Jokes Everybody Has Forgotten

Jokes Everybody Has Forgotten

1. Why was the queer fired from the sperm bank? He was caught drinking on the job.

2. Why are the Rams changing their name to Tampons? They’re only good for one period and they have no second string.

3. What do you get when you cross a Mexican and an octopus? I’m not sure, but it sure can pick hot peppers!

4. What’s long black and smelly? The unemployment line.

5. Why are they having trouble finding Aids? The scientists can’t get the mice to butt hump!

6. What’s the difference between a dog and a fox? About ten drinks.

7. What’s black, has white eyes and knocks on glass? A black man in a microwave.

8. Why don’t Blacks like blow jobs? They don’t like any job.

9. What do you call two Vietnamese in a Trans Am? The Gooks of Hazard.

10. What’s the best thing to come out of a organ? The wrinkles.

11. Why did the guy call his dog herpes? Because he wouldn’t heel.

12. Did you hear about the Polish Lesbian? She loved men.

13. Why are scientists breeding Mexicans instead of rats for experiments? They multiply faster and you don’t get attached to them.

14. How can you tell a Delorean is driving down the street? The white line disappears.

15. What kind of tires does a Delorean have? Snow tires.

16. What are the first words Adam spoke to Eve? Stand back; I don’t know how big this thing gets.

17. Why are Jewish men circumcised? Jewish women won’t buy anything unless it’s 20 percent off.

18. What do you get when you cross a Black with a Sioux Indian? A boy named Sue.

19. What do you get when you cross a Japanese lady with a Chinese lady? A broad that sucks laundry.

20. What do you call a Philippine contortionist? A manila folder.

21. When a man and a woman get married they need a marriage license. What do Lesbians need? A licker license.

22. What do you get when you cross an American with a Vietnamese? A car thief that can’t drive.

23. Why do women have more trouble with hemorrhoids than men? Because God made man the perfect butthole.

24. Why did God invent women? Because sheep can’t cook.

25. What do you get when you cross a Black guy with a Japanese guy? A guy who has an uncontrollable urge on December 7 to attack Pearl Harbor.

26. Why do Blacks keep chickens? To teach their kids to walk.

27. How do you make a Black person nervous? Take him to an Auction.

28. Why did God invent the climax? So colored people would know when to stop screwing.

29. What two things in the air can make a woman pregnant? Her legs.

30. What do you call a Black hooker with braces? Black and Decker pecker wrecker.

31. Did you hear about the two Mexicans on “That’s Incredible?” One had Auto Insurance, and the other one happened to be an only child.

32. What’s the difference between a pervert and a kinky person? A pervert uses a feather, and a kinky person uses the whole entire turkey.

33. What’s the definition of disgusting? When you open your refrigerator door and your rump roast farts at you.

34. What’s the definition of endless love? Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles playing tennis together.

35. What do you get when you cross a Jewish American Princess and a computer? A computer that never goes down on you.

36. What’s a Jewish American Princess’ favorite wine? I want to go to Palm Springs.

37. How do you know if a Jewish American Princess has an orgasm? She drops her nail file.

38. What’s the difference between a Jewish American Princess and Jell-O? Jell-O moves when you eat it.

39. Why does Helen Keller have yellow legs? That's because her dog happens to be blind too.

40. What’s black and white and has a hard time getting through a revolving door? A Nun with a spear through her head.

41. How do you tell if you have bad acne? If a blind man can read your face.

42. Did you hear about the new deodorant called umpire? It’s for foul balls.

43. What is six miles long and goes four miles an hour? A Mexican Funeral with one set of jumper cables.

44. What’s brown and sounds like a doorbell? Dung.

45. How do you circumcise a whale? Send down four skin divers.

46. What do you get when you cross a Mexican and Italian? A guy that makes an offer that you can’t understand.

47. Why did cops take the emergency 911 off of the backs of all of their police cars? The Mexicans kept stealing them all thinking that they were all Porsche’s.

48. Why don’t they use the 911 system in Poland? Polish people can’t find 911 on their phone.

49. What do Polish women do after they are done sucking a cock? They spit out all of the feathers.

50. Why don't cowboys get circumcised? So they have someplace to keep their chewing tobacco when they are eating.

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