Mysterious Mineral Collection Subpage 2

Woman of Heaven

"And there appeared a wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." This verse is found in the Book of Revelation 12:1 which was written by John the Divine while he was in exile on the island of Patmos. He was a prophet of Jesus Christ, who gave the morning star to the man-child. A title for the child bearing the name the "Conquering Chief," and the father sponsor. They were Hohokam Indians whose origin was from Mesoamerica. They passed on a common practice to all Native Americans to only use the Book of Revelation in their ceremonies.

When looking at the many types of pottery shards found at this location, we can see that they have a difference in appearance. Some of them are plain which are shell tempered meaning they have discolorations from being prepared in a fiery kiln. Then on the other hand there is another shard that was unglazed and left natural and another piece that was glazed as bright as the sun indicating a type of ceremony which could have been Indigenous to the "Book of Revelation."

Animism plays a powerful role in the testimony of Jesus Christ within the Book of Revelation. Animism is a derived term from the primitive belief in tribal ceremonies that all natural objects and forces have souls and spirits which illuminate everything. Animism is a belief that gives its power to the sky and everything around it. One prime example of animism would be how it keeps the sunrise holy when employed in front of the entrance of a teepee.

Another prime example of how the power of animism works to power the sky is how the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed two times. The temple was destroyed the first time in the year 586 B.C.E. by Nebuchadnezzar, and a second time in the year 70 C.E. by Italy and the Roman Army. Jesus Christ spent a lot of his spare time at the temple, although most of his time was spent to practice Judaism worship.

In the Book of Revelation there's written word of the temple coming down from heaven to the sky with angels, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling." The power of singing sets the story in Rhapsodies making Dark Angel a singer or enchanter of the story who ascends from heaven to give life to the sky.

The temple also ascends from heaven decorated with the Twelve Foundations which are only possible in heaven proving the truth to the power of animism. One of these foundations was chalcedony. Chalcedony was a precious sought after mineral introduced through the carving and drilling in to ornamental pieces of jewelry.

Getting back to the story structure to the Woman of Heaven, the story is "in med res" which means, "in the middle of things." The middle of Revelations starts with the Woman of Heaven giving her baby to the dragon in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation (Author).

"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ, (The Revelation Chapter 12:17)."

Without a doubt, becoming or being pregnant is part of her adolescence along with growing up to maturity. Nearly all Apache Indian girls, for example, have their first menstrual period marked publicly with a four day Ceremony which is considered her menarche, or first day menstruation. During this ceremony the Indian girl performs a dance, and receives a massage from her sponsor, and kneels down to receive the rays of the sun, and circles repeatedly around a ceremonial cane. Before engaging in marriage the family members choose a mate who accompanies their daughter in a Virginity Ceremony after endowing their vows.

Considering the fact of her adolescence being formed by giving her unborn birth to the dragon, or to what some would call "the Phoenix," only to bring up a man-child to rule all nations with a rod-of-iron. Her menstrual blood would have to of been very powerful, and potent in the sense that the dragon gives her the authority to bring up the man-child. Her visions quest, which is also a vision shared by that of her sponsor, or mentor would have been a very strong menstruation with the dragon.

The man-child ceremony would have been very different in order for them both to be entwined together as she relieves herself from her dance below the twinkling stars above. The ceremony would have to involve Sympathetic Magic, which is the power to change an event. If someone shoots an animal then the event of the animal's life is changed. In the case of the man-child ceremony, the event is the rising of the morning star. Furthermore it would take Homeopathic Magic to bring the power of animism from the sky. And the libation of the blood of Jesus to give the Contagious form of magic for a powerful contact with the Divine Spirit.

In ceremony the bringing up of the "Conquering Chief" would make the structure of the Book of Revelation "Stock Epithet" which displays how she has become wider ruling by covering a larger territory with much charge. In addition to this rite of passage the "Conquering Chief" would now be ready to see the testimony of Jesus Christ as the powerful polychrome vessel is smashed releasing the power of animism to power the sky with Jesus and his angels, contagious from sardius stone, one of these twelve foundations mentioned within the Book of Revelation (Author).

"As the vessels of a potter, shall they be broken into shivers: as I received of my father (Revelations Chapter 2:27)." Now that the "Conquering Chief" is smutted with the contagious power, Jesus releases himself from the cross of his three days of pain to spirit the sky saying, "And I will give him the morning star (The Revelation Chapter 2:28)."

Now the door is opened in heaven as preached in Chapter 4:1 of Revelations. Now he is ready to witness the testimony of Jesus Christ as he begins to ride the white horse to receive the power of the bow. And a crown like that of a Conquistador was given unto him, with the power to conquer, and rule all nations.

And the red horse would come to give him power over that, which he is to conquer with his sword, and also the power to take peace from the earth, and the power of his enemies to kill one another. Soon a black horse would come out of heaven to give balance as of now, and he that sat on them had a pair of balances in his hand. Then, finally, a pale horse would come out to give him the ability to be able to withstand the power of his wrath. Within the testimony he would see the Children of Israel, or the Children of the Twelve Tribes who are very similar in age to him.

Also he would see the two olive trees Peter and Paul who had seen Jesus after he resurrected from his crucifixion upon the cross, who Jesus had fasted to become the Lamanites to walk the earth forever more (The Revelation Chapter 4-11).

After seeing the testimony he would trade the testimony with the woman of heaven for the testimony of the dragon, only to gain authority and even more rule. As a beast he would rise from the sea, and as a beast he would be unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear. And he was also given the mouth of a lion, and a dragon gave him power and authority (The Revelation Chapter 13).

"And I stood upon the sand and the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his head the name of blasphemy (The Revelation Chapter 13:1)."

"And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were the feet of a bear, and his mouth of a lion; and the dragon gave him his power, his seat, and great authority, (The Revelation Chapter 13:2)."

His authority to rise with the voice of heaven, and a voice to sing a song strummed with his powerful bow. And as he heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and he heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sang a new song, to cleanse their hearts to the commandments of Moses (The Revelation Chapter 14:2).

"And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth (The Revelation Chapter 14:3)."

Now the seven angels with the seven vials were poured out to bring the plague to that which he would conquer. As the angels bring the power of animism to the Euphrates within the sky, we use the power of Homeopathic Magic to bring the story home with the spirit of Jesus ready to visit the flocks of the children within the New World Americas. A key metaphor to understanding why the amuse John the Divine uses slashes to split up the word Eu-phra-tes is to understand the use of a parabola as used with mathematics. What is on one side of a transverse axis must be on the other, or opposite side of the transverse axis. If one side of the axis is the Old World, then the opposite side of the axis must be the New World delivering Jesus to such sites as Guatemala as seen in the Book of Mormon.

Unlike Nostradamus who uses Quatrains to displace stories through a distant future time, the amuse John the Divine uses a transverse phrase to displace space and distance within the same time frame.

If we look at the word Euphrates in a transverse manner of where the kings are headed, then we flip to the other side of the axis and discover the three arrastras of an unknown Conquistador to find where they are leaving to reach where they are headed. The last part of the transverse phrase is t, e, s, which can be combined with the elements of these arrastras which is gold, or oro to create the name "Tesoro"which in Spanish means "Treasure." In other words the leader or Conquistador is a "Tesoro," or a "treasure hunter." The other elements of the transverse phrase Eu, for agua, and the phra, for fria would reflect the river on the opposite side of the transverse axis as the Agua Fria River (Author).

"And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river the Eu-phra-tes; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared (The Revelation Chapter 16:12)."

Finally, they make their way east, as the Woman of Heaven has them unto her cup the fierceness of her wrath. And the gold he loses is the weight of a talent.

Now let me tell you the story of the woman in purple scarlet decked with the gold from the Conquistador, and her precious stones and pearls charged by the light of the morning star, and then broken from her arrows. Then she holds a cup in her hand full of filthy fornications, and with her the cup she fills with the blood of Jesus as a martyr. Then with the other hand she writes "Mystery," on her forehead becoming the witch catching deity to uninvolved God fully only to show the light of her precious stones as they illuminate the light of the morning star from the soul of Jesus Christ animating the sky to erase our sins. The Light of Jesus Christ can only be seen through the light charged in the stones (Author).

"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: (The Revelation Chapter 17:4)."

And the Conquistador approaches as he marvels her, seeing the mystery of the woman with his seven crowns as he marvels her ten horns, or eagle feathers. As he stares at her, he can only think of her beauty. He then feels the powerful lust or sexual desire for her. Drawn closer he begins dreaming of himself with her. He can barely resist her because of her beauty. She then quickly leaves for the top of the mountain using the power of animism (Author).

"And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth (The Revelation Chapter 17:9)."

And now her lighted beauty is burned in to him from her arrowheads made of mineral crystals and he shows his lust or sexual desire towards her precious stones (Author).

"And the woman which thou sawest is the great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth (The Revelation Chapter 17:18)."

And now another angel comes down from heaven, one who has great power, and lightens the earth with glory. And she cries out mightily with the power of animism for Babylon. "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is the habitants of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird (The Revelation Chapter 18:2)."

And the seven crowns aren't partakers of her sins, for they haven't drank the wrath of her fornication. And now she has been rewarded double for her works. She fills her cup double. And now the smoke of her burning comes down through the trees to cast the dust on the heads of the seven crowns. Soon she will be made desolate. And the mighty hateful bird casts down his millstone, or arrow in to the sea.

And the great city Babylon is thrown down again from the sky as the harpers, and the musicians open their doors. And the light of the candle shall be heard no more. And no more shall these sorceries deceive the nations (The Revelation Chapter 18:4-24).

And she now lays there with the blood of the prophet leaving only six crowns dusting their heads. And the beast he rode who also admired her shall ascend from the bottomless pit. Con-tinuing to admire her with the blood of the prophet, heaven opens, and behold a white horse. And he that sits on him has many crowns and his vesture soaked with blood. And he is Faithful and True. And the kings of the earth gather to make war against the Lord of Lords, who rides the white horse in heaven. So now the beast is taken as the prophet dies and goes to hell to be bound with the dragon. The Woman of Heaven now casts his flesh upon his beast, and then rides him as Faithful and True (The Revelation Chapter 19).

And there is a great white throne, with no place for the beheaded king. And the writings of the book are open. And the sea gives up the dead, as the man will be judged for his work (The Revelation Chapter 20).

And there is a new heaven and a new earth where there is no sea. And the ship approaches Portugal as Jerusalem comes down from heaven through the power of animism. And the woman of heaven is prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And the tabernacle of god dwells with them to be their God. And God's son inherits all things. But the unbelieving shall burn in the lake of fire and brimstone (The Revelation Chapter 21:2-3).

And John the Divine is confronted by one of the seven angels which have one of the vials with the seven plagues. And he shows them the Lamb's Wife, his Bride. And he carries him to a high and great mountain showing him Jerusalem coming down from heaven.

The Woman of Heaven has a glory of God, and her light is a stone most precious, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. And the Children of Israel write their names on the great and high wall. In heaven the temple has twelve gates all named after the Twelve Tribes of the Children of Israel. And the wall of the city has twelve foundations all representing her most precious stones.

And the building of the wall was made of jasper stone, and the city was made of pure gold taken from the Conquistador. And the gold was turned in to clear glass as the street of the city. And the foundations of the walls were made of her offerings of her precious stones (The Revelation Chapter 21:4-18).

Her first offering was jasper, which is one of the best materials for hafting or hand crafting stone tools which are shiny and smooth. Also the mineral jasper has an elasticity of a fractured mechanic to break off any opposing force into a sporadic separation. It is a very refined and elegant stone considering how Jesus Christ uses the stone to help raise us up from an unripe and raw state into a polished and sculptured sense.

The second offering was sapphire, which was used to oppose another as an enemy, like that of a Conquistador. Also the stone has the power to single out a writer such as St. John the Divine and signify an enchanter like the Woman of Heaven. This stone also helps bring the divine truth to light. It is considered a stone of ritual practice and has occult charm.

Chalcedony was the third offering she had to give. It is similar to bloodstone in color. It helps represent her menstrual blood by giving her power over the dragon. The stone even helps to calmly ease her swinging moods and the idea of forming the inside of a vessel used in ritual ceremony. The crust of the stone gives it a certain appearance and shape by beholding and considering its own powerful might.

The fourth offering she made was emerald. This stone helps return all spells of the evil eye back to the sender. This stone is highly associated with seers and psychics to help predetermine and predict the future and to contemplate the moves of an enemy. This stone in its natural state endows love, health, wealth, and beauty (The Revelation Chapter 21:19).

The fifth stone of her offering was sardonyx. This stone helps give protected warmth against intervals and periods of having bad luck. It even helps with the thinking process giving the wearer more insight and intuition to control a situation.

The sixth stone she shown forth was sardius, a sard stone, which has layers of white and red colors representing the blood of Jesus Christ as used in the libation of the Vessel of a Potter to animate the sky with Contagious Magic. The sardius stone relates to his disciples following him after he picks up the cross and heads to Galilee. It is a stone that helps follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ to give us a more enriched life in heaven.

The seventh stone she had sacrificed was chrysolite which related to the spirit of the Holy Ghost. It helps aid with our goals and what is needed in life. This stone helps show us how to act towards one another. Yellow chrysolite is considered gemmy olivine which represents gold with its brightened yellow contrast and color.

The eighth stone she proposed was beryl. This stone keeps her in an unmovable position as a Bride adorned for her husband towards heaven. Her bond with the Divine Spirit can't ever be broken as in marriage, because this stone is known for its extreme hardness. The white band of the stone especially shades of aquamarine display the purity of her white and pure linen (The Revelation Chapter 21:20).

The ninth part of her offering is a topaz. The topaz stone is an occult stone which has the power to summons demons in to flight. This stone is even more powerful than lapis lazuli which involves highly evolved evil spirits. The stone can also be used to help locate and find hidden treasures. This stone must have been necessary to summons the dragon. The corundum of the topaz is transparent, although it's part of a sandy based cluster. It helps shine the light through with much brilliance. The stone helps represent everything regarding the Bride's Testimony being part of open pages to read, remember, and cherish. She has nothing to conceal from view. All of her works of being a deity have been done in the light of Christ's Testimony and also his rebirth.

The tenth stone of her offering is a chrysoprasus. It symbolizes the finest of gold to refine her with the pureness of Jesus Christ. This stone upholds the golden rules of Jesus Christ himself. This stone can also betoken a coin and give qualities of an ornament.

The eleventh offering she had made was a jacinth. The jacinth is a "Mystery Stone" which gives her eternal life as a Bride of Jesus Christ the Holy Savior. This is a martyr stone when she sipped with the Blood of the saints. Jacinth is also a stone that contains many zircon crystals of reddish blue and deep purple (hyacinth) accompanied by a bronze core.

The jacinth is supposed to designate the same stone as the "Ligure," which is the same stone in the third row of the high priest's breastplate. The bronze in the jacinth stone signifies the actual breastplate of the high priest. The high priest breastplate is set with four rows of precious stones signified by the shades of zircon crystals, three in each row engraved within the bronze plating. It was made to remind the high priest of their representative character. It is also the "breastplate of judgment." The ligure is the first stone of the third row.

The twelfth stone she had given was amethyst. This stone has no cleavage, or breaks giving it the essence of charging light in to it by placing it in a window or outside. This causes the stone to transform itself in to a deeper shade of purple which can be used to attract love, good luck, and also helps to retain sobriety. It can even help aid against evil wizardry by retaining the light of the Divine Spirit. In her extreme case amethyst was the best choice for capturing the light of Jesus (The Revelation Chapter 21:20).

All of these foundations are a part of the "Bridge of Light," which others believe is a Universal power to open new doors to other spiritual places such as the door mentioned in Chapter 4 of Revelations. This spiritual gift allows her to cross over to another dimension on the other side of the transverse axis. The light forms a rainbow with the circle of life upon which her generations cross in to this new golden era of time and space.

The city had no need of the sun to charge it considering the light of the city was merely already charged in to her offering of amethyst. Her Indian feathers alone were charged by light which clothed her as the sun. They were the colors of the dragon, or the phoenix, a bright yellow and reddish color giving her the qualities of dragon-fire, and also arrayed with the colors of a cardinal.

In essence the Woman of Heaven bringing up the man-child has some qualities of Sacagawea, for instance, the way she kept close contact while nourishing her child while traveling on an expedition with Lewis and Clark.

Furthermore in order to realize her name, we must have an understanding of the names for Mesopotamian gods. The "Power in the Sky" in divine form is "An," while the name for the "Lady of Heaven" is "Inanna" as an infinite variety form. On the other hand the variant spelling of the name in Native American is "Aiyana," or "Aiyanna," which possibly means "ever blooming." However a more subtle name for a Woman of Heaven could be "Ynana," or "Ynanna" which would perhaps give her qualities to nourish or "forever more" nanny the fruit of her Tree of Life and also gives her power over the sky.

Another example of the power of “An” would be the name “Rhiannon” which the author believes to be another one of the four daughters within the seven daughters of the mitochondrial Eve, although she’s also an early variation. Think of the name as one of the recipes to colonizing the Indian Tribes of the North American continent.

The two eagle feathers create another image of her ability and power to make her way in to the wilderness. There she could be nourished with the same essence as the man-child. Her nourishment would be on either side of the river where there was the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life would bare her twelve manners of fruits, which would be yielded every month as the leaves of the tree were growing to heal the branches of the nations (Author).

"In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the Tree of Life, which bare twelve manners of fruit, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were the healing of the nations (The Revelation Chapter 22:2)."

And may the Tree of Life help heal the Nations of the world with its rich and abundant yield. And may the Tree of Life keep away the curse, with the throne of God and the Lamb in it. And may his servants serve him and they shall see his true face, with his name smutted in their foreheads. May the Woman of Heaven's "Tree of Life" flourish and continue to grow once again forever by producing fruit for the healing of the Nations in the hearts of mankind. And one day may the artifacts that it has stored away be found and cherished is so ever discovered (Author).

Below is a link to "Mysterious Mineral Collection" subpage 3.