Catcher of Love Subpage 3


Soon she decides to wait a while longer before cutting them off by heading a bit in a diagonal crisscross direction where she can finally be ahead of them before they reach a certain point. So far she has remained back following behind them all a good distance ignoring their conversations, although she has a keen ear and can hear some of their remarks when they get to a certain high pitched or low pitched level.

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza and the other conquistadors such as the Conquistador Prophet Ramon start to notice the mountain of Four Peaks. They notice them off in the distance as they continued to get closer and closer as they traveled over hill after hill along the “Old Spanish Trail” towards the east coast of Galveston Bay, Texas. They can also see the Mountain of Red Rock off to their 1:00 or 2:00 o’clock position which sticks out above the rolling hills which extend their way over the McDowell Mountains.

And next to that are the mountains of Cave Creek where there are good finds of agates and fire agate which happens to be at their 3:00 o’clock position as they move closer and closer towards the Verde River, although she a little south of where the East Verde River flows in from north of Payson. And as they approach further in to the Verde River Valley which extends all over from the McDowell Mountains as well as north of there, they begin to reach their way closer and closer towards the Rio Verde area which is many miles north of Fountain Hills.

In this area there are many washes and gulches that extend their way down towards the Verde River valley which is starting to show more life as far as vegetation is concerned. And now the Woman of Heaven has decided to go ahead and cut them off by taking off in a bit of a diagonal crisscross direction up and around from the north end.

When she does try and cut them off, she decides to run it out a while considering that she has given herself even more distance to cover. And there’s a lot of distance to make up as she tries to swing her way up north a little ways before going in an even direction facing east towards the Verde River Valley.

Nevertheless the seven conquistadors haven’t had the chance to notice her considering that she keeps herself a pretty good distance back using the hills as a break from anyone of their glancing back views. Also there are many more trees than before back nearer towards the mining camp within and before the area of Chavez Pass area. Most of the “Old Spanish Trail” so far has only offered very little coverage for her to hide behind.

It seems that up to now she had trouble with getting up close and personal with the seven conquistadors, although now her chance to cut them off at a distance has come. This is so that she can add the next chapter to the story as they all become even with her as far as an eastern direction is concerned. However soon she heads them off while moving herself in to the right position to give her view and appearance the awe that it needs in order for her to stand out.

Once she has headed them off a good distance, the Woman of Heaven soon approaches the Verde River Valley with the river flowing fairly good considering that the time of year is in the spring. It is April and it has been days since Jesus Christ was first put on the cross in order to relieve us from our sins and she continues to look for a place to cross over towards the other side. Of course, she finds a place where she can cross in which she does quickly in order to avoid confrontation with any of the seven conquistadors as they approach the Verde River Valley themselves.

And even as she crosses the river she notices some Indian kids playing in the river a ways south as far as her eye can see which indicates that there are some other tribes in the vicinity south of there. As she quickly crosses she finds that there are some places within the river where she has to slow down considering that the Verde River bottom is fairly wider that the Agua Fria River, although it isn’t nearly as big as the Colorado River which is one river that she has seen and admired.

However eventually she crosses the Verde River valley which has some high banks on both sides which drop off in places while in other places that tapper down about five to six feet or so towards the river bottom. The Verde River bottom is also full with many huge boulders here and there which form little white water rapids up beyond and just past the area where she had decided to cross over to the other side.

Nevertheless she continues downstream only a little ways more until she sees all of the conquistadors approach from a good distance away from where she’s located at. At first they stop and slow down while checking the Verde River out just in case there are any Indians or maybe some other explorers in the area, although in their minds they are the only explorers in the New World at this time.

And when they approach, the Woman of Heaven notices some of the children far down stream notice as they make their way down in to the river bed scaring many birds away. Moreover there are some other animals such as domesticated sheep and some domesticated dogs that start their barking from a short distance away.

Also there is a pair of crane that was frightened which really brought their attention unto the other Indians who happen to live in the area. However when they first approach within the Verde River bed they never seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary, although Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza remembers coming this way many times. But then on the other hand, it was his other men such as Conquistador Ernesto and Conquistador Esteban who traveled the “Old Spanish Trail” the most considering the most of them remained at the mining camp for a long period of time.

Nevertheless Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza continues on along the Verde River bed trying to divert a challenge to his remembering, although there are some eyes upon them that aren’t too apparent at the moment. And these eyes aren’t the eyes of the Woman of Heaven whom is near on the opposite side of the Verde River watching very closely.

Soon she seems to pick up the pace considering that there is another stream flowing in to the Verde River which is only lightly flowing. Soon there are many more Indians nearby as they all flocked closely to their vicinity to see who is passing through their territory. Yet none of them get too close because they can see the Woman of Heaven nearby as well who is keeping her presence unknown, although she has found the time to catch some eye contact with them by chance.

Soon she stops and gazes from a short distance away as a voice comes from heaven saying, “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither, I will shew unto thee the judgement of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters (Rev 17:1):”

Next she pulls down her garments slightly exposing herself in a slight nakedness and she pulls out a goblet like cup and something to pour inside as the voice continues on from heaven speaking, “With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication (Rev 17:2).”

Thereafter she pulls her backpack aside in order to pull out a purple scarlet colored like scarf that he had made especially for the moment as the voice continues on with, “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns (Rev 17:3).”

Of course, the way she’s dressed and adorned with her Indian outfit with all of the feathers and plumage, she seems like a horned beast off in the distance as the voice moves forward saying, “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication (Rev 17:4):”

Finally she takes a drink from her golden goblet like cup as she dips one of her fingers in order to write and inscribe a message on her forehead while the voice says, “And upon her forehead was the name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev 17:5).”

Almost immediately Tesoro De Castallanza sees her across the river when he happens to look back the other way “And I saw a woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration (Rev 17:6).”

After Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns to see the “Witch Catcher” on the other side of the Verde River, the other conquistadors turn noticing as the voice carries forth saying, “And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell the mystery of the woman, and the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and horns (Rev 17:7).”

Shortly afterwards many of the neighboring Indians, who live along and around the Verde River Valley, show forth trying to distract their attentions from the Woman of Heaven as they begin to throw rocks while the voice carries on saying, “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is (Rev 17:8).”

Immediately the seven conquistadors, who are otherwise known as the seven crowns, start to pick up the pace as the local Indian tribe begins to get a little serious with their protecting the Woman of Heaven while the voice moves ahead rejoicing, “And here is the mind has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth (Rev 17:9).”

Momentarily they begin to forcefully cross their way across the Verde River as the view of her changes when she leans by the side of the river with the mountains of Four Peaks in the background as the voice says, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space (Rev 17:10).”

For a while there it seems that mainly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza and the Conquistador Prophet Ramon have received the most hits from the pelting rocks while the vocal sounds further themselves, “And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition (Rev 17:11).”

Immediately the seven conquistadors, otherwise known as the seven crowns, glance to the Woman of Heaven while beginning to pick the pace a bit as they kick their horses in to high gear while the voice continues on saying, “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast (Rev 17:12).”

And as the seven crowns make their way across the river trying to out run the pelting rocks, one of the Indian tribes members named River Duck tries to catch and keep up with them as the voice stammers out another line verse, “These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (Rev17:13).”

In the meantime Bloody Duck and River Crane both approach from down river throwing a few good size river rocks in which end up skipping across the water hitting their horses while the voice stammers out, “These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is the Lord of lords, and Kings of kings, and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful (Rev 17:14).”

Quickly the seven conquistadors reach the other side of the Verde River and then they continue on while glancing back, although the voice never stops moving ahead with a verse, “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples and multitudes, and nations, and tongues (Rev 17:15).”

Now their minds are angry, scared, and confused as they all leave the scene as fast as they possibly can without hesitating another moment with the voice speaking while still saying, “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire (Rev 17:16).”

Of course, they feel as though they have been pushed out by all of the Indian Nations of the New World as the voice scrambles another verse telling, “For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled (Rev 17:17).”

And as they retreat away from the Verde River Valley, they feels as though the Indian Nations are reuniting to make an alliance which will rule the continent as the voice in Heaven continues on saying, “And the woman which though sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth (Rev 17:18).”

Moments later once they are a good distance away, the Woman of Heaven looks out towards the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, who are standing their ground, as she finishes her deeds before packing her bags to continue on with the move. The blood of the martyrs finally begin to turn back once the “Witch Catcher” has gathered her belongings which only consists of her backpack and her golden cup in which she has partaken from in the presence of the spirit of Jesus Christ. A few moments later she turns and leaves the scene, although she heads off in another direction other than the direction that the seven conquistadors are traveling.

Meanwhile the seven conquistadors maintain their pace of travel as they end up a great distance away from the Verde River before they slow down enough to converse with one another. However they haven’t slowed down all of the way yet considering that they are still confused as to how the female individual, who had followed them from the mining camp, has ended up ahead of them so to speak?

It seems that she has taken a short cut somehow and has beat them when it came to reaching the Verde River, although they are still pondering the idea within their mind as they continue looking back every once in a while here and there. The Woman of Heaven has now picked up the pace once again in keeping up with them all even though she realizes that they will be on guard now more than ever before.

Moments later, the seven conquistadors end up slowing down a bit after taking another look back behind them all to see if they are far ahead of her for the time being. And once they think that they should stop and gather themselves a bit, they all slow down for a chance at a quick conversation with one another.

The first to speak is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who recognized the Woman of Heaven from the mining camp before they were chased out of there as he comments, “There was that Indian woman again standing there at the edge of the river!”

After thinking about the strange Indian woman for a moment, the Conquistador Prophet Ramon comes out with a line asking, “Where did she come from so fast?”

Next the Conquistador Rafael wonders about those Indians who were throwing rocks at them forcing them all to cross over the Verde River saying, “And who were those Indians throwing rocks at us all?”

Right away, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks back to when he first noticed the “Witch Catcher” standing there along the side of the Verde River answering back, “I don’t know who they were, but when we saw her that’s when they started throwing rocks at us forcing us to cross the river!”

Soon afterwards the Conquistador Felipe wonders how she could keep up with them all querying, “How the hell did she catch up to us so fast?”

It is sort of confusing, yet Conquistador Miguel has an idea as to how she had caught up to them all so fast explaining, “Either she has a horse or she kept on chasing and running after us all that time!”

Therefore Riguel doesn’t seem to think that she ever found a horse since they first out ran her mentioning, “She didn’t have a horse when we first ditch her and I doubt she has one now!”

Then according to Conquistador Padre she is a very fast runner indeed as he carries on commenting to the others, “Then she must be a very fast runner at that!”

More seems to come to mind as the Conquistador Prophet Ramon thinks about some of the world history that he had learned which represents the current times of Rome, Italy as well as back in the ancient times of Athens, Greece with the triathlons runners as he explains, “I have heard of Roman curriers who carry mail long distances and then there are the Greek Olympics with the triathlon runners who run great distances, but never have I seen anything like that before in my life!”

And with a bit of humor to the array of things, Conquistador Felipe adds a bit of sarcasm to the conversation as he says, “Maybe, the Rain People have their own kind of Olympics!”

Furthermore Conquistador Rafael has to make a comment which answers back to Conquistador Felipe’s thought by questioning with some more mockery, “And we’re her competition like we are part of some Olympic track meet?”

Finally Conquistador Padre starts to look around towards the north as well as directly behind them all looking to see if she’s around nearby as he exclaims, “We should keep an eye out then because she’s pretty fast and she could sneak up on us at any time!”

Nevertheless the Conquistador Prophet Ramon believes he is right when he says to look out for her considering that he had been side swipe a few times by conveys, “Yes, you better all keep an eye out after those few good whacks she came with across my back!”

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza ponders thoughts of how she happens to be one mean Indian woman exclaiming to the others, “She’s one mean Indian woman!”

After a few more moments Conquistador Felipe notices that they are far off from the “Old Spanish Trail” because of the slight delay from the blood of the martyrs who were some angry Indian men. So far they only vaguely remember the way back to the ports of Galveston Bay considering that they haven’t traveled back and forth as much as some of the mule runners Conquistador Ernesto and Conquistador Esteban.

When he is ready to mention this to the others they start to enter closer and closer towards the Mountains of Four Peaks which are in view as four of the seven mountains coming down from heaven, although there is a fifth smaller peak on the north side of Four Peaks as a fifth peak. And there is Red Rock Mountain in their view as a sixth peak.

Of course, when Conquistador Felipe glances around at the paradigms of the valley, he first glances towards the sky as the Temple of God shines down as the seventh peak as he says to them all, “Looks like we are far off the mule trail!”

By now, after taking his own glances around at the mountains which surround the area, Tesoro De Castallanza makes his own comment to the other conquistadors saying, “I think we are a little south of the “Old Spanish Trail.”

Of course, the Conquistador Prophet Ramon feels that they should continue heading east towards the mountains of Four Peaks suggesting, “Maybe, we should continue heading east until we make our way towards the mountain range with the four peaks on top?”

Then after taking a glance or peek towards the mountains of Four Peaks, Conquistador Rafael notices that there are five peaks on the mountain answering back diligently, “There are five peaks on that mountain range. There is another smaller peak just north right there!”

Finally Conquistador Padre remembers that the “Old Spanish Trail” went just south of those mountains leading through some thickets of Forest Pines mentioning, “Well, if I remember correctly since it’s been a while since I have come this way, the “Old Spanish Trail” is just south of those mountain ranges.”

Moments later, the Conquistador Miguel remembers those mountains on the way in many years ago and thought that there was a map drawn as he asks Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza. “I think I remember those mountains being added to the map you had drawn up along the way!”

Next Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza remembers drawing the map with those mountains too, although he doesn’t really think about them that much considering that he could tell from a far distance that there were no gold deposits worth mining there. Yet he has drawn up many mountain ranges with all kinds of peaks on them and he only cares about the ones which indicate iron deposits through how dark the mountains are from a distance.

Nevertheless he comes back with some notions explain himself, “Yes, I remember drawing a map and I have it here in my satchel bags, although we should only take a quick glance just in case we have any more trouble waiting for us up ahead!”

After saying those words they all slow down a little more while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza reaches for his satchel which is located just behind his saddle that he had made especially for himself and his personal belongings. Once he reaches ahold of his leather satchel bag, he opens it pulling out the map. And he does this while his horse slows down so that he can read the map really quick like before anyone has the chance to sneak up on them.

Then they all stop for a moment giving him a chance to read the map without having to ride and read at the same exact time. Once he sees the map, he realizes that he had some sections of maps demonstrating the different areas along the “Old Spanish Trail” as well as the surrounding Sacred Mountains and paradigm’s found off afar in the distance.

And after flipping through some of the maps once he figures out how he had those all laid out in a certain order so that he could have a better recollection of them all. Soon he finds the map he wants which isn’t far from the mining camp considering that is about many miles east and many miles west leading him to the Verde River which is drawn on the map.

Once he finds the mountain range that they are all concerned about, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza quibbles out to them all, “Here’s the mountain with four peaks, right there as I drew it!”

Straight forth the Conquistador Prophet Ramon takes a quick glance from where he is on his horse questioning, “And where is the “Old Spanish Trail” on the map?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes another glance while pointing his finger at the spot saying, “It looks like the “Old Spanish Trail” leads just down below the mountains with four peaks below the foothills and it stretches its way towards another river that flows from east to west!”

Meanwhile Conquistador Rafael who has taken a few glances towards Four Peaks notices while commenting, “And that’s when we start to hit some thicker trees and brush?”

Of course, with another quick look at one page of the maps that he has drawn up, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks back at them all while putting the map back with all the others answering back, “Yes, and that’s where we will start riding in to some thicker forest timber in that area!”

Next Conquistador Padre remembers entering back in to an area of desert before coming to the next river which happens to a river flowing east to west such as the Salt River querying, “And then we will enter into another desert landscape before we hit the other river which flows east to west?”

By now, Conquistador Felipe remembers one of the other Conquistadors, whether it was Conquistador Ernesto or Conquistador Esteban, who was saying that the two rivers happen to flow into one another explaining, “I heard from either Conquistador Ernesto or maybe it was Conquistador Esteban that the two rivers meet one another just behind that red mountain with the strange peak to it!”

And once Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza puts away his leather satchel with the treasure map away saying, “Is that so, then why didn’t they tell me so that I could add it to these maps?”

Finally Conquistador Felipe comes back with a certain assertion and notion saying, “I don’t know? Maybe they have a map of their own perhaps!”

Lastly before moving on Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza agrees that they do have some maps of their own contesting, “Yes, they do have some maps of their own and I never did ask to see them this last time that they arrived for the ultima cargo!”

And here’s where they all decide that they should head further towards the “Old Spanish Trail” as Conquistador Padre boasts, “Maybe, we should find our way back to the “Old Spanish Trail” while we have the chance!”

Following his line, Conquistador Rafael wonders about the strange Indian woman as he glances around a bit saying, “Yes, we ought to keep a move on before that strange Indian woman shows up again with some more of her friends!”

Quickly they all start to kick it in to high gear as they reach further away from the Verde River Valley while entering closer and closer towards the foot hills of the Four Peaks Mountain Range. Nevertheless the “Witch Catcher” isn’t too far off as she keeps herself within eyes distance away from the prey she has been pursuing for some time.

However the only transportation she has are only the Indian moccasins that she has made especially for this very trip which she had put on prior to her arrival perhaps. But within her scheming little mind she has her eyes affixed on her new form of transportation, although she hasn’t clutched her hands on such means of travel as of yet.

Luckily there are plenty of trees while exiting the Verde River Valley that she can his behind, although most of the surface is soft and hilly making it harder to move along, but then on the other hand the seven conquistadors are having just as hard as a time with their withdrawal. Still she is able to concentrate on the object that she feels she can manipulate under her complete control when the time comes.


More time lapses before they reach the foothills of the Four Peaks Mountain Range where the trees and foliage begin to become a little denser. And so far, they have made their way a little closer to catching a view of the “Old Spanish Trail” as many similar scenic landscapes start to trigger Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza and his fondest memories of the place.

However it has been a while since he has been this way even though he has his map to go by since they have taken the time to have a look at it. As they approach the “Old Spanish Trail” the “Witch Catcher” remains with her complete pursuit which has maintained a fast pace through much rugged terrain, although things may change here soon considering that there are more eyes upon them than her own.

Once they all reach about where the “Old Spanish Trail” is located Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza looks further ahead many yards saying to the other crowned conquistadors, “Here we have made it back to the “Old Spanish Trail!”

And once they all reach the “Old Spanish Trail” the Conquistador Prophet Ramon is so proud that they have made it mustering up, “It’s about time we made it back to the “Old Spanish Trail!”

Next the Conquistador Rafael can only think of how he is only glad that they are going in the other direction telling them all, “All I care about is that we are heading in the other direction away from the mining camp!”

Finally it seems that Conquistador Padre wonders if the strange Indian woman has been able to keep up with them all contending, “I wonder if that strange Indian shaman like woman has been able to keep up with us all?”

After hearing about the strange Indian woman once again, the Conquistador Miguel is curious as to why he called her a shaman woman after all of this time asking, “She’s probably around here somewhere. Did you just call her a shaman woman?”

Now Conquistador Padre has to defend his argument answering back surely, “Yes, I called her a strange Indian shaman woman because she is some type of practitioner of the Indian Religion as a cult so to say!”

Soon after hearing that remark Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is curious as to what gave him that idea asking, “So what makes you think that she is some type of cult practitioner of some kind of Indigenous Indian Religion?”

Consequently Conquistador Padre can think about some of the features she had which stood out to him such as the many rock crystal specimens strung about as he enthralls, “Well, she seemed to have an astrological association with many things such as the way she was dressed. She had many ornamentals jewelry pieces which were immensely colorful!”

With a jokingly bit of sarcasm Conquistador Riguel comes out blatting, “So you thought she was a knock out?”

In his defense the Conquistador Prophet Ramon comes forth speaking out, “I think he’s trying to say that she had some things about her which caught his eye meaning she is different in some form of nature from the rest of the Indians such as the Southwest Tonto Hohokam or even as far as the Rain People are concerned!”

Of course, in the meantime the “Witch Catcher” is still hot on their trail, although she is lagging a little ways behind considering that they have been moving along at a steady pace. Yet she can tell that their horses are probably getting tired and then on the other hand, she’s only warming up trying to save some of her energy for when the moment of impact comes forth in due time.

Meanwhile back at the mining camp, War Hawk and the arrastra workers have finally tracked down the mule train which scampered off. The mule train which had scampered off when Conquistador Ernesto and Conquistador Esteban had chased them off to save what gold they could possibly save.

However they had to chase the mule train down river a ways around a few bends curving their way around the tell mound which lies above the rock faces leading to the east and then back through another curve leading south again in to another bend that curves its way towards the west once again.

The mule train was driven in that direction when Conquistador Ernesto and Conquistador Esteban had set the mule train free. They performed this act when Conquistador Fernando came yelling about how the Indian tribe such as the Rain People had surrounded and stormed the site which was just north of the Badger Springs mining camp site a little ways south of there.

Of course, Conquistador Fernando was accompanied by Conquistador Raul and Conquistador Padre when they came from that site north of there, although neither Conquistador Fernando nor Conquistador Raul had made it out of their alive when all of the hell had broken loose in that area from the incursions. However Conquistador Padre did make it out of their alive with just a little luck with that chance perhaps to best describe the moments of the past.

When War Hawk and the arrastra workers first had found the mule train they first inspected the amounts of burlap sacks which were loaded onto the mule train with gold ore. In addition they were fairly confident in what they would find considering that Conquistador Ernesto and Conquistador Esteban had loaded a few burlap sacks of gold before everything went crazy with the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People invading the entire place.

Now they have been trying to round the mule train up by pulling them along by their bridle as many of them are a little on the rebelling side here and there. Nonetheless most of them have experience with many of the mules that they have been bringing around the mining camp to help with the laboring especially the ones that were used around the arrastras which they have taken under their wing already.

As War Hawk tries to pull the mule train along with Arrastra Boy who has been trying to keep them from running closer towards the Agua Fria River, War Hawk says, “It’s a good thing they didn’t wander too far away!”

Right away, Arrastra Boy wonders what they are going to do with all of the gold that they have confiscated from the family of conquistadors questioning, “So what is the Southwest Tonto Hohokam going to do with all of the gold that was taken back?”

Meanwhile River Badger interrupts from behind while walking along the side of the mule train answering Arrastra Boy back saying, “I heard a rumor that they have a cave to hide most of the gold in along with much of the gold that will be mined in the future!”

During that time, Brown Badger comes up with a line particularizing, “It seems that maybe they have plans of hiding the gold from any more Spaniards who happen to venture out exploring these ancestral lands of ours.”

And on the other side of the mule train is Water Badger, who has been helping out as well with the gathering up of all of the resources they will need to carry out the legacy as he proclaims, “Well, it looks like we have what we need to continue on mining and farming our cultivating crops!”

In the meantime back at the mining camp around the corner of the bend is Little Dream Catcher as she enters the Spanish Quarters looking around a few moments. She looks at it as though it has been hit with a tornado or something or other as she instructs her partner friend Sunny Horizons is there to help clean up a bit. So far the Southwest Tonto Hohokam has been cleaning up preparing for the alterations and altercations which will be made in the near future.

Once she enters in to the Spanish Quarters, she enters slowly as she inspects the insides for the first time alone considering that the Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is no longer here as she comments, “This place is a mess and needs some tidying up inside!”

Immediately Sunny Horizons comes back with an idea exhilarating, “These Spanish Quarters would make a great sore room for our food!”

After glancing around some more, Little Dream Catcher agrees with Sunny Horizons, although she feels the place needs even more that a good cleaning saying, “Yes, after we remove most of this junk out from here!”

A moment later, Anasazi Wind Dancer approaches from behind observing how they all lived like renegades out of a little sized shack talking, “They all lived in this small shack?”

At that time, Father Hawk and Chief Tomahawk notice that the arrastra workers are approaching with the mule train as it tries to turn down towards the river here and there as Father Hawk says, “Looks like they found the mule train along with more treasure!”

Immediately Chief Tomahawk stands there watching and waiting while they both continue fixing up the mule stall and horse corral when he retorts, “That means there’s more gold for our secret hidden cave and we’ll have more mules to cultivate our crops!”

Of course, Anasazi Wind Dancer is standing nearby as she over hears them both as she theoretically states, “And that cave shall be guarded by Indian spirits so that no one who dares may enter in to it!”

Meanwhile back with the seven crowned conquistadors, they are still making their way along the “Old Spanish Trail” which is within the area of thicker forest trees such as pine trees scouring their way above. Up to now they have been riding along steadily, although they have some things on their minds such as what went wrong back at the mining camp. So far this has become an ongoing problem for them considering that everything has happened so very fast without any such forewarning.

The first part of the return to the conversation is with Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza as he talks about how they asked for some time off for their harvesting ceremony saying, “I thought that they were performing some three day harvesting ceremony to give better luck to their summer harvest!”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon wonders why he didn’t think that the ceremony was too late in the spring as far as any harvest is concerned as he replies, “Didn’t you think that the ceremony was too late in the spring being in the month of April?”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back with some notion answering back calmly, “No creo que no pienso en eso.”

Thereafter Conquistador Felipe thinks about how they had communicated with the Southwest Tonto Hohokam using Spanish much of the time as well as English here and there querying, “Didn’t you ever think about how we taught the Southwest Tonto Hohokam some Spanish and English over the years and we never did learn very much of their language now did we there?”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has caught someone in her eye, although it none of the seven crowned conquistadors who she is following on her pursuit. As she looks towards the east within the higher altitudes of the mountain which has four peaks along with some other smaller peaks, she notices some sort of presence through the power of animism. However the presence is only on some of the foothills that act like Ingersoll’s as they are sporadically spread out throughout the bottom of the mountain crest.

Now Conquistador Rafael feels that they were eavesdropping and listening in on their conversations and everyday actions explaining further, “Yes, it’s almost as though they had been listening in on all of our important conversations but they never talked around us too much in their language. They just picked up some slang Spanish and English feeling us out so to speak!”

And as they continue along the “Old Spanish Trail” someone or something else has caught their eye on them as they slowly pass by like a bunch of animals caught in a lower valley ravine. Still these eyes persist as though they were from some kind of prehistoric thunderbird or larger vulture ready to try and pick them up and then fly away.

Consequently Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza agrees with everything the other conquistador men are saying about the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and how they were sized up sort of in a way by saying, “You’re right; they sort of played us for a fool like an instrument feeling us all out so that they could run us out!”

And now that something has sort of brought its way down from above, a voice from heaven comes forth saying, “And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was enlightened with his glory (Rev 18:1).”

Moreover as the seven conquistador crowns continue along their path talking about what all had went wrong, another voice cries from heaven blundering, “And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird (Rev 18:2).”

Now there is a great and loud roar heard by the seven conquistador crowns as they continue riding along the “Old Spanish Trail” talking and looking around at such a disturbance. Yet they are unable to put a finger on whatever the sound is coming closer and closer. Soon the hateful bird has made his way down the crest of the foothills before his body is slightly seen as a quick flash coming towards them all.

And as the hateful bird prepares his bow for the intentions of the seven conquistador crowns, the voice moves on speaking from heaven saying, “For all nations have drunk from the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies (Rev 18:3).”

Quickly the hateful bird aims his arrow at one of the seven conquistador crowns as the “Witch Catcher” remains far off from behind at a distance while the arrow is just barely released from his archer bow position. Of course, as mischievous as it sounds as far as another deed to drive the conquistadors out, the arrow sails fast through the air making a loud whistling screech as it sails further and further from the hateful bird.

And when the arrow starts to catch some distance from him, the hateful bird lets out a loud screaming sound which catches the seven conquistador crown’s attention as the voice persists, “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues (Rev 18:4).”

Moments later, the arrow starts catching up some distance as it reaches closer and closer towards the seven conquistador crowns before nearly making contact while the voice announces from heaven, “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities (Rev 18:5).”

Finally the arrow which was shot out from the hateful bird hits its mark running its course in to the Conquistador Prophet Ramon coming unexpectedly. Immediately the Conquistador Prophet Ramon is thrown from his white horse as he lets go releasing his horse’s bridle. Straight forth he ends up falling over landing on the ground after doing nearly a complete flip over the other side of his white horse.

And now the expressions from heaven continue on as the remaining six conquistador crowns scatter around slowing down trying to make sense of what has just happened as the voice rejoices, “Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double (Rev 18:6).”

Soon they all realize what has just happened as the Conquistador Prophet Ramon scrambles around on the ground with an arrow in his left side of his rib cage. Meanwhile the screams from the hateful bird persist, although they can see nothing as they all decide to flee the scene when they all notice that the “Witch Catcher” is approaching.

With confusion the remaining six conquistador crowns turn around leaving the scene as they hurriedly turn around leaving the situation in fear while the voice in heaven says, “How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow (Rev 18:7).”

Now the remaining six conquistador crowns leave the scene feeling sorrowful, although there’s nothing they can do about it considering how bad the Conquistador Prophet Ramon was hit with the archer the hateful bird and his bow and arrow. Once they all turn and leave making a good distance down the “Old Spanish Trail” drifting their way away from their comrade who has taking a hard hit, the “Witch Catcher” makes her approach as the Conquistador Prophet Ramon starts to spit up blood from the rupture to his internal body organs which are severely damaged.

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse remains close by even as the “Witch Catcher” makes her approach. When she arrives she turns to look the hateful bird down eye to eye as he signals her off to take advantage of her new transportation which has been provided so for her benefit and their disadvantage.

As she lingers over him watching his actions during his pain and suffering, the voice in heaven moves forth with another verse saying, “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her (Rev 18:8).”

Next she decides to do a little Indian dance around her as he perishes away giving him one last chance to see her up close for the last time. And when she starts to dance she notices that the six remaining conquistador crowns are far out of sight, although that doesn’t stop her from putting on a little show before she moves along.

In fact, as she dances the fiery colors of her outfit start to mesmerize the Conquistador Prophet Ramon while the joy in heaven endures with another line speaking out, “And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and have lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning (Rev 18:9).”

Ultimately her dance is over with and the Conquistador Prophet Ramon has passed away unfortunately, although her time to move on has also come as she takes one last look at the garnet that she picked up along the way. She had picked up the garnet that the Conquistador Prophet Ramon had flung out only to slow her down perhaps when she was keeping up with them all for a good distance.

After putting the garnet back in her gris-gris bag around her neck, the “Witch Catcher” places her hand on the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s chest before getting it wet with his blood. Then she starts to head her way over towards the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse that happens to be waiting most patiently as though it was meant to be in a certain perspective.

Right away, she makes an imprint of her bloody hand on both sides of his horse as another voice says out loud, “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgement come (Rev 18:10).”

Quickly she fastens her back pack which she has made especially for this circumstance as she sidekicks her new white horse before taking off and leaving the scene. Of course, she realizes she has some lost time on her hands, although she is saving some time by allowing the hateful bird to do his end of the arrangement by burying the Conquistador Prophet Ramon considering some anonymous Indians have some future plans for his burial site.

And as she carries on moving along on the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse, she realizes that she has some of the rewards of their coming to the New World on the horse she’s riding as the voice continue speaking out, “And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore (Rev 18:11):”

Yet still she can only think of taking a peek at some of the leather bags which are all part of the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s saddle. However just smelling some of the herbs and spices are enough along with some of the precious metals such as gold which are among many of the contents of her liking for the time being. But there are some other metals within his leather bags such as brass and maybe some ivory which she has only seen in Chacon, New Mexico some time before.

Nevertheless as she continues on catching up she can only think of some of the things they have taken from the New World verses what they have brought to the northern Hemisphere as the voice expresses, “The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all many vessels of precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble (Rev 18:12).”

However there are some other things on her mind which is wandering about many of the odors of cooking food as well as pottery which stand out within her mind. And then on the other hand there are the smells of her ceremonies such as sage brushing and some other sensations which come to her thoughts and feeling that she radiates for her own personal entertainment.

As these thoughts rummage around in her head while trying to forget all that has happened even though she still has those thoughts within the back of her mind, the voice of heaven moves along with, “And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men (Rev 13:13).”

Of course, the fondness that she had for the seven conquistador crowns is now gone considering that there are only six conquistador crowns at this time. Most of her fondness that she had for them has gone since the Conquistador Prophet Ramon has passed away from the confrontation with the hateful bird. And now she is becoming sort of angry for more revenge, although she has the transportation she has only dreamt of since she had prepared herself for this expedition.

Now she thinks back to when the seven conquistadors were crossing the Verde River while noticing her there on the riverside as though they lusted after her as the vocal sounds in heaven say, “And thy fruits that thy souls lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goody are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all (Rev 18:14).”

Next she thinks about the plans of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam as they are all there trying to set things back to square one, which was to bring back their traditional ways of mining. And these traditions were here long before the conquistadors had ever made their way here to the New World from Spain overseas. Another factor on her mind is how the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People are back there probably thinking about how she’s far off in the other direction chasing the conquistador crowns out from the New World.

And while picturing the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People at peace for the first time in a long time, the spirits in heaven rejoice with another verse reciting, “The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing (Rev 18:15). “

Soon she can picture the ports of the conquistador and his fleet of ships waiting at a port on the ocean somewhere where Galveston Bay in the state of Texas within our present day, although she has never been there by herself. Most of her information has come from scouts who have made their way that far only to seek out the truth to where these conquistadors have originated from. And then on top of that many of the conquistadors themselves explain where they are from showing proof.

Then she seems to glance down at her fine pearls and all of her precious stones which are affixed as a holy shirt so to speak as the angel of heaven continues on speaking from above, “And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls (Rev 18:16).”

Finally she begins to wonder about how she is going to avoid the conquistadors once she catches up while on the other hand she thinks about crossing herself over to the other side. The other side of the world in her mind which is actually back in Portugal and Spain on another continent.

And while she thinks of her plans of how she’s going to get herself to the other side, the angel of heaven describes some more scripture saying, “For in one hour so great riches is come to naught. And every shipmaster, and all the company of ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off (Rev 18:17).”

However she does have a plan for getting across involving the Bridge of Light in which a rainbow is formed to transport oneself from one side of the rainbow to the other side of it. And she has some Navajo friends such as the Rainbow Girls to help her out with some spiritual aspects when the right time comes in the future.

There’s no doubt that the fires of her burning are known when she is still trying to catch up to the remaining six conquistadors as the voices from up above move along reciting, “And cried when they saw the smoke of their burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city (Rev 18:18).”

Yet the thoughts of her and the fiery colors from the persona of her costume stand out to the six remaining conquistadors as they continue on riding their way as fast as they possibly can again in order to out run her. However this time there was some other unknown force that has taken one of the seven conquistador crowns leaving a remaining six conquistador crowns which has affected them all greatly.

Meanwhile as they push themselves forward still looking and glancing back here and there checking to see if the “Old Spanish Trail” is clear behind them, the angel from heaven responds with another verse telling, “And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate (Rev 18:19).”

Here’s when the six remaining crowns really start to feel that they have been revenged on thinking about how they have lost their prophet who is a prophet of heaven through the ways of Catholicism. Nonetheless it had all occurred so fast before they even knew what happened before they were all kicked out with only seven of them making it out alive. And know they have lost the Conquistador Prophet Ramon who was one of their most important members of the conquistador group, although they still have Conquistador Padre who is his relative who will be looked upon as the next prophet within the group.

And now with all of the prophets within the seven conquistador crowns in mind, the angel in heaven comes forth with another prose summarizing, “Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her (Rev 18:20).”

Moreover now the “Witch Catcher has cast many stones with the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse which she had taken from him. And the six remaining conquistador crowns have cast a many stones as well trying to out run her and whatever other forces she has had at her aid back there many miles away. However she has nearly caught up to them as she persists and moves ahead trying to stay out of sight when she does catch up to them all.

Meanwhile with the chase still on and at large, the angel of heaven continues on with another verse explaining, “And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all (Rev 18:21).”

Furthermore the music and chants of the Southwest Tonto Hohokam as well as the Rain People has disappeared from the minds of the six remaining conquistadors. And so has the music of their own culture such as the culture from Spain which has been carried over seas. So far their minds are filled with fear and confusion as they muster forward towards the borders of where Arizona and New Mexico are today.

And as they begin to march along with the beat of a new drumming sound of music in their head, the angel of heaven comes forth with all of the musical talents from above revealing, “And the voices of harpers and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found anymore in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee (Rev 18:22).”

Lastly the Woman of Heaven continues on as she has them all within her sights, although she feels that she should continue following them until they slow down at least. Then she will have to try and divert herself a little bit further north in order to remain in sight at a great distance. Consequently she has begun to realize just how well the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People have executed their plans considering that she understands that she and the tribes have hidden the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Soon the lights in heaven become even more brighter as the angel in heaven speaks of the powers of heaven saying, “And the light of the candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by their sorceries were all nations deceived (Rev 18:23).”

And now that the testimony of Jesus Christ has been hidden from the six remaining crowns as well as the seven remaining crowns, the conquistadors continue with all these confusions on their mind. Soon they start to slow down a bit wondering if they are still on the “Old Spanish Trail” just making sure that they haven’t gone too far off by chance. But still they tend to take many glances back here and there wondering if they are alone or if they are being followed by some unknown presence other than her.

Once the thoughts of losing another one of their own conquistador men has come forth to haunt all of them, the angel of heaven comes along with another addition to the prose saying, “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Rev 18:24).”

Soon the six remaining conquistador crowns slow down a little bit more in order to converse with one another so that they can make sense of everything that has happened. So far everything has happened so fast and everything as far as time is concerned is happening as fast as they decide to try and rationalize the situation.

Quickly the “Witch Catcher” has slowed down as well while trying to stay out of sight from the six remaining conquistador crowns as she wonders where to change course so that she can follow them from a northern direction. However there are too many mountain ranges which are widespread so there is a supposed challenge at risk. So for now she may have to stay back behind them a good few hundreds of yards or so until they pass through eastern Arizona and through the Mogollon Rim.


Suddenly after a long run away from the incident of the hateful bird taking out the Conquistador Prophet Ramon with his bow and arrow, the six remaining conquistador crowns decide to slow down and rest up their horses a minute or so while trying to catch their breath. Immediately the Woman of Heaven sees them all stop as she pulls off to the side of the “Old Spanish Trail” trying to keep out of sight.

For a moment there she almost thought that one of the conquistador crowns may have seen her back there after one of their glances back behind themselves. However she was too far away to distinguish whether or not any of them saw her considering that she was riding a little faster than she was previously trained to ride. Nonetheless she has been doing such a fine job already with the point in mind that this horse is a stranger unto herself.

And once the six remaining conquistador crowns all catch their breath along with their horses who have taken a slight beaten, they all try to start a conversation. Yet they all seem to have a tendency to look around over their shoulder every once in a while for a quick glimpse about. At one point, some of the conquistador crowns end up pulling their horse’s bridles around in circles trying to keep a look out just in case there are any more Indians lurking nearby.

The first conquistador to start off the conversation is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who is so overwhelmed by the loss of another one of his men crying out, “What the hell happened back there?”

Then straight forth Conquistador Felipe is sort of drawn with a heavy breath still as he slowly tries to muster out saying sort of loud like, “That Indian took out our Conquistador Prophet Ramon!”

With confusion still on his mind as well, Conquistador Padre thinks back to that moment asking, “Are you sure that was an Indian back there who shot our Conquistador Prophet Ramon with an arrow?”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe has to bring his thoughts back to that moment once again as he answers back honestly telling, “Yes, I caught a slight glimpse through the trees as we were riding away. There was some strange Indian fellow behind the trees with a large bow!”

After hearing Conquistador Felipe’s short story about catching a slight glimpse of some Indian behind the trees with a bow and possibly some more arrows, Conquistador Rafael asks an informative question querying, “Do you mean a bow like the ones back at the mining camp?”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe pictures the hateful bird and his bow in mind before answering back with, “Yes, it was just like the ones back at the mining camp, although this one was mucho Grande!”

By now, the other conquistadors such as Conquistador Miguel who starts become a little more paranoid after knowing that there were more Indians back there saying, “I guess those Indians are everywhere!”

Of course, there’s no doubt that Conquistador Riguel feels that there could be more Indians lurking on up ahead commenting, “And there could be more Indians lurking and hiding up ahead along the “Old Spanish Trail?”

At about that time, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to pull his bridle the other way signaling a chance to ride on as he makes a remark, “It appears that she has her Indian friends from all over helping her out?”

Quickly they all begin to start to ride off once again as Conquistador Padre kicks his stirrups in to his horse gesturing out loud, “So if she does have some more friends waiting?”

And as they start to haul off catching and picking up speed, Conquistador Miguel blurts out a quick line only to invoke the others to feel less worried about things rallying, “I guess we’ll be waiting for them!”

Immediately thereafter they all start to ride off much faster now that they have had a chance to rest up their horses just a bit. They would have probably rested their horses more, although they feel that they ought to get a move on before that crazy Indian woman or anyone of her crazy Indian friends comes running along.

However as they continue on the ride along the “Old Spanish Trail” they notice that it seems as they are a little confused at times as to where on the trail they are at. And sometimes they feel as though they may have gone off of the trail a little bit as they try and look to remember certain aspects which may look familiar along the trail.

It seems that Conquistador Padre seems to remember a few places which stand out here and there as they fight to make some distance trying to separate them from her. And then on the other hand, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza remembers a few mountainous tops that he recalls saying that there was no gold or iron deposits within those areas.

Nevertheless as they continue to ride off gaining distance from the scene that took the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s life, the “Witch Catcher” has started off once again catching and keeping up the best she possibly can without losing them. Yet she is able to keep them in her sights while trying to keep back a good enough space to keep from being seen or noticed back there in the distance.

Many more miles pass and they end up further east towards the Mogollon Rim more as they continue on in that direction. So far the Woman of Heaven has stayed back a great distance only to keep them from realizing that’s she’s still there. However in their mind she has been there the whole entire time catching up to them back when they were crossing over the Verde River and then again when their Conquistador Prophet Ramon was killed by the hateful bird and his bow and arrow.

Nevertheless they all feel that they should continue on even though their horses are tired and they are tired as well, although they are afraid to stop and take any time out in order to rest. But then on the one hand they will have to stop some time or other so that they will be able to camp out for the night, although they will have to keep an eye out for any intruders such as that crazy Indian woman or any other Indians on her side.

A time later and the six remaining conquistador crowns start to slow down a bit while wondering which way to go as Conquistador Padre starts off the conversation by asking, “So which way now?”

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes a look around at some of the mountains and also at the “Old Spanish Trail” or what they think is the trail as he comes back answering, “We’ll head this way towards those mountains in the east.”

And now, there is much happening in heaven as the power of animism takes its toll with lighting up the sky with its power. Many of the angels gather in the clouds above as the six remaining conquistador crowns continue on their journey towards the east coast or at least the Midwestern coast within the boundaries of today’s Texas State.

Meanwhile Conquistador Padre wonders if they are going in the right direction considering that the “Old Spanish Trail seems to split off in two directions around some obstructions such as rough terrain. And then the two trails come back together once again on the other side which is apparent as they look off in the distance a ways.

Immediately Conquistador Padre questions Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza and his authority asking, “Are you sure that we are heading in the right direction?”

Straight forth Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back making his point clear as he says answering back, “Yes, we are heading in the right direction. Here’s where the trail splits off and meets back a little ways further down.”

Right away, Conquistador Rafael is glad that they are on the right track commenting, “At least we are on the right track and haven’t lost the “Old Spanish Trail.”

Now Conquistador Felipe feels the same for that strange Indian woman who has been hot on their trail mentioning, “And we can be assured that that strange Indian woman must know the “Old Spanish Trail” fairly well herself considering that we aren’t sure if we lost her!”

Shortly thereafter Conquistador Miguel starts to wonder about the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse which was left behind questioning, “Hey, what about the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s horse that was left behind?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks about that for a moment before saying, “I don’t know; the Indians will probably get it along with all of our mules and other horses!”

Soon after hearing that Conquistador Riguel thinks about how maybe she may have ended up with the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse commenting, “How do we know if she ended up with our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s horse or not?”

Right away, Conquistador Felipe thinks back to the hateful bird and how he caught a glimpse of him through the tree lines answering back, “We really don’t have any way of knowing whether or no she grabbed our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s horse unless we see her riding it after us I suppose!”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza fades his thoughts back to when she had caught up to them all along the Verde River when they were crossing telling his view, “Well, that crazy Indian woman didn’t have any horse when she was along the Verde River there waiting for us to approach with all of her crazy Indian friends there throwing rocks at us. And I don’t see her here now which means hopefully we out ran her and lost her.”

Next Conquistador Padre comes out with a good note considering that they had never taught any of the Indians, such as the Southwest Tonto Hohokam, how to ride a horse just in case something of this nature was to happen as he comes forth saying, “At least we never taught any of them how to ride a horse!”

Meanwhile back at the Indian mining camp, one of the Indian boys hops onto one of the conquistador horses while riding around the horse corral in circles a few times. Then all of a sudden he gets bucked off considering the fact that he was riding bare back and they aren’t too knowledgeable on the subject of bronco busting horse like a cowboy.

Immediately after the little Indian boy falls off the conquistador’s horse falling on the ground, one of the Rain People laughs saying, “They should call you falling horse!”

Soon they all go back to their own business as the “Witch Catcher” remains as far back as she can without allowing any of the six remaining conquistador crowns to see her following them all. Nevertheless within her mind, they are all on high alert now that their own conquistador prophet has been erased from the group.

However she has gained control of the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse as far as being able to ride him as though he was one of her own. And now as she follows, she looks to the skies to catch any signs from above as there are many spiritual things happening in which only she can vividly see with her naked eye.

It’s almost as though she has some sort of inner eye that is connecting to some spiritual forces which are a part of another spiritual realm. And that realm is heaven at this point, although she is also very connected to the underworld as far as those spiritual realities are concerned. Nevertheless she only tries to connect herself to those forces as she tries to center herself for more inner spiritualism balancing between both sides of heaven and hell.

And as she looks to the clouds while riding along, she can see an angel of heaven standing there as the doors open saying, “And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Al-le-lu’ia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God (Rev 19:1):”

Luckily the six remaining conquistador crowns are riding along slow enough for the “Witch Catcher” to stay back far enough without being seen and still able to keep up. However there is a lot of action going on in heaven up in the clouds above as they form many illuminating patterns. Also there are many spiritual beings moving about, although it’s hard for her to make out each individual entity as they fade in and out as well as back and forth.

And finally some more beings arrive which only she can see as the testimony of Jesus Christ is still hidden from every one of the six remaining conquistador crowns, though the angel from heaven comes forth with another verse telling, “For true and righteous are his judgements: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and HATH AVENGED THE BLOOD OF HIS SERVANTS AT HER HAND (Rev 19:2).”

Of course, while these words are said she can only think of the blood that was slain reducing the number of her enemies down a notch. And now they all gather in heaven creating a sort of animism with the sky that only the “Witch Catcher” can only see with her keen vision. It’s almost as though she is some sort of Shaman who can visualize her own mind on the other side of the supernatural. However most of her impressions are carried above as more entwined visions start to come forth.

Once some of those visions start to become a reality, the angel of heaven speaks again singing, “And again they said, Al-le-lu’ia. AND HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOR EVER AND EVER (Rev 19:3).”

As the six remaining conquistador crowns continue on, there is a heavy presence felt on them from above, although they are unable to put any one thing upon whatever it is that they are feeling. Yet they can only act and try and be more precautious as they muster forward. And there are many more cloud formations above that are beyond their interpretations as far as todays scientific explanations are concerned.

Now there are some other visitors above within heaven who are worshipping as the angel of heaven rejoices, “And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, A’-men; Al-le-lu’-ia (Rev 19:4).”

And now those visitors begin bowing and praying before God only to show and display those heavenly powers in order to help overpower the six remaining conquistador crowns. But as they pray they do as though they have fear in God which will absolutely provoke fear in the six remaining conquistador crowns in return as well.

Soon one of the six remaining conquistador crowns starts to see things from out of the corner of his eye as the heavens open up with the angel and another verse chanting, “And a voice came out of the throne, saying, PRAISE OUR GOD, ALL YE HIS SERVANTS, AND YE THAT FEAR HIM, BOTH SMALL AND GREAT (REV 19:5).”

Moments later as the voice from heaven makes its way below the cloud, there are a many voices heard by the six remaining conquistador crowns. The voice of heaven is also heard by the Woman of Heaven as it echoes more for her than the others down through the lower valleys. However most of it is nothing more than a sort of impression from the air that has only thickened up around them all.

And as the voices reach their way down below, the angel from heaven discloses the next verse telling, “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of many thunderings, saying, Al-le-lu’-ia (Rev19:6).”

Before long many more entities join the worshipping of God on the throne such as Mary Magdalene who has entered the world of heaven in a spiritual form such as her physical form. And heaven has opened up to allow the sealing of things that hadn’t yet come to pass. However in her spiritual form she is made ready and prepared for the Lamb before the throne of god and all ye who worship him.

And as the voices continue on with their echoes through the canyons and valleys below, the angel of heaven comes ever forth with another line of prose saying, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready (Rev 19:7).”

Finally the six remaining conquistador crowns slow down as Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks that he saw something move around within the cumulus clouds above while they were all riding along. Of course, he has been getting some impressions from the skies above which has been going on and happening for quite some time ever since the three day Jesus Way Ceremony had begun.

As the six remaining conquistador crowns continue on their way, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza acts as a sky watcher looking for anything out of the ordinary as the angel of heaven continues on with, “And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints (Rev 19:8).”

Many more moments pass as the six remaining conquistador crowns have gained more ground along the pass of the “Old Spanish Trail.” So far, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has been looking out within all directions for the crazy Indian shaman woman. And then on the other hand he has been acting like a stargazer in a way, although he has been staring down the entire array of fluffy cotton ball like clouds that are shooting through the skies with many different beautiful designs here and there.

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks he saw something considering that the wife of the Lamb has shown forth her energies as the angel of heaven moves along in to another line expressing, “And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, these are the true sayings of God (Rev 19:9).”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza sees some more images out of the corner of his eye as the illuminations of Mary Magdalene start to fade back as he says to the others, “Did you all see that?”

Immediately Conquistador Padre wonders what he’s talking about considering the fact that he hadn’t noticed anything asking, “See what?”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza points to a few of the puffed up clouds as they move about making many different heavenly shapes while saying, “Right up there!”

As he points to the cotton candy shaped clouds Conquistador Felipe wonders what he saw querying, “What did you see up there?”

Then Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza starts to look around not only about the trees and the landscape but also within the world above as the skies of heaven start to weigh down as he says, “Right up there I just thought I seen some woman walk passed in-between those two clouds!”

There no doubts in Conquistador Rafael’s mind that they are all only hallucinations because their minds are only playing tricks with them because they are all tired as he answers back, “There’s nobody up there!”

During the meantime, there are more images in heaven as the worshipping presumes on while the angel of heaven comes forth with the next verse speaking out, “And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto him, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10).”

And now Jesus Christ himself has entered unto his own testimony once again as he prepares to show forth his powers through heaven. However the six remaining conquistador crowns are still taking a gaze up towards the clouds here and there, although nothing seems to show forth. Yet Jesus Christ still is arranging his celebrations with his marriage in heaven as he comes forth from the skies of heaven above.

Finally the doors of heaven begin to open once again as the angel of heaven displays the prophecies of scripture by affirming, “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war (Rev 19:11).”

Now Jesus Christ makes his entrance from the heavens above as he rides his white horse displaying his name of being Faithful and True. For a moment, the six remaining conquistador crowns are unobservant as Jesus Christ shows himself for a split second, although Conquistador Padre just thought he caught a glimpse of something.

Straight away Conquistador Padre turns to see what it was he saw, although whatever it was has just faded behind one of the cumulus clouds that have stretched its way overhead as he comments, “Hey! I just saw something dart passed up there!”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe wonders where as he glances up towards the clouds that are puffed high up in to the atmosphere questioning, “Where at?”

Right away, Conquistador Padre points his finger to a few cumulus clouds that are nearly connected to one another as he says, “Right up there, I saw something white dart passed between those clouds!”

Just then Conquistador Miguel wonders what Conquistador Padre saw interrogating him, “What was it?”

After hearing his short question, Conquistador Padre comes out trying to think about what he had seen for a brief moment or so before answering back, “I thought I saw the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse run by from one cloud to the other!”

Finally Conquistador Riguel starts to laugh a bit with sort of a loud chuckle with a light whimsical copycat line saying, “You thought you saw the Conquistador Prophet Ramon ride by on his white horse from one cloud to another?”

At that moment, Conquistador Padre starts to feel unsure perhaps about what he saw now that his authority is being questioned replying, “Yes, I guess so!”

Next Conquistador Miguel comes back with a full thrown humorous line retorting, “Then I guess the Conquistador Prophet Ramon is up there riding his white horse around the cloudy heavens!”

Consequently Conquistador Tesoro is more in the mood to make appoint about what he had seen baulking, “See I told you I had seen something and it’s the Conquistador Prophet Ramon looking out for us!”

Nevertheless as the six remaining conquistador crowns continue on the angel of heaven and his verses flow with “His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself (Rev 19:12).”

The Woman of Heaven is a ways back behind them all, although she is still carrying on with following them from a good distance. And she has kept up with paying attention to what’s going on in the skies of heaven above. Of course, Jesus Christ and his marriage in heaven endures even though he has moved on to displaying other attributes.

Moments later, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza feels some sort of drip on his cheek while riding. He doesn’t notice it right away, although when he does it appears to be blood perhaps but only a little. Then he turns and looks to the skies seeing nothing considering that Jesus Christ is now trying to keep the testimony hidden except through that contagious magic that he has given unto him.

And as the six remaining conquistador crowns carry on their way, the angel of heaven moves onto the following verse deliberating, “And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called Word of God (Rev 19:13).”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza sees the blood as he wipes his hand over his cheek wondering where it came from. At first, he looks at it thinking about some birds that have flown over recently, although he decides to doubt that prospect a little bit. Now he starts to think that it has to do with the Conquistador Prophet Ramon and his being in the skies of heaven watching over them all as he wipes the blood off of his hand onto his pants.

Furthermore the angels of heaven continue on watching while the angel of heaven comes forth with another verse telling, “And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Rev 19:14)."

Moreover Conquistador Felipe notices Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza acting aloof and independent while wiping his hands on his pants and looking around at the skies still asking, “Que paso?”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tries to act indifferent, although he then decides to brush it off saying, “Nada.”

Next Conquistador Padre begins to become curious as to with the looks on Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza’s face pointing out, “What’s up, you act like someone died?”

Then Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to beat around the bush some more perhaps because even though they are only becoming more confused stating, “Almost!”

Nevertheless Conquistador Rafael wonders what that’s supposed to suggest asking, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Now Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza decides to tell the truth only to clarify matters more explaining, “A drop of blood fell from the sky and landed on my cheek and I think it’s our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s blood and he’s trying to tell us something!”

Up in the sky Jesus Christ is watching with some anger as he swings his sword around when the angel of heaven speaks out saying, “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them like a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God (Rev 19:15).”

Quickly Jesus Christ takes a ride in-between two cumulus clouds displaying his vesture as none of the six remaining conquistadors are paying full attention. Then as Jesus Christ and his white horse start to fade out from the scene, Conquistador Felipe catches a slight glimpse. Yet the glimpse is so slight that he is unsure of what he saw and even if his mind is playing tricks on him.

The angel of heaven still comes forth with another powerful part telling, “And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS (Rev 19:16).”

Soon many turkey vultures start to show up waiting here and there in the trees while many of them approach flying around in circles. There are also many more birds of prey such as hawks roaming the skies as they all pass along the “Old Spanish Trail.” Still they try to ignore everything believing that their Conquistador Prophet Ramon is up there in heaven not only looking out for them all but giving them warnings too.

And as many more turkey vultures arrive, the angel of heaven begins again with more words describing, “And I saw an angel standing in the sun: and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all of the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God (Rev 19: 17).”

The six remaining conquistadors start to take note of all of the fowl such as many turkey vultures gathering overhead. It’s almost as though they are expecting a meal out of them because they can sense when something is about to die long before it ever does. Most of the times these turkey vultures seem wait out their prey until they are sure that they are surely dead and ready to feast upon.

Nonetheless the six remaining conquistador crowns all begin to watch the skies more closely overhead not only for some mysterious spiritual happenings but for the physical realm also while the angel of heaven communicates the next verse, “That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great (Rev 19:18).”

There are some things that are happening and taking more notice in the skies of heaven above as Jesus Christ watches the six remaining conquistador crowns stare in every direction. Now he feels sort of threatened to where he takes a sort of more aggressive stance from the dimensions ahead. Surely Jesus Christ feels that they are down there ready to team up against him even though they can’t reach their way in to the spiritual realm to make contact with him. And not to forget the fact that his testimony has been hidden from the conquistadors through the Jesus Way Ceremony and the “Witch Catcher.”

And while Jesus Christ watches them wage war against him, the angel of heaven speaks the next spiritual incantation saying, “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army (Rev 19:19).”

Finally the soul and spirit of the Conquistador Prophet Ramon is taken by Jesus Christ as the false prophet and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone so that his remembrance will be forgotten. Of course, the six remaining conquistador crowns still believe that the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s spirit or ghost is somehow causing some signs that they feel are recognizable. And still they continue on gazing around trying to locate any more visions to help with the move onward.

The angel of heaven comes forth while the false prophet is taken with another verse of scripture stating, “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone (Rev 19:20).”

The death of the Conquistador Prophet Ramon has now spread throughout the lower realms of earth and they have made an impression on the turkey vultures and hawks that are roaming the skies. Many of the fowls of the earth are swarming them as though they were at the end of their road. In a sense it’s almost as though they are ready to die soon from all of the tiresome and wearisome running away.

The angel of heaven prepares another verse while the six remaining conquistador crowns feel like they have been slain telling, “And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh (Rev 19:21).

Consequently the six remaining conquistador crowns continue on while feeling the pity of one of their own kind being slain. It’s almost like they are being hunted down one by one by not only the “Witch Catcher” but many other tribes of Indians as well. And they can’t forget the fact that the supernatural has much to do with it either.

Nevertheless the “Witch Catcher” persists with following them from a faraway distance, although she has faded even further back within the last several minutes. Mostly due to the fact that they are acting more precarious with looking around on all sides meaning in every direction looking out for her or any other Indians who deem a threat.


And suddenly the “Witch Catcher” has finally caught up with the six remaining conquistador crowns, although she’s at a good distance to the north of them while riding along at a parallel position. At first, she is unnoticed by them because she is a good distance away and there are many obstacles blocking their view. Nonetheless they continue looking around towards all sides along with gazing at the skies above even though nothing has shown forth recently.

The Woman of Heaven feels that the time is now to keep a separate distance from them all in order to reach a range of character change with the six remaining conquistador crowns. This is the only way that she can destroy his desire for gold when his internal need is to give up his love of gold for something greater.

He also has a need which is to learn how to relate to other, although he does when it comes to the other conquistadors. So far she along with the Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People have destroyed his desire for gold and replaced it with a curiosity that will soon be replaced with a fondness for the unknown.

Eventually the “Witch Catcher” wants to use her shamanistic charm to drive them all crazy with her existence as she continues on with her pursuit trying to drive them out from the southwest plains of the New World. Up to now they have passed the frontage area of Four Peaks, although there are still many other hills and canyons along the way.

Then moments later as the “Witch Catcher” rides the white horse in-between some trees, Conquistador Padre looks towards the north noticing her pass by. However at first he turns away before noticing considering that he has been glancing around everywhere very fast like. And then when he looks back she is gone passing by some more pine trees.

Quickly he turns to the other five remaining conquistador crowns calling out to them, “Hey, I think I just saw that crazy Indian shamanic woman ride by on a white horse with some red paint splotched on the back end!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns over towards Conquistador Padre who is on the north side of the group replying as he points while taking one of his left hand off of his bridle, “Where over there on a white horse?”

Conquistador Padre comes back with another answer to his question while turning that way explaining, “Yes, she just passed by that opening over there in-between those trees by that hill?”

After thinking things over a little bit, Conquistador Felipe figures that the crazy shamanistic like Indian woman must have taken their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s horse responding, “She must have taken our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s horse from him after he died?”

Next Conquistador Rafael is sort of angry about that fact once it hits him considering it’s one they had overlooked when he deliberates, “We overlooked that possibility!”

Therefore Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is shaken over the idea of how they had forgotten about their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse because they had other interruptions as he explains, “We never thought about her catching up on our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse because I thought they would have killed his horse!”

Of course, Conquistador Padre can only think of how their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse was covered in red paint telling, “It looked like she had painted his horse too with some red ochre!”

And for some reason Conquistador Miguel feels that the red paint was something else by quickly giving more details, “That paint was his blood I bet!”

Still Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza thinks that maybe the blood came from their Conquistador Prophet Ramon when the arrow struck him by exclaiming, “Maybe the blood came from when he was hit by the arrow and fell off of his horse?”

By now Conquistador Riguel wonders what they are doing waiting around by riding so slow talking about things saying, “What are we doing talking about things when we should really just ride the hell out of here?”

Of course, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza wants their horses to rest up a bit because they are still panting a lot from the long distances they have ridden so far by telling, “We need to let our horses rest up a bit before we speed up anymore. Besides we don’t know where she’s at and she obviously ahead of us somewhere!”

Soon Conquistador Felipe thinks that they are all going to have to rest sometime too contemplating, “We are going to have to camp soon and give ourselves a break!”

Furthermore Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is trying to be especially precautious considering that they have no idea where the “Witch Catcher” is at exemplifying, “We will camp before sunset but for now we are going to have to be careful just in case she has more of her Indian friends with her somewhere waiting for us!”

Conquistador Padre doesn’t feel so safe riding along the “Old Spanish Trail” for many reasons or other contending, “Don’t you all think we should maybe head south and try and ditch her by going another direction?”

Conquistador Rafael figures that what’s the use now that she has their Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse imploring, “What’s the use when she has our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse that can easily smell our horses from miles away?”

Meanwhile Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has to agree with what Conquistador Rafael is saying by bringing a point up, “You’re right; there’s no way we can ditch her on horse especially with our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse!”

So far the “Witch Catcher” has moved further north away from their view as she comes in range for another chance to get a glance. However it’s a slight glimpse only so she can figure about where they are before she pulls further ahead. This was she will be ready for when they decide to camp out for the night and she won’t be heard by them once they stop and tie up their horses.

And when she does catch her sight on them, Conquistador Miguel catches a quick glimpse of her as she passes between slight openings between a patch of trees within a slight gulley that is about a quarter mile away. Nevertheless when she notices that she has been seen by one of them she pulls her bridle up while side kicking her new horse ahead.

Immediately Conquistador Miguel turns to the remaining conquistadors as they pass through the gulley saying, “There she is again passing through the gulley up there!”

Quickly Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza turns trying to catch his own peek while he possibly can before she leaves the gulley responding, “Up that way!”

Afterwards Conquistador Miguel answers Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza clarifying, “Yes, she just passed through the gulley up that way.”

Once she has been seen again close by, Conquistador Felipe realizes that she has been stalking them pretty good on horse to keep up elucidating, “She has been stalking us all like we’re a herd of cattle!”

And after thinking about it for another brief moment, Conquistador Rafael is confused as to how she had learned to ride a horse anyhow asking, “How do you think she learned how to ride a horse anyways?”

This question seems to suit Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza considering that he was the conquistador to bring horses to the southwest plains as he says, “I don’t know; I don’t think any of the Indians had any horses that we have heard of around this area unless the Rain People acquired some horses somehow!”

Now Conquistador Padre wants to get out of there, although he thinks of some way she may have learned saying, “Maybe there’s some other similar animal she learned to ride and she just watched us and learned!”

Of course, Conquistador Felipe has a feeling he is probably right and knows what animal it possibly could be telling them, “She may have learned riding buffalo or a mule or even perhaps a donkey from the continent south of here! I heard them all talk about some of the things the Rain People had received as gifts from there in their homeland.”

Thereafter Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only agree considering that they have no other explanation correlating, “Maybe you’re right; and we are heading in that direction once we pass through the Mogollon Rim, although we will be far south of there. But we have to be careful because there are Rain People and natives of the southern continent who are visiting traveling back and forth.”

Conquistador Miguel has decided that they will have to worry about that when the time comes if they make it that far carrying on with, “I guess we will have to worry about that when the time comes if we are still alive when we make it that far!”

Conquistador Riguel can’t believe how negative his close Spanish friend Conquistador Miguel is becoming from all the negative action giving some particulars, “Why are you being so negative about everything?”

Finally Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza figures that maybe it’s time that they stop and camp near a small stream that he sees ahead saying, “Let’s stop and camp here next to the stream ahead so we can fill our canteens for tomorrow!”

Right away, they all slow down their horses while looking around the area for any signs of anyone else living nearby. At first it seems as though they are alone and nobody is living close by but they all feel as though they should move on before camping. Nevertheless their horses are very extremely tired and so are they which are some factors making it hard for them to concentrate in order to make the right choices.

Conquistador Padre feels that they should camp lightly meaning leaving their horses geared up and ready to hop on by scrambling up, “I think we should let our horses rest a bit while we keep a good night watch on the place!”

Once they all slow down completely while twirling around their horses before settling down, Conquistador Felipe blurts out, “This place is giving me the creeps!”

Next Conquistador Rafael can only picture that crazy Indian shamanistic like woman being nearby saying, “That crazy shamanic Indian woman being nearby is what is scaring me a little too much to camp here!”

As soon Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza gets off his horse ready to tie him down to a tree where he wants to set down at, he comes forth commenting to the others, “Let’s all tie up our horses and do a weapons check before the sun goes down. Then after that we will prepare a fire and three of us will eat while the other three will make some more weapons!”

After thinking about his main weapon of the conquistador’s choice, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza can only think about how he was in too much of a scattered stance to grab his lance saying to them all, “We all seemed to let loose of our weaponry when we tried to get away!”

Conquistador Rafael remembers losing his lance when all the action of fighting with Southwest Tonto Hohokam and the Rain People speaking, “Yes, I lost my lance when the Indians were all tugging, pulling, and fighting around me when I was trying to get away!”

In the meantime the “Witch Catcher” has realized that they have slowed down and stopped considering the fact that she has a sort of telepathy with her surroundings to a point. Quickly she pulls on the bridle of the white horse signaling him to slow down and stop. Then she pulls the bridle of the white horse back the other way heading in a southwest direction.

She stops and sits there on the white horse for a few moments before deciding which way to go in order to inspect where they will be camping out for the night. Of course she wants to camp out nearby herself so that she can stay within a close proximity of where they are located camping at.

Before shaking up the bridle of the white horse, the “Witch Catcher” says out loud, “Looks like we’ll have to turn around and see where they are camping for the night!”

The Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse gives out a slight sigh as though he can understand what she’s saying while she moves his bridle to push him forward again. Slowly she rides closer to where she thinks there are just past the end of the gulley near a stream that flows through there.

Meanwhile back at the temporary campsite of the six remaining conquistador crowns, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza is trying to find some good size sticks of wood to make some weapons from. So far he has found a few and so has Conquistador Padre and Conquistador Rafael who wants to replace his lance that he had lost previously.

After finding a few good size sticks that are big enough to work with, Conquistador Padre says to the others, “Here are a few good tree branches that we can shaft in to a lance perhaps!”

Conquistador Rafael brings back a few good size tree branches that he had found near the trunk of a tree that will make good specimens conversing, “I found a few good tree branches also that we can make into some lances.”

Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza has found a few good branches that he wants to try and shaft in to some type of lance baulking to the others, “Here are a few good size branches we can try and use to make a few lances with.”

At this time Conquistador Felipe, Conquistador Miguel, and Conquistador Riguel are trying to whip of something to eat from their reserve satchel which they always have filled with some dried fruits and grains. These foods only serve as a temporary fix until they do something such as hunting or maybe run their luck into some natural foods such as cactus or other vegetation that are edible.

As soon as Conquistador Felipe takes out some more grains from his satchel of food he has left for reserves, he makes a comment to the other conquistadors asking, “So what are we going to do now that our reserves are almost gone?”

Conquistador Miguel figures that they are going to have to wait until they all make some more weapons in order to do some hunting saying, “It looks like we are going to have to wait until we make some more weapons to hunt with before we all starve!”

And for some reason Conquistador Riguel feels a little bit on the negative sides of things considering that he is a little fearful of the temporary campsite for the night articulating, “We are the only animals being hunted down around here!”

Then Conquistador Felipe can only agree with him declaring, “Yes, that crazy shamanic Indian woman is the only one doing any hunting around here hunting us down!”

Conquistador Miguel can only agree with Conquistador Felipe about how they are being hunted down carrying on explaining, “Yes, you’re all right! She is hunting us all down one by one and she has some Indian friends helping her out!”

Now that they have been there for a few minutes already, Conquistador Riguel wonders if they should take a chance putting together a camp fire for the night asking, “I guess it would be a bad idea to put a camp fire together with the chance of her being nearby still!”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe is most positive that she’s still nearby considering the fact that she was seen passing through the gulley responding, “She’s nearby alright! I can feel it in my veins like an arrow putting a pain in my heart!”

While starting to catch the jibe creepiness from some of the vibes pouring from the aura of the others, Conquistador Miguel comes forth with his feelings telling, “I know and it’s starting to freak me out making me cringe all over my body just thinking about it!”

Soon Conquistador Padre walks up with some more branches and some of his tools from his tool satchel bag strapped to his horse speaking out, “Don’t talk so loud just in case she’s nearby!”

Next Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza joins back with the others with some of his tools and findings such as wood branches gabbing, “We need to keep low key and try and leave as soon as the sun rises in the early morning!”

Conquistador Rafael approaches the others thinking that one of them ought to go take a look round to see if she’s near corresponding, “Why don’t we have one of us take a look around to make sure she isn’t too close for comfort?”

Straight forth Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza sits down trying to gather himself in order to work his magic saying in a low voice, “And risk someone else being killed or maybe injured by her or one of her Indian friends?”

Meanwhile the “Witch Catcher” has caught up to where they are camped out at, although she only gets close enough to hear their voices. Of course, she had heard their voices talk about her when they were all talking very loud like to each other. Quickly she turns back to find a spot to camp out herself in order to wait the six remaining conquistador crowns out for the entire night until morning comes.

Minutes later she finds a spot to park the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse in order to park for the night while waiting the scene out. First off, she ties her white horse to a tree so that she can sit and rest. Secondly, she does this while thinking about taking a meal break with some of her dried fruits that she has prepared along with some Indian gums and some dried nuts that she had brought for the occasion.

Of course, she must ration out what she has only being able to eat a bite or so here and there only to keep her stomach from getting any severs hunger pains. However to her this is a rite of passage as she tries to fast herself for the first time on this voyage that she has so long prepared to do for a many years.

For the first few minutes or so she continues slowly chewing the foods that she has to offer herself which is only a few bites worth. Then she decides to try and see what the six remaining conquistador crowns are doing by using her telepathic and extrasensory perception, although she does this in her own mysterious way.

The next thing she does is she looks around glaring into every one of her stones trying to get an affixation on what’s really going on over there without having to be presently amongst them all. Yet her topaz stone seems to tell the truth as she can almost synchronize many images of them sitting around talking while being most precautious about her whereabouts. It’s almost as though she can even see them in the mental images of her mind and third eye as they continue preparing as many weapons as they can before the following day comes.

As she continues looking at her vest of crystals that she has been wearing ever since the beginning of the third day of the Jesus Way Ceremony, the “Witch Catcher” speaks out loud saying, “Looks like they are arming themselves!”

Thereafter the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s white horse sighs suddenly as though he knows what she’s speaking about when it comes to the six remaining conquistador crowns. While the white horse eats from the grasses next to the tree, she starts to prepare a bed with one of her blankets that she has brought wrapped up and packed for the occasions. And for some reason she has even decided against making a camp fire so that she doesn’t give her whereabouts away to them all.

Once she has her bed prepared and her back ready as a sort of pillow to rest her head on, the “Witch Catcher” leans back ready to take a lite night’s rest while blabbing something else out loud to herself, “Well, it’s time that we rest while they prepare their sticks and stones for protection!”

Quickly she lays her head back ready to catch some shut eye, although there are lots of thoughts rummaging around in her mind. Nevertheless she feels that the worst of the trip is over with except for the plans she has once she reaches the eastern coast. Now she sleeps waiting for the next early morning to come at sunrise.

For the moment the six remaining conquistador crowns are finishing up with their rations of food that they have saved away in their leather satchels. There rations are low considering the fact that they weren’t prepared for the actions that had taken place within the last day. Another point is that they not only have lost their Conquistador Prophet Ramon but they have lost his white horse. That’s because the Woman of Heaven has taken possession of the horse along with those rations which she will save for later perhaps when her supplies run low or out.

The first one to start the conversation off is Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza who has taken a look at his rations of food which are slightly low while saying to the others, “Looks like our rations of food are getting very low?”

Immediately Conquistador Padre tries to do two tasks at once while he tries to look at his rations in-between also trying to shaft another lance telling, “Low; my rations are almost all gone after another day perhaps!”

Finally Conquistador Rafael thinks about his rations as he tries to scrounge some from his leather satchel bickering, “My rations are low too and will probably be gone by tomorrow sometime. Too bad we couldn’t have made away with our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s supply of rations!”

Immediately Conquistador Felipe becomes sort of angry thinking about the Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s rations yacking reckoning, “Our Conquistador Prophet Ramon’s rations of food are in his leather satchels which were with his saddle bags on his white horse!”

Conquistador Miguel continues shafting a branch in to a weapon such as a lance while retorting, “Well, she made off with his rations of food and his horse along with everything she may have scrounged from them both!”

Of course, Conquistador Riguel figures that she is probably nearby watching and feasting on their food while laughing about everything telling, “And she’s probably eating his rations of food right now while watching us all from a distance?”

After hearing that Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza goes a little further with the notion by carrying on saying, “Well good for her! If she’s smart enough to find it and then eat it then maybe we should have poisoned some of our food just in case this sort of thing was going to happen?”

Moments later, Conquistador Padre starts to become a little nervous with all of the things that have happened throughout the last day or so stating, “Maybe we ought to not talk about her just in case she’s around nearby!”

Immediately Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza comes back with more authorization commanding to the others, “You’re right; you should all get some rest while I take the first night watch!”

Conquistador Padre comes forth wanting the second night watch interrupting almost, “And I’ll take the second night watch!”

Straight with Conquistador Felipe decides to butt in for the third night watch asserting, “And I’ll take the third night watch alright!”

Of course, Conquistador Rafael cuts in to the scheme of things for the fourth night watchman blabbing on, “And I’ll take the fourth night watchman!”

After hearing them all jump ahead, Conquistador Miguel figures that they will expect himself and Conquistador Riguel to finish the last watches for the entire night insinuating, “So I guess Conquistador Riguel and myself will take the last two night watches until morning comes!”

And while all ready to try and lean back while keeping the first night’s watch about the entire place, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tells the others, “Good, now maybe you all better catch some shut eye while you all have a chance?”

And before lying back and falling asleep, Conquistador Padre comes forth with his feelings, “Maybe we’ll all get a lite sleep at least!”

Conquistador Rafael doesn’t feel that he can sleep too easily coming out and saying, “That’s easy for you to say. Some of us are worried that we’ll get raided in the middle of the night!”

Next Conquistador Felipe has to agree with Conquistador Padre that they can at least get a lite sleep gabbing, “Well, we all have to sleep sometime before we pass out while riding on our horses!”

Straight away Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza butts in to cut the conversation off commanding, “Alright that’s enough!”

Soon Conquistador Miguel is trying to lie down, although he finds it disturbing while thinking that someone is going to sneak up on him from behind while he’s falling asleep telling, “I keep thinking that someone is going to sneak up from behind me once I’m asleep!”

After hearing that plea to stay awake longer, Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza tries to convince and persuade them all otherwise muttering, “Come on; we’re all going to get a fair chance as night watchman some time tonight and a many other nights!”

And once all persuaded, they all shut their traps and all try falling asleep while Conquistador Tesoro De Castallanza takes the first night watch looking and keeping an eye out for intruders. So far the sun has gone down and the third day of the Jesus Way Ceremony has ended, although the testimony of Jesus Christ and the works of the Woman of Heaven carry on survive within the story.

A distance away is the “Witch Catcher” who is resting herself and the white horse as well while abiding her patience for the meantime. However she is on top of things and she is resting while using her time wisely without any distraction unlike the six remaining conquistador crowns that are much stressed and wearisome. And yet she has something planned once she does the get the rest she needs which will just end at the flick of a moment when the time is right.

Below is a link to the "Catcher of Love" subpage 4.