Avaris Man II


The story named “Avaris Man II” is another Science Fiction novel which happens to be the sequel to “Avaris Man.” And once again, the Avaris word is derived from the sum of adding up two astrological signs which are Pisces and Aries. The Pisces sign is substituted by using a transverse form which means “Put in the letter “i” and skip the letter “e”. So we go back to the Aries astrological sign and remove the letter e, which gives us “Aris” and we substitute that for the “Pisces” astrological sign. Then we substitute “Aries” for things of the air which are things that fly using the word “Ave,” although again we skip the letter “e.” Next we sum the two substitutions up that way, which are “Av” and “Aris” and we get “Avaris” which takes us back to the Egyptian City.

The Pisces Space Fish Classification

Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum - Chordata

Subphylum - Vertebrata

Name - Aris

Subname - Avaris

Symmetry - Normally none (scales are symmetric).

Subsymmetry - Significant to the Pisces Astrological Sign - Astrology

The beginning scene opens up with Avery’s father catching some images from a window display, although they don’t stir much interest other than provoking him to return to the scene of Avery’s demeanor.

Nevertheless, Avery’s father doesn’t get there in time to find out what’s really going on with his son and his evolutional change of conformity of will. It doesn’t take too much longer before the footprints of Avaris Man are found and he is separated from Avaris Woman. Then afterwards the trappers find him on their infra-red sensors and trap him in some larger nets that they have set as a trap across one of the swamps.

Immediately he is taken and held captive and then transported to a science laboratory with a large avarium fish tank which is designed for space fish such as blue and red sidewinder avaris. On the way of his delivery to the science laboratory he develops a psychic bond with Avaris Woman as she thinks about how to aid in his rescue and get him back.

Of course, she has to find out where he was taken to and this is where Dr. Kill Pond becomes the opponent once again as the plot heightens when Avaris Woman sees a vision of the ghosts of his friends. With their help she builds an extra sensory perception with him as her sexual drive becomes more powerful as she becomes more aware of her impregnation.

She draws herself closer to the science laboratory about the time that the scientists sedate him in order to try and study his anatomy and body tolerances to certain conditions along with test studies and observations. In due time, her sex drive and the care for the family of their species becomes too powerful and she kills several guards before freeing him.

After making a bitter escape, she realizes what it takes to keep a family together despite their evolutionary change and their conformity. Towards the end of the story the story shifts when Avery’s father catches up to him before they both return to the water tributary where they answer the call to their powerful obsessions.


Here’s a story that opens with a scene that defines the curiosity of the unknown world to the observer who happens to be Avery’s father. Momentarily he has run out of all resources known to without distracting himself from the parents of the other victims. So far he has left that up to the EPA Authorities to inform them while he prevails with the search for his lost son.

At the beginning he discovers some images which provoke some feeling, although they just persuade him to return to the water tributary where the scene of the crime happened. Taking some time for him to arrive there, Avaris Man is trapped and taken to a science laboratory and remains unseen by his father until the very end. Nonetheless, Avaris Woman remains a mystery and unknown as she aids in his rescue to save her moral choice and ethics of life.

The first scene of the story starts with Avery’s father ready to cross the street at a small town street corner. Across the street he notices a window display and decides to cross the street to take a look. He stands there for a while staring at many of the images through the glass. Soon he leaves once again and continues on with his search for his son Avery.


Avery’s father has a keen look on his face as he walks down the street looking around for any signs of his son. Approaching a street crossing, he notices a window display with some manikins dressed in some peculiar clothes of a strange nature. Glancing over towards the window he looks away to some other people crossing the street the other way. Realizing that his son Avery isn’t amongst them, he turns and crosses the street towards the window display.

While crossing the street, a jeep full of teenagers look and turn up the radio and yell and holler at him as he passes by. Trying to avoid any confrontations with any, Avery’s father continues walking by as fast as he can to make his way across the street. Once at the other side of the street, he steps up onto the curb and looks back for a split second realizing that Avery isn’t amongst them either. After turning his head towards the building, he walks passed the corner and see the window he noticed from across the street.

After taking a few more steps towards the window of the clothes avarium, he stops and looks at the manikins which are dressed in weird attire to him. Getting a good look at the kind of clothes there are in front of him, Avery’s father notices some “Umen” clothing that kind of strikes a fancy with the older image he has with his “Deep” pants that were all large letters. For some reason the capitalized letter has a resemblance. Thinking back, he recalls the newer “Deep” pants having a capitalized first letter followed by lower case letters.

Turning his eye to another article of clothing on another dummy like female manikin, Avery’s father notices a greenish “Eyes” shirt with artwork resembling another facet of an image with his reckoning. Below are some black lace tights with a sexy appeal to them and a belt buckle that is shaped like a fish. Looking to the floor of the display there is a watery floor like look that appears to be like a shallow pond.

Next to it is a bit of dirt which looks like wet mud from a savannah. There’s another manikin standing there backwards with a pair of “Savannah” pants. Anyhow, Avery’s father turns to some Avaris t-shirt clothing on a male manikin. At the side airbrushed with an integrated pattern the t-shirt says, “The real one! “

Of course, this t-shirt mod is a bit different than the others with a bunch of hammerhead like fish all over the front schooling in different directions. With a fourth wall like proscenium, Avery’s father glares over to the back wall noticing a red Avirex t-shirt hanging on a hanger that seems to be painted by an air brush.

After staring he looks back at the Avaris t-shirt and then and then away from the images that have been thrown at him, Avery’s father takes one last peak around while thinking what course of action he should partake of at the moment. He thinks about his pants which are a pair of “Boggs” and then he looks at his dress shirt which is a brownish grayish shirt that says “In the Muck.” Momentarily he decides that maybe the best idea that has come to mind is to make his way to the scene of the accident or crime or whatever he wants to call it at the moment.

Anyhow he takes another last look at the window display before turning away to take a trip out to the forbidden swamps as everyone in the town calls them. Then he notices a pair of swampy gator lacrosse shorts in the near left hand corner towards the front window and next to that is a pair of “Tributary” Jeans which really gets him thinking. There is also a pair of “Quicksand” pants in the window also.

Suddenly Avery’s High School Gym Coach, who is named Miss Gills, is walking across the street as Avery’s father is checking out the window scene so keenly. She stops and notices as one of Avery’s classmates from last semester is walking by as well noticing Avery’s father staring. Miss Gills comprehends this fact while she is stopped and keenly asks him about what he is carrying in his hand.

Of course, Miss Gills asks out loud enough to catch the classmates’ attention that she has recognized within one of the other Gym classes that had other coaches, “Is that the daily newspaper that you are holding?”

“Yes, this is todays newspaper in fact; aren’t you Miss Gills, one of the Gym coaches?” The classmate asks as he opens the daily newspaper a bit more so that she can see the cover.

Then she wonders what the top story on the cover of the newspaper is by asking softly, “The most intriguing story is the one about one of our own classmates named Avery something or other that came up missing.”

Right away, without any further hesitations are procrastinations of any kind, Miss Gills asks to see the daily newspaper for a second, “May I see that for a moment!”

Now the classmate agrees to hand the daily newspaper to Miss Gills. Immediately Miss Gills takes the daily newspaper from the classmate as she asks, “Is this the story you are talking about?”

And that’s considering that the article is covered or circled by ink from a pen or fountain pen as he answers back saying, “Yes, that’s the article!”

And carefully Miss Gills checks out the article a bit closer with a little light she has mounted on her cap that she is wearing answering back swiftly, “Let me see!”

Meanwhile the classmate looks across the street noting that Avery’s father is at the window checking out the clothes as he says, “Hey, I think that’s Avery’s father over there across the street checking out some clothing or something!”

Right away, Miss Gills realizes that Avery’s last name sounds familiar and that she knows and comprehends the fact that she must have had him in one of her classes somewhere in the past. Of course, she doesn’t want to say anything anyhow considering that she is also a Textiles Teacher who teaches at the Community College a class which is TEC 101 Intro to Textiles or something like that or other along with another Community College Class.

And straight off of the bat, Miss Gills is ready to move on to watching Avery’s father that is still checking out the clothes at the window scene. It’s not because she finds him sexy or something like that; it is because she is intrigued at what she is reading. To her, it sounds like some kind of Science Fiction Movie perhaps and she is curious to find out even more as she decides to carry on and investigate Avery’s father for the most part.

Then there’s no doubt that the other Community College Class that she happens to teach is Intro to Cinema which is HUM 100. And that happens to be a Humanities Class that she teaches so that students can complete their Humanities Prerequisites. She teaches all three of these classes and remembers each and every one of the students that takes or completes her class accordingly.

To conclude her saying about the story that is unfolding before her very eyes, “Miss Gills can only talk to her own unconsciousness by declaring, “This story smells like about 250 million dollars a pop for whatever story this happens to be brewing.”

In retrospect, he realizes that he has the right idea and quickly leaves the window display. Walking away, Avery’s father turns and heads back to his vehicle which has left a few streets away. As he leaves, he looks around at other passers-by people as they enter and exit many of the establishments that are still open.

Soon after crossing a few streets, Avery’s father makes his way to his vehicle. Before opening the car door with his key, he hears a squealing sound that seems to sound similar to a wolf howl like a wolverine, although it has a much higher pitch to it. Listening quietly as the sound tends to fade away; he puts the door key to the car in and opens it while he takes another look to a waxing moon that will be nearly full within a few days.

Meanwhile Miss Gills has noticed that Avery’s Father was checking out the clothes in the window and decides to get a closer look. And when she does she can’t believe what she sees as far as hints from the clothing flow. She quickly scopes out the window scene and watches Avery’s father through the reflection in the glass which acts like a mirror. And then Avery’s father glances at her standing there in front of the glass display as she decides to follow him somehow.

With a quietness ringing through his ears as he opens the car door, Avery’s father ignores what he sees and then enters his car while getting inside quickly thinking about some supernatural thoughts that have been rummaging through his head. Quickly he starts the car and then begins to drive away really fast. While driving, he pulls out his map and looks at the quickest way to get out to the swamps without wasting too much time.

Back at the swamps, Avaris Man and Avaris Woman are swimming together passed some water lilies side by side.

Getting confused on what to do out here, Avira thinks about a farm not too far from the other end of the swamp where there are some fruit trees. Bringing this thought to Avery’s mind so that they don’t have to starve all of the time, Avira instructs her partner telling him, “Hey, there’s an orchard not too far from here that I know about. We could easily pick what we want without being seen. It’s not too far from the other end of the swamps!”

Avery wonders what direction it is asking, “Where is it at?”

Avira answers back saying, “The orchard is over that way!”

As they start to head that way Avery wonders what there all is over there as far as fruit goes asking, “What kind of fruit trees are over there?”

Thinking about that for a second, Avira says, “There are oranges and peaches I know for sure. I think there are even some apricots through there in some places.”

Avery’s stomach starts to growl just from having the thoughts rummaging around in his hungry mind that feels so malnourished by this point in time. Wanting to fill his hunger pains, he says, “Let’s go there, and show me where this orchard is at!”

Back at the command center the team of trackers has a table of their gear with back packs and many forms of lighting. They have everything sprawled out on a table as Dr. Kill Pond observes their equipment which will be used in the pursuit of Avaris Man. At this time all of the extraction team is here ready to find and capture the truth of Avaris Man to use him for study of discovery.

First off, Hunter asks a question, “So I hear we’re after a bird like man or something!”

Thereafter, Dr. X has a line of his own explaining, “My name is Dr. X because I don’t want people getting me confused with anything that’s rated ‘X’. What we are after is a species of fish that’s as rare as a meteor from space.”

At first Dr. Kill Pond changes the mood by asking them to go over their supplies saying, “So what goodies have you brought for us on occasion?”

Of course, Hunter is the first the talk them through the equipment saying, “First off we have brought three out board motor boats which will be used by three teams. The first team will be I and Gunny and the second team will be Trapper and Catch.”

Dr. X wonders who the third team is asking, “And who is the third team?”

Hunter chuckles to himself slightly informing him, “The third team will be you and Dr. Waters in the third out board motor. Your job is to stay back behind the other two out board motors just in case we see something that we can’t get to. Also we need you as a rear stand-by just in case there is an emergency!”

Dr. Kill Pond wonders what she is to do querying, “And what am I supposed to do?”

Hunter describes Dr. Kill Pond’s duties telling her, “Your job is to run the command center with all of the monitors to all of the surveillance, hidden spy and security cameras that are set up out there. We have motion sensors set up with a perimeter around the swamp which will be monitored. Your job is also to monitor anything on shore around the command center within 100 yards up to the second spy camera and perimeter camera that we have set up. You will not engage anything out of sight from the command center. We will all be supplied with walkie talkies to communicate with one another. We will each be equipped with 50,000 volt Taser guns. Another thing is that we want to take him alive and we’re not heading or moving out until after nightfall to keep us camouflaged to a great degree. We will use drop nets to make the catch after he is sedated.“

Looking away from the command center monitors overseeing the hidden spy surveillance cameras, Hunter starts to look at the equipment in order to go over it with them all. He looks to the table and points to some underwater camera equipment informing them saying, “Here’s two underwater cams that will be supplied for each of the lead teams. And for my team I have a mini underwater robot submarine that is equipped with another underwater camera.”

Moving slightly towards some more equipment he has prepared for demonstration on the table Hunter adds, “Over here I have an infra-red scope that I will use when we make some sort of contact with the person, entity, or anything out of the ordinary.”

Next Hunter turns to a lighting harness that will be used by Dr. Kill Pond when she acts as the main eyes as far as the ground crew is concerned. Quickly he looks to her and says, “And here is your aperture if you see anything within the first perimeter marker. Otherwise you are to only maintain as our eyes for a perimeter breach.”

First off Hunter hands everyone their radios that will be used to communicate with one another while they are in active with the search. While handing the radios out, Gunny asks, “Why do you bring these big CB radios?”

Immediately Hunter answers his question by saying, “These are only to be used as back up if something happens to your headset.”

Thinking about how he feels like a child by Hunter’s tone of voice, Trapper says, “It’s not like I have never been on a safari before!”

Just then Hunter points to the scuba gear that is greenish in color with the swampiest camouflage ever seen telling them, “That’s why I brought my new scuba gear that I had made for a special occasion such as this!”

They all look noticing the blue and green array of colors that camouflage the scuba suits. Ready to make a comment about the scuba suits, Catch asks, “When did you make those?”

Right away Hunter dismisses the question by exclaiming, “Don’t worry about that; I’m somewhat of a designer myself!”

Making a funny comment Trapper shrills, “You design a certain color of a scuba suit and you think you’re a clothes designer ready to hit the walk!”

Getting ready to proceed with the task of catching the culprit of their demeanors, Dr. Waters’ buts in commanding, “Alright, let’s cut the chit-chat and get to work already!”

Instantly Dr. Kill Pond interrupts telling them all, “Forget the scuba gear; we have too many toxins in the swamp already and we don’t want to risk any more injuries.”

Gunny makes a brave comment informing his comrades, “Do you think a little bit of neurotoxin and some deranged fish is going to stop us from making our bounty!”

Dr. Kill Pond responds to the remark he just made fairly harshly saying, “Suit yourself!”

Discerning with the thoughts of money and fame in his mind, Hunter responds, “Don’t worry, I will!”

Strait forth Hunter begins to hand out the equipment as they all get ready to venture back in to the territory to search for more clues as to the whereabouts of Avery. Everything is already set and ready to go now with the pursuit. The out board motors are ready waiting for the team to head off in to the deeper parts of the swamp. They all exit the command post as Dr. Kill Pond stays behind to monitor the surveillance equipment by watching a computer screen.

Before leaving the command post Dr. X turns around saying, “Will you be alright?”

Dr. Kill Pond peeks past his shoulder watching them all walk towards the three out board boats. With a sigh of relief that maybe the situation will be under control, Dr. Kill Pond replies, “Yes, I’ll be okay, just get that Avery. We still have lots more clean-up to do yet!”

Quickly Dr. X goes outside and heads to the out board motors. He gets in with Dr. Waters who happens to be patiently a waiting for him with a nervous feeling about the course of action.

Of course, Hunter turns to everyone asking, “Are you all ready?”

Everyone from the other two boats looks at him as Trapper says, “Let’s go already!”

Immediately Hunter feels rushed. He looks to Dr. X and Dr. Waters saying, “Just make sure the both of you stay behind just in case we pass something up or in case one of us needs back up!”

Just then Hunter instructs, “Start your motors and let’s head out!”

Of course, Hunter and Gunny are the first to take off in the lead heading to the left side of the swamp following the bank with a slow pace. Trapper and Catch turn over to the right side of the swamp following along the bank with a slow pace as well.

Dr. X and Dr. Waters follow the both of them from behind as a lookout to their rear. The sky is becoming dusk as the sun starts to disappear behind the trees that surround the swamps and nearby tributaries. Within the first part of the search much precaution is taken as they take it really slow looking for disruptions in the water surface as many different things distract their attention.

Now we go back to Avira and Avery who are eating from the fruit trees that Avira remembers seeing at some point in the past. Realizing that it is going to be dark soon, Avira implores, “It’s going to be dark soon. Should we take some with us?”

Nevertheless Avery wants to stay there to hang out and relax a while to enjoy the fruits of a day’s hard work, or should it be considered another day of surviving. For some reason he doesn’t want to venture around too much which could result in being seen by the scientists or maybe some swimmers. Many different people usually come here to enjoy themselves from time to time. There’s a slight chance that their relationship could be hindered if they take any precautions within the swamps.

Bringing this foresight to mind, Avery says, “Why, we should stay here and relax and feel at home!”

Agreeing with Avery, Avira, replies, “Why not, where else do we have to go but back to my car!”

Meanwhile Avery starts to get closer to Avira as they sit there together leaning against an apricot tree that sets next to a row of peach trees belonging to a nearby farm. After another moment, Avery turns to kiss Avira as she turns in response. Soon they fall in to a love making frenzy. It doesn’t take much longer before they are making love in an array of strange passions. The skies go darker as they abide their time nesting in a new area that suits their personal needs and desires.

They continue bonding for quite some time before dozing off for a while. While lying there quietly for a while longer, Avira thinks to herself about the last time they had made love. Looking to Avery she says, “What do you think would happen if I were to get pregnant?”

Opening his eyes wondering what in the heck sparked that conversation, Avery asks, “Why are you asking that?”

Picturing herself pregnant with some different kind of child that looks fish like in her mind, she comments, “I was thinking about what would happen if I was pregnant and had a child that looks like a species similar to us now!”

Of course, Avery realizes just how strange that sounds. It’s almost like the theatre of the absurd, although her insulation applies to the world of science fiction in a sense. Nevertheless she’s implying on the reality of true life. Here’s a situation that she would never had thought to have happened ever in her life. She feels this way because she had recently had a dream about herself being pregnant having a baby in the swamp that nearly lived inside of her kind of like a shark does when the young devour each other. However this child was a female daughter that she had that had killed her brothers off trying to survive inside her womb before swimming out from inside of her and off in to the nearby waterways.

In her dream Avery wasn’t there for some reason. It seemed that she had felt she were alone in some way or another. And like all of her other dreams there were only bits and pieces of the vision and only some parts of them even come true somehow for some unknown reason. Anyways after Avery gives the idea some thought for a moment, he replies, “I don’t know, how could you be pregnant already?”

Explaining to Avery how she feels, Avira says, “I’m not so sure; I feel kind of funny for some reason!”

Discerning the notion to mind, Avery implies, “I don’t think it would be that noticeable if you were because those poisonous fish aren’t mammals, so you would probably lay eggs if you were I’d suppose!”

Mentioning how he sounds fairly smart, Avira annotates, “You sound like a marine biologist or something!”

Feeling like he’s not that sophisticated, Avery suggests, “Well, I’m not really that smart only whales, sharks, and a few other mammals of the ocean really have offspring like us. Most on land or fresh water species of fish lay eggs like crabs and turtles, although they are much bigger than fish. Haven’t you ever seen tadpole eggs that frogs lay in the mosses and algae’s?”

Pondering back to many times she’s gone fishing with her father at the lake she answers, “I think so, maybe! You’re right I guess, but that brings an awful image to my mind.”

Thinking the same, how having any offspring brings a terrible picture to thought, especially with the conditions they are living in. Bringing this to her attention, Avery declares, “That does bring an awful picture to mind because we don’t have any way to provide for a child, especially living in the swamps!”

With thoughts of leaving this place behind someday, Avira balks, “We wouldn’t have to provide for the child because they would have adapted to the environment.”

Wondering about how they need to do the same, which is adapt to their environment even though they have obstacles to face, Avery answers back saying, “That’s what we need to do adapt to our environment and blend in like a chameleon to our surroundings. The problem is the scientists will be back on our trail eventually!”

Avira has some more absurd concepts she’s has contemplated. Describing another model to use to their aid maybe, “Avira says, “Maybe if we had a child, if it were a he and it died, they would think that you were dead!”

Of course, he agrees with the theme of setting himself free, still there is a problem with the world of science which makes it hard to diffuse the fact that it would be him. Relinquishing his words on the matter, Avery drivels, “Yes, possibly, although they would probably test the DNA and realize that the DNA is similar and then they would find out about you as well perhaps.”

“Perchance you’re right; it was just an idea of how we could free ourselves from the clutches of a science disaster,” Avira adds with a shaky tone to her voice.

Ready to head back to their usual place within the swamp by the large tree, Avery says, “Let’s go back to the large tree and we will take some fruit with us!”

Jumping back to the trappers and their progress of the pursuit of Avaris Man, Hunter takes the out board motor boat along the edges of the swamp very slowly looking for any traces or signs. There are clumps of alligator weeds mixed with swamp trees sprawled throughout the edges of the bank. There are also many cypress trees and black gum trees surrounding the area. On the other side is Trapper and Catch who are slowly boating along the edge of the swamp while looking for traces or any evidence of anything. Wondering why it is so quiet now, Catch says, “It seems fairly quiet right now; so what makes them think he’s even still out here anyways?”

Trapper has an answer that is okay, although he doesn’t really know all of the answers. However Trapper feels that he has to be out there still somewhere hiding and abiding his time, Trapper remarks, “He has to be out there somewhere because he has nowhere else to go. Where’s he going to go looking the way he does. This is a world where man versus society and he is no longer considered a man. He is considered a freak of science and a freak of nature and he is about to verse society by giving his body to science when we catch him!”

Recognizing those as pretty harsh words, Catch gabbles, “Those are pretty harsh words, whoever he is he is scared and frightened and knows that the world of science will eventually catch up with him. And he will probably resort to anything to blend in to his environment!”

Just then, Hunter interrupts the conversation from afar saying on the radio, “Any signs of anything?”

Immediately Trapper answers back on the radio saying, “Nothing so far!”

Following suit Dr. Waters answers back on his radio informing Hunter, “Nothing back here either!”

Just then Gunny sees some jump within a patch of floating leaves that cover the area about twenty yards away that makes a splashing sound as it swims under the water. Reacting quickly, Gunny says while shining his flashlight to the area, “Did you hear that?”

Responding to Gunny’s senses, Hunter says, “Yes, I heard that!”

While aiming the flashlight to the exact spot many ripples can be seen meandering away from the spot. Speedily Hunter turns the boat in that direction as Gunny casts his voice over the radio to the others telling them all, “We spotted something over here where I’m shining my flashlight.”

After a few more moments they approach the spot as Hunter kills the boat motor to an idling pace. Hurriedly Hunter uses his infra-red imaging which appears to have nothing on the screen as far as heat sensing is concerned. Relenting what he sees to the others as the other boats pulls up aiding in a rendezvous, Hunter tells Gunny and the other nearing by, “Nothing is on the infra-red scope! Whatever it was it went under the surface of the water and swam away somewhere.”

Anxious to see and find out what it was that went under the water, Trapper says, “Let’s send down the underwater camera and see if we can see anything down there still.”

As fast as he possibly can Hunter grabs the underwater camera and puts it inside the water. While lowering the cable tied to it Hunter says, “Trapper set in a sound monitoring system so we can try and listen in on anything that may be down there still!”

Quickly Hunter sticks in an underwater microphone that he has ready to go inside of the outboard motor boat. After lowering it the sounds of the murky waters can be heard brushing against the speakers. The sounds are very faint though as many plants brush up against the speaker as it is lowered even more.

Wondering if there are any traces of anything yet on the computer monitor screen for the camera, Hunter asks Gunny, “See anything on the camera computer screen yet.”

Gunny looks though he doesn’t notice anything out of the ordinary except plants and stirred up sediments from whatever it was that had apparently split from the area. Bringing this to mind, Gunny retorts, “No, nothing yet. But there are some stirred up sediments from whatever it was that fled the area.”

Hunter doesn’t want to stop searching for whatever it was as of yet. There’s a chance that it may still be in the area somewhere close to them. Obviously, there are a lot of obstacles such as debris and many swamp like plants growing. Many of them range from floating swamp lilies, lotuses, as well as floating leaves of water lettuce that covers the area.

Hunter then decides to have Gunny turn the camera around to have an entire 360 degree angle on the underwater surface. He tells Gunny, “Turn the camera around all of the way to have a look around at the other side behind the camera.”

Gunny starts turn the camera around by turning a control knob on the control panel. When the camera spins around the other way, an image of an avaris can be seen darting past spewing up more sediment that makes the water very murky and hard to see through. Right away Gunny babbles, “Got something!”

Hunter leans over and looks seeing a hammerhead avaris swim forth disappearing in its own cloud like dust near the bottom of the swamp. Wondering what it is Hunter says out loud to Dr. Waters and Dr. X, “Looks like one of those avaris creatures you’re trying to kill!”

Dr. Waters tries to get the right picture in to his mind by explaining to him how the species is actually a mutation like virus infecting a host countering, “Let’s just think of it as a-virus, or a-varis for now!”

Catch can’t really believe what he is hearing, sounds like a bunch of hog wash. Anyways with a catch to his humor, Catch says, “Where did you come up with these bull crap names in the first place? Sounds like a bunch of hog wash. A-virus based on some pig mutation from levees of pig fat leaking in to ocean shorelines and nearby water tributaries coming inland.”

Dr. X adds a line of his curiosity theoretically insinuating, “Well, we still need more research and that’s why we need to catch him alive. We have a few species we have extracted from the swamps alive that will be sent out to a laboratory for research. But they are even far too dangerous even when in the tank. They are very psychic and can sting from a distance. We had to stop injecting the swamp because of the circumstances with his unexpectedness.”

Hunter jumps back in to the command of the whole entire expedition of pursuing Avaris Man saying, “There’s nothing else here but a few fish. It’s time to pull up everything and move on I suppose!”


Now they feel that they have to move their expedition of finding Avaris man to a different location. Soon they pull up the underwater camera and underwater microphone and prepare to head out again in the same sequence. They hear many splashing noises, but most of them are just the wildlife of the swamp which has been a common background noise to them all.

Ready to move on Hunter commands, “Well, let’s move on in the same pattern one boat on each bank and one to the rear as back-up!”

Meanwhile Avery’s father has made his way out to the swamps on Green Highway. He parks kind of faraway hiding his car on the other side of the highway opposite the swamp and command center.

Quickly Avery’s father gets out with a flashlight and a club for protection considering that he has no idea what to expect out here. He looks to the Green Highway as there is little traffic with some cars passing by and thinks that he saw Avery’s friend Ski standing there. He glances away from Green Highway and back again realizing that he had seen him just passed the ongoing traffic like he was standing on the side of the road looking. However the next time Ski isn’t standing there anymore.

Swiftly he realizes that he is on to the right track with finding his son’s whereabouts and he shrugs off the sighting. He dismisses it for some unexplainable circumstance as the thought of needing to find his son surfaces more and more. Then he starts to make his way across the highway. Once on the other side he sees the command center which looks like there is hardly any action going on at the moment. Of course, Miss Gills has followed him there wondering what the heck he is up to at this point in time.

Deciding that he should take a closer look he approaches the vehicles and glances around noticing that there are lots of vehicles although it is sort of quiet. Then he makes his way to the side of the command center where he hears a voice come over the radio. The voice is Hunter checking back with Dr. Kill Pond saying, “See anything yet on the hidden camera monitors?”

Immediately Dr. Kill Pond answers back informing him, “No nothing yet, what were you all saying that you found something?”

Answering back speedily Hunter tells her, “It was nothing just another one of them hammerheads is all! So far there is no sight of him?”

Dr. Kill Pond replies quickly, “Well keep looking for him and try to find him before day light.”

After slightly hearing some of the conversation through the thin walls of the canopy tent, Avery’s looks and sees an image of Avery’s other friend Brook who walks and vanishes in to the thickened swamp. So then Avery’s father makes his way and disappears in to the thickened swamp trees that surround the whole entire place. Once out of sight from the command center he starts to ponder what he makes of his position within the matter of circumstance.

It seems that everything has been kept quiet and they are searching for someone out here in this swampy area. Nonetheless he realizes that something is obviously wrong with Avery and that he is in real danger. Other than that he really has no clue as to what’s happening as far as the trappers who are trying to catch up with his trail for the catch.

Nevertheless he feels that he should have a look around the edges of the swamp on both sides without letting anybody see him so that he can assess the circumstances. So far everything is muddy and murky as he heads further in to the swamp away from the highway. Still he tends to stay near the banks without sinking in to the mud soil that is stained with many minerals such as manganese in some areas.

At about this time, Avery’s Gym Teacher Miss Gills has made her way towards the command center after watching Avery’s father stand next to it while listening. She knows something is going on especially with Avery’s father being at the swamps after that clothing scene from the clothing store window. So far, she thinks she is on to something special that may have some type of Scientific.

Once she makes her way to the side of the command center, Miss Gills overhears Dr. Kill Pond talk to one of the other doctors saying, “Once we capture this Avery and his carbon effect with this Avaris species, we will take him to our Scientific Laboratory and have him thoroughly examined.”

After Miss Gills hears this she immediately pictures her past student Avery from her Gym Class with some sort of mutations that are unclear to her at this point in time. However she realizes that whatever they are they must be very serious and irreversible at the very least. Yet she continues to listen in on the conversations that are very slight and hard to listen in on. But then again, Miss Gills has her eyes on Avery’s father, although he is disappearing in the dark more and more making it harder to see him.

Soon she leaves the command center and leaves following Avery’s father as he tries to adjust his eyes trying not to give away his location by using flashlights. Another reality is that he is out there searching for answers to his son’s whereabouts. So far he is clueless as to whether or not Avery is even still alive. To his knowledge he may already be dead and he’s wasting his time out here. Yet he is still curious as to why he can hear the CB radio cab around to what sounds like the pursuit of someone. And he definitely believes that his son may be alive and that he is in great danger if he really is the undead.

Meanwhile Miss Gills stays back a ways while following and luckily she has an easy time sing in the dark from practicing on the track at night. She has developed a keen sense of seeing in the dark as she follows Avery’s father from a mere distance. And she understands that there must be others out here which keeps her a bit more cautious.

Either way Avery’s father feels that he must have a look around and discover the truth by himself. He feels that something just isn’t right with this place and that there is more to what he has been told. At the same time he is sort of frightened and feels very sorry for his son who he believes is obviously alone out there by himself with no one to confide in.

He even stayed away from and kept his distance from the parents of Avery’s friends parents in order to keep his mind straight to investigate and discover the truth. And with these strange sightings of his friends whom are dead and have passed away from the incident, Avery’s father wants to continue on investigating even further until he finds an explanation for his son.

Now Miss Gills wonders what she should do as far as notifying the school. She wonders if they have been notified and is unsure considering the fact that this is the first evidence of this situation. For now, she feels like just observing this circumstance and then making her own assessment later. Now she is following Avery’s father through the maddened swamps and she is lucky that she is a Gym Class Teacher who wears running shoes and not high heels fortunately.

Continuing on through the struggle within the thickened swamp of swamp grass and swampy meadows, Avery’s father leaves the area nearby the command post. He travels along before seeing some wreckage which looks like an air boat from the distance even in the dark shadow of the night sky. And for a split second Avery’s father has had another flash of Avery’s other girlfriend Christine whose ghost has just walked by the wreckage staring.

Nonetheless Avery’s father ignores it realizing that he must keep his mind straight if he wants to find out the truth of what is going on out here. So far, he thinks that he has been told some lies to make a cover up by the size of the response team being called out here. And soon Miss Gills follows from a short distance keeping as quiet as she possibly can without being heard by anybody even though her feet are sticking in the mud making sounds as she takes every step.

And while being confused and alarmed, Avery’s father turns away and heads another direction that seems to have a lot less swampy mud that keeps catching his feet to where his shoes nearly come off from sticking in the mud. He realizes that he really isn’t dressed for the part; however he doesn’t have any time to kill if he wants to save and rescue his son. And Miss Gills doesn’t have any time to waste if she wants to get down to the bottom of things with what she has discovered about one of her past students.

And eventually Avery’s father makes his way to another estuary which leads to the one that his son is mucking around in with his newly made girlfriend. Miss Gills follows and from a greater distance she is able to make out some images from some light that is coming from the moon. Now she realizes that there are more realities to this story than she had first expected from the beginning when she was at the clothing store window.

Still Avery’s father doesn’t see him as of yet, as Avery and Avira are swimming around like it was an everyday habit. And not to leave out the fact that it is dark and gloomy all around. Yet there are some slight splashing sounds that are heard by not only Avery’s father but Miss Gills also. Then Avery’s father sees Ski again, but this time he walks past some rays of moonlight before drifting off in to the estuary that Avery and Avira are swimming around in playing with each other.

Once Ski disappears completely, Avery’s father continues on to where Ski’s spiritual ghost had last stepped which isn’t too far away. But he tries to walk slowly as he makes his way in to murky swamps that are saturated with muddy water everywhere. Meanwhile Miss Gills watches from a distance as she had noticed some sort of moving light or spirit that had moved passed some trees, although Miss Gills doesn’t recognize anything as of yet.

Yet she might recognize them if she were to see them in person and some faces pop in her mind. However some things are kept confidential and in secret when it comes to the truth about what the authorities are doing. Nevertheless Miss Gills decides to follow slowly to keep up with Avery’s father. So far, she hasn’t let up and so far this is very exciting, although she is a little scared that she might be seen or caught.

Soon Avery’s father makes his way to where Ski was when he had seen his spiritual ghost and now is only a slight distance from his son’s whereabouts and location. And the closer he gets the more he feels it in his gut which hurts, but he keeps on persisting with carrying on to make the journey. Miss Gills follows from a near distance as she has some troubles stepping here and there, although she is in shape and that counts a lot.

And as Avery’s father approaches closer to the estuary that Avery and Avira are swimming at, Avery hears a noise and so does Avira as she says, “What was that?”

Avery stops and looks as he says back to Avira, “I don’t know; let’s take a look!”

Momentarily Avery’s father continues on as he makes a slight gap between the trees placing him in plain view as Avery and Avira approach. After a few moments, they approach in the darkness just within some shed light underneath some thickened branches. Avery sees his father and takes a deep breath. Avira see Avery’s father too, although she doesn’t know what he looks like and has never met him before.

Then as he feels like darting off from his father’s approaching presence, Avery says to Avira, “It’s my father!”

Avira looks at his approach which is slow through the swampy mud saying, “That’s your father?”

Of course, Avery’s father is approaching closer and closer and his blind spot is running out as he says, “We’d better go before he sees me like this, huh?”

Straight afterwards, Avira agrees considering that she doesn’t know his father and she wouldn’t want her parents to see her this way as she responds, “I think you’re right!”

Moments later, Avery and Avira both stand up a bit as they try to make their way across a slight embankment of mud separating one estuary from another. And at that exact time frame, Avery’s father catches a glimpse of his son through a streak of moonlight that he wasn’t expecting. But then again, there was another figure along with his son Avery which is Avira, although he can’t quite make it out.

Right away, as Avery’s father calls out quickly, “Avery!”

Right then, the footsteps of paired Avery and Avira are heard and they sound like they sped up as Avery’s father calls out again, “Avery………………………son!”

Miss Gills is still following from a distance as she witnesses Avery’s father call out his son’s name while hearing the footsteps. This happens as she continues stepping along while seeing some colorful bodies slipping passed him within the swamped landscape. She stops and watches as Avery’s father keeps on pushing on to where he had thought he had seen him. But after a moment later, she hears another loud call which was louder than before as Avery’s father is ready to yell out again.

Then Avery’s father calls out again which is even louder than the others as he calls out, “Avery, please!”

Immediately there are some loud sounds of splashing as Avery and Avira have made their way to the next estuary which starting in a fast hurdling dive in to the swampy depths. At about this time, Avery’s father wants to pursue his son Avery’s traces, although the terrain of the swamps is slowing him down too much to where he can barely even walk in some spots.

Then Dr. Kill Pond hears the yell for Avery’s name which was faint as she says, “Did you hear that?”

Dr. Waters suddenly decides to say, “No, I didn’t hear anything!”

Dr. Kill Pond says back, “Sounded like someone calling out for someone!”

Then Trapper hears it to as he says, “What was that loud voice?”

Gunny can only mention it by adding, “Sounds like someone calling out the name Avery of hey there, maybe. I don’t know I don’t hear it anymore!”

And once he gives up, Christine’s ghost is seen by Miss Gills who seems to remember the face, but can’t quite put a fist and last name to her and probably because she is sort of only slightly apparent. But nonetheless, Avery’s father has given up as he looks for another way to make his way around to find his son Avery.

But in order to do that he has to go back to way he came and Miss Gills has moved forward thinking that she has seen some girl lurking out in the swampy mucks. A many yards later, Avery’s father approaches closer as Miss gills stumbles right in to him nearly frightening the both of them.

Straight off the mark, Avery’s father asks, “Who are you; and what in the hell are you doing out here?”

Miss Gills candidly answers back saying, “I am Miss Gills the Avery’s gym teacher!”

Then Avery’s father says, “Aren’t you that clothing textile teacher too that always cross dresses between gym wear and textile wear along with movie t-shirts?”

Miss Gills answers back softly, “Yes, that’s me. So I heard you call out your son’s name and was that him running away from you?”

Avery’s father can only ask her a question as follows, “What really brings you out here?”

Next Miss Gills is so blunt on the newspaper saying, “I read the newspaper and know that you are looking for Avery and something has happened to him and there are all of these government tents set up around these parts of the swamps!”

Just at that time, Avery’s father says to Miss Gills, “I have to find him and save him from these government vultures or they will take him and kill him with what he looked like to me through those scattered trees!”

After that Miss Gills says, “He’s all alone!”

Finally Avery’s father says, “No he’s not; there was someone with him!”

Miss Gills asks, And who might that have been out there with him?”

Avery’s father recoils with, “I don’t know; but it looked like a female. It could have been his friend Brooke or Christine but I was informed they were dead unless he has met someone else out there in the swamps. Right now, I don’t know what to think!”

Miss Gills thinks that she remembers the Christine ghost now indicating, “Christine, huh! I think I know who you are talking about and I thought I had seen her walk towards you, but then it appeared to be a ghost I thought, perhaps!”

Avery’s father says afterwards, “Then Avery must be out with his friend Brook and she is still alive maybe if you only saw one ghost!”

Miss Gills says after that, “I think it would be better to leave and return at a later time with the proper equipment to make an impression on this swamp!”

Avery’s father says back, “I think you’re right; I am muddy as hell and my feet are cold as ice almost!”

Miss Gills wonders if he feels like he will need any help by asking him candidly, “It appears that you may need some help finding your son Avery before they do; do you need any help looking for him?”

Avery’s father thinks for a moment and decides that he should at least get her phone number since she has seen him out there and knows the truth know saying, “Can I get your phone number and put it in my list of contacts on my smart phone?”

Miss Gills agrees as Avery’s father reaches in his pocket to grab his smart phone as she says, “Sure, my cell phone number is………………….!”

Now the scene move to Trapper, Gunny, and Hunter as they come across some Avaris Man foot tracks as they take their boat and gear to another estuary. It takes some work, although they are accustomed to having some obstacles within their expeditions. In fact, sometimes they even have to put up with severe weather conditions. Many of them are the monsoons or especially hurricanes, but recently the weather conditions have been nice.

As they move towards the next tributary, Hunter notices some footsteps that appear to be different leaving the tributary that they are arriving to by saying, “Hey, look I found some foot tracks and they have a webbed foot pattern between the toes!”

Next Trapper shines his hat’s head lamp checking them out, although he notices another set of tracks which are of the same webbed foot pattern between the toes mentioning, “And there are another set of foot prints right here!”

Of course, Gunny realizes that both pairs of webbed foot patterns between the toes appear to be of the opposite sex as he describes, “And they both appear to be webbed foot patterns of the opposite sex, I believe. See the difference in the shape of the impression from the ball of the foot in the mud!”

Now Hunter realizes that Avaris man isn’t alone and he has found some swamp creature to pair up with as he gabbles, “Well, it looks like our Avarice man is not alone and he is paired up with some sort of swampy creature and it’s a she!”

Trapper says with a curiosity that peaks his interest, “Huh, I wonder where he picked her up at, that Avaris man?”

But then again, Gunny feels like having a sense of humor saying, “I don’t know; maybe he found a dive bar in the swamps!”

Then on the other hand, Hunter wonders if they should tell headquarters meaning Dr. Kill Pond and the others by asking, “Should we inform headquarters?”

Surely Trapper wants the discovery for the team’s own personal accomplishments reacting, “No, don’t bother! We should keep her discovery for our own personal ambitions!”

Gunny can only guess at who she is or what she is by asking, “Who is she or what is she compared to him?”

Hunter can only say, “I’m not sure; but obviously more people are becoming infected with this Avaris mutation and we better be careful with our progress!”

Trapper then figures that she could be anybody talking, “She could be anybody that came in contact with the infection!”

But then again, Gunny wonders if it is the other way around, “Then maybe instead of her being a person who became affected; she could be some sort of swamp creature from before whom he had run in to and became friends with all of a sudden!”

Hunter then can only say as they stare at both tracks heading in to another estuary where the footsteps disappear, “Well, we’ll never know until we find and catch them for study!”

Meanwhile a distance away, Ryan’s mother has wondered why he hasn’t called or been to work for several days on end to where it has been about a week and few days perhaps. There has been no sign of him as she finally decides to head over with the landlord and the Police Department to make a forced entry in to the apartment.

However one of the Police officers notices that the window to the living room is cracked open, although they still decide to go inside through the front door. Another fact that peaks Ryan’s mother’s interest is the fact that Avira his girlfriend hasn’t been to her job or back home for about a week either. And usually she calls Ryan’s mother every day or so to talk as usual and she hasn’t heard from neither of them which is strange.

One of the Police Officer’s tries the door knob and the front door happens to be locked as he turns to the landlord who rings the doorbell first. Meanwhile the landlord waits for a moment before acting like a locksmith with some tools in his hand which he uses to open doors up when people lose their keys to the front door, He has been doing it for years and this isn’t any special task that he needs to accomplish and he has done this in the presence of the Police Department many times.

Once the front door is open, the Police Officers enter alone with their guns drawn while looking through to the hallway noticing that the area is clear. Little by little they comb the apartment of Ryan as the soon make their way towards the kitchen noticing that there are some scattered dishes here and there. But it is too soon for them to make any clues as to who has been eating there until they give a more thorough search of the perimeter.

Quickly one of the Police Officers makes his way to the hallway leading to the bedrooms and a bathroom. It seems that the Police Officer kicks the bathroom door open slightly while shining his flashlight alongside of his gun as he takes a quick look. And when the coast is clear the Police Officer turns towards the first bedroom opposite the bathroom.

Once at the doorway, the Police officer notices that there is something strange as he feels a presence on the other side of the bed. With a few fast steps, Ryan’s body is found and the Police Officer calls it in on his dispatch radio, “Send an ambulance; we have one victim that appears to have been deceased for a few days or more!”

The dispatch voice comes over muffling, “Roger that; an ambulance and fire Marshall are on their way to the location!”

Then the Police Officer requests something such as a detective, “Also, send a detective! This is considered a homicide scene!”

The dispatch voice comes on again as she adds, “Ten four; a detective has been dispatched to the location!”

Soon the Police Officer closes to the front door turns to Ryan’s mother saying, “Sorry!”

Ryan’s mother breaks in tears as she tries to enter to see his body, although the landlord holds her back while one of the Police Officers blocks her way as well. She tries again but fails to enter Ryan’s apartment. Then with a full burst of energy, Ryan’s mother tries again pushing them off of her as she breaks past them like a bull at a rodeo. She cries frantically as she makes her way passed the living room and then to the hallway crying.

Now the scene changes to Avery and Avira as they are slowing down form ditching Avery’s father as Avira asks, “So that’s your old man?”

Then after pausing for a second, Avery answers back saying, “Yes, that was him and I can’t let him see me this way!”

Then Avery and Avira hear something and as they stop and look they notice some teenagers looking at something as though they were walking through the area as one of them says, “Looks like a dead body!”

Meanwhile Avery and Avira stop and watch as the teenagers continue looking at the very gruesome scene as one of the teenagers says, “Looks like a dead body!”

Avery says a short sentence to Avira stating, “That’s what I just said!”

Next the teenagers get a little closer while trying to identify the dead corpse of a body lying out within the swamps as the teenager says, “It’s a dead teenage girl!”

Another teenager is scared as they were only minding their own business as the teenager says, “I wonder how long she has been dead?”

The teenagers can tell that the first stages of rigamortis have set in as one of them answers back saying, “I don’t know; but she appears to have been dead for a few days or so, I guess!”

One of the other teenagers, who has been staying back a ways, is ready to split and leave the scene as she says, “We better go call the police!”

Immediately they all turn and run as they leave the dead body that has been lying there for who knows how long. In the interim, Avery and Avira are also frightened with such a gruesome scene that they had no knowledge of whatsoever as well as nothing to do with it. But regardless, they realize what this means as they try to keep their swamp lives and identities a well-kept secret.

Now Avira can only think of what is going to happen next as she says to Avery, “Looks like they are going to call the police and there will be law enforcement and homicide detectives all over the place! Should we do something about it?”

Of course, Avery can only want a certain outcome from all of this as he answers back, “No, maybe the presence of the law enforcement will keep the scientists busy! And that will give us a little time to decide what to do!”

Next Avira comes back with some sense of saying, “You’re right; maybe the law enforcement and police will get in their way of searching for us both!”

Another idea comes to Avery’s mind as he announces to Avira, “Maybe, there will be so many detectives and police officers around along with forensics that the scientists will give up and then pack up and leave?”

Now Avira kind of doubts that that will happen by clarifying, “I doubt it; and that’s because the homicide detectives will be searching around everywhere for evidence until they find clues of the teenage girl’s death!”

At this time, Avery wonders if they should even stay around that area saying, “Maybe, we better hurry up and get out of here!”

Avira sees another tributary just a many yards away that winds around from another one as she says, “Let’s move on over to this other tributary or estuary over this way!”

Avery takes a look in that direction which seems to look like some uncharted swampy territory for him as he blats, “Yes, that way looks good to me and it is in the opposite direction of the scientists and the law enforcement once they all arrive!”

Quickly Avery and Avira head in that direction as Avira says, “The farther from this area the better off we will be I hope!”

And that is something that sounds good to Avery which causes him to communicate with Avira saying, “I hope you are right!”

Avery wonders how long before those kids call the police asking, “How long before you think those children call the police?”

To Avira it is very hard to say as they exit the estuary and walk about some muck and mud before entering the estuary that Avira was talking about as she comments, “I’m unsure; any moment they could arrive!”

Next Avery wonders if they will think that they did it once they talk to the scientists querying, “Do you think that they will think that I killed that little teenage girl, since they don’t know about you?”

Avira is very confused now which turns the conversation for the worst by making another remark, “I don’t know because you didn’t kill her, or did you before I arrived here?”

Avery can only say to make things a little bit better, “No, I have never ever seen that girl ever before in my life until just then at that moment!”

Now Avira can only wonder how long Avery was here after leaving her ex boyfriend’s place before arriving at the swamps asking, “And how long were you here after leaving Ryan’s before I found you out her at the swamps?”

Surely Avery can only tell the truth explaining to Avira, “I wasn’t here very long before you arrived. I only returned after our incident when I was taking to the emergency room and I ran out and found his place as a temporary refuge!”

Right then, some hammerhead avarice swim right passed Avira and Avery’s leg like they are buddying up with the carbon effects that they have both encountered as Avira says, “Huh, looks like they are taking to us with our likenesses and connections through a bonding incident!”


Suddenly back at the scientists command center Dr. Killpond hears an emergency call come over the CB Radio, “All units, we have a call for a 187 in progress and a possible 207 and 261 out at Green Highway near the swamps. Request a homicide detective and an ambulance along with a forensics team to dispatch to that area!”

Right away, Dr. Killpond hears the radio dispatch as a police officer responds saying, “Dispatch, car 511 in near the vicinity and will respond to that emergency call!”

The radio dispatch caller returns answering back, “Ten four; there are three children with their parents waiting at the crossing of Green Highway and a dirt road crossing near a command center which is located where there was a possibly related incident earlier this week!”

The police officer answers back to the emergency dispatch caller saying, “Copy that and out!”

After hearing that radio dispatch to a police officer who is the closest to the vicinity, Dr. Killpond says to Dr. X and Dr. Waters, “A 187 in progress; that’s a murder call. And a possible 207; that’s a kidnapping along with a 261 which is a rape call! And it is all near our command center here at the swamps. That’s murder, rape and a possible kidnapping call!”

Now Dr. X thinks about that while working on some remedy to bring Avery back to his normal self while saying, “Sounds like that Avery may have changed to a conformity of will for the worse!”

Of course, Dr. Waters can’t seem to ponder the facts that Avery had that much time to do anything stating, “Or there was someone else out there in these swamps and he isn’t alone out there. And that means he could be in trouble!”

Right away, Dr. Waters starts to speak back to them all telling them both, “I doubt that Avery did anything!”

Then the sirens are heard from a far approaching as the police close in to towards the proximity as Dr. Killpond says, “And there are the police sirens so this entire area will be swarming with law enforcement and our hunters, of course!”

Just then Dr. X asks Dr. Killpond, “So what are we going to do?”

Dr. Killpond says immediately, “We’ll wait to they arrive at the scene and I’ll go out there and I will have a talk with them!”

Now Avery and Avira hear the sirens as well as Avery listens saying, “Well, there are the sirens!”

Avira can only communicate with some intent saying, “Sounds like they called the police for sure and they will be here in a few minutes if not seconds!”

Avery can only think of how they should be elsewhere when the police arrive at the scene saying, “Well, we better not be anywhere in the vicinity when the police arrive!”

Next Avira wonders about the scientists once the police officers arrive saying, “What about the scientists when the police arrive; what will they do in order to secure their proximities?”

As they swim further and further away, Avery can only answer back slurring, “I don’t know; either they will have to go out there and take over the scene or maybe they will just consider it a separate incident I hope!”

The hunters all hear the sirens as well, although they haven’t received a call as of yet as Hunter says, “Hear those sirens!”

Next Trapper says, “Yes, and they are getting closer!”

Seconds later their radio comes on with Dr. Killpond on the radio dispatch as she says, “There’s a 187 murder call and a possible 207 kidnapping and 261 possible rapes call coming to an incident that happened in the area!”

Gunny is the first to respond responding back while asking, “Do you want us to check it out?”

Right away, Dr. Killpond comes back with the confirmative aspirations countering back, “Yes, check it out and I’ll come out there and investigate the scene one the police lines are established!”

Lastly Gunny comes back on to the radio dispatch saying, “Ten-four!”

Next Trapper has something to say about Avery being commenting to the others, “Looks like the Avaris Man has been keeping very busy!”

And after hearing Trapper’s remark about Avaris Man, Hunter decides to say, “Appears that he is protecting his territory!”

Now, Gunny is ready to follow the commands of Dr. Killpond by stating, “Well, we’d better head over there and assess the scene and situation so that we can inform Dr. Killpond before she makes an appearance!”

Soon the sirens get louder as the police arrive where the children are waiting by a stop sign with their parents. When the police arrive the children all start running towards the scene like they are eager to bring the many police officers there. This also heightens the scene a little with all of the ranting and raving that has been taking place.

The police continue following the children towards a dirt road that leads from the main highway and in to the swampy area where many people park to enjoy the pond. The sirens of the police car are then momentarily turned off, although the lights of the police car continue to shine their red and blue colors all over the place.

Eventually the children all reach an area where it is too swampy for the police car. Then the kids all stop and point as their parents walk as fast as they can to catch up to their running. They seem so eager to bring justice to the world for a graphic image that had become a part of their daily journeys.

Moments later, the police car stops while two police officer exit the vehicle as one asks, “So where is she at?”

One of the little teenage boys comes forth while pointing the way, “This way!”

The little teenage boy leads the way while both police officers follow as quickly as possible. It takes a good few seconds before the rest of the family all follows to view the scene and make sure that the police officers arrive for the victim. There are a few twists and turns through the swampy tributaries as the police officer continue to follow the little teenage child to the terrible scene.

As they approach closer and closer, the little teenage child says to the police officers, “This way!” once again.

The first police officer asks a question, “How much further?”

Then the little teenage child answers back while breathing heavily, “We’re almost there!”

And then a few more yards and meters pass by as the little teenage child points and says to both police officers, “She just right over there next to the edge of the embankment!”

Right away, both police officers walk a little bit further as the little teenage child slows down and stops as he puts his finger and hand back to his side as he can only watch. The police officers both arrive at the scene and notice the teenage girl lying there lifeless. One of them stays back making sure that nobody comes any closer, although the family and the teenage children all stay back a good distance.

Straight forth one of the police officers gets a little closer to the teenage girls dead body which is lying at the side of an embankment. They can tell that she has been lying there for a while meaning at least a few days or maybe even a week or if not longer. But the moistened swampy water has left her body sort fresher along with removing any traces of DNA.

The first police officers makes a comment to the other police officer saying, “Yes, looks like a teenage girl and she has been lying out her possibly for days or a week maybe!”

The second police officer makes a remark, “Well, call it in!”

The first police officer comes back with another comment saying, “She appears to have been dragged out her from over in this direction!”

The second police officer says, “Dispatch!”

The dispatch answers back quickly, “Go ahead!”

The second police officer responds to that talking, “We have a teenage girl and she appears to be age 17, dark brown hair, slim, wearing blue shorts and a red sweater!”

After that Dispatch comes back with, “Ten four; Ambulance, Crime lab, and a homicide detective are on route to the location!”

Then the sounds of sirens coming from an ambulance are heard coming from far away in the distance. Of course, the sounds of the ambulance are still a far off as the police officers decide to look for clues. For a moment they can only look around as the two police officers decide how to handle the situation until more help arrives.

The first police officer says to the second police officer, “Looks like she may have been strangled and then dragged out here!”

The second police officer makes a remark, “Yes, she seems a little red in the face!”

Meanwhile Avery and Avira are only a many yards away listening. They are listening to make sure that they aren’t implicated within this situation that they facing along with a major situation as well. But at the same time they don’t want to be seen around the area which is a different place than the other tributaries they have been swimming within.

Avery makes a comment to Avira saying, “Well, the police are there checking out that teenage girl’s body!”

Next Avira says thinking that they shouldn’t be caught around in this area adding, “Maybe, we ought to get out of here before any other law enforcement officials arrive?”

Avery can only think about the earlier thought of some homicide detectives coming upon the scene, “And soon there will be some homicide detectives on the scene along with a crime lab and a forensics team!”

Avira can only guess at what’s already happening out here in the swamps, “Well, I guess they already have some forensic scientists in these swamps and why not a few more of them?”

Avery decides that she is right be replying, “You’re right we better go as far away from here as we can until we find some new estuaries and tributaries to roam!”

Immediately Avery and Avira turn to leave as the crime investigation of the teenage girl’s death is discovered. Meanwhile the ambulance arrives and waits by the police car. And then the crime lab and forensics team arrives along with the homicide detectives. They look around noticing that there are some changes around the swamps and they are aware of the earlier incident with Avery, although they didn’t make the scene nonetheless.

At this time Dr. Killpond is ready to head out to meet the team of law enforcement that is attending this situation as she says to Dr. Waters and Dr. X, “I think it is time that I go out there and have a talk with them. Continue working on those inoculants to bring that Avery back to his normal human-self!”

Finally the two homicide detectives arrive at the scene at about the same time Dr. Killpond arrives at the scene. Right away, the homicide detectives look at the scene noticing some characteristics of a profiled murder perhaps. However they have no suspects as of yet to profile, but the kind of location makes it so to them both.

Dr. Killpond makes the approach while the two homicide detectives are checking the teenage girls for any clues at a distance as she says, “My; what a scene!”

She flashes her EPA Badge as the two homicide detectives turn as Detective Swamp says, “Detective Swamp and this is Detective Fish!”

Dr. Killpond returns the chat, “Let me guess; you’re after the swamp fish?”

Detective Swamp can only say, “No, actually we are after whomever done this terrible act!”

Detective Fish decides to say, “No, but we heard about what happened out here, although we weren’t on the scene that day.”

Detective. Swamp says after that, “And we heard about the survivor Avery!”

Dr. Killpond says, “And that’s supposed to be classified!”

Detective. Fish blabs back, “Well, this isn’t classified! I mean if you have a swamp fish you know that did this!”

Moments later, another police officer returns saying, “Detective Swamp; we found a vehicle a ways away parked next to the swamp and the vehicle registration checks out to an Avira Beach!”

Detective Swamp asks, “And?”

The police officer says, “And she is the missing girlfriend of a murder victim named Ryan Sands that Detective Rivers is currently working on sir!”

Detective Swamp turns to Dr. Killpond and says, “Well, Dr. Killpond; looks like your swamp fish story is getting a whole lot more intriguing every second!”

Dr. Killpond wonders if that is Avira commanding, “Do a DNA test with the relatives and see if that is Avira lying there!”

Detective Fish looks to the police officer and says, “Dust Avira’s car for prints, DNA or any other evidence!”

Detective Swamp comes up with another line of talk saying, “Maybe, we will get to the bottom of this after all!”

Dr. Killpond is really angry now as though things aren’t going her way with keeping these swamps private as she says, “Yes, maybe we will. Here’s my business card to inform me of the results!”

Next the Hunters arrive as Dr. Killpond realizes that they heard that as she fingers them to search for clues without the two homicide detectives noticing, although Hunter makes a comment, “My what a gruesome scene!”

Detective Swamp asks, “And who are these guys and what are they doing out here?”

Dr. Killpond introduces them in a friendly manner despite the quick introduction of their arrival to this horrible scene saying, “That’s Hunter, Gunny, and Trapper!”

Detective Fish asks, “And do they work for you?”

Dr. Killpond decides to say, “Yes, they do!”

Detective Swamp asks another question, “And you have them hunting that Avery swamp fish as well, aren’t you!”

Dr. Killpond can only say some words to protect her other interests in this matter, “Yes, I hired them to hunt down that Avery because he’s dangerous!”

Detective Fish examines the teenage girls body some more as the forensics team arrives to do some ecology performances while saying, “Well, I guess we will have to determine that after an autopsy of this teenage girl!”

Detective Swamp realizes that they have Dr. Killpond’s business card as he says, “Maybe that, Avery will be lucky and things aren’t as they seem or maybe he is over his rocker with this carbon effect of his self-being!”

Dr. Killpond can only say, “Well, I’d better get back to the lab. Call me with the results once they are in!”

Dr. Fish returns with a reply, “Don’t worry; you’re the first on our list!”

Dr. Killpond comes back with an answer, “Good!”

Detective Fish asks another question, “I read some information about the incident, but was never too clear on his last name. I guess that was classified perhaps?”

Dr. Killpond comes up with a short preoccupied response to his question saying, “Something like that you could say!”

Right then, Dr. Killpond turns and leaves heading back to the command center as the two homicide detectives are there continuing on with their investigation. The investigation of some teenage girl that they believe to be a victim named Avira that was the missing girlfriend of another victim. And she was a victim that was handled by another detective from earlier during the same day at another location.

Meanwhile as Dr. Killpond has turned away to leave the scene, Trapper notices something in the mud a distance away considering that his mind is more focused on Avery as Avaris Man nonetheless nodding his head the other way. Then he and the other two hunters seem to stroll that way like they are hiding something, although it doesn’t work with Detective Swamp and Detective Fish.

Detective Fish nods his head to Detective Swamp to glance over at what the hunters are doing. Immediately they give each other the look as though they are messing around with them or trying to keep their own investigation to themselves as though they are slick. Nevertheless Detective Swamp and Detective Fish continue on with their scoping out the area as they look for other clues.

At the same exact time, the hunters tend to stroll their way quietly away from the scene so that they are free to talk amongst themselves. And it takes a few good yards through the thickened and wet swamplands before they are able to converse. But soon, they leave the scene without mingling with the homicide detectives which means meddling in Dr. Killpond’s affairs needless to say the least.

Once far away, Gunny is the first to respond to those tracks saying, “Did you see that?”

Trapper makes the second comment saying, “Yes, the tracks of webbed feet, and they weren’t alone!”

Hunter can only say something in the tone of blatting, “Yes, and who do you think the other one is that he is with?”

Gunny decides that they ought to hurry and capture this Avaris Man by saying, “We’d better hurry and catch this Avaris Man and find out who is with before too long!”

Trapper thinks along the same lines as he asserts, “Yes, and we better catch them before any other law enforcement officials catch him and that’s for sure, huh?”

Hunter thinks about the safety of Avery and who is ever with him saying, “If those detectives see those foot prints in the muddy grass it won’t be long before they go after him as well!”

Gunny figures that they should act as though they didn’t notice them and that they are respecting the scene of the homicide detectives saying, “Just pretend that we were aloof and didn’t notice them mistakenly!”

Soon once the hunters are out of the area, Detective Swamp has to say, “It appears that they are hiding something from us!”

Detective Fish has an idea, “Well, let’s hide something from them!”

And then he takes a small pocket size fingerprinting ink pad and some fingerprint forms that he always carries on him just in case things don’t go right as Detective Swamp says, “Yes, now we are talking!”

Detective Fish says, “We will find Avira’s fingerprints and then we will compare them to this teenage girls finger prints and see if it is a match!”

Detective Swamp says, “Brilliant!”

Immediately Detective Fish takes the teenage girl’s right hand starting with her thumb as he rolls it along the ink pad. Thereafter he rolls her right thumb once again on to the fingerprint form which is just a piece of paper. Then he repeats the process with the rest of the finger continuing with her index finger and then her middle finger. Finally he finishes her right hand off with her fourth and fifth finger, the pinkie.

And when he is completely done with the task, Detective Swamp says, “Well, let’s run that through our main frame identifier and see who we come up with!”

Detective Fish adds as a precaution,” That’s if she has had her fingerprints taken, of course!”

Right away, the homicide detectives stand up and hand the fingerprint forms to one of their fellow police officers as Detective Fish says, “Run this on the computer and through the FBI link and see what you come up with!”

Detective Swamp rephrases that mumbling, “And hurries!”

Furthermore a distance away, Avery and Avira couldn’t help stay back as they noticed more arriving such as the hunters who scurried away hastily. They still have their eyes on the hunters although they have gone off on a tangent with locating him. And they are as well very confused about who this other set of webbed footprints belongs to that was paired with Avery, the Avaris Man.

Avery makes a comment to Avira saying, “Well, it seems that they think that is you and they have found your car it appears!”

Avira returns back with another word, “It looks like they found Ryan’s dead body as well and it won’t be long before the end up towing my car away!”

Avery makes another assumption, “Isn’t that the truth?”

Avira also adds, “And they are going to run her fingerprints and then they will have to compare them to mine!”

Avery makes another comment rallying, “Have you ever been arrested before any of this trouble?”

Avira answers Avery back with the truth, “No!”

Avery comes back adding his knowledge about things when it comes to fingerprints, “Well, then they don’t have your fingerprints on file!”

Avira wonders what that means asking, “And what does that mean?”

Avery decides to say, “I don’t know; but it will probably take a while before they figure things out, I guess!”

Avira asks another reality check, “What about my dental records?”

Avery figures that she means she has some dental records saying, “Well, I guess they could match her dental records with yours, but that might take a while too, we hope!”

Avira is curious what they should do next, “Now what do we do?”

Avery returns with an answer signifying, “Maybe, we better pull our welcome mat from around here and that’s for sure!”

Right then Avery and Avira leave to find another estuary and in the meantime the homicide detectives are ready to take some pictures of the scene. However they are wondering what the hunters were looking at if they were looking at anything perhaps. But nevertheless they want to find out what is over there nonetheless.

Detective Swamp makes the first comment saying, “I wonder what those hunters were hiding over that way in-between this estuary and the other estuary!”

Detective Fish is curious by answering back, “Let’s take a look and find out!”

Slowly while casing the area of everything that their eyes come in contact with, the two homicide detectives walk a little distance to about where the hunters were standing when they split off. It takes a little looking around which is because of the wet swampy mud and grasses everywhere.

Then all of a sudden, Detective Fish sees something in the mud as he says back to Detective Swamp, “Hey look at this; two webbed feet patterns!”

Next Detective Swamp decides make a distinction between the two sizes of webbed feet patterns, “Hey, one set of webbed feet patterns looks larger than the other!”

Detective Fish can only say with his schooling and forensics experience, “Well, I know something about feet and the smaller webbed feet patterns look more feminine if you ask me!”

Detective Swamp asks, “And how can you tell that?”

Detective Fish answers back, “By the way the toes dig in like long female toe nails, see that?”

Detective Swamp comes up with another difference in the matter, “And the smaller webbed foot patterns seem to have more weighted on the front of the foot like a woman who is used to wearing high heels, perhaps!”

Detective Fish says quickly, “Well, let’s get some photographs of these!”

Detective Swamp says, “And some plaster castings of them both!”

Then another call comes in on the CB radio that says, “Detective Fish and Detective Swamp?”

Straight forth Detective Fish answers with some hope of good news for the murder case, “Detective Rivers found some fingerprints on a knife at the residence of Ryan Sands!”

Detective Fish answers back fast like asking, “And?”

The CB radio dispatch operator comes forth boldly with the news; the fingerprints on the murder weapon belong to one Avery Quarry. He was also a High School student who was involved in some swamp incident that was………………!”

Detective Fish says quickly, “Kept classified!”

Detective Swamp says, “Not anymore!”

Detective Fish comments ghastly, “And that’s for sure! The CB radio dispatch asks, “How did you know that?”

Detective Fish says in return, “Oh well, we had a visit from a Dr. Killpond that walked out here and met us introducing herself. She is the one who is running the command center and she was very concerned for this Avery. In fact, she seems to have some hunters after this Avery Quarry for some scientific reasons! And we are supposed to keep her updated on Avira Beach’s car dusting and the teenage girl’s DNA results!"

The radio dispatcher says in limbo, “Well, maybe we can send out the SWAT and give her a hand!”

Detective Fish decides to say, “Let’s run this situation by this Police Supervisor and police Commander first before we make any decisions!”

The CB radio dispatch ends the call by saying, “Ten-four the request!”

Detective Swamp has to blab out, “Boy; this story is getting more interesting every second of the day!”

Detective Fish cracks a wise crack, “It appears this Swamp Fish is a serial killer!”

Detective Swamp says, “Well, I guess it is time to inform Dr. Killpond!”

Detective Fish remarks, “Do you think that she will be upset at all, I mean we were a little hard on her?”

Detective Swamp says, “No, not after we put an APB out on Avery Quarry, the Swamp Fish serial killer!”

Detective Fish adds, “Hopefully she will be more sympathetic to what we have to say?”

Finally Dr. Killpond returns back to the command center after looking out towards the swamps like she wonders what is going on with him. And at this time, Dr. Killpond is very confused with his ability to adapt to these surroundings which is making her abilities of catching him impossible.

Once she heads inside, Dr. Waters asks Dr. Killpond, “So what happened?”

Dr. Killpond answers Dr. Waters with Dr. X really trying to work on the inoculant that they are developing, “I met with Detective Swamp and Detective Fish and they are now waiting on taking DNA results from this teenage girl and comparing them to this car that belongs to an Avira Beach who’s boyfriend was killed many days ago or so!”

Dr. X says, “Well, we just tuned in to the police channel and heard the CB radio dispatcher say that they found Avery Quarry’s fingerprints on the murder weapon of Ryan Sands who happens to of been Avira Beach’s girlfriend!”

Dr. Killpond can only say, “What the hell?’

Dr. Waters decides to speak out candidly really quick like, “That’s what we both said!”

Next Dr. Killpond says, “Detective Swamp and Detective Fish said that they would brief me on updates or should I stroll back out there?”

Dr. X says as he continues working on the inoculant that they a devising to bring this Avaris Man back to his normal self by saying, “I don’t know what to do; I guess it is your call Dr. Killpond!”

Dr. Killpond can only think of saying, “I suppose we’ll wait and not interrupt their investigation!”

Dr. Waters has an idea by telling Dr. Killpond, “You know what this means!”

Dr. X returns with some words, “There goes our scientific study and development of a vaccination!”

Dr. Killpond can only think of all of the money that she has invested within this entire scientific exploration of the Avaris Species saying, “The entire study of this Avaris Species could be in jeopardy all because we arrived late after they took him to the hospital!”

Dr. Waters asks, “So know what?”

Dr. Killpond says, “I am going to have to make a few calls!”

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