Apepithecus Subpage 2


Presently without any warning, Digger finds her face smack dab in front of one large devil chimp that is much bigger than any chimpanzees she has seen during her anthropology studies. In fact, the first one in view seems a little more agitated as it stands nearly in front of her staring her down. Then she hears a noise coming from behind her as she tries to step to her side in order to be able to see in both directions.

Quickly the two devil chimpanzees thrust towards Digger as she pulls out a co2 laser cutter that works like a charm. Once she takes a hold of it her second nature kicks in as she lights up a laser beam that jolts the devil chimpanzees backwards. They backtrack a few feet before one of them grins at her like he isn’t finished as of yet. Then the other one follows suit with an angry look that seems to mean business.

Meanwhile Rod has some troubles of his own as he tries to ditch the evil demonic spirits, although the only weapon he has used is his Ultra-violet light. So far, that has been working causing them some pain, although they are very fast and brilliant at keeping away. He hasn’t had much experience with this, but so far many memories are coming back to him from somewhere very far away.

However he finds it hard to want to go on after them nonetheless even though that it the sole purpose of this training exercise procedure. So far, he has a little bit of an urge to go after them but he finds it hard to try and turn his motivations. Meanwhile the evil demonic spirits are surrounding him once again with even more vengeance. Nevertheless Rod continues on using his Ultra-violet light burning them up, although it only repels them to a point.

During that duration, Digger is up against some evil chimpanzees that are a little larger than usual or what she perceives as to be from her time. They seem like something from the past perhaps or something from the Triassic period considering she thinks they had to come from somewhere further back than 7 million or even eight million years ago. Regardless she has no idea where they are from as she laser whips one of them cutting in to their lower abdomen area.

However there are two of them as the other grabs her from behind almost knocking her co2 laser out of her hand. She had a connection there for a minute as she feels the force of grabbing her knocking the wind out of her. Momentarily Rod has been trying as hard as he can with trying to keep off these evil demonic spirits. But no matter how hard he tries they just keep coming back for more and more.

Then the hard breaths of his fighting them off are heard; heard by him and the others who are watching and observing him. In his virtual reality Rod can even hear his own hard breaths considering that he is in a state of sleep anyhow. Digger tends to struggle as well as her screams are heard by those observing and watching her.

By now it appears that they are both catching on to the objective of the virtual reality simulation, although they are having troubles. At this time, it appears that the both of them are about to be killed, so the Alien Sasquatches are prepared to let the virtual reality simulation end momentarily.

Yet they want both Rod and Digger to get the feel for things without having any actual harm done to them which does happen. Of course, it happens in the television shows that they are both accustomed to watching within the timeline of their lives. And that’s why they have added many features that have many more safety cautions than their own society has which are billions upon billions of years old.

Quickly both Rod and Digger have one last hard breath as both of them are hit harder than they had ever expected in this virtual reality simulation. Digger feels as though her head had been ripped off without the after effects of shocks and Rod feels as though his neck has been bit in to, although he has the same feeling as Digger in a sense.

They both wake up at the same time with a roughness like it were some movie reaction, though they don’t have any effects such as any bleeding, scars, or bruises from their virtual reality experiences. They seem a little shaken up from the experience but it’s nothing too serious as they both look around to regroup their brains back in to reality.

The first one to say something is Digger who says very lightly, “Wow; I died!”

“I died to, I think in the virtual reality simulation?” Rod says as he wakes up alongside Digger who is as shaken up as him by the virtual reality simulation experience.

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer looks to them both with some gratitude at their experience which to him and the others seemed to turn out well as he says, “Don’t sweat it; you both did well!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer realizes that they did try and fight back a little and they also recognized their weaponry skills by telling them both, “You both acted with bravery by fighting them back, although they were a little more powerful and tricky than you first had imagined.”

Of course, Digger thinks back to her co2 laser which was hard enough to maneuver with without any experience beforehand saying, “I had some trouble trying to get in to position in order to take out those huge chimpanzees that kept coming at me!”

Next Rod makes a comment about how he was using the Ultra-violet light weapon telling them all, “And I had some Ultra-violet light weapon that seemed to have no effect on them!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer feels sort of good that they have less fear of things now as well as he says, “The main thing is that you both have become accustomed to not only strange creatures but things out of the ordinary as well. Now you are ready to move on to some additional training exercise that will help with bringing your skills back. After another try or two it things will start coming back to you like it was second nature.”

Next the gray alien named Anjelica wants to give them an accomplishment too by telling them both, “It looks like now you are both in the big leagues now with becoming experienced with paranormal activities.”

Of course, Rod doesn’t really think that these activities are paranormal considering that he and Digger are both anthropologists as he comments back, “I never really expected that anthropology would bring us both in to paranormal activities such as what’s happening here on this spaceship with Sasquatches.”

Next Ora the female Sasquatch wants to bring their own terms in to perspective by responding with the right name of their related primates, “Remember just think of the hominids that you are saving happen to be Apepithecus!”

Then the gray alien named Anjelica looks to them both and says, “So that’s why we handed you both the space badges which aren’t of this planet. They were to help bring and expand you minds in to vaster and deeper realities of time and matter.”

Following those remarks about how they were trying to trigger certain aspects of their minds, Digger comes about elaborating, “Yes, the second time felt more real with my expectations of what to expect. Plus I found myself very curious about whatever was out there in the unknown stalking me to death.”

Then Rod has something to add along those lines of nature by declaring, “Yes, I thought the space badge made me feel like I was a space cop or space police officer ready to kick some paranormal and Martian rear!”

Henceforth the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer decides to make a mockery of being a space cop in a way by expounding to both Rod and Digger, “I suppose you could say that every life form in the universe has their space cops. Even these creatures we are after think they are the space cops in a sense, but then on the other hand they do realize that they are the bad guys and that we are coming after them all!”

By now, Digger thinks that it is kind of crazy talking about space cops, although she decides to make a comment saying, “So are all space cops good when it comes to always upholding the universal law?”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer has something to add to previous comments embarking with, “No, there are many bad space cops just as there are good space cops; and likewise they can play games too such as good cop and bad cop!”

Subsequently Rod has a question relating to the topic by asking, “Do all space cops do the same tasks such as going after paranormal creatures and such?”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer can only relent some thoughts saying, “No, most space cops are out for other things and don’t want to mess around with anything that’s extremely dangerous!”

Next Digger can only bring mental images of shows she has seen with investigators or even hunters going after paranormal creatures on earth as he says, “No, there aren’t many from other planets investigating paranormal activities, although there are the aliens who work the drop offs quite frequently.”

Eventually Digger wonders how many drop offs there are regularly asking them all, “How many drop offs have there been in the last month?”

Right then the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer has the right answer for the both of them saying, “Just the one drop off from hours earlier. They drop offs happen every so often without warning or any notice of intent.”

Of course, Rod wonders if there is anybody else going after any of these so called creatures or paranormal beings asking all of them, “Is there anybody out there that’s like us even if it’s on another planet?”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer figures that this question is intended for him by asking, “Yes, there are many others out there on other planets in other solar systems similar to our own, although we don’t monitor many of them either. Many of them are part of other government and space alliances that operate on their own concurrence!”

Now Digger is even more curious as to what they will be doing as far as their task is concerned by asking all of them, “So our job is to just go out there and take them down or out so that they aren’t able to loot our planet?”

Then with a smart Alec type of attitude the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer comes back saying, “Pretty much!”

Next Digger wonders what all of the Sasquatches are going to be doing when all of this is going on by questioning, “And where are all of you going to be when we are out there fighting these so called paranormal creatures, or the so called Gray alien Doppelganger anyhow?”

The one to feel as though he should answer this question happens to be the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer who turns things around saying, “We are going to be here in our spaceship watching and monitoring your every move within a perimeter that we navigate as boundaries for this what you both think is a so called Gray alien Doppelganger!”

Succeeding those questions Rod has another question on his agenda by asking them all as he looks at Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica, “And what was their task again if you don’t mind me asking?”

Then the gray alien Anjelica wants to be the one to answer that jotting, “We are your space nurses!”

In succession to that answer Ora the Sasquatch female makes a funny wise crack speaking, “My task is to patch and bandage you both up when you get too scuffed up to make things sound lightly!”

Lastly as though they get the point of the matter at hand, Digger makes a quirky remark after hearing those lines, “Thanks for the warning!”

After hearing that remark, the Sasquatch Police Officer have decided to do another virtual reality simulation with them being hurt as the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer says, “Well, let’s give you both another virtual reality simulation, although this time you will see the nurses in action, how’s that?”

Of course, Digger is the first one to respond to that offer by telling them both, “And how hurt is that?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer decided to say something in the nature of, “Well, no matter how hurt you are it will only be in your mind, especially with our virtual reality simulation program.”

But then again, Rod is getting kind of curious as to how hurt they could become as he says to them all, “Nothing like some more of this training, huh. The more you practice; the easier it gets. In other words practice makes perfect.”

Successively the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer feels that at least Rod and Digger are having positive attitudes about the entire situation as he returns with a positive statement telling them, “Now that’s the spirit!”

At this time, both Digger and Rod continue their lying down on the bed of the virtual reality simulator as they give it another try. However both Digger and Rod are curious as to about where their last drop off would be at now. Yet they both can only close their eyes and try and forget about it until the virtual reality simulations are complete.

Meanwhile the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer looks to them both with their eyes closed while saying, “Okay, we are ready to proceed!”

Now the virtual reality simulation begins with one of the previous virtual reality scenarios that they had experienced once before. The first scene begins for Digger who is back with “The Grabber” Sasquatch who is ready to return very quickly. In the interim, Digger is walking in the same place where she had pepper sprayed some unrecognizable Sasquatch that had taken off.

She recognizes the area even though it is hard to make much of a difference within this virtual reality simulation. But regardless of her looking and glancing around, she has trouble making sense of everything. During this time, Rod is back with the “Miner Sasquatch” who had nearly set a pick in the back of his head but woke up afterwards, although he recognizes the last virtual reality simulation and tries to take different steps.

There are a few close footsteps which he hears creaking right behind him coming from behind a large pine tree. Then a body emerges quickly as he hears a whip of the air before seeing a flickering metallic streak before turning his head in the other direction. After that he feels a nudge on the side of the skull as he sees a flash of fur and then everything goes dark and pitch black.

Within this duration Digger is hearing all kinds of noises which sound so close, although she doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary. It’s like something invisible is following her as she passes through some thicketed trees trying to ditch the strange noises. She looks back behind her trying to identify with some sounds that she thinks are large feet walking in the twigs and branches.

Right then, she feels a branch reach around and grab her, although this time she is pulled back so fast that it was like being in a rear end collision as her neck whiplashes and nearly breaks off. Now she is in some serious pain from being unprepared for such an encounter as she passes out from the entire ordeal anyhow. At this time, they are both injured and the virtual reality simulation can take its path with training them for their future task at hand.

At first they are just helpless lying there and being overrun by these Sasquatches who are much more powerful than they are prepared for at that time. But then coming from the middle of nowhere a space ship zooms passed them picking them up within the virtual reality simulation. It happens so fast that the Sasquatches don’t even have time to react to anything as far as interacting with trying to hold them back.

It’s almost like they just simply disappeared or they were cloaked all of a sudden and brought in to a different reality, realm, or dimension in a pure sense. Another fact is that they are only a step away from becoming complete cyborgs in a sense, although without all of the mechanical and electronic body parts to go with it.

Soon they are both brought amongst the space nurses Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica. But they are both within their own virtual reality simulation meaning that their dreams aren’t interconnected in any way. And that’s because problems can arise during the training of such and expedition which is rough and very dangerous indeed.

Nevertheless both Sasquatches named “The Miner” and “The Grabber” happens to be stricken unlucky when wondering what happened to both Digger and Rod. But then again this is only a virtual reality simulation where most of the entities are incoherent and run by a computer software program designed by the space Sasquatches nonetheless. However Digger and Rod are as coherent as can be to a point now that they are getting the hang of things a bit.

Now they are very much incoherent when it comes to their injuries, although these injuries are only a state of mind. Yet they are learning these procedures in order to be more accustomed to how the space aliens work and operate with medical emergencies. At first, Digger is place on a metal bed with a swinging device that wraps around her neck forcing in more repairing tissues to repair her snapped or whiplashed neck.

At the same time Rod is placed on the same metal bed, although their virtual reality simulation dreams are not interconnected. Then momentarily a swinging device ends up wrapping itself around his neck. For now there isn’t much that can be done until the wounds are cleaned and ready for using spores which are reproductive structures to regrow human flesh and many other organisms.

Now things start to happen very quickly as new generations of flesh underneath the skull emerge once the cleaning and cleansing processes have taken place. Nonetheless both Digger and Rod have no idea what’s happening, although they get some images in mind that seem very familiar from only recently. But their recollections are out of grasp and they can’t seem to recall anything but only a slight intuitive feeling or impression.

However their injuries are very severe and that is the only way to train them for their future stumbling blocks that are in the way blocking other determinations. Obviously Digger is the first to catch a glimpse of Ora the Sasquatch female as she checks to make sure that she is nearly back to normal. Then Rod catches a glimpse of the gray alien named Anjelica as she looks from behind a white curtain that is cracked only a little with a gap.

For now both Ora the female Sasquatch and the gray alien named Anjelica are trying to keep out of sight to give a sort of awe to the virtual reality simulation. However they will both be interacting with them eventually, although for now they don’t want to scare them too much considering that the dreams of the program are more delicate than real life matters.

But now Digger and Rod are quickly cured and just as fast thrown back in to the real world within their situations. Yet when they awaken from their rescue and back in to the virtual reality simulation, they both feel very weird and confused, although they have found a new sense of motivation.

On the other hand before they can turn their motivations back towards the creatures that they were confronted by, they both wake up from the virtual reality simulation. The first to wake up is Digger considering that her wounds were less impairing then Rod’s. And then Rod wakes thereafter with a slight emptiness about him because that is how a person should feel after recovering from a strike to the skull.

From the get go, Digger wakes up staring right at Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica as they stare back wondering for her response as she says, “Wow, I feel like cyborg almost!”

Then Rod wakes up with the same expectations telling them all, “Man, I feel like a robot with an energy boost!”

Of course, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer asks them both while they are still lying there still, “So what did you think of the virtual reality scenario with an emergency sequence?”

The first to answer the question is Digger who says to them all, “I thought it was strange to be space vacuumed out of there so fast like!”

Next Rod has something to say along those lines leading, “It felt like being in a mobile space ambulance in a mere sense!”

Then the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer tells them really quick, “You both think that’s impressive?”

Right away, Digger jousts, “Well, yes.”

And then Rod comes back expression his own thoughts saying, “Definitely!”

Likewise Ora the Sasquatch female looks to both Rod and Digger while asking them another soothing question, “Do you both remember anything?”

The first to respond to that query is Digger, of course, as she answers back saying, “Yes, I think so. I thought I saw someone staring back at me!”

Thus, Rod decides to try and rethink what happened, although it is hard as he states out his line saying, “I thought I saw someone staring back at me too, although they were peeking through a small gap passed a curtain!”

Consequently after hearing their admittance of noticing them both within their virtual reality simulation dream, Ora the female Sasquatch says lightly, “Well, you can hand us those space badges back now!”

Immediately Digger and Rod both sit up as they hand the space badges back to Ora the female Sasquatch and the gray alien named Anjelica. Then there is a moment pause for a split second as one of the alarms goes off indicating that there is another kind of flying vessel nearby. Quickly the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes his way over towards the computer alley which has a dark reddish light blinking.

There is also another computer screen that has a perimeter marker blinking on and off showing a large triangular shape where the flying vessel is located. However the computer screen shows another color arranged within the perimeter marker displaying the fact the space vessel is cloaked and undetectable by the naked eye of any human life forms.

Yet there seems to be a construction about this spacecraft that indicates that they are using a sort of light bending sequence which is common in invisible clothes. Instead of being completely invisible to where the space vessel is seen through, the space vessel uses a technology that bends the light from the far side to the front side. And this means that their computer awareness system is picking up a bending of light to where they are seeing around the space vessel instead of through it in a sense.

Slowly the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer checks out another computer screening infra-red image which picks up some heat signatures near or around the vicinity of the space vessel. The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer prompts a command to Digger and Rod to stand up and prepare for something to come.

Nevertheless Digger is the first to make a comment relating to the red light siren warning that is blinking with a darkish reddish color as she questions, “What is going on with all of these warning signals?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer realizes that there is a space vessel that is probably dropping off supplies to this creature for some reason by saying back, “We aren’t sure as of yet, although it appears that a space vessel of a gray alien source is dropping off supplies to this Gray alien Doppelganger.”

Next Rod wonders what that means or calls for now that there is some interaction between the gray alien space ship and their Gray alien Doppelganger by commenting, “So what does that mean for right now?”

At about that time Ora the Sasquatch female’s son Oren comes walking in like he is concerned with what’s going on with these new warning signs. The gray alien named Anjelica makes her own observations as she wonders if Digger and Rod are ready to encounter such a situation anyhow.

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer can only make a remark based on the information that they have gathered as far as now as he returns with, “That means we wait and watch in order to observe what happens with this drop off of supplies.”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer has something to add to the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer, “In other words we don’t want a confrontation with another alien spaceship, especially a gray alien spaceship.”

After hearing that Ora the Sasquatch female boasts a line telling, “And we definitely don’t want you all abducted by any other gray, especially any hostile gray forces!”

Of course, Digger is very smart even though most of this alien abduction stuff and topics are new to her regardless of her anthropology experience asking, “So what’s the difference between the spelling of gray alien spelled g, r, a, and y and grey aliens g, r. e. and y?”

And for some reason the gray alien named Anjelica wants to be the one to answer Digger’s question by saying, “Well, I am an older alien which makes me a gray, g, r ,a, and y. But when I was younger I was more tannish and I thought of myself as a grey g, r, e, and y. It’s the same as on your planet with your people that there are older people who have aged and changed color perpetually.”

But then again Rod wonders what would happen if he were abducted by gray aliens which were older looking or maybe even younger grey aliens that were younger looking and perhaps more hostile by asking, “And what would happen if these older grays or perhaps younger greys were to abduct one of us or maybe even the both of us?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer can only think of the worst saying to them, “Well, that would depend on many variations for an answer. If they know that you are teamed up with us then it might not be so pretty!”

Curious like, Digger goes further in to delving in to that area asking, “So what’s that supposed to mean?”

Finally Ora the Sasquatch female happens to be the one to answer that question saying, “They might want to harm you!”

Then on the contrary, Rod wonders what that’s supposed to mean even wanting to go further than that asking them all, “And what’s that supposed to mean, that they could harm us?”

Afterwards the gray alien named Anjelica comes about with a remark telling them the truth of the matter at hand saying, “They could try doing weird or strange experiments like strange surgeries to you both!”

Right after hearing that, Rod comes about expressing to them all, “Well, we wouldn’t want anything like that to happen now would we all?”

Next Digger is confused on this entire aspect of abductions anyhow considering what she has seen on television and the news media by asking them all, “So what’s the deal with all of these alien abductions anyhow and how is theirs related to ours?”

But then, for a brief moment, most of them all glance at the computer screen checking the perimeter noticing that the alien spacecraft is still lingering around their drop off zone. Afterwards the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer looks back with some answers, although he hesitates for a moment while thinking up what to say and how to explain it to them both.

Now the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer is ready to say something by elusively articulating, “Well, most of the alien abductions are by mean aliens trying to do scientific experiments on the human body in order to find flaws. Then on the other hand, many of them are scientific experiments done to strangers who they don’t like or perhaps ones who have done some trouble to their kind.”

As the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer takes a breather from what he was saying, that’s when the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer steps in to the conversation blurting before the scene fades out, “Then there is the related abductions where one of your more advanced family members may abduct you for a more positive outcome. And just maybe you will learn something from it and something else about yourself that you didn’t know or had forgotten about.”


Suddenly Digger comes up with a whim of scientific knowledge that just astounds their expectations of her when she says, “So basically you are saying something along the lines of one of your other selves perhaps, am I correct?”

Then while trying to watch the computer monitors on their supercomputer that is so more advanced than anything on the planet, the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer comes about with some information for them both telling them all, “Yes, you could say that in a sense!”

Next Rod gets sort of some brains even though theirs are both smaller than the Sasquatches anyhow by asking them all, “Then so, who are you all in relation to us as far as our other selves go?”

Immediately the Sasquatches all become oblivious to the fact that they have shot one in the bullseye so to speak as the Captain Sasquatch decides to take the initiative, “For instance, Ora, the Sasquatch female was your nurse in the past within the Martian Atmosphere and the gray alien named Anjelica was a Martian Paramedic and Martian Pilot.”

Henceforth Digger is really curious now wondering what happened to her earth self then while having more intuitions about it as she asks, “Then, what happened to your earth self?”

Right away, Ora the Sasquatch female says boldly without any procrastination, “Oh, she’s a movie or adult magazine model, I’m unsure of which and I don’t care right now!”

And then pissed like, the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer decides to speed them up and get them in gear and ready to go by commanding, “Okay, let’s fit you in to your gear and see how you look afterwards.”

Hurriedly like now that both Digger and Rod are catching on to things, the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer leads them away from the virtual reality simulation beds while saying, “Come over here to the dressing room where all of our gear is located at.”

Thereafter Digger and Rod follow as they head towards the dressing room which is only about ten feet away from where the virtual reality simulation equipment is stationed. Right away, they each enter their own personalized dressing room that has a sliding door of space metal. They both notice the suits and gear that they will be wearing which has many facets that they weren’t expecting and then at about that time, the Sasquatch spaceship has snuck their way closer to the drop off zone.

The helmet is completely see through in order to allow whatever creature they are after to be able to catch a scent of their human genomes. And when the occurrence is deadly then there are some safety precautions that come in to effect. There are some other features that they notice with some laser images which act as an impulse with infra-red scanning.

Nonetheless everyone watches them both as they close the dressing rooms doors and start to change out of their normal anthropology gear and in to their hunting and catching gear. It takes them a while as they all wait patiently for the transformation to occur. One reason is that they have a tight fit as their clothes were prepared without them realizing it while they were fitted on the virtual reality simulation scanners.

Minutes later, both Digger and Rod are dressed with all of their alien gear which is so very new to them both. There are also many weapons which they recognize and know how to use with some foreign intuitive knowledge coming from the spaceship. Of course, Digger and Rod can’t see one another so they aren’t able to converse very much during their dress rehearsal if that’s what it is called.

Soon they are both ready as the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer makes a comment from the outside of the dressing rooms while saying, “Well, there’s just one more training exercise left now that they are dressed and ready and we have moved towards the kill site perimeter!”

Then at the same time, both Digger and Rod say out loud as a question, “We have another training exercise in uniform?”

Just then the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer says as they wait to come outside with their full gear on and ready for action, “Yes, we have one more training exercise to prepare you for!”

And then before they even reach the sliding door that separates them both from the inside of the Sasquatch spaceship, they are both beamed down and dropped off in to the drop zone within the kill site perimeter, It happens fast before neither one of them knows what happened. At that moment, the teal of Sasquatches and their gray alien co-pilot named Anjelica head to their stations in order to brief them wants they are finished freaking out.

And that is standard procedure with these alien initiatives where they use certain chosen individuals to do their abiding at times. Once Digger and Rod realize that they are dropped off, Digger freaks out a bit wondering what happened. She doesn’t say anything at first and either does Rod who is just as confused.

Yet without waiting to figure out that they are being monitored, Digger says to Rod, “What the hell; who are these Sasquatches and this gray alien and why are we being subject to this torment.”

Furthermore Rod can only talk about what he hears saying, Well, obviously we were involved with one another in the past and she was our Sasquatch nurse and the gray alien was our co-pilot.”

But then on the other hand, Digger wonders about some other aspects saying, “Then why doesn’t she pick her own earth self?”

Of course, Rod feels sarcastic as he says, “Well, what’s her earth self-going to do, take her to a strip club and then a sex party!”

Next Digger becomes comedic by rejoining, “Maybe the Sasquatch female Ora can take her to one of their quote parties!”

And with some hesitation, Rod gasps, "Yah, right!”

Finally Digger communicates some other thoughts saying, “Maybe it’s some pay back because their other selves are incompetent perhaps.”

Then Ora the Sasquatch female jumps in to the conversation through the radio link expressing, “Come on; we heard all that!”

After that the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer jousts out loudly like, “Come on; stick to the prime directive!”

With some confusion Digger asks, "Prime Directive; what is that?”

Next the gray Alien named Anjelica says, “The task at hand!”

Following that information, Rod candidly jousts, “Roger and Shelly that!”

Then the Rookie Sasquatch comes back ferociously like asking, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

And to cover up his hint of whatever, Rod returns telling them all, “It was just some old neighborly saying!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer wants to gain more control over their slipping out of reality countering, “Let’s stop with all of the wise cracks and let’s concentrate on the problem ahead. Look at your wrist band where your sensing and navigating devices are located. You have a GPS Guide on the far right next to your wrist along with the time, temperature and severe weather conditions. There is an infra-red and sound monitor that can pick up anything within a quarter mile radius. Even a cricket walking next to you can be heard so use your ears wisely. There is also a zooming lens with your helmet that can operate any defense mechanisms when needed. That means that you have shields and force fields that come up and deactivate automatically. You also have a spiritual recorder which records even the slightest of voices coming from the spirit world. It is similar to what you see in shows that use Octavius Phantom recorders, although they are more diverse and have other graphing screens.”

Soon after hearing that, Digger is sort of angry with this fast training saying, “This has become quite a crash course in training might you say?”

Now the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer comes back with something more to add, “There’s more; you have many laser blasters, but most importantly you have a para pix powder blaster which is more intricate. When this creature is killed it may still have a spiritual vengeance so you will have to spiritually powder blast it and open up a container bag located in you back pack. Once open it is stronger than a propane tank.

Once that was said, Rod comes back with some prerequisites on the subject revealing, “Are you talking about a spiritual container that is located on the side of a faraday cage used to trap the spirit once it tries to escape the faraday cage electrical charges?"

Then the gray alien named Anjelica rejuvenates things by adding, “Yes, but this device is two pronged taking up less room meaning that you have a small faraday cage with a spiritual container and a spiritual powder pix blaster.”

Finally Digger becomes more frantic by asking them all, “So this creature can attack your spiritual essence?"

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer reacts differently saying, “Yes, if the gray doppelganger gets angry enough, then yes, perhaps!"

Now the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer says to Digger and Rod, “Straight ahead between that tree line is the corner of the gamma angle of the perimeter we have set for this gray doppelganger creature.”

Finally the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer asks them a question in order to make sure that they both aren’t going out of their minds, “So what do you think of the job now?”

Fast like, Digger has things summed up pretty good floundering, “This entire scenario brings a new meaning to “Your earth self and your monster self, meaning Ora and her earth self!”

Right away, Ora the Sasquatch female comes back yacking, “I heard that; get with it!”

Moreover without waiting or hesitating with joking around any further, Rod gets more serious by saying, “Alright; let’s just locate this thing and take care of it!”

After hearing that remark, Digger looks to another weapon that she has noticed latched to the belt of her uniform as she asks the Sasquatches, “And what’s this weapon that is located on the left side of my belt?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer becomes the one to answer Digger’s question by explaining to her and as well Rod saying, “That’s a Pulsar Laser gun also equipped with a Solar Ray gun which packs quite a punch!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer makes another point about that weapon while instructing his new partners by equivocating, “There is also a Gamma Ray gun setting which has a gamma ray burst effect!”

Next Rod looks at another laser type of weapon located besides the Pulsar Laser gun also equipped with a Solar Ray gun by asking them all, “And what’s this laser pistol right there latched to our uniform belts beside it, huh?”

Henceforward the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer decides to explain that one by candidly expressing to Rod with Digger listening in on their communicator links as well, “That’s a Laser Freeze gun that is equipped with a liquid nitrogen crystal rod and it can blasts anything into little bits and pieces fast!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer explains the Laser Freeze gun further by adding, “It kicks a cold punch followed by a hard tracer bullet that penetrates the frozen area of the target.”

At that moment, Digger looks at hers as she makes a comment, “That sounds like quite a laser gun to have included in the gear?”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer carries on about the laser weapons contending, “Well, they are all many pronged considering that there are many settings built in one component so that you can versatile and as well agile when dealing and confronting this creature. They are also small and light weight which makes them easy to handle and they have protective coatings that won’t harm you when in a rough position using them.”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes another remark telling both Digger and Rod as they stand there with much hesitation, “There are many weapons on your belts along with other necessities like tac light, survival gear, and navigational equipment because we are unsure of any changes or adaptations that have become of this monster. And that makes it harder to kill that creature nonetheless.”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer then directs them which way to go in order to meet up with the Gray Doppelganger that is still miles ahead in an eastward direction as he says, “There are still a few miles to travel before meeting up with this creature, although that could change if he continues on making advances in your direction. And we don’t know if it’s a drop-off until we verify that he is alone and unequipped with his own spaceship. Of course, that means one that is undetectable by our sources which could be cloaked!”

Then Digger has a question about how they are cloaked considering she knows something or other about that subject querying, “What do you mean by cloaked; like a ten to fourteen suit or a five to twenty eight suit or something or other! I know they created some invisible clothes in China which is called “Light Benders” or something like that which means that the clothes bend light from the far side to the front.”

Next the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer agrees with Digger by correlating to her with some soothing information, “Yes, that’s sort of right, although you can see through the spaceship rather than around it so to speak.”

Finally Digger comes back with some acceptance replaying to them all, “Yes, I knew they had some technology like that even on our planet!”

Thereafter the gray alien named Anjelica makes a gesture telling them both, “Yes and there are more technologies like that on other planets and civilizations.”

Following those commentaries about invisible technologies, Rod decides to ask a query about how much longer do they have until they will close to their mark or target asking, “So how much further do we have until we reach our target?”

Then the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer begins to answer that question saying, “It’s a five mile perimeter and you are a third of the way leaving you with about two miles at the most.”

Now Rod wants to speak to his colleagues and team before moving on with this task or ordeal depending on what you want to call it by questioning, “Well, I want to talk to my colleagues before carrying on with this task at hand!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer was figuring that they would want something like that after being dropped off harshly responding, “We knew that you would ask for something like that anyhow?”

Succeeding that line of speech coming from the Sasquatches, Digger agrees with Rod by saying to them all on the communication link, “Well, we thought that it would be better if we make sure that they are alright before we proceed with the task.”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer decides to agree with both Digger and Rod in order to allow them a chance to communicate with their colleagues saying, “Okay, we will allow you a chance to communicate with your team so that you realize that they are alive and unharmed, alright.”

Then both Digger and Rod agree sort of at the same time as Digger starts off saying, “Alright!”

“Okay!” Rod says back to them all after Digger makes her comment.

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer signals to the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer to radio them all on the communication line while saying back to them both, “Hold and wait a moment and we’ll get them on!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer makes a communication page link to the Underground Sasquatch Leader as he says once the other end is answered, “Put the team on the line!”

The Underground Sasquatch Leader turns and signals to another Sasquatch Detention Guard who turns to make another call to the Sasquatch Cell Guard who responds to the page nonetheless. It takes a moment as they all scramble about in order to make their way in to the cell with one of their communication devices.

The first one to say something is the Sasquatch Cell Guard who has one of their communication links and says while handing it towards all three of them, “Your colleagues want to talk to you all!”

The Sasquatch Cell Guard sets the device down on intercom and then leaves to give them all some privacy for a brief moment. Of course, they all seem to wait for the Sasquatch Cell Guard to leave before they decide to talk or say something about what’s going on perchance. First off, Anna looks at the Primatologist and Doug before deciding who will be the first to say something to them.

But then again, Anna is the first to say something as she blurts out really quick like, “Are you both there and alright?”

Immediately Digger becomes the one to answer her back by deliberating, “Yes, we are alright for now!”

Then Doug interrupts his way in to the conversation by scheming up, “I thought you both had been skinned?’

Thereafter Rod comes in to the dialogue by countering, “We haven’t been skinned yet?”

The Primatologist butts in to the discussion by saying, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

Now Digger can only say something lightly about the subject jousting, “Well, they have a job for us to do and it’s not a pleasant one at that!”

Next Anna the Andromeda-self comes back with the flow of things questioning, “Where did they take you?”

Luckily Digger realizes that this question is related to her as she comes back explaining, “Are you all still in that Sasquatch jail cell?”

And with some bit of confusion and frustration Doug can only unravel his thoughts by exasperating, “Yes, we are still sitting in here. Where did they take you after they took you from here?”

Right then and there, Digger comes back with some news for them all by shrugging, “They teamed me and Rod up very quickly for some task of taking down some creature that was dropped off from another planet. And they won’t release any of us until this task is completed and finished.”

Once all is said about what had happened after they had taken Digger from their Sasquatch jail cell, Doug has some skittish words about what is happening saying, “And what kind of creature do they have you going after?”

Digger comes back with a short explanation of what creature they are set after by telling them all even though Doug had asked the question, “What type of creature are they sending you after and why can’t they go after it?”

Rod decides to answer that question by clarifying to his colleagues within the Sasquatch jail cell, “They have us going after some Gray alien Doppelganger that is very sensible with picking up certain body temperatures!”

Next the Primatologist steps in to the conversation by quickly asking, “And they want you both to hunt it down because you are both warmed blooded and they are cold blooded?”

Right then and there the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer decides that this conversation is getting to complex and that too much information is being leaked out on their frequency as he commands, “Okay, this conversation is expressing too many details and it’s over!”

The colleagues make a quick goodbye to Digger and Rod before the line cuts out saying, “Be careful!

Another voice coming from Anna as she has a split second left to say something as she says, “Goodbye?”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer can only fathom some points in the background by overdubbing, “They’re talking about things too much!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer can only make a remark blabbing, “Well there, they talked to them so they should work more efficiently!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer comes back in to the conversation quickly arguing something at stake saying, “It’s time to go back to work; you all jeopardized classified information on the line which we prohibit in case of line taps by any other foreign entities.”

At this point in time, Digger comes back with an apology about saying the wrong thing on the line along with Rod by cantering, “Sorry; but that was the only chance we had to say anything and what we’re we supposed to say to them all anyhow that we are on vacation?”

The Rookie Sasquatch comes back with something to rack up on the subject telling, “Well, you could have just told them that you both had a private matter to take care before returning back with them eventually!”

Next the gray alien named Anjelica tries to break up the monotony of the topic by rendering, “Well, we have movement a few miles away and it appears that the alien spacecraft has left the drop zone!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer readies them both for a confrontation meaning that the Gray alien Doppelganger is ready to move and change coordinates by cuing, “Okay, that means that the Gray alien Doppelganger is supplied and ready to make a move!”

It seems that Rod is ready to get this over with by answering back, “So what direction should we move towards?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer directs Digger and Rod towards the northeast which is in the opposite direction that the alien spacecraft had departed to by saying, “I would like you to head towards the northeast away from the direction that the alien spacecraft had departed the drop zone!”

Digger wonders why they would want them to do that asking, “And why would we want to head in a different direction other than where the spacecraft departed?”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police officer comes about with a logical explanation to that answer by telling Digger as well as Rod who is listening also, “We want you to head in a different direction because the alien spacecraft headed in different directions when they split up!”

Soon Rod wonders why there was no investigation such as a night search or anything to get some evidence of this Gray alien Doppelganger anyhow by shrieking out, “So why wasn’t there any night investigations operated first off?”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer can only explain how that there is only one chance at this and that they don’t want to blow it on some technicality by describing, “We only have one chance at this Gray alien Doppelganger and we can’t waste any time with investigations that may have some technicalities causing problems. You only have another mile or so and then we will aid you in using the cloaking devices inscribed in the clothing lining to bend your visibility.”

By then, Digger can only think of how they have some invisible clothes or perhaps some see around clothes nonetheless as she says, “That’s a plus having some invisible clothes on hand so that we are totally unseen!”

Next Rod can only think about how he hasn’t really tracked anything such as this by slanging announcing, “We’ve never tracked anything before such as this. Most of what we track has already been long dead for millions of years except with some experience with primates!”

Now the Captain Sasquatch Police officer can only particularize his feelings about his real experiences jargoning, “Well, thinks of this as both of your chances to get away from observing primates and their behavioral patterns!”

At that particular moment, Digger can only talk about their actual tasks anyhow handing over some words, “Most of the time we only watch primates forage and hunt for other prey like chimpanzees hunting for other platyrrhines or something like that!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer has a way of making a harsh point by saying, “This is your chance of being foraged upon if you don’t keep your minds focused on what’s up ahead and in front of you!”

And just then, Digger and Rod both hear some crinkling in the distance which sounds like someone creeping up on them. They both slow down for a moment as they glance in that direction trying to listen for some more noises to make a distinction of what is out there. The Sasquatch Police sort of heard something too and they have something on their infra-red scanner which is sort of basic.

At that second in time, Rod makes a comment in to the communication link describing what he heard saying, “We just heard something make some noise to the north of us about twenty or so yards perhaps!”

Then after noticing the infra-red screen and while hearing what Rod is describing, the Captain Sasquatch police Officer can only reply, “Yes, we have something on our infra-red scanner which appears to be one of our kind!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer wants to bring the situation to an ease by syndicating, “The Apepithecus is only checking you out so disengage and continue on towards the east another half of a mile or so that we can get closer to the drop off zone!”

Next Digger looks and sees some movement within the trees only about twenty yards or so, although they both continue moving along as the creature becomes further away as the Apepithecus circles around a tree watching them both closely. Rod turns as well noticing that this primate’s eyes are very red and bloodshot and they are much bigger than their own. And his head is much bigger than theirs as well.

But yet neither of them have ever had a chance to do any forensics on their bones considering that there are 206 bones in the human body and primates bones are similar. Nonetheless both Digger and Rod realize that they probably aren’t going to ever get the chance while being surrounded by these Sasquatch Police who have put them in a tight position.

By now both Digger and Rod are thinking back to the virtual reality simulation where they felt like they were in the presence of Sasquatches but they weren’t amongst them. And even though it was only in their mind they have been in confrontations with such creatures and their blood is beginning to show it to a point.

However as they continue on it seems that the Apepithecus creature is following them from a distance for some reason or other. And then they hear some more noises off to the south side which makes them wonder if they are being ambushed perhaps. But they haven’t even reach the drop zone as of yet and they aren’t even close enough to the Gray alien Doppelganger anyhow.

Digger is the first to respond by looking and noticing some fury creature following them both from the opposite side as the other one. And she can also tell that it is of the same creature which means that it is another Apepithecus primate following them. For now they are bewildered and are both unsure of what to do other than call it in as they hear the creaking footsteps.

Digger hooks up a line to the Sasquatch Police Officers very quickly as she comes forth saying, “And I think we have another one of those Apepithecus creatures right to our left side watching us!”

Next Rod makes a signification that the Apepithecus are both following them while blatting out, “They both are just panning along with us watching our every move!”

Then Ora the Sasquatch female makes a distinction about the second Apepithecus who had entered the scene from their left side by syndicating, “The Apepithecus to your left is a female Apepithecus which means they are guarding you!”

He Captain Sasquatch Police Officer decides to keep them both on the move by commanding them Digger and Rod, “Proceed towards the drop off zone!”

At that moment, Digger can only think that they aren’t going to the drop off zone alone by articulating, “We weren’t really expecting company to accompany us on our way towards the drop off zone.”

After that Rod feels that being accompanied by some Apepithecus is much better than going at it all by themselves during their investigation as he says, “Well, I suppose it’s better to have some help rather than us confronting the Gray alien Doppelganger by its lonesome?”


Then all of a sudden, there is a loud screeching scream coming from ahead within a heavy jungled bushed tree line that has many rough areas imbedded between them. At first, it’s hard to tell exactly where the loud screeching sound is coming from, although it doesn’t sound too far away. Nevertheless Digger and Rod both notice that the Apepithecus primates are becoming unnerved from the overbearing sounds that are coming from some unknown entity.

Immediately there is a communication upload to their communication link as the Captain Sasquatch police Officer says boldly, “Did you hear that; we could from our microphone devices that we send out!”

Following that line of speech, the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer makes a seemingly truthful realization for both Digger and Rod by explaining, “That sounds like the Gray alien Doppelganger has picked something up possibly!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police officer makes a quickened remark about the loud screeching noise that sounds like a wild howl of some kind as he says, “Sounds like the Gray alien Doppelganger isn’t too far away from your locational coordinates!”

Next the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer wants to make sure that they find the Gray alien Doppelganger before he finds another meal which could one of their own by indicating, “The cries sounded like they came directly from the east! I’m going to send out an anti-gravitational cloaked drone to scope out the area and get a precise position on the Gray alien Doppelganger!”

Next the gray alien named Anjelica comes about with some insight describing, “Stop just ahead about twenty yards and wait until we can send the anti-gravitational drone out for a perimeter scan of the nearby vicinity to your location.”

Immediately the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer sends out an anti-gravitational drone which is more advanced than our propeller operated and flown drones because it runs on an anti-gravitational motor. This anti-gravitational motor is one that runs on a light operated Nano-drive which has been manufactured using a light operated power source. The anti-gravitational drone is also more advanced in appearance and aerodynamics than anything seen on any shelf in any general store as well.

Meanwhile Digger and Rod stop and wait for the anti-gravitational drone to make its flying investigation of the vicinity which is just up ahead of them. At that moment, Digger remembers and recalls much from her virtual reality simulation as far as her line up of weapons is concerned. So she decides to take one out of its holster while trying to get a feel for holding the Gamma Ray pistol which is part of the Pulsar Laser Gun and Solar Ray gun.

It also has a burst effect setting, although she isn’t really ready to undo the safety mechanism and then shoot a laser beam as of yet. But she does feel as though time is overdue on learning these weapon systems in order to be acquainted with them all. Of course, Rod turns and copies her pattern realizing that they are just about to make a confrontation that they feel they aren’t really ready for even though they are being forced in to this situation nevertheless.

And once Rod pulls out the Rayon Laser gun, Rod tries to get acquainted with the weapon as comfortable as possible. The fact of this weapon is that it is made with a dilithium crystal rod which is similar to the beliefs of being used for flying at the speed of light or for flying as fast as a laser blast, although they are used for Rayon Laser guns in a relative manner. Most of the laser guns and pistols work from the Scientific’s of crystal rod science in a science fiction reality.

Of course, as Rod touches the Rayon Laser gun, he can only think of a plasma ray gun which is a name he is accustomed to anyhow. In the meantime, both Digger and Rod can only prepare their own selves the best that they possibly can and they have to consider that they have no idea what to expect. And the outcome might not be in their favor either as they both pretend that they are really about to take a laser blast at something.

At about that moment in time, the anti-gravitational drone makes its way passed Digger and Rod as they hear a slight whizzing sound fly on by, although they really don’t see anything. In fact, the anti-gravitational drone is completely cloaked and can only be heard and not seen as it makes some phasing in and out of our own personal reality. However they did want to make the anti-gravitational drone’s presence known to both Digger and Rod so that they feel that they aren’t alone within the situation.

But then again, they both can also hear some more noises coming from what is believed to be the Gray alien Doppelganger with its loud cringing cries that are very nerve racking. And the cries come and go every few many of seconds with certain intervals, of course. Also Digger and Rod hear even more rustling behind them which causes them to believe that they are being guarded by angry Apepithecus for that matter.

Moreover the Apepithecus sound like they are really teaming up to try and conquer this Gray alien Doppelganger, although none of them have ventures past where Digger and Rod are standing. And that’s because they are unsure of what to expect and they realize that Digger and Rod were teamed up with the Sasquatch Police anyways. Yet a few of the Apepithecus males want to try and get closer as they wish they could help their own kind that is in extreme danger and most like deceased already.

Many of them try to rush forward while other Apepithecus males and females hold them back. It is quite a sight for Digger and Rod as they wait for instructions as they look and see the drone slightly appear for only a split second or so as though it was a distraction for the Apepithecus to try and escape the clutches of the Gray alien Doppelganger.

Moments later, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes a comment that is just simply overheard by Digger and Rod which is sort of negative as he says, “There’s nothing we can do for that Apepithecus primate. He’s pretty mangled up and torn apart.”

Just then the Gray alien Doppelganger takes a look towards the cloaked anti-gravitational drone as though he has no problems seeing it. But as he does this he rolls his eyes and closes them with another inner set of eye lids that give him an autapomorphy about his character and being that distinguishes him from the other alien creatures.

Then the anti-gravitational drone appears for a second trying to shoot a tranquiller pellet at the Gray alien Doppelganger, though it doesn’t seem to penetrate enough to make an impact. But after the Gray alien Doppelganger takes a hold of the tranquilizer pellet, he eats it showing how nothing seems to bother him as far as being tranquilized is concerned.

Next the anti-gravitational drone drifts in towards another angle as Digger and Rod watch ready to move in closer as the Apepithecus hold back a little. Significantly the Gray alien Doppelganger continues to eat away at the Apepithecus primate who is badly injured and needs medical attention from such nurses like Ora the Sasquatch female or the gray alien named Anjelica perhaps.

Then the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer connects back within the communication link telling both Digger and Rod very quickly, “Okay, move in!”

Of course, Digger isn’t really ready for this considering she is an anthropologist and not a mercenary as she answers back boasting, “Move in!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer decides to make a comment yakking reckoning, “Don’t worry there are plenty of Apepithecus to watch you back!”

Yet angrily the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer has made the decision to take a shot at the Gray alien Doppelganger as he pops out two plasma ray blasts which only angry it. Then their own personalized design of an anti-gravitational drone is cloaked once again as the Sasquatch Police decide to pull back their anti-gravitational drone because it is too small.

However the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer figures that he will give one more chance at it as he says, “What the hell?”

Then he decides to send out to anti-gravitational sticks out to chop some brush up trying to scare the Gray alien Doppelganger away. Immediately the anti-gravitational sticks make their way out from the anti-gravity drone and head directly for their target. The Gray alien Doppelganger stops and turns noticing that something is coming directly for him.

But all he can see is grass and brush churn up from its constant tearing up of the jungle around it. Then all of a sudden the anti-gravitational sticks make their way towards the Gray alien Doppelganger as he is frayed by one of them on the left shoulder. One of the anti-gravitational sticks misses, although they are ready for a turnaround as they take up some jungle tree limbs and branches along the way.

Quickly the Gray alien Doppelganger releases the Apepithecus primate and splits off in to the nearby jungle in order to avoid a confrontation. Next the anti-gravitational sticks make their return path back to the anti-gravity drone for a re-cap of the situation. Moments later, the Gray alien Doppelganger is out of site and mind as quick as a flash of light in a sense.

Many of the Apepithecus rush their way towards the Apepithecus that had been injured, although the Apepithecus primate is in very bad shape. At that moment, Digger has the Gray alien Doppelganger on a built screen coming from the drones perspective within her helmet as she says, “You nailed him!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer answers back diligently saying, “Yes, but he’s still out there somewhere on the loose.”

Now Rod can only think of how they will have to catch back up with him by replying afterwards, “Don’t worry; we’ll catch up to him again!”

Meanwhile the Gray alien Doppelganger has retreated only so far and has stopped only a short distance away. Finally the Apepithecus primates remove their injured primate. During this time, the Gray alien Doppelganger watches and waits for another attempt at harming their cultivation of species.

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer brings back the anti-gravitational drone that has a cloaking device, although the drone never attempted to follow the creature. Therefore the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer starts to become angry about his failed progress with harming the foreign invader.

Now the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer realizes just how fast this creature really is by describing inside their alien spaceship, “Well, that Gray alien Doppelganger is extremely fast on foot!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer responds to that statement by indicating, “Yes, he is perhaps more than we bargained for?”

Hereafter the gray alien named Anjelica says as a serious comment, “Oh, I’m pretty sure I could catch that son of a laser blast!”

But then, once all is said and done, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer replies with something to protect his honor and pride by saying out loud, “So could I if I wanted to badly enough!”

Lastly Ora the Sasquatch female adds some words specifying to the group as her son stands by her side quiet, “So could I if I wanted to; we all could if we wanted to catch this alien infestation!”

Now the Gray alien Doppelganger has waited and watched as the Sasquatch Police have brought their anti-gravitational drone back to their Sasquatch Police alien spaceship. He knows and realizes that there are the Sasquatch Police who had been waiting for his arrival. This causes a change of his game tactics as he turns his attention to Digger and Rod who are waiting for further instructions from the team.

The question is at this time, “Who will be hunting who?” or “Who is hunting who?” as the Gray alien Doppelganger begins stalking Digger and Rod from another peripheral vision within the perimeter zone. Of course, the Gray alien Doppelganger is very fast and can move like no other creature within the jungle considering that he can use some metamorphosis traits to hide and blend within the jungle by changing colors.

Soon most of the Apepithecus have left the area with their wounded primate except for a few warriors of the Apepithecus who have decided to stay. So far, they have completely lost contact with the predator because he has sprung in to a new directive of his prime personal orders. His orders are to feed on anything that it can without being caught or seen while making some sighting reports.

He is also here to cause havoc on society while trying to spawn a new breed of creatures to haunt this planet and eventually the solar system which is much bigger than the lineup of planets anyhow. And with some years of parapatric and allopatric speciation the Gray alien Doppelganger can achieve those goals on this side of the Milky Way Galaxy. However if he needs to island hop to other environments then that is no problem neither.

Finally the Sasquatch Captain comes on the communication link commanding to both Digger and Rod loud like, “Okay, let’s do a perimeter sweep from corner to corner using some sensor equipment to locate this Gray alien Doppelganger.”

Right away, Digger looks to all of the Apepithecus who are caring for the injured even though at this time Digger and Rod realize that the primate didn’t quite make it nonetheless saying back, “That Gray alien Doppelganger could be anywhere by now and possibly outside of our perimeter zone.”

Next Rod can only contend on how the Gray alien Doppelganger knows that they are on to him by describing in a few words, “And not to forget mentioning that that Gray alien Doppelganger knows that we are on to him and he will be ready and waiting for us most likely out there somewhere.”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer tries to convince them to carry on with the prime directive in order to catch and locate this drop off by accumulating, “Let’s just start with a perimeter check anyhow and then we’ll go from there. Just think of it as a night time outing or something like that!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer directs Digger and Rod to the perimeter on the north side by deliberating, “Turn north and head about a thousand yards and we’ll light up our perimeter markers once you are there!”

Meanwhile Digger thinks that the Gray alien Doppelganger has left the perimeter zone by explaining, “I’m sure that Gray alien Doppelganger is far out of the perimeter zone and heading off to Katmandu by now!”

Next Ora the Sasquatch female makes a comment relenting, “Let’s forget about the entire cat and dog talk for now; I’m kind of fond of tortoises anyhow!”

Following that comment the gray alien named Anjelica states out loudly, “And so am I; we all have our weird fetishes!”

Finally Rod contends back to the alien band syndicating, “And I’m sure most of your pets aren’t from this here planet, huh?”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer makes a commanding statement by telling them both, “Just head north another 950 yards or so until we set or perimeter marker flaring light.”

By now, the Gray alien Doppelganger has followed the anti-gravitational drone back to the Sasquatch alien spaceship. And not to forget that the Gray alien Doppelganger has hacked his mind in to the communications link with Digger and Rod as he catches up on some additional information about the mission on tracking his arrival and whereabouts.

Now the Gray alien Doppelganger can sense even some other entities aboard the Sasquatch alien spaceship. And the one he is most concerned with is of a gray alien origin. It’s the gray alien named Anjelica that peaks his interest the most considering that she is the one alien being who is most capable of finding and discovering his weaknesses. She is the one most capable of understanding his technology that uses just as well for that reasoning.

And at this time, the Gay alien Doppelganger has come up with and devised some sort of plan to separate these individuals so that they will be much easier to deal with. Of course, he will have to accomplish this by using a game which will involve luring certain individuals away from the others. He also realizes that there are a few individuals who are broking away from the main group which makes things sort of more interesting in a way.

This is where the Gray alien Doppelganger chooses to place his full attention on to the two anthropologists named Digger and Rod who are a good distance away. The Gray alien Doppelganger split quickly so that he could recoup on his position in order to see what kind of earthly forces there are out there.

So far these forces seem to appear to be out of the ordinary meaning that they are from a space station in outer space or perhaps some of them are from earth as well. But no matter where they are from this Gray alien Doppelganger has something up his alley of stars for them. Immediately the Gray alien Doppelganger turns and leaves making his way back towards where Digger and Rod are at.

He is a ways away as he decides to use Digger and Rod as bait for something even more sinister than anything he has had planned previously for any beings even on other planets. As he makes his way to his destination, the Gray alien Doppelganger thinks about his devised plan and how it will work like a charm.

But then as Digger and Rod reach the north end of the perimeter, Digger sense something as she turns to Rod to say, “All of a sudden it has become too quiet!”

Right away, Rod turns around looking about the area as he says back to Digger, “Yes, it’s like there’s no jungle life around all of a sudden. Actually there hasn’t been much jungle life around ever since we set our foot on this dig site.”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer quickly comes on to the communication link adding, “Yes, there isn’t much jungle life, although the lack of jungle life isn’t just from the Apepithecus primates; it’s also from the poachers who kill live animals for skins, trophies, and food!”

Then Digger can only think about how there weren’t that many new World monkeys around as she contemplates saying, “I guess that explains why there weren’t any New World monkeys around when we were digging checking out the dig site!”

In fact, Rod even remembers how they never seen any birds around the dig site either as he tries to converse with the alien Sasquatches and their gray friend as he says, “And I guess that is also the reason why there were hardly any birds of prey around the area when we were digging at the anthropological site, huh?”

Then the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer feels like being humorous for a slight of a second or so by joshing, “Bingo my friend!”

Next Digger carries on the comedy to take some fear away from the situation by replying, “I don’t think we came here to play bingo anyhow!”

Following that slight of tone of voice, Rod comes about with another response adding to the conversation, “I forgot my dabber anyways!”

Succeeding that line of speech, the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer gets their head on straight by saying, “Just keep your mind on your weapons and forget about their clowning around trying to be smarty pants!”

Thereafter Digger and Rod make their way at the perimeter line as the perimeter markers are still off as the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer says, “Alright; the both of you have reached the perimeter line and I’ll light up the perimeter marker so you see where it is through the screen on the upper left of your helmet’s guidance system screen.”

Immediately after hearing that gesture of a response, Digger and Rod continue glaring off towards the trees and bushes until they see the perimeter marker light up showing the perimeter line that marks the northern side of the area. The perimeter line displays a greenish bluish color that only both Digger and Rod can see with their special equipment.

After glaring it down a good distance until the foliage absorbs it hiding it from view further down, Digger comes back on to the communication link as she informs the Sasquatch Police Officers, “Yes, we see the perimeter marker line!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer comes on to the communication link only to direct both Digger and Rod where to go by saying, “Now follow the perimeter line east for now until you reach the next perimeter line heading south!”

The one to answer back as they turn towards the east is Rod, who comes about with some acceptance, “Okay, we’re headed in that direction!”

A moment later, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer returns back telling both Digger and Rod, “Now just keep your eyes in front of you and your minds on your surveillance equipment screens so that you’ll be ready for an encounter if there is one!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer jumps in to the scheme of the conversation by adding, “Once we complete the perimeter check then we can concentrate on other area within the perimeter zone!”

Subsequently after hearing the tasks at hand, Digger realizes that the Gray alien Doppelganger could be anywhere and that he is most likely outside of the perimeter zone by saying, “What’s the point of doing this perimeter check when you aren’t really sure where the Gray alien Doppelganger is at. And if he detects the perimeter markers than he will know that we are still here searching for him?”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer can only try and make them feel better by saying, “Don’t worry; we’ll be behind you every step of the way in case something happens!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer nods to Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica to head to their cloaked gray alien spacecraft ambulance as he turns back to the communication link only to say, “And our nurses are on standby ready to assist the both of you with any emergency sequences if they happen out there on the field.”

Then Rod wonders about that as he can only imagine the worst scenario to come of things by countering back, “And you mean to assist us with any emergency sequences if they happen on the field.”

Later on, as Digger and Rod think that they hear something rustling nearby, although Digger turns first to inspect the noise, the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer says, “Don’t worry; they are the best at what they do, okay!”

Meanwhile as Rod was turned the other direction to inspect some noise he heard, Digger had wandered off a few good yards the other way inspecting another noise just the same as Rod turns back wondering where she had gone to inspect. He walks a few more yards returning the other way and sees something pass behind a tree with a similar hair color and body size while thinking and wondering if that it was Digger, although as he circles that way, Digger isn’t there as he turns to his communication link.

As he tries to turn to his communication link in order to say something to the Sasquatch Police, there is nothing but a static like fuzz over the air waves making some noise. He tries to make some adjustments as he figures out what is going wrong. And at the same exact time Rod continues walking towards this image that had disappeared behind a tree line not too far away.

The Sasquatch Police are confused as well while Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica are waiting for something to happen as though they all had sensed something was to go wrong with this situation. The Sasquatch Police can only here the static fuzz blowing and causing a frequency disruption as they try to make sense of this dilemma.

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer is the first to respond by making his way on to the communication link by saying loudly, “Digger and Rod come in; are you both still there on the communication link?”

There is no answer while all three Sasquatch Police Officers await an answer from either one of them. Then there are some other frequency bursts that make some squealing noises as the Sasquatch Police try and wonder what the heck is going on with this scene that is unfolding before their very eyes.

Moments later, Digger’s voice comes over the frequency of the communication link with a scrambled voice that is muffed and broken up with only some slurring of words coming forth.

The words are hard to make up as she tries to get through to the Sasquatch Police. She does this as she glances behind her looking for Rod who had walked the other way a few yards just as she did causing a split up.

Then the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes a comment to the others by describing to them both, “It sounds like Digger trying to make a communication link breakthrough!”

Next the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer makes a remark about this debacle commenting, “It sounds like she’s having some communication problems.”

Following those short speeches, the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer can only think and realize that Digger and Rod are split up possibly as they notice that their cameras are in different locations all of a suddenly like a fluke of a circumstance perhaps as he says, “And then where is Rod’s voice and why isn’t he responding?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer comes back saying, “It appears that they are split up possibly because their camera angles and scenery are mistakenly different!”

Finally the camera frequency splits up and gets some lines through it making it hard for the Sasquatch Police to see anything or hear anything for that matter. And fanatically and frantically the Sasquatch Police Officer understands that something is going terribly wrong. And meanwhile the Sasquatch and Gray alien nurse are standing ready for something to happen out of nowhere like there was no control over it.

The next shot of the scene flows to the Gray alien Doppelganger hand making some adjustments to his fuzz busting equipment that is breaking up the Sasquatch Police and their communication and camera links which are of a high grade, of course. Now he is ready to do some damage perhaps as he scrambles up the frequencies even more as Digger and Rod’s voice come over with some different lines of dialogue that sound like they are in trouble.

The Sasquatch Police and Ora the Sasquatch female along with the gray alien named Anjelica who don’t know what to make up of it other than something is wrong. So they are quickly assessing the situation while trying to decide what to do momentarily. Now they are ready to send out their drone again to view the parameters of the matter at hand, although they may have to make an advance on the situation themselves maybe.

One of Digger’s lines is very muffled, although they do make out one word as they send out their drone once again while hearing, “Help!”

When the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer hears the voice of Digger he feels that the voice is coming from somewhere else. Yet the voice is very scrambled and faint as they wonder if Digger is in serious trouble, although Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica comprehend the fact that the Gray alien Doppelganger has more tricks up his sleeve even though he is clothes less than they could ever have imagined.

Now the Sasquatch Police Officers realize that the Gray alien Doppelganger has more resources than expected, the Sasquatch Police decide to just wait until something happens which will make much of a difference in differentiating the reparations. But so far, their expectations are far off from what they had all bargained for anyhow.

Meanwhile Rod has turned back as well as Digger despite the fact that their sense of direction has been turned around the other way which makes them both feel half backwards. Yet the Gray alien Doppelganger has a sense of making things turn out that way nonetheless. He also has a sense of awe that is mistakenly keen when it comes to throwing others in a false sense of bearing. This means a false sense of bearing with a direction angle that had split both Digger and Rod in to separate vectors within the perimeter zone.

Now Rod and Digger are lost and the drone is making its way towards their exact position even though their symmetric location is unidentifiable nevertheless. Seconds later, the Gray alien Doppelganger hears the drone approaching as he makes another appearance as though he was Digger advancing behind another splotch of trees which are only many yards away.

Quickly another voice of Digger emerges which strikes Rod as very uncanny and then the next thing Rod realizes is that he is in the wrong place at the wrong time which is a truth in reality. Within a second later, Rod feels some long finger nails upon his back which dig in pulling him backwards with a Digger like screech which sounds far off from reality.


Then suddenly Rod comprehends the fact that this gripping isn’t coming from Digger, of course. And before he can even catch a glimpse of whatever it is, Rod can feel the blood drip down his back and spine even through the toughness of his Sasquatch alien suit which happens to be unable to withstand the intense force of this alien creature.

Moments later, Rod is down and there are some deep scratches in his back and then he feels the gripping on the back of his neck which makes a gushing slash from behind. Soon Digger appears in the flesh as the Gray alien Doppelganger leaves with a flash of a sight for Digger to witness. Afterwards the fuzz and static of the Gray alien Doppelganger are lifted and Digger is able to call in an emergency which starts with a confused and frantic voice that the Sasquatch Police think is a mirage of a Doppelganger’s voice.

Straight forth Digger’s voice comes forth on the communication link with a confused and dazed voice that proclaims, “Help; mayday. Rod is down and hurt extremely bad!”

The Sasquatch Police have the communication links back as well as their other surveillance and camera links realizing that this message is coming from the real authentic person named Digger who they had chosen for the initiating deed. However they don’t answer back right away considering that they are in a conflict with a Gray alien Doppelganger, although they quickly have decided to send their alien nurses once they see the displayed carnage.

Seconds and only fragments of seconds pass by before the Gray alien Doppelganger sense the arrival of the drone which cause him to cloak and camouflage his wellbeing immediately. Moments later, the drone arrives noticing that Digger is trying to help Rod, yet she is only sort of able to try and perform some responding medical procedures which are of no use.

More seconds pass and Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien Anjelica arrive on the scene taking both Digger and Rod aboard very fast like. And then quick as a flash the Gray alien Doppelganger had fled the scene back the other direction. It only takes less time than the speed of light before the Gray alien Doppelganger has found the Sasquatch spaceship through a game of luring.

But within the same synchronized time line or time frame, Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica have arrived along with the drone at the same exact time measurement. The drone is having trouble picking up and frequency links or vibrations from the Gray alien Doppelganger allowing the mobile spacecraft ambulance to take Digger and Rod aboard without any further hesitations whatsoever.

Hurriedly the Gray alien Doppelganger takes offense by bringing his own Gray Alien Spacecraft back to life and in to the game of a cat and mouse chase. The mobile spacecraft ambulance responds to the Sasquatch Police’s confirmation of taken Digger and Rod aboard with some computer voice symmetry.

The Sasquatch Police Spacecraft computer relays a message asking, “Requesting a report on the emergency status!”

The mobile spacecraft responds by answering back, “Both recruitments are onboard and one is seeking a regeneration sequence!”

Momentarily there is another initiation of interfering with the communication links between the two ally space crafts as the Doppelganger takes the drone in to one of his magnetic string holds and while at the same time attaching a power draining system which makes a load noise on the mobile space craft ambulance which is unsound within the crypto files of the Sasquatch Police spacecraft.

Seconds later, the Gray alien Doppelganger is met by his own space craft leaving the Sasquatch Police blinded by their own emergency endeavors that were initiated. Once onboard the Gray alien Doppelganger decides to use his own Doppelganger criteria to make a confusion and mockery.

And despite the disruption in the emergency sequence, the space nurses continue on with their medical services that need their rendering without any distractions. Ora the Sasquatch female contends with the two recruitments and their need for medical attention while the gray alien Anjelica focuses her attention on the problem at hand.

There are some computer malfunctions aboard the spacecraft that are causing alarm failures and indication breeches that are false and unaware of while also being constantly overbearing nuisance. But before any one of them can finish their tasks of working medical procedures on the field within an accumulative rate of speed, the Gray alien Doppelganger is ready to attach his own spacecraft to the Sasquatch Police space vehicle with their own confusion on the grid.

Back with the mobile space ambulance, Ora the Sasquatch female is initiating a spore of regenerating new cell growth quickly through the gray anatomy stem cell program. Meanwhile the gray alien named Anjelica is discovering the device that has been attached to the hull of her and Ora the Sasquatch female’s mobile spacecraft ambulance which is causing many malfunctions.

Within this loss of reality and time, the Gray alien Doppelganger has brought alarms to the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft that is causing many problems equivalent to what is happening to the mobile spacecraft ambulance. The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer and the other members of his team are keeping a close eye on their equipment which is very extremely unreliable at this moment in period.

Then as the Gray alien Doppelganger attaches his spacecraft to the Sasquatch Police Spacecraft, he makes a communication link break through to their space vehicle which sounds like the gray alien named Anjelica’s voice that speaks as follows speaking, “Ready to dock and board; Rod is in very bad shape and is unable to return back on the field and Digger is very shaken up also and needs additional medical attention!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer is ready to bring emergency power which brings about a darker blackish reddish light that has some dilated effects on their eyes causing an additional pair of eye lids to emerge from the anger. The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes a hand motion and a head nod for the other Sasquatch Police Officers to hold back on answering that communication link paging line of dialogue.

Straight forth the Gray alien Doppelganger uses some of his technology to bring about another computerized Doppelganger image to mock Ora the Sasquatch female’s voice in order to make the situation seem a little more appropriate as her copied voice explains, “Please, we lost communication with our regeneration and reviving equipment and Rod has some serious injuries and needs additional attention!”

The Sasquatch Police Officers can only continue to stand there within their stationary state. They keep on with this integrity and state of mind while contending with the situation at hand as every one of the Sasquatch Police Officers all stare at the back end of their spacecraft. Then there is quietness that comes about the spacecraft for a brief moment as though someone or something such as the Gray alien Doppelganger is waiting for some kind of reply perhaps.

However a distance away, Ora the Sasquatch female has already revived Rod as quickly as possible, although she is unprepared to return Digger and him back to the fields of the jungle within the perimeter zone. And at the same exact time the gray alien named Anjelica is dealing with removing the debugging device that the Gray alien Doppelganger has placed on to the outside of their mobile spacecraft ambulance that has never endured such complications as these recent encounters lately.

And consequently Ora the Sasquatch female is wondering what she should do with Digger and Rod as far as keeping them both aboard their mobile spacecraft ambulance. Yet she has no means of throwing them both out on the field at this point in time especially with the Gray alien Doppelganger being in the close vicinity anywhere nearby. Still she is having problems with keeping tabs with her co-pilot the gray alien named Anjelica for that reasoning.

On the other hand, it takes a few moments, though the gray alien named Anjelica, who possesses a repetitious name, is very close to removing this electronic jamming equipment session. And she has intended to do this with her own drone that her own space craft equips. However so far she is having some compromising circumstances with her endeavors. Yet she has no intentions of giving up and letting go so easily even though the metals that she is contending with our of a different Periodical Table of Elements that even her gray alien side haven’t listed.

But back with the Sasquatch Police Officers and what they call an illegal attempt of a breakthrough from the Gray alien Doppelganger, they all have decided to arm themselves with their own arsenal of laser weapons and their own body protection preparing for the worst. So far, the time has been paired with no noise whatsoever as they feel a heaviness come over their very own Sasquatch space vessel.

A lapse of seconds pass on by before another voice coming from the Gray alien Doppelganger says, “Please, this is an emergency; waiting to dock and board your vessel!”

Of course, the Sasquatch Police Officers continue on with their leeriness of what’s going on with this Gray alien Doppelganger considering that they had lost all communications with their mobile ambulance space vessel. Conversely they have chosen to remain quiet and calm until something devastating happens. And that something happens to be something with a means for punishment occurs such as an incident that is more or less unavoidable.

In the interim, the gray alien named Anjelica has finally dislodged the device that the Gray alien Doppelganger had placed on the outside of her Gray Alien Spacecraft. Nevertheless she wonders how she has never ever seen or experienced anything quite like this before in all of her years of service. Yet she figures that this Gray alien Doppelganger may have developed many electronic inventions or innovations that she and her co-pilot Ora the Sasquatch female have never encountered before in the past or future.

Then again, the gray alien named Anjelica has more problems with trying to bring her computer and software as well as her onboard power line back in to full swing and operation. There happens to be some computer failures that are messing the online systems up which are linked to the underground Sasquatch Laboratory. Another fact is that this is a place which is a secret to our civilization as well as other life forms on other planets.

And back with the underground Sasquatch Laboratory, they have all received the alarm of what’s happening on the ground above and a distance away as many of the Sasquatch underground team begins to mobilize making a move towards bringing help to the Sasquatch Police Officers who are currently in a bind with the Gray alien Doppelganger. There is a team effort between the Sasquatch Police Officers and their underground mobile unit with trying to stop and kill this creature before too much more time elapses.

During this duration, Anna and Doug have noticed something alarming with the underground Sasquatches as they all talk and communicate words about an incident that is taking place somewhere else. Even the underground Sasquatch soldiers are making quickened preparations which have gained their attention.

And as they both make their way towards the edge of their jail cell, the Sasquatch Cell Guard starts to scramble for some gear as he heads away from the underground pod area. In a hurriedly fashion, he makes his way to where the Underground Sasquatch Leader and the Sasquatch Detention Officer are located, who are correlating some strategic advantages, even though it may be too late at this point in time perhaps.

Anna quietly looks out of the Jail cell while asking Doug as the Primatologist makes his way from behind questioning the situation, “Something must have happened!”

Thereafter Doug figures that it is something terrible which must involve the drop off that they are in the midst of handling by saying, “Maybe they are having some troubles with their drop off from another planet?”

The Primatologist wonders if it happens to be that Gray alien Doppelganger by mentioning out loudly, “Perhaps they are having some trouble with that Gray alien Doppelganger that they are after?”

And after hearing that prognosis coming from the Primatologist, Anna can only think about how he is probably right about that fact by declaring, “Then they must be having quite some troubles of some kind with this creature.”

Of course, Doug can only think that they are being left alone during this time of chaos and troublesome times by adding to the conversation, “So what are they going to leave us here all alone without telling us anything about what’s going on out there?”

The Primatologist wants to set the record straight with Doug about the fact that they are underground by carrying on with, “You mean what’s going on up there; remember we are in an underground jail cell somewhere under the jungles of Brazil, South America.”

Straight away Anna feels that is pretty bad that they aren’t even sure about where they are, although they do realize that they are in Brazil, South America somewhere nearby to their dig by claiming, “And that isn’t a good situation being stuck underground while our friends are up there and we are down here being helpless to all heck.,”

In the intervening time, the Sasquatch Police Officers haven’t heard much of anything coming from the mimicking voices of the Gray alien Doppelganger, although there are some laser cutting sounds that sound like they are piercing through the access paneling and hull of their Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft. And it has been going on for quite a length of time, though time is intrinsic and it is traveling at a quicker speed and pace for them than usual.

Quickly the Sasquatch Police Officers decide that it is imperative that they make an emergency break off as fast as possible. And if not their Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft could be in jeopardy even though they have never ever encounter such an encounter quite like this in all of their years. But regardless they aren’t about to let their guard down despite how there is a first time for everything anyways.

Then on the other hand there is another technique that they could use which is cloaking their Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft, although the Gray alien Doppelganger may have some sort of defensive strategy for that maneuver anyhow. Still they are ready to try anything in order to get out of this predicament once and for all.

Right away, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer turns to the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer while nodding to him to try and cloak their Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft. This is in order to try another break off maneuver that is pretty risky nonetheless. So immediately the Sasquatch Police Officer prepares the procedure.

He does while the Rookie Sasquatch Officer guards the rear exit with a Solar Ray gun that is the only thing to get a good shot without hitting anything important. Then the Captain Sasquatch prepares his assets as well while trying to synchronize the appropriate time to pull this stunt off. Only seconds pass on by before the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer begins the cloaking sequence which is initiated thereof.

As the sequence is initiated, the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft begins to phase out by slowly cloaking and disappearing. At this point in time, it becomes similar to the Philadelphia Experiment where many individuals were vanished from reality, although when they reappeared they were molded and strewn in to everything around them. However the Sasquatch Police Officers have a safeguard against this integration as the Gray alien Doppelganger tries to hold them within this perpetual reality.

There is a moment in time where the sparks that are penetrating the hull of their Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft are fading away as they all become part of another realm which is adjacent to this one. There are many nearby realms which are similar to ours, although there are opposites and very many differences as they try and dock in to one in order to escape the situation.

Yet the Gray alien Doppelganger has made many accommodations to his Gray Alien Spacecraft which makes it harder for them to avoid as his own cloaking device continues tracing their every step from this era in time. Nevertheless the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer proceeds with much persistence as he tries everything in his power to break free of this Gray alien Doppelganger and his stronghold.

Then suddenly, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes his chance at breaking free with a devastating magnetic force field that repels their space vessel from the Spaceship of the Gray alien Doppelganger. Moments later, they feel their sense become free as they make a quick break for it. Seconds later, they are drawn in to another time gap that separates them all time and space of this reality and realism.

Up till now it is only for seconds that the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft is free before the Gray alien Doppelganger catches on to their game of hide and seek before he is able to make some changes. Then the Gray alien Doppelganger latches his alien spacecraft on to the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft once again.

Quickly the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes another attempt with a maneuver that frees them another time giving them a chance to escape. The Gray alien Doppelganger is unable to hold on to their second attempt, although there is a banging clatter which sends them flying the other direction.

It is now like a game of battleships, although we are dealing with alien spaceships and many of them are made of lighter metals. They are made of lighter metals which are lighter than any robot which makes this game more dangerous as the Sasquatch Police Officers bounce around within their space vessel. They are also made lighter than any military or artillery tank which gives them more aerodynamics but less weight to their mass.

Instants later, the gray alien named Anjelica has freed her mobile space ambulance. Momentarily at the same time, Ora the Sasquatch female has chosen to place Digger and Rod outside so that they can aid their partners. Digger is quickly confused even though she was awakened during the entire medical procedure that was performed on Rod nevertheless.

Digger is the first to make a response to Rod by talking, “Boy; that was something!”

Rod can only stand there wondering how he was down one minute without any recollection whatsoever and now he is better and back on his feet therefore saying, “Yes, I thought I was dead!”

Digger makes a lasting statement sort of like as she comments lightly on this facet of bad luck by returning, “Yes, you was dead for a while!”

Then Rod wonders why they were dropped off asking, “I wonder why they both dropped us off and didn’t take us along?”

Right away, Digger remembers all of the communication problems that were going on while Rod was operated on so to speak by explaining to him, “They left because the Gray alien Doppelganger had attacked their mobile spacecraft ambulance and then the Sasquatch Police Officer’s Spacecraft was also attacked!”

Finally Rod can only ask a simple question about what happened when he was unconscious by asking Digger, “How long was I unconscious or dead for do you think?”

Quickly Digger answers back without having to think about it too much rather by saying, “Not too long!”

Then finally, the Gray alien Doppelganger has pushed away their own Sasquatch Spacecraft by playing a game of space bots more or less again. But the Sasquatch Police Officer’s friends, Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica in the mobile spacecraft ambulance, have shown up and now things are on the being outnumbered side for the Gray alien Doppelganger.

As the mobile spacecraft ambulance arrives, the Gray alien Doppelganger decides to let off on the luring game that he had planned so well. In fact, the thought of continuing on with his initial idea has been far washed from proportion and now he must change his strategy. Quickly the Gray alien Doppelganger quits chasing after the Sasquatch Police Spacecraft and then turns back before anything could possibly go wrong.

The gray alien named Anjelica pulls up in her mobile spacecraft ambulance fast like while being fully cloaked. She does this trying to give Ora the Sasquatch female a chance to take a few shots with their spacecraft defensive mechanism. And still she does get her chance to take a few snipers like blasts along with some peep shots, although they are absorbed by much of the jungle brush dampening the effects.

Next as the Gray alien Doppelganger leaves the scene with many of the laser blasts piercing leaves with hot cinders that are glowing, Ora the Sasquatch female notices the rear of the Gray alien Doppelganger’s spaceship. And she does seem to get a good look at the Gray alien Doppelganger, although he seems distorted as though he was transforming back from appearing to be the gray alien named Anjelica for that matter.

Meanwhile Ora the Sasquatch female stops the onslaught of some quickened pulls of the trigger and the gray alien named Anjelica makes an attempt to rejoin the others. Moreover Digger and Rod are left behind and out in the open as the Gray alien Doppelganger frees hi whereabouts for the chance of doing more carnage nevertheless. So far, they have remained near the spot where they were dropped off wondering if they should wait the situation out.

Digger is the first to respond with something to say as she says to Rod, “I feel the creeps all of a sudden!”

Of course, Rod feels like he is getting the reptilian like jitters as he glances at some sounds coming back from the other way while returning, “I know; I feel jittery all of a sudden too. It’s like there is something else out there and we aren’t alone!”

Back at the, Sasquatch Underground Laboratory, the news of the Gray alien Doppelganger has reached the lower decks of the planet. Nonetheless there were recruits on their way, although they all felt that somehow the Sasquatch Police Officers would break free eventually. The Sasquatch Cell Guard returns after a few more brief moments as Anna and Doug wonder if everything was alright.

But before any one of them is able to ask anything, the Sasquatch Cell Guard blabs out loudly while heading to his post, “Don’t worry; no alarm! Everything is back to normal!”

Anna turns to Doug a little wondering what that was supposed to mean and then she turns back asking, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

The Sasquatch Cell Guard makes his way back to his post before answering back honestly, “They just had some trouble with that creature the Gray alien Doppelganger; that’s all.”

Right away, the Primatologist is distraught wondering if Digger and Rod are alright interrogating the Sasquatch Cell Guard, “Are Digger and Rod alright?”

The Sasquatch Cell Guard feels that he should inform them of their status by countering, “To the best of my knowledge; yes, they are alright, although they had an emergency sequence but everything is back to usual!”

Straight away Doug is extremely curious as to what had happened with this emergency sequence asking, “What do you mean emergency sequence?”

Thereafter Anna freaks out asking the Sasquatch Cell Guard before he can even answer Doug’s question or blatting of words describing, “Digger and Rod had an encounter with the Gray alien Doppelganger and they were air shipped back to normal health?”

Now the Primatologist is confused asking right away without any further hesitations whatsoever, “What do you mean air shipped back to normal health?”

Finally the Sasquatch Cell Guard decides to tell them the truth by saying to all three of them, “They had an emergency medical procedure and that’s all I know. And with the medical equipment we have within our technology, you’d be surprised at what we can do and accomplish out on the field.”

Right away, Anna can only think about how what he had said is so absurd by adding as a closure, “I can imagine!”

But then on the other hand, Anna has many other thoughts roaming around within her mind such as what exactly had happened to Digger and Rod while they were out on the field. In other words she pictures them all messed up with a bloody seen that would be regrettable to witness. And the Primatologist as well as Doug has their own personal views of what had happened to both Digger and Rod such as some carnage being involved.

All the same then on the same hand, the Primatologist and Doug have decided to keep their mouths shut and just hope for the best. However the worst of it all is yet to come with this situation with the Gray alien Doppelganger anyways. Anna now has some thoughts that are hard to describe while the Primatologist and Doug try to have a better imagination about the entire aspect of this abduction anyways.

Meanwhile the Sasquatch Police Officers are back repairing the problems with their Sasquatch Alien Spaceship and they are also repairing the breech that was encountered some time earlier. Even the Sasquatch Rescue team has arrived to help with some of the repairs now that the Gray alien Doppelganger has left the area.

By now, Ora the Sasquatch female can only embrace the past thoughts of seeing the Gray alien Doppelganger mimic the gray alien named Anjelica to a perfect clone. And he especially impersonated the stature and movement of the gray alien named Anjelica without any mistake as she had seen before this apparent moment.

And now Ora the Sasquatch female is talking to the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer about the Gray alien Doppelganger by telling him, “That Gray alien Doppelganger mirrored Anjelica to a perfect “T” almost like it was a beauty pageant or something!”

Next the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer butts in to the scheme of things carrying on with the temperament of the moment saying, “The Gray alien Doppelganger also sounds quite like you both too, but we knew something was up once we lost our communication links with you!”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer realizes that this Gray alien Doppelganger has more tricks up his alley and more advanced equipment than they had ever imagines as he says, “That Gray alien Doppelganger also has a newer advancement from the Gray Planet or wherever he is from out there within this Milky Way Galaxy!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer feels that they should step up the program a little if they want to catch this Gray alien Doppelganger by explaining to everyone, “We’re going to need a few more resources and we have to step up our game if we want to catch this Gray alien Doppelganger!”

The Emergency Response Team finishes with the quick repairs of the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft as the Emergency Response Team Leader says before flying back underground within his carrier spacecraft, “The repairs are done so you all can get back to the catching of the Gray alien Doppelganger!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer is ready to go as he fires up his newer computerized system which has more security than before as he says, “First we need to upload a new security system in to the gear and helmets of Digger and Rod’s spacesuits before we can begin!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer realizes that Digger and Rod aren’t there and missed that opportunity with all of the chaos that has been going on recently by asking Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica, “Where are Digger and Rod?”

At first, the gray alien named Anjelica looks a little dumbfounded considering that she was too busy trying to remove the Gray alien Doppelganger’s device that he had placed on her Gray Alien Spaceship. But Ora the Sasquatch female thinks for a moment wondering what kind of mistake she may have made by cloaking them from the spaceship.

It takes a second or so before Ora the Sasquatch female says to them all hoping that Digger and Rod are quite alright at this point in time, “I cloaked them outside so that we could arrive at your aid for what we considered and emergency!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer freaks out for a brief second as he yells out, “Dammit!”

Right away, the gray alien named Anjelica is ready to return for both Digger and Rod as she says, “We’ll fly back there for them both!”

Quickly Ora the Sasquatch female and the gray alien named Anjelica head to the mobile spacecraft ambulance to return for both Digger and Rod. However a good distance away Digger and Rod feel like they aren’t alone as they continuously hear noises nearby. And the noises are getting closer and closer while being scattered about the area around them.

Below is a link to "Apepithecus" subpage 3.