The Fourth Crusader


The story named “The Fourth Crusader” begins with Lotario De’ Conti Di Segni and his own personal values of his own dignity. The story revolves around the ideals of the Roman Catholic Church and Lotario De’ Conti Di Segni, or otherwise known as Pope Innocent III and his vision to find his own personal place within Papal Authority. And his first step in doing this is his sending a letter to a Priest of his own personal views and ideologies of Papal Supremacy.

The main turn and direction of the story is affected by Lotario De’ Conti Di Segni becoming the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He also has a strong goal of trying and wanting to have a strict disciplinary action. This fact is shown as Pope Innocent III appoints Hildegard Bingen as the Abbess of a Covenant.

Of course, Pope Innocent III has a major antagonist known as King Philip of France and one of Pope Innocent III and his goals are to force him to take back his wife. Now he ends up opposing interdict and then finally decides to compel King John to the position of Archbishop of Canterbury.

It doesn’t take long Pope Innocent III and his cabinet of Cardinals decides to vote on launching a crusade against heretics. Yet Pope Innocent III finds out that they will have to expel Albigensian Heretics from Carcacassone which is a French Stronghold near Albi. But the hardest thing for him to do is to restore King Philip’s wife to her rightful place and position as the Queen of France.

Eventually Pope Innocent III learns and realizes the discomforts of Religion and soon forbids priests from many sacraments. He especially gains and earns some spiritual weapons which are at his command and disposal. In the end he learns his greatest lesson in achieving Papal Authority and Papal Supremacy.


The story named “The Fourth Crusade” begins in a Monastery in Sacro Speco in Subiaco, France with many candles lit. Then Lotario De’ Conti Di Segni approaches from a hallway. He walks and approaches a desk and pulls a chair out. Then he sits down and moments later, takes out a feather quill pen and a piece of parchment which is an old type of papaya paper to write some of his ideas of Papal Authority and Papal Supremacy down.

Then immediately Lotario De’ Conti Di Segni, otherwise known as Pope Innocent III writes a letter to a priest of his own views and beliefs of his goals for Papal Authority. Many of his views are quickly written down and deciphered as he continually writes dipping his feather quill pen into a feather quill pen and ink holder to get everything down on this parchment and papaya paper. Pope Innocent III does this a many times until he is done and then he folds the parchment paper up and places his own personal seal on it even though at this time he is only a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.

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