae approaching Barney and Bert’s office that are holding hands and have their arms around each other.

All of the Fudge Packer Temporary Employees notice the others and can’t help but just glance and laugh to themselves a little. However it is lunch time now so most of them can only think of where to go for lunch anyhow. Some of them all start to get ready to go to lunch which is the same time for everyone except for a few individuals that have to watch everything and keep removing the chocolate fudge from the line for their lunch time.


Finally Dave looks at everyone else ready to hit their lunch time while heading to the time clocks that are placed around the facility in different places as he says, “Well, its lunch time!”

After that Jay and Roy wonder where they should go for lunch as they slowly head for one of the time clocks. But it seems that Dave has taken off quickly as he thinks about skipping the rest of the day of work anyways. Meanwhile Cindy and Kate hook up for lunch, although Kate doesn’t seem to have much gas left for the week.

Cindy decides to ask Kate for a ride for lunch, “Where are you going for lunch?”

Next Kate decides to explain that she doesn’t have enough gas until she gets tips tonight from her strip club dancing saying, “Well, I’m out of gas and only have enough money for lunch and enough gas to get to my stripping job until I fill my underwear with more green!”

Of course, Cindy talks all bad like as she replies back to Kate with a full understanding of her situation, “I hear babe!”

Cindy puts her hand on her rear in a friendly like way as Kate isn’t sure what to expect, although Kate seems to like it nevertheless. And maybe then Cindy must like women as well. Surely this means that she was something like Kate in Nature as far as this strange place is concerned.

To end with the first half of the shift, Cindy and Kate approach behind Jay and Roy after they clock out at the time clock as Cindy asks, “Hey can we catch I ride with you guys for lunch?”

Right away, Roy wondering if she means the both of them surely asking, “You mean the both of you want to come with us for lunch.”

And for some reason Kate thinks like they are prude or something maybe or shy or something or other jousting, “What did you think we meant someone else other than us hot babes?”

Next Jay uses this as a chance to hit on them saying, “No we are okay eating lunch with some hot babes, not doubt about it!”

Next Cindy makes a comment which is sarcastic like saying, “Good then you two are buying!”

But Roy is like we don’t even know them that well questioning, “What we are buying lunch?”

Then Kate comes in with some sense of making a deal for the week to get through it for her and Cindy saying, “Come on and I’ll buy lunch tomorrow for everyone after I get some tips in my G-string tonight!”

Then Jay makes a comment to Roy lightly without both Kate and Cindy hearing as they approach Roy’s car, “She could serve us lunch from their G-strings, I guess!”

Then Cindy and Kate both say together in unison, “We both heard that!”

Now Roy sticks his car key in the car door asking, “How could you know that she heard it as well as you did, huh?”

Next Kate says, “Don’t worry; we heard that!”

Next Cindy agrees with their coming on to them saying, “We know you are both just some perverted guys!”

Then Roy and Jay both open the back seat doors for Cindy and Kate and then moments later Kate adds, “Don’t worry; we are used to it and it’s alright after putting up with all of the gay crap around this job!”

As the girls get in to the back seat of their Twin Cab Pickup Truck, Jay says back to them both, “Right on; we thought it seemed pretty monotonous around here with these strange bosses hovering around like gay fanatics.”

Then right away Cindy is pretty hungry and in a hurry to get something in her stomach saying, “Come on; we don’t have our entire lives for lunch; we only have forty-five minutes!”

As Roy gets in the car and puts the key in to start the motor, he says, “Well, that’s better than some of the jobs I have had where they only give you thirty minutes and it’s barely enough time to buy something from the Mexican gut wagon that gives you the shits and then you don’t have enough time for a smoke! Do you know what I’m saying?”

By now, Roy has started his car and is in reverse ready to get lunch in a hurry as Kate replies, “Yes, I think we catch your drift, huh!”

Finally Jay is so hungry and just wants to stuff his face with something to eat and he doesn’t really care what it is as long as it is quick and fast saying, “So where are we going to eat?”

Right away, Cindy cracks out a joke about it saying, “Well, we could find something to eat up your rear and around the corner!”

Then Roy comes back very serious like as he backs up so quickly as though he is hungrier than ever before, “No, come on; I’m very serious. I’m so serious that I could eat a horse!”

And after hearing that line come from Roy’s mouth in that sort of tone, Kate decides to make a wise crack to his comment saying, “What did you say that you are so hungry that you could eat some whores?”

But then again, Jay sticks up for his friend regardless of the joke or gesture saying, “That’s not what he said, he said that he is so hungry that he can eat a horse!”

Next Cindy comes back with a smart Alec attitude saying, “Do you mean like you are so hungry that you could eat a whole entire horse, cow, or chicken all by yourself?”

Finally Roy comes back with a serious attitude saying, “No seriously, I am so hungry because we only had time to eat at a convenience store which wasn’t too convenient with all of the bums trying to bum change and cigarettes from us and then not to leave out the fact that they all wanted jobs and had signs looking for jobs. One Mexican dude’s sign said he doesn’t need a job, just a beefy taco and tostada!”

And as they leave the parking lot, Kate says to Roy, “Turn here and go to that plaza at the corner and the sub place is there next to an Asian Massage Parlor!”

Jay is now the funny one as he combats his comic attitude jabbering, “Well, if you want their customers want their subs massaged they will know where to go, right?”

Then Roy batted an eye in, even though he really isn’t swinging a bat at his own eyes until they pop out, but nevertheless Roy jabs, “Well yah; they can go next door and get their salami massaged and sliced and diced!”

Cindy can only jump back in to the scheme of things blurting, “Now, you’re making the Asian Massage Parlor sound like an Asian Butcher Shop!”

Regardless of what Cindy says, Kate carries on with the scheme of things by chit chatting, “That’s okay, because most of them are in there acting like a strip club and having sex like Penthouse!”

As they get close to the Plaza Roy says to Kate and Cindy in the backseat, “We’re almost there!”

And before reaching the plaza where the sub place is at, Roy looks at Jay and gives him a hand signal that Cindy and Kate can’t see that signals them getting laid. Jay signals back with his hand and eye motion which states in a solemn and quiet way, “Yes, dude we got this. We are going to get laid for sure man!”

And then moments later, they all pull up in Roy’s car to the plaza where the Sub place that Kate was talking about is located at. Right away, Roy and Jay noticed that she said there was a sub place but she didn’t say the name. As they pull up Roy and Jay see the name of the sub place next to the Asian Massage Parlor.

Right away, Jay says out loud as he mentions the name in a questionable fashion, of course, “Ferry Subs!”

As Roy looks for a place to park, he glances at the sign connecting the word ferry to gay, or fay right away as he repeats the name of the place out loud, “Ferry Subs!”

Next Kate wonders what’s wrong with that saying, “What’s wrong with that name; it’s not like its gay or something?”

Straight from the get go, Roy defends his honor after getting this entire gay vibes for the day saying, “What do you mean; that the word Ferry isn’t another word for gay?”

After thinking for a second, Kate decides to say considering that she is getting hungry, “Just go in and get some subs for all of this and I’ll buy our lunches tomorrow. I will buy everybody a sub so don’t spasm out!”

Cindy comes out blurting, “We’ll wait here, okay!”

Afterwards Roy asks what they want after closing the car door asking out loud, “So how big of subs do you both want?”

Cindy says out loud first off, “I’ll have a six inch!”

Kate comes in thereafter, “I’ll have a foot long!”

Roy turns and asks, “A foot long!”

Then Cindy says like she’s talking about her wanting a penis since she’s a stripper, “She like them big!”

Now Roy asks them quickly, “What kind of foot long and six inch?”

Kate replies really fast, “Make them meatballs or cold cut combos, either way is okay”

Now Cindy cracks another joke, “Yah sure, I like meaty balls!”

Roy stands there as they start to turn towards the front door of the place as he says, “She likes meaty balls!”

Soon, Roy and Jay enter the “Ferry Subs” place and while walking in to the front door of the sub place Jay says to Roy, “I can’t believe you would ask, ‘How big of subs do you both want like you are talking about what size penises they like! And then the meaty ball line.”

Now Roy counters the attack, “Dude, relax; I’m sure we are both bigger than a six inch sub anyways, so what the hell? And our balls are both meaty enough for these two booby dancer broads. Let’s get the food and work on these broads. I didn’t come to this job to be gay stroked all day neither by some gay ass managers!”

Soon they reach the counter of the “Ferry Subs” establishment and stop and look at the large menu posted behind the counter as one of the employees asks, “Hello, I am fay enough to take your order!”

Succeeding that Jay decides to talk saying, “Well, good and we are fay enough to eat here!”

Roy butts in to the conversation of getting their order right as he says, “Okay, we’ll have one foot long meatball and one six inch meatball. And what do you want?”

Then Jay answers his friend Roy saying, “Oh, I guess I want a foot long with meaty balls; I mean a foot long meatball sub!”

Next the “Ferry Subs” employee says as a joke, “Don’t worry, I want and like meaty balled sandwiches too!”

Finally Roy comes back adding his order quick as a flash saying, “Oh, I’ll have the same!”

Then the “Ferry Subs” employee says to Roy as he looks at the menu board, “So you want a foot long meaty sub and some meaty balls to go with it too?”

Now the “Ferry Subs” Employee laughs a giggle to his self as other employees of the establishment are giggling too, although Roy tries to keep a cool face saying, “Yes, I’ll have the same as my friend instead of joking around about it!”

And there after the “Ferry Subs” employee turns to another employee and says as he begins to prepare his order, “These two look a little on the gay side!”

Both the “Ferry Subs” employees start giggling together like Barney and Bert do as they walk over closer together making motions towards one another. Roy and Jay continue to watch this as though they don’t want them fooling around while making their food and that’s for sure. Roy gives Jay that look like he can’t believe what’s going on with this town. To him it seems like either everyone is either gay or perverted.

A few other customers are sitting around eating who seem to be giggling as well about them both. Roy glances at them and notices a smirk like they are just as gay as them sitting there and also as gay as the “Ferry Subs” employees. However Jay glances too even though they really don’t have any idea of what they are saying about them.

But then, Roy and Jay decide not to make any other comments about the situation other than give strange faces to one another about it. Finally two of the subs have been prepared as the “Ferry Subs” employee finishes up with the sub combos asking, “And do you want any of our special sauce on the sub combos?”

Of course, right away, Roy looks at the “Ferry Subs” employee asking back, “And what is in that special sauce?”

The “Ferry Subs” employee makes his assessment of their secret sauce saying, “It’s our little Asian secret!”

Right then, Jay decides to return with some words saying, “I bet!”

Temporarily the “Ferry Subs” employees continue on with the meat ball subs in order for them to be hot and fresh as one of them states, “And we prepared your meaty ball subs last so they will be hot and fresh just the way you and us all like it. That’s another one of our Asian secrets!”

Then Jay turns to Roy saying as he looks towards some condiments such as napkins and some sauce packages as he blurts out very softly, “Maybe one of their Asian gay secrets!”

Surely Roy can’t leave out the drinks as he says back to the “Ferry Suns” employee, “And add four large Mr. Soda drinks to that order please!”

The “Ferry Subs” employee tells them that they don’t have their drink order saying, “We don’t have Mr. Soda, but we have Mr. Ferry soda!”

Jay butts in while handing his friend some money on the side to cover the bill saying, “Fine; give us four Mr. Ferry Sodas then, please.”

After hearing that soda name on their menu list and ordering four of them, Roy says back to Jay as the “Ferry Subs” employee turns towards making and preparing their order, “Not only Ferry Subs, but they have Ferry Sodas to go with it like a bunch of ferries!”

Meanwhile back at the “Fudge Packer” with Barney and Bert, they are both finishing their lunch as one of them says, “Well, at least we both brought our own lunches again!”

They both hug one another like they have a good lunch eating together as one of them as Bert says, “Yah, for lunch we ate each other!”

Next they both chuckle and giggle as they think that is so funny laughing, “Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah!”

Outside of the blinded windowed office there are a few “Fudge Packer” employees are over hearing them both in their office considering that they are so loud and obnoxious together. They all glance and chuckle pointing at the blinded windowed office like it is funny on hand and then not funny on the other hand. Almost like everyone has a favorite hand to jerk around with each other with so to say in a way.

Then one of the “Fudge Packer” temporary employees says to the others, “I guess it sounds like they both had a gay picnic for lunch!”

And the other one makes a nifty comment saying, “I hate to see them at lunch and dinner together because it would be like a gay smortgageborg!”

Right then and there after that, they all start laughing and chuckling so loud that everyone around the place can hear it including Barney and Bert back in the office. Barney and Bert look at each other like they know and realize that they are being laughed at and told jokes about, although it doesn’t seem to bother them.

Nevertheless they both start to look at each other and chuckle back at one another like it is some sort of game, “Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah!”

Now the scene changes back to the “Ferry Subs” place where Roy and Jay have finally received their orders as Roy says, “Thanks!”

The “Ferry Subs” employee returns with some words saying to Roy and Jay as they turn around to leave, “Come again and again!”

Then Jay says something to Roy as they open the doors heading outside blabbing out, “Sounds like they have had too much of their own secret Asian sauce!”

“Come again and again” Roy comments copying and mimicking the line.

Jay responds back to his friend Roy, “I know they sound like a bunch of ferries!”

Consequently Roy comments as they walk to back to their sides of the car, “They don’t call it “Ferry Subs” for nothing!”

Right away, Cindy and Kate are wondering what took so long as Kate asks of them both, “So what took so long; did they have to give each other a hand job to break out a meal combo deal and warm up their meatballs or something?”

By now, Cindy has a very funny line communicating, “Did they have to go in the back room and make some more of their secret Asian sauce by jerking it from one another?”

Jay gets in to the car and closes the car door while Roy does the same as Jay says, “You have just ruined my appetite!”

This instant Kate makes another funny comment saying to them all as a joke, “Well, that have to make that secret Asian sauce somehow or another, right?”

After hearing that second comment on their secret Asian sauce, Roy decides to mock Jay’s remark insinuating; “Now you have ruined my appetite!”

By this time as Roy and Jay hand everything out, Cindy says to thank them both, “Thanks for buying us all lunch! Tomorrow I will buy us all lunch after I fill my waistband tonight!”

Roy hand them the drinks from a carton holder holding four drinks one by one while Jay hands them the subs saying, “Your waistband?”

Kate answers back swiftly, “Yes, my G-string!”

At that juncture in time, Jay says, “Here’s your foot long meatball and Cindy can have the six inch meaty balled sub because that’s what the ferries in there called it!”

Next Roy wonders where they should eat as he decides that they can just eat right here saying, “Well, where should we eat; if we stay we are near ferries!”

Finally Jay says to off-guard the other place from being perfect in a way, “And if we go back we will be sitting eating lunch near those other ferries!”

Lastly Roy is like, “You know what; let’s park under that tree over there next to that side street away from all of these weirdos around these neighborhoods!”

Kate looks as she opens her meatball sub that is a foot long the way she likes it and the size she likes it speaking, “Yes, that looks like a good spot to chow down man!”

So quickly Roy starts the car and backs up in order to park away from all of the ferries that they are surrounded by. He at least wants to have a lunch hour with some hot babes and not some ferries that run a “Ferry Subs” establishment. And then not to leave out the job which is another story of ferries all in itself which is driving them very batty.

Once he pulls up towards the tree next to a side street, Roy turns and looks to Jay with the eye that says, “Let’s work these chicks!”

And without any further indecision, Jay decides to sweet talk them with some more small talk about themselves perhaps by asking some questions like, “So are any of you married or divorced?”

Right away, Kate butts in to answer that questions first while trying to take a bite of her foot long meatball sub saying while nearly choking, “Do I look like a divorcee; do you think people would tip me strip dancing if they knew I was a divorcee?”

Yet Cindy feels like answering that question too after thinking about it and slurping on her soda really loud saying, “What do you think we look older like we were married and knocked up with kids or something like that, perhaps?”

Then Roy tries to be apologetic contrarily speaking, “No, but you never know who’s married just by looking at them, even younger people sometimes get married at a younger age!”

Besides their stupid questions and talk, Kate comes back with another line while slurping her soda to wash down her food as she says, “So what now you think we look like a few young and irresponsible teen beats?”

There and at that moment, Cindy adds some of her momentum in to conversation, “Or maybe you think we look like jail beats?”

Formerly Kate comes back with another line saying, “Or maybe you just think we are a bunch of no good lousy strippers who have no any High School Diplomas or College Degrees?”

Suddenly Roy rakes a bite of his cold cut combo saying, “No, I wasn’t insinuating that you are both a bunch of like mooches or something!”

Next Cindy says thinking about how she has already flirted with them about coming over to jam musical instruments some time saying, “And it’s not like one of us girls could be sitting in the front seat and the other one in the backseat so we don’t look like a bunch of faggots and lezzies!”

Right away, Jay thinks about how she is right and they should show up Barney and Bert saying, “You are absolutely right; that one guy and a girl she be sitting next to each other in the front seat as well as the back seat!”

At that moment, Kate finishes up her foot long meat ball sub as Jay finishes his sub saying, “You are both so right!”

Next Cindy says to get Jay from the back seat, “Tell you what, why don’t Jay and Kate switch places so Jay is sitting back here with?”

Right then, Jay says, “Okay!”

And then Kate says, “Alright!”

And immediately they both open the car doors and switch places even while holding on to what is left of their lunches. It is almost like musical chairs in a way, although they have beat out the gay thing with the gay bosses. It takes a moment as they both move places from the front to back seat. And when complete, Roy and Kate are sitting next to each other in the front seat while Jay and Cindy are sitting next to each other in the back seat.

Right away, Kate looks at her watch as everyone finishes off their lunches while she blabs out, “Hey, we better get back we only have about fifteen minutes left which is enough time to get back and bum a smoke!”

Roy wonders how responsible they are outside of work asking, “Is that all you both do is bum things all of the time?”

Next Roy starts the car as he sets his drink down in the car drink holder and then drives away heading to the destination of “The Fudge Packer” while Cindy says, “Usually to save money or because we don’t have any money!”

And Jay adds something to that saying, “That sounds like a way of life!”

And Cindy says, “I don’t really need a way of life; I love bumming!”

Jay makes a comment to Cindy about how that is a normal way of life for some by saying, “That sounds like a way of life!”

Roy sticks the gear shifter in drive and then hits the accelerator saying, “”Life must be cheaper that way and you can live for free!”

Then they pull away from the strip mall that has the “Ferry Subs” establishment and all of the gays to go along with it as Roy says, “”Well, you could sit on the street corner with a sign that says, “Will work for tips in my G-string, I guess!”

Then Kate takes that line a little more personally than Cindy as she counters with a line of attack saying, “Yah, right what do I look like a total homeless person who eats at the food line every day for three meals a day?”

For a while there is silence as they make their way back to work which only takes a few minutes while returning back to their gay. As they arrive they notice others outside having their last smoke before the shift returns again after their forty five minute lunch break. When they pull up, Roy parks and gets out as the others straggle their way out from his vehicle which is a normal thing when driving others around.

When they walk up, they notice some others smoking cigarettes and chatting with one another before heading back from their lunch hour. Roy and Jay both decide to have a smoke after throwing their trash away in a parking lot receptacle. Then Kate and Cindy walk up. And then they end up just standing around for a moment glaring at the others wondering if they are gay or straight.

Of course, Cindy starts to go back to bumming because she is jonesing for a cigarette and decides to ask Jay for one saying, “Can I bum a smoke?”

Jay agrees to her mooching saying, “Sure why not; but you can’t smoke my lucky cigarette!”

Cindy says afterwards, “What if I want to come over and get lucky; then can I smoke it afterwards?”

Jay is nearly speechless saying, “Sure babe!”

Next Kate says, “Hey, don’t be getting fresh over there; and Roy bum me a smoke before we go back in from lunch!”