Apepithecus III: Light Years Home




The story entitled Apepithecus II: Light Years Home casts off with the main character Rod contending with fears of being abducted once again and left on a strange planet. The setting is the Andromeda Galaxy on an alternate reality within a Pleiadian People planet named Erra. He was abducted by some bad Apepithecus in the second episode and left barren in the Andromeda Galaxy.

His has to try and find his way around before he ends up getting caught by the Pleiadian Police for being a stranger to their planet. He has a valuable Apepithecus artifact that is his only proof to how he was stranded by Reptilians on this alternate reality of a planet and needs to return back to earth where he is from originally

Eventually a Pleiadian Woman finds him and coerces him on her spaceship saying that she is the Android Pleiadian Queen and that she’ll take him back to earth. Of course, Rod is standoffish and hesitant at first, although it doesn’t take too long before he takes her offer in order to be returned back to his home planet earth.

In due time their enemy shows up who is a Reptilian Lady disguised as an Android Pleiadian Queen woman whose desire is to abduct him for her own reasoning of research. Also she has many other ideas in mind considering he is so far away from where he normally lives anyhow. He soon plans to escape when he finally has the chance. And he does when another spaceship with another hybrid Android Pleiadian Queen shows up who causes a confrontation with the Reptilian imposter to save him.

His training comes through recognizing the imposter Android Pleiadian Queen and Andromeda Queens who are Reptilian like in body form and who can manifest a human aura to look like us or any other alien life form. It doesn’t take too long before he realizes that there are many Space Bounty Hunters and others who are out for advancing their technologies and sciences. He does try and escape from one, although he is caught again by another who wants him as a specimen from earth in order to figure out how life evolved on our planet.

The real Android Pleiadian Queen comes and causes a major shootout with several Reptilian Hybrids Pleiadian Queens before they escape to a past realm of planet Erra which is filled with mean Andromeda like Sasquatch Hominids. Then they are nearly completely surrounded by many mean Andromeda Sasquatch Hybrids and have to escape quickly before they storm the escaping ship vessel.

Soon the real Android Pleiadian Queen’s Molecular Spacecraft is chased by Andromeda Sasquatch Hybrids because of entering their time realm on the past Pleiadian Planet Erra. Conversely the main character learns to find his way, although it was by way of getting help from others who he had never met and was a stranger to at first until he realized his past from there as well. However he has a major revelation- “You can’t always find your way home without needing some help indeed.”

He finds out that he had already knew the real Android Pleiadian Queen within a long ago distant past which is starting to come back to him even though he was told by the Apepithecus. The Android Pleiadian Queen takes him back to earth with the intentions of him leaving the Apepithecus to themselves to deal with their own creation of species.


The story entitled Apepithecus II: Light Years Home casts off with the main character Rod contending with fears of being abducted once again and left on a strange planet, although this time is unsure of what to expect. For now all he can do is find a place to set up camp on an unknown planet territory with the few supplies he has with him. Luckily he was left with his backpack considering that he didn’t have much to begin with in the first place.

He also needs to find a way to gather some resources if he is going to survive and so far his survival skills are at a real test because he is a stranger in a different environment. But then again the atmosphere is comparable to our own within the skies of earth, although the planet has a different gravitational field that is a little unlike what he is used to so it is a bit harder to think and move his body around trying to adapt to the new surroundings. Nevertheless he decides to do some scouting around the area to see what he can locate nearby before something else unexpected happens to him.