

The setting of the story entitled “Grapes” is a manuscript about a man who inherits a winery in Sicily. His life isn’t working out for the best as he finds this as an opportunity to change his life to fulfill his inner need. One reason his life isn’t working out is because of his failing marriage relationship. To revive the tokens of his romantic love he takes the offer as a vacation with his wife to see the winery before deciding whether or not to pay the property tax on the estate.

Before leaving he cracks open his grandfather’s wine bottle from the estate which was a gift from his parents before they died. After seeing the place he plans to use his savings and they sell their home to pay the property taxes in order to inherit the winery. Immediately he starts to refurbish the winery back to its historical tag. He starts by plowing the fields for the planting of new seeds to regrow the vintage gardens to their original quality.

Once they are settled in, he discoverers the haunted remnants of his connoisseur uncle’s ghost in the window with a pitch fork. When investigating he sees hears the smashing of a wine bottle which was one of the bottles he drank previously as a family gift. After taken his attention from his wife, his wife Mrs. Roberts begins to research the past of the property realizing that her grandmother-in-law was missing and never found.

Looking for clues Mrs. Roberts cleans the barn discovering the bloody pitch fork that leads her to the grandmother-in-laws body that is mason underneath the stacks of hay. Then when her husband approaches the barn looking for her, Mrs. Roberts chases him with the pitch fork reversing the plot at the end of the story. Luckily she stops before stabbing him to death with more disgust. At the end they both reap their harvest reviving their tokens of affection.


The very beginning of the story begins with Mr. Roberts looking at some photos from his work on the computer that involve real estate. He is trying to sell his home so that they can buy something else that is more comparable to their needs in order to hold on to their savings. When checking the mail he sees a letter from a foreign real estate company informing him of the property that has his name on the trust estate in Sicily.

He calls the phone number to talk to the foreign real estate agent who gives him all of the information needed to start the proceedings. After telling his wife, they both decide to visit the estate before making a decision whether to pay the property taxes. Once they have applied and received their passports they prepare and pack for the trip. Before going on the journey to visit the winery they both take a toast from the vintage gift of the relative connoisseur making a pledge for a good flight.