Mysterious Mineral Collection Subpage 12

Gold Flower

The picture above is my pan with some tiny

fragments of gold flower which are the tiny gold

flecks on the inside of the mining pan.


The mineral above is marble which is non foliated

and massive. Marble has a texture like calcite or dolostone.

Reacts with HCI when powdered. Recrystallizes

into larger crystals.

Piercer or Borer

The stone tool specimen in the picture above is

a piercer or borer. Piercer and borer were used to

make bigger drill holes than by a stone tool drill bit.

They are relatively more square and flat sided than

a stone tool drill bit for that matter.

Pyrope Garnets

The tiny stone specimens in the picture above are some pyrope

garnets in my mining pan. Garnets are a mineral which is found

in a medium degree of metamorphism . They vary in colors of brown,

green, to red. There also a 12 sided crystal with a hardness of 7.5.


The stone tool in the picture above is a small

hand size sickle. Sickles are used in agriculture

when it comes to cutting down the crop. This particular

sickle has a texture an appearance like that of High

John the Conqueror Root.

Silver Strands

The minerals in the photograph above are silver strands.

They all came from the bottom of the pan within the iron

powder while mining. Silver strands can also appear to

look like a sterling necklace shape in their raw form.

Stone Awl

The stone tool in the photograph above is a stone awl.

Stone awl are small and easy to carry around and they

have a sharpened point. This one must have had a

sharpened blade on one side to aid in punching holes

in animal hides such as a stone point.

Stone Scraper

The stone tool specimen in the picture above is

a stone scraper. This particular scraper seems to

have a bladed edge and a notched side at the end.

Stone scrapers are used to scrape and clean out

the inside of animal hides.

Stone Wedge

The stone tool in the picture above is a stone wedge.

Stone tool wedges are used to spread things such

as wood apart when fastening hammer heads,

axe heads, or even arrow heads. There are usually

three sided with a wide lip at the widest end.

Tiny Pyrope Garnets

The tiny stone specimens in the picture above are some

pyrope garnets. Garnets are a mineral which is found in a medium

degree of metamorphism . They vary in colors of brown, green,

to red. There also a 12 sided crystal with a hardness of 7.5.


The stone tool specimen in the picture above is

of the top to a tomahawk. Tomahawks have a

hammering side and an axe edge. This particular

specimen is only the axe edge side. This tomahawk

appears to be made from water sapphires and it's

without the tomahawk axe handle.


The stone specimen in the picture above appears to be

tuff. Tuff has a fragmental rock texture. Tuff is also

a felsic rock with a light color to it. It is formed of a

microcline and quartz.

The End