Hatch of the Crabs subpage 3.


Then suddenly, Hatch the red crab becomes a little frantic as to his disappearance, although Hatch understands that the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is very mysterious in certain ways to a point. Also there are some unknown truths and realities to his real identity in a sense of thinking. However Hatch decides to let it go and continue on his way with his search for his blue crab mate Snatch.

Yet he feels that his search is farther away than what the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa has described within his psychic evaluation of the situation. But then there is a slight hope of reality on the other side of the coin which causes Hatch to have less doubt and a little bit of hope left. Nevertheless Hatch feels that there is some sort of connection with what has been said as a feeling of closeness enters his mind as he walks away from the scene.

But then out of the middle of nowhere arrives Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch with a surprise arrival that Hatch senses her immediately as he hears the words bubbling from her little crab mouth, “Hatch!”

Right away, Hatch’s eyes turn big as he is so glad to see his blue crab mate Snatch for the first time in what seems like forever in a sense of time perhaps. Meanwhile Snatch decides to call out his name again considering that he is senseless as she repeats, “Hatch!”

Of course, without any further hesitation upon hearing his name called out once again, Hatch the red crab calls out to her yelling with a muffled voice again as he makes his way closer, “Snatch!”

Right away, Hatch the red crab approaches Snatch as quickly as he can through the ocean floor sands while calling out again, “Wow Snatch; I thought I had lost you forever and ever and was never going to see you again.”

Then Snatch starts to pick up the pace nearly floating and hoping her way closer to Hatch her red crab mate as she becomes so happy to see Hatch once again calling out, “Oh, Hatch I thought I had lost you to and was never going to see you again. I looked around wherever I could until I found out that you came here searching for me everywhere in the shipyards and dockyards.”

Next Hatch the red crab can only describe what he has been through slightly on his journey looking for Snatch as he meets up with her saying, “I searched everywhere for you Snatch wondering what could have become of you after being caught in the sardine net!”

Thereafter Hatch the red crab talks of the advice that he had received during his travels saying, “I even asked everyone and their guppies for advice on finding you and everyone had told me that they probably would have tossed you blue crab mate Snatch from the sardine boat considering that she is a red crab and they are out fishing for sardines anyhow! But I kept on searching anyways wondering that it wasn’t so and that I would never see you ever again.”

Moreover Snatch can only grieve some more words out expressing her thoughts of nearly losing him by saying, “Hatch I thought I would never see you again either, although I made my mind up to never give on up with searching for you ever.”

Now, Hatch the red crab hugs and kisses his lost love Snatch as he comes back telling her, “You must have traveled a long distance like I have in order for us to find one another?”

And after beginning to crawl over one another like they were nearly making love in a sense of speaking, Hatch’s blue crab mate names Snatch comes forth with some words stating, “Yes, we are a distance from our home out in the middle of the sea, huh? I guess that sardine boat had done a number to our relationship when we were caught in that sardine net.”

Finally Hatch the red crab wonders what they should do now by asking his blue crab mate Snatch, “So what should we do now that we are together once again and we can put all of that behind us?”

Lastly Snatch can only think of going back to meet Freckles and Gums who are still waiting for her a distance a ways as she explains to Hatch, “Well, first we need to head back to where my friend nurse sharks, Freckles and Gums had dropped me off!”

Then and there Hatch wonders about Snatch’s new friends as he asks, “I see you met some new friends along the way?”

Next Snatch can only talk about her new friends that she had met along the way by telling Hatch, “Yes, I have met a few new friends along the way who have decided to help me with trying to find you which had worked out rather well.”

Now Hatch wonders where they are waiting at and how long have they both been waiting for as he questions, “And how long have they been waiting for you and are you sure they will be there when we return?”

Finally Snatch decides that they ought to leave this place in a hurry by saying, “Of course, Freckles and Gums will be waiting there for us, although we have to hurry and get away from this shipyard before something else happens to us. And don’t worry about them because they aren’t too far away from here! I found you pretty fast luckily to hearing some voices; so who were you talking to back there?”

Snatch asks this question as they both make their way to where Freckles and Gums are both waiting for her return with or without Hatch as he answers back saying, “I was talking to the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa that had appeared only to give me advice about finding you after I had told him the story.”

Immediately Snatch wonders where in the heck Hatch had ran in to him at by querying to him, “So where did you meet this Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa at and why is he so interested in talking with you anyhow?”

After hearing that question, Hatch the red crab decides to tell his blue crab mate Snatch about him a little by saying, “He just appeared when I was out looking for you and I told him the story of what happened and he said that he only could give me some advice as to how to go about searching for you after what had happened out at sea.”

Next as they walk approaching closer to where the nurse sharks Freckles and Gums had dropped her off at, Snatch asks another question regarding this Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa by questioning, “So what kind of advice did he give you?”

Of course, the only thing that Hatch can say is that his advice was the only thing he had at the time by saying, “And the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa was the only one who had any advice at me at that time. But basically all he said was that the sardine boats all head and port in Dublin where they drop their cargo and load of fish at the shipyards. And he said that you may be too late and said that I ought to hurry if I want to still find you.”

And right there and at that point in time, Snatch comes up with something to say regarding his advice saying, “Sounds like that Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa had told you a lot of things that weren’t true, although he didn’t seem to know any better. However I was tossed out from the sardine boat once they sifted through all of the sardines on deck. At first I thought I was going to end up with the same fate as the rest of them. But then I ended up back in the sea, although I was sort of tossed and turned about with knowing where I was at. But then after a while I wondered what happened to you Hatch; so I started searching all over the ocean wherever I could until I would find you.”

Next Hatch can only make his own comment about her long speech saying, “Well, that’s a long story and that’s what I was hoping to hear when I found you. And luckily that was the case, but I was so worried that you might be lost forever.”

By now, Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch figures that nothing else really matters as long as they are together as she recoils with instantly, “Don’t worry about the past Hatch! Nothing else matters as long as we are together again and we can put all of that behind us now. We will just have to be more careful is all for now on, okay?”

It seems that Hatch thinks that Snatch doesn’t seem to like the advice of the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa as he asks her, “You don’t seem to like the advice I had received from the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa who had vanished so mysteriously?”

But for some reason Snatch doesn’t really know who this so called mystery tortoise is as she mentions, “Really, I don’t even know who this so called Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is and not to forget that he led you on a wild goose chase nonetheless.”

At this time, Hatch decides to go on further with his story by saying, Well, I was nearly almost cooked alive by two psychic women, although I did manage to save a salt water aquarium full of red crabs and a salt water aquarium of red lobsters which was the best outcome of the journey considering that they saved me returning the favor.”

And right after hearing that story, Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch comes back interrogating him, “You’re lucky someone else was there to save you because I can’t always be around to save you, huh.”

Still Hatch has another view of the situation now that they are back together once again as he comments back to her, “Let’s just get away from here and forget about the whole entire episode!”

Conversely as they retreat and make their way back to where the nurse sharks Freckles and Gums were left at, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is lurking near watching and waiting for a chance to surprise them. So far, he has been a bit curious as to who this blue crab mate named Snatch really is since he had given some advice on her. And now it is even more so now that the advice was very misfortunate.

All the same he doesn’t want to interrupt their first get together since their tragic loss and reunion recently. Then on the other hand, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa would like to see his reaction once again when they meet in the future which might be closer than any of them think right at this time. However for the moment he will only watch and observe them both while taking his own personal notes.

It’s almost like he is some unfamiliar nosy character who can only pop up during certain situations as he listens in on them talking and chatting. Yet Hatch the red crab and his blue crab mate Snatch have no idea that he is still nearby even though he really is lurking closely. Meanwhile the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa wonders what to expect from their lingo and talk with conversations relating to him.

In due time Hatch and Snatch both arrives at the place where Freckles and Gums have been waiting for quite a while now. As they arrive they notice Freckles and Gums swimming around in circles as though they were prowling the area, although they are doing it in a slow motion following a school of fish that are nearby.

Once Hatch and Snatch make their way closer Freckles and Gums circle around their way noticing them while Freckles says, “You made it back!”

Right away, Snatch comes back with something to say, as she twiddles, “Yes, we made it back!”

Immediately as she swims over their way even closer to greet them both, Gums says out loud slanging, “And you found Hatch?”

Besides without any further hesitations whatsoever, Snatch comes back announcing loudly, “Yes, I found Hatch just by a freak accident, of course.”

And then while wondering what happened to Hatch, Freckles comes back asking, “What happened to you Hatch?”

There and then Hatch decides to explain a quick little synopsis of what happened answering back, “I was out searching for Snatch and ended up with advice which led me all over the place looking, I suppose you could say, huh.”

Now Gums figures that at least Hatch is here at this time as she says, “Well, at least you’re here with us now and you can put all that behind you in the past.”

Finally Freckles wonders whether or not they should leave and head out as Freckles says quickly, “So where to and where should we go from here?”

Fortunately Snatch would like to leave and head back to some far away islands in order to have some place to rest and get away from it all by explaining, “Let’s head off to some islands somewhere where we can relax and spend some quality time on the beach resting and vacationing!”

Therefore the nurse sharks Freckles and Gums agree that they should leave this place and move on with their lives as Gums quibbles elusively, “Well, let’s go and look for some islands that are remote enough where we can swim nearby without any other predators around the waters!”

Moments later after thinking of some places that she knows of, Freckles comes back imploring, “I know of some islands that are small and secluded with only some wild life like birds and maybe some other crabs here there that are around!”

Right away, Snatch comes back responding, “Sounds like a good idea and plan, let’s go and blow this Popsicle stand and go check out those islands you are talking about. It’s been a long time before I have had a chance to be in a secluded island out with of looking and searching for Hatch.”

As they prepare to leave, Gums comes up with something to say regarding some other places nearly boasting, “I know of some islands myself, although I think they are a tourist attraction now perhaps.”

In the interim, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is lurking nearby as he catches some glimpses of Hatch’s blue crab mate Snatch with a curiousness of what she is like. But he is keeping in the shadows of the coral reefs which aren’t too far away as they start to leave the sanded dune area.

By chance Snatch prepares to leave with Freckles as Hatch watches and does the same trusting the mouth of the nurse shark Gums as she says to Hatch, “Now climb inside and put your trust in the mouth of a shark!”

A distance away, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa finds this odd as he watches and realizes that it a lucky chance that he is mysterious in his travels. And that means that he can make those distances by connecting the layers of time and connecting from one point to the next like it was simultaneously like. However he doesn’t know just where they are going as of yet, although he can follow them in a sense of wonder.

Not long past, the two nurse sharks Freckles and Gums are making their way with Snatch and Hatch to the remote hideaway islands that they were discussing previously. It’s a good distance from where they are, although they will spend much time traveling there to escape the pressures they have faced with creature versus society. It is a Utopian World and they have experienced much of its presence in a real sense of mistaken cause and circumstance.

Nearly an hour passes and the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa has kept up with the speed of their travels. He has more to say as far as advice goes and this time the advice is meant not only for Hatch, but for Snatch as well. And he will spend and take the time to deliver his reasons of trying with bettering the future of their kind.

For a moment Freckles and Gums are in the mood for a break and breather considering that they haven’t been breathing right with the red crabs in their mouths. Yet that is one of the only ways that they can travel long distances in a shorter amount of time nonetheless. When they stop the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa stops and rests for a time as well watching and observing their every movement.

Right away, Snatch and Hatch exit the mouths of the nurse sharks as Hatch says, “Wow; that is some ride, huh?”

Hurriedly Snatch comes back answering him, “Yes, try it for a few days at a time.”

“No, I could hardly breathe in there!” Hatch says as he tries catching his breath.”

“Well, you could always take the Ferry Boat!” The nurse shark Freckles says as he spins around fluttering his dorsal fins.

Immediately Snatch can only make a remark as to what she has heard relenting, “No, that’s okay; we’ve had enough boat rides for a life time, believe me.”

Then, and right at that time, Gums approaches from behind saying, “What other choice do you have anyhow?”

And the only thing that Snatch can say at that moment is, “I guess we don’t have much of a choice anyhow unless we want to sit around here waiting for another sardine net or crab net to swoop us all away.”

But then again, Freckles can only think of the most dangerous nets being those keeping sharks from the bays of shipyards and beaches as she counters with, “Hey, I wouldn’t be too worried about any fishing nets around here and the only nets I’m worried about are the ones keeping us sharks out from the bays of shipyards and beaches anyways.”

“Well, that was enough of a break, I guess!” The nurse shark Gums says as she figures that they ought to head out and leave the area.

While being less in a hurry, Snatch looks around like she feels the presence of someone nearby, although she doesn’t see anything as she comments, “Yes, I suppose we ought to leave now!”

As they prepare to leave, Freckles asks of Snatch from noticing her strange behavior, “What’s wrong; is everything alright?”

In the meantime, Snatch starts to leave as she looks around some more saying, “Yes, I just felt a strange presence; that’s all.”

Quickly they all end up leaving without looking back another time, but then again Hatch wonders if it is the Divine Shelled Evil Shamballa who is lurking nearby. And that’s only because he feels that he is only curious about some aspects of Snatch which is only common sense on the one hand.

However he isn’t in the mood to say anything considering that they are leaving and also because he is unsure of what presence she had felt anyhow. Still Hatch wonders if the Divine Tortoise Evil Shamballa will ever appear before him again. Of course, he especially thinks now that Snatch is with him, he can only ponder of how he knew she was near.

In the back of Hatch’s mind, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is much more clairvoyant than he first had imagined. In fact, Hatch realizes that he was off on some things, although he was right about his finding Snatch so close to where he was situated at. But then on the flip side of things, Hatch feels that he was nearly killed many times over and that causes his distrust within a particular perspective.

Hours pass and the nurse sharks Freckles and Gums feel like taking a break, although they are very close to their destination. A destination being some remote and distinct islands that they know of where there are no humans, but there are some common fowl and rodents and other small critters. Yet regardless none of that matters to them because they are sea creatures who are unable to make their way onto land such as the red crabs Hatch and Snatch.

Soon they make their way near the islands that they had mentioned while rambling on in a brainstorm to find a place. Quickly both Freckles and Gums make their way between two coral reefs that line a small beach on the island that they chose. The beach is small while the rest of the island has marshes and some drop offs, although this is a good private island place that they both can enjoy for as long as they like.

Once they arrive at the beginning of the beach where the sand is too shallow for them to swim, Freckles and Gums let Hatch and Snatch go to stretch and feel free to roam the beach floor. There are many other smaller sea creatures around when they take a first glance such as sea horses, star fish, and many sea urchins flapping around the light waves. There are also some other crabs here and there as well along with some sea urchins and jelly fish floating around the island beach also.

Right away, Hatch and Snatch are so glad to be at a new island which they can investigate and roam in order to scout out new areas of the world. Also there are many currents which are blowing and pushing lots of plankton and seaweed around which makes them feel at home. Nevertheless Hatch and Snatch start to investigate their new home for the next few weeks before they decide to move on to other nearby islands.

Finally Snatch makes a comment right away asking, “So is this the island you were talking about?”

Immediately Freckles comes forth answering back diligently, “Yes, this is the island that I was telling you was small and unoccupied by humans and there are only some basic life forms around such as fowl, rodents, and other crabs roaming about. It’s a good place to stay away from it all and build a family.”

Straight forth Snatch has some idea relating to that point of having little red crabs of their own while answering back with, “Well, maybe after we see a few sights and try and settle down perhaps. But this time I think we will stay away from the deep ocean sea and look for some refuge or retreat to retire at. We don’t want any more mishaps such as the one we had with the sardine boat”

In the duration, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa has arrived within his supernatural ways of traveling which is beyond this realm, of course. And even though he can separate the distance of space and time relatively fast, he has chosen to watch and wait for Hatch and his blue crab mate Snatch to be left alone. But that is so that he can have his chance with talking to them both while they are together thinking about what to do with their future.

Next Gums has something to say before they leave to go back their lives of being nurse sharks as she comes about saying, “Well, we better be getting on our way now; but we will be back to check up on you here and there occasionally. Be sure to look out for us when you have a chance right here or at one of the smaller beaches on the other smaller islands, huh.”

And after thinking about things for a moment or so, Hatch the red crab comes about telling them both, “I figure that it will be a while before we see all of the islands around anyhow. Who knows maybe we will just retire and spend the rest of our lives here?”

Now that they are ready to live and let Hatch and Snatch make their way onto the beach of the island to explore the new sights and surroundings, Freckles says, “Well, good luck to you and we will stop by to visit!”

And last but not least, Gums says to them all seeing them as they both turn to leave and head out, “See you soon!”

Once the nurse sharks Freckles and Gums are leaving and drifting away slowly in to the midst of the deeper sea again, Snatch and Hatch turn to make their way further up on the beach where they can have that peace and freedom they have always wanted. Of course, they wanted much more than only peace and freedom considering that they wanted excitement and all that that goes with it.

Now they both are by their lonesome and are making their way to a few light waves pushes them further up on the beach. Finally, Hatch and Snatch can see the island with what it has to offer noticing a small sand dune grapping up from the ocean waves. There are also lots of trees in the distance past some bushy meadows which line the beaches at the top of the sand dune. As they look out they can see the coral reefs stretching out which form the small beach the small island has on one side.

They also notice a few red crabs walking along the beach as a family of red crabs makes their way over the sand dune and back towards the beach in a diagonal direction from them. So far, this seems like the perfect island getaway for them even though they aren’t some people looking for a tourist vacationing spot. And that’s because they are just perhaps these two red crabs who want to get away from all of their mishaps and misfortunes in life.

However there is the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa has arrived earlier and is watching and waiting for the appropriate time to do his abiding with talking to both Hatch and Snatch together. And that’s because he wants to shell out his divine wisdom to someone and it’s not like there are many critters or creatures to do that with these days.

In fact, because of all of the fishing and the growing of the human populations there are many less creatures out there. Nevertheless there are enough for him with the rise in incidents involving these critters and creatures of the sea when it comes with their contact with human beings anyhow. And these incidents are becoming more common as the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa thinks that there should be more entities like him around.

He almost is like a moth man in a sense with his appearing for those who need attention, but he only does his vision seeking and advice for those in constant need. In other words he only gives his advice to those in a constant need such as Hatch and his need to find Snatch. And another fact is that Hatch’s search for Snatch was a long and dragged out plan while not knowing where she was at any time.

All the same, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa will wait until he thinks that it is a good time to make his appearance once again. For now, he feels that he should watch and observe Hatch and his relationship with Snatch for at least a little while longer. So far, their relationship looks good to him while they investigate a little further by making their way over the sand dune. The past the sand dune noticing some slight islands hills, although nothing spectacular except a small like rocky face facing one side.

They both suspect fresh water perhaps maybe as Snatch says to Hatch, “Hey that looks like some red crabs tracks leading over that way towards that rocky face over there on the side of the island hill!”

Straight away without any waiting for something to catch their attention, Hatch decides that they should investigate whatever it was that the red crab family was returning from as he says, “Let’s go have a look over there and check it out!”

Minutes pass as they walk along a stretch of trail that is made up of sand and dirt which appears that many red crabs have traveled thus this far. Once at the end of the trail near the rocky face, both Hatch and Snatch notice a bunch of red crabs lying out near a lagoon like setting that is so mind settling that they can’t wait to join them all and relax. But then again the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is lurking near and watching with some hope to turn them around the other way.

Then with a slight of reflex, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa calls out to them both saying, “Hatch and Snatch; come over here for a second!”

Immediately Hatch and Snatch both turn as Hatch remembers the voice and the image to go along with it while Snatch is totally unsure of whom this individual creature is sitting on a large rock. But then, Hatch turns and then heads over towards the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa wondering what more to expect.

Next Hatch turns to say something only to answering him back replying, “I knew it was you Divine Old Tortoise.”

Right away, Snatch recalls Hatch saying something about the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa as she questions him with, “So you’re the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa that Hatch has been talking about?”

Then with only a slight hesitation of a pause, the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa gives a truthful answer babbling, “Yes, I am the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa!”

And quickly straight off the mark, Snatch comes forth with another question asking, “I’m a little confused; Hatch says that he received some advice from you which was about the same advice everyone else gave him which was that the sardine boat would have tossed me out being that I was a red crab. Is that true?”

There and then the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa can only tell the truth to Snatch considering that he has pulled them aside as he counters, “Yes, that is the truth! I only told Hatch what he needed to hear so that he wouldn’t give up hope of finding you while carrying out a plan of action in order to keep him searching for you. However there are some circumstances in all visions, but yet I couldn’t hold him back neither from pursuing his inner desires.”

Next Snatch comes back saying, “Yes, Hatch was most determined to find me just the same as I was with searching and finding Hatch.”

Finally the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa feels that he as the chance to say what he wanted to say once Hatch had reunited with Snatch summarizing to the point, “However I came here only to reconcile and greet a good luck and congratulations to your both being reunited together once again. Also this looks like a good vacationing spot for the both of you, although there are no cruise ships in this area which means it is totally secluded.”

Now Hatch has something to say about that regarding his experiences and how that has changed his outlook on things by responding, “Yes, we were thinking of spending the rest of our lives vacationing anyway while forgetting about it all nonetheless.”

Finally Snatch comes back with more on the subject by exclaiming, “Vacationing is what we are looking forward to especially after hearing Hatch’s story of nearly being killed by some psychic women before being saved by some red lobsters and red crabs who had saved his life.”

Lastly the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is very eager with trying to give forth his divine wisdom and advice, although he wants to make it subtle while saying, “But just remember with settling down comes a bit of less worthiness which can result in certain aspects of transformation!”

And in conclusion to all that the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa has offered as far as advice along the lines of his so called divine knowledge, Snatch decides to try and brush him off through her morale by speaking up, “I think we have had enough of listening to the advice of others and this time we will play it safe and stick around with our own kind at these vacationing spots.”

Of course, the Divine Tortoise Evil Shamballa is sort of depressed about her reneging on his wisdom by proclaiming, “I was only trying to help!”

Regardless of what the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa says to make her more comfortable while making her feel better, Snatch comes back expressing to him, “I know, but everyone had advice that had nearly gotten Hatch killed and on the same hand made me irritable trying to find him until today!”

The Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa has only a preoccupied short answer to her comment returning back saying, “I understand!”

Finally Hatch feels that he has something to say as a closing to their meetings with the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa commentating, “Well, we ought to get back to our vacationing here with the rest of the bunch if you know what I mean, old Divine Tortoise!”

Now that the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa feels like they are pulling his welcoming mat a little too soon as he says, “Well, good luck to you and someday we will hopefully meet again!”

Slowly like Hatch and Snatch turn to leave the scene in order to head back along the trail that was formed by red crabs and their journey to the beach front. Snatch can only think about how pushy and serene this Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is with trying to give his divine wisdoms and charm. However she doesn’t really looks forward to ever seeing him again and especially with another mishap perhaps and when they turn back, he is gone and has left.

Once they are far enough away from the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa, Snatch can only express her concerns regarding this strange and eccentric encounter with him by corresponding with, “He is a strange old mysterious tortoise, huh?”

Thereafter Hatch decides to say something with a light tone of voice just in case the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is listening somehow as he answers back saying, “Yes, he is a different kind of character alright, what do you think?”

Right away, Snatch can only answer Hatch’s question about him as she slurs a line saying, “Yes, he is a different type of breed of sea tortoise and that’s for sure.”

Finally as they reach the beach with all of the other red crabs lying out on little red and blue blankets like as though they had formed their own image of a flag through it all. This is a nation and island of red crabs who have decided to escape the roughs of the sea. Nevertheless Hatch and Snatch looks for a place along the beach to call their own for now, though in due time they will probably give this place up to check out some of the other nearby islands. At first, they both start to look for a place on the beach to lie down while seeing another red beach crab handing out towels for all of the red crabs who don’t have one.


Immediately both Snatch and Hatch make their way towards the line waiting for beach towels, although suddenly they notice a volleyball game going on down along the beach. There seems to be lots of excitement along with other exciting activities along the beach such as surfing and whatever else the red crabs can find exciting. However they don’t seem to have any sail boats or motor boats or anything else like that, but there are a lot of beach goers lying around in the sun.

Nevertheless both Snatch and Hatch decide to pick a spot over by the rock face which is facing the open beach which is part of a little bay or lagoon that comes in from the ocean. Soon they tend to notice some opened places where there is lots of room for them to move around and enjoy themselves. However there are many little red crab children playing around while being very obnoxious and rowdy.

All the same Snatch and Hatch find a place quickly and make it their own while wondering how long most of these red crabs have been there on the beach. To them it appears that many of them have been staying there for days and days if not weeks making this place their home and spot to plan their vacation.

But regardless of how much they try to make themselves feel at home, they feel sort of out of place even though they like all of the company. There are so many red crabs around the beach that they feel that they are safer than anything or any other place in the world. This is a congregation of red crabs who have all given up on the hardships of deep ocean life and have found their way to the secret refuge and in the open hideaway.

This place happens to also be a different vision than what they have ever thought of as far as an area of only their type. They never in the world had imagined such a place where they can be with their own kind and far away from all of the fish and crab nets that scour the ocean floors at any one given moment. So far, to them both that sort of life is very hard to fathom unless it has ever happened to that individual and they are those individuals anyhow.

Furthermore there are a few families of red crabs around their area they have chosen who are checking them out as one asks, “So are you both new around the area?”

Right away, Snatch comes forth with the truth saying, “Yes, this is our first time here; we never imagined any place such as this!”

Next Hatch asks what this place is as he questions the members of one of the red crab families, “So what kind of beach is this we are lying out on?”

One of the red crab females makes a quick jokingly remark by saying, “It is a red crab nudist beach!”

Hurriedly Snatch can only think of how red crabs are always naked as she comments, “That’s funny because I thought red crabs were always nude?”

Another red crab chuckles and laughs while saying, “That was a bit of sarcasm which only makes this place sound more exciting than it really is, huh?”

Next Snatch has a bit of sarcasm as well as she makes a remark, “And that’s like saying you are a red crab, but you wouldn’t want to get crabs, huh?’ It’s all that scratching that sucks! Do you know how to get rid of crabs? You stone them to death! ”

Then finally, Hatch turns to Snatch and says, “Let’s move on to that spot over there!”

As they move to someplace else in order to stay away from the jokers, Snatch says something satirical bellowing, “I thought that nudists on a beach always played volleyball naked; I didn’t see any nudists except for a volleyball bouncing up over the trees. See I can be a jokester too!”

Next Hatch wonders about what they will do if they ever have red crab kids as he chuckles, “Well, if we ever have red crab children we will take them to Red Crab Mountain where they can enjoy some rides with some more responsible red crabs like ourselves!”

Meanwhile Snatch walks over a few red crab couples blankets as a few angry red crabs yell out, “Hey, watch it lady!”

Another red crab female calls out, “Hey, get off of my beach towel you ignorant red crab lady.”

Next Snatch piles through a few red crab beach towels which are bound together as some other angry red crab beach goers scream out loudly like, “Hey watch it girl!”

Then another red crab chick makes a loud remark saying, “Is that your red crab girlfriend? Because if it is tell her to watch where she is going!”

And lastly a red crab voice calls out as they near an opening in the red crab crowd which screeches out, “Hey sit you rears down I’m trying to watch the waves roll in for crying out loud.”

Soon Snatch gets out of the way and tries to make her way in to another clearing where there are only some stragglers lying around, although there isn’t a big enough place for the both of them to lay their beach towels down at. Most of the places are only tiny strips in-between where a many red crabs are gathered together at.

Nevertheless Snatch carries on a little further while trampling over some more beach towels as another red crab patron says out loud, “Hey, have some respect we are trying to lay out and get a sun tan.”

Directly afterwards after hearing that loud plea of a cry, Snatch turns back saying to the red crab family, “Hey, I’m trying to make a path through all of these towels in my way!”

Meanwhile Hatch tries to continue following along with her as she darts her way to the left and the right trying to make her way through everything. But regardless Hatch can only trample his way along with her while they both turn some unhappy heads around in their direction. At this time, many other red crabs are looking around watching their every move hoping that they aren’t headed in their direction.

Eventually Snatch sees a great place where there is a good enough place for them both to stretch out their beach towel and enjoy the sun. Now Snatch makes her way there she notices and overly large king crab lying right to next to her chosen place. Yet at first she thinks that it is only a larger red crab until she sets her towel down and one of the king crab’s legs flops over on to it.

Moments later, Hatch the red crab makes his way closer to the spot while tripping over some small sand dunes nearby. As he falls, he notices some really bigger king crab legs that look much bigger than a red crab anyhow. Besides he doesn’t see them or notice them until he falls down towards hatch on the beach towel.

And right away, a voice comes from one of the large king crabs after hatch falls down saying and correlating, “Be careful; and watch where you’re walking because there are a many king crabs around here trying to get some sun around here!”

Finally Snatch and Hatch have found their nesting ground as far as trying to fit in with the crowd goes for now, but they will have some difficulties if anybody next to them wants to move. And that’s only because there are a many large king crabs around, although they feel safer after all they have been through anyways.

So far, they have both been through a lot which is considered thick and thin when contemplating the degree of radians as far as trouble is concerned. Either way they both figure that trouble has a way of finding them in perspective to what has previously happened to them both.

Still Snatch wants to have some personal time alone with Hatch, although now isn’t the time. But then on the other hand, Snatch wants to lead Hatch away from anything that he has picked up as far as vibes go with his aura. And not to leave out the fact that Snatch wants to forget all about the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa who has had ill advice for that matter.

Besides once they both tend to catch their breath, one of the king crabs decides to break in to a normal conversation with both Snatch and Hatch by questioning, “So what brings both of you red crabs to this sandbox on the beach?”

Right away, without waiting for an explanation, Hatch the red crab comes about telling the king crab, “You know; my mother was a red crab and my father was a king crab!”

After hearing that, the king crab says, “So you thought you ought to lay out with the big boys, you and your old red crab lady?”

But there are some thoughts in Hatch’s mind about acting normal by deliberating, “Yes, we’re both just trying to lie low for a little while!”

The King Crab wonders if they are in trouble with the law or something like that even though his larger crab brain is in a different world than Hatch’s as he says, “What are you both wanted by the law or something like that, huh?”

Of course, Snatch jumps and cuts in to the conversation as she rejoins gabbing, “No, we aren’t wanted by the law or anything like that, but we have had a really bad experience and we are trying to stay away from any oceans where there are any humans and their destructive devices such as fishing boats and fishing nets to mention one thing.”

Right away, one of the female king crabs rolls over a bit as though she was listening to the conversation as she remarks to them both, “Sounds like you must have had some kind of awful experience in life?”

Furthermore Snatch decides to keep on carrying on with the conversation with the female king crab in order to win over and influence more friends as she contends, “Yes, we had a bad experience of being separated for many weeks in not months.”

And then and right after, many of the king crabs in the area listen to what they have to say as Hatch breaks in to the conversation explaining to them all, “What happened was that we were caught in a sardine net and we managed to escape. However Snatch and I were separated and I went looking for her before they had tossed her overboard because they were out for sardines.”

One of the older king crab gentlemen decides to say to Hatch and Snatch, “Sounds like you summed that story up in a nut shell! That’s a long time to be separated from one another after an incident like that!”

Straight way one of the king crab females comes about with something to say regarding their experience as she tells, “That’s why most of us have decided to stay here on these islands where there are no humans at all. Once in a while there are some stragglers but we manage to leave when there is most of the time.”

Right away, another king crab female has something to add in view of things saying, “But most the humans who come here don’t stay long because there is nothing really to eat and there is no running fresh water or electricity for them to run all of their household appliances nonetheless.”

Next Snatch wonders just how long the king crabs have been hanging around in these parts being on the islands and all by questioning, “So how long have you king crabs all been hanging around here trying to get a sun tan?”

A younger king crab tends to but in to the scheme of the talk by saying, “I have only been here for a few weeks.”

Then an older male king crab answers from nearby by telling both Hatch and Snatch, “Never mind him; we have been here for a few weeks now. We usually come here every year for a few weeks in the spring and a few weeks at the beginning and end of the summers.”

Now Hatch is curious as to how long these beaches on the islands have been around with red crabs and king crabs and many other species of crabs lurking around by querying, “How long has this crab like resort been here with all of the crabs lying on the shores?”

The king crab comes back with an answer while looking around about the beach and all the many crabs filling the beach explaining, “These islands have been here for millions of years, but the crab resort has only been here for about five years now. Before that we had our own place to lie around, although there are too many humans around that area these days.”

And after hearing the king crab talk like that, a female king crab comes about saying, “Yes, us king crabs really don’t get out that often; king crabs never come up from the sea except for our family of king crab. I guess we’re just smarter than the rest perhaps!”

Fast like, Snatch can only bring about a short answer to her speech replying, “I guess so; because most of the crabs are down at the bottom of the ocean sea where all of the fishing nets and cages are located at while scouring the sea floor.”

By this time, Snatch and Hatch are wondering just how many of islands there are out there waiting for red crabs like him and Snatch to snatch them up for the taking as Snatch asks, “So how many islands out there are there for red crabs like us, do you think?”

One of the older king crabs who have been around for a longer time decides to say, “That’s hard to say. There are all kinds of islands out there which have been explored and a many more islands that haven’t been ever explored. There are also many humans around searching for new places to build their dream homes which have been ruined a many islands that our ancestors once loved to inhabit. So regardless, of what we think or say, we have to appreciate these islands which we have to ourselves right now and forget about what else is out there until this place too becomes threatened.”

Of course, Snatch wonders and is curious as to just how threatened this place is by querying to the king crabs, “And what makes you think that this place too is now threatened?”

The king crab continues on saying, “Well, first of all there have been many boaters coming around the lagoon for off from a distance. But we think that they don’t want a beach with a lot of crabs so they end up boating by before giving up and leaving. So far, we have been lucky that our presence has scared them all off. However one of these days maybe we all won’t be so lucky after all so to say.”

At that time, a cruise ship comes in to their line of sight from a far distance which is possibly looking for some islands to explore as one of the king crabs speaks out, “See look out that way. See that cruise ship passing by going the other direction?”

While lying down Snatch and Hatch take a look out that way even though their eyes are a bit smaller noticing the cruise ship cruising on by in the distance while they both say, “Yes.”

Then the king crab continues on looking out to sea at the cruise ship sail its course while clearing up, “Luckily they are sailing their own course which is probably to somewhere else rather than these islands, although one of these times we might not be so lucky!”

By that time, hatch and Snatch are both curious as to where the cruise ship is headed most likely by interrogating, “So where do you think that cruise ship is headed?”

One of the younger female king crabs from the right of Hatch and Snatch that are sitting on their beach towels says, “They could be going anywhere such as mainland or maybe they have a few more sights to see. Most of these cruise ships have enough on board to entertain the people and that’s for sure. And they don’t need any of our little islands anyhow. I especially hate it when they stop next to one of our islands and allow the cruisers to go scuba diving which really irritates me to all hell.”

But of course, without any additional uncertainties Hatch can only think how they were caught in the sardine nets when he rather is netted by a cruise ship as he says, “Sounds like we should have been on a cruise ship instead of a sardine ship anyhow. At least our evenings together would have been more worthwhile.”

Quickly then, Snatch decides to say as are mark riding off of what Hatch had just said by insinuating, “You mean; more romantic.”

Afterwards another king crab female makes a line or gesture stating, “Sounds like you both should have discovered these islands before all of your worries and troubles.”

Snatch has to agree with the king crabs considering that they seem to be wise for that matter as she quills, “Yes, our lives would be much better if we would have discovered these islands many months ago instead of drifting around the ocean bottom.”

Next Hatch wonders about some of the other islands as he asks, “So what is the closest you have come to any humans out there in the real world?”

But then of course, the king crabs have more experience with some of the other islands that are protected by the many governmental protection agencies while many other are private land. Another fact is that there are many scuba divers and snorkelers around these islands. So many of the king crabs and other sea creatures have come close to human beings, even though it was at a distance despite the fact that there are a few that have been close to scuba divers nonetheless.

Yet after thinking about it for a moment or so, one of the king crabs says out loud, “Well, I have been within several feet of a few scuba divers on a few islands that are protected by some human like agencies, although I didn’t stay around those islands very long. But nobody ever set foot on those islands as far as people are concerned. But the Galapagos Islands are a place I would like to go to visit. But we are too far from there and it would take a long time to travel there. However we are in Irish waters now and every island is governed by the governments who control that region of the ocean.”

Finally Snatch wonders about these islands asking the king crabs, “And what about this place? Is this land privately owned or is it under control of some people who could overrun it at any time?”

Quickly the king crab can only rephrase the point that they had made before by countering, “No, these islands nobody seems to care about because they are so small and nobody can build anything on them or something like that. Plus most people who live on islands without any running water have to travel long distances by boat in order to bring their supplies which makes people come here barely at all.”

Suddenly then, Hatch wonders if there is anyone who would want these islands or this islands asking them all, “Do you think anybody would ever want to try and by this island?”

Straight from the get go one of the king crabs says to them both like they were braver than they really are saying, “And if anyone ever does buy this island we will give them a hard time before we ever leave this place, huh king crabs?”

Finally after chatting and talking amongst one another in small groups many of the king crabs answer back along with some red crabs in the area, “Yes, we will all stand-up and fight!”

Afterwards one of the younger king crabs decides to say, “You mean crawl and fight!”

The king crab comes back with the notion explaining, “Yes, whatever crawl and fight!”

Moments pass, and some of the king crabs start leaving heading out to sea around them both while some of the others are almost falling asleep. Nonetheless Hatch looks up towards the rock face looking over the ocean shores which is at a higher altitude than the rest of the beach. Then some more king crabs start to leave as a few closer to them start to leave as well.

Then one of the king crab families all begin to head towards the ocean waves as one of them says to Hatch and Snatch, “Well, it’s time to see what we can catch to eat, want to join us?”

Of course Snatch and Hatch both want to renege on the offer even though they are very hungry indeed as Snatch says, “No, we’ll be fine!”

Then the king crab says out loud, “Well, we’ll bring you back some sea urchins if we find any, how’s that?”

Sooner or later after hearing such a nice offer coming from the king crabs that rarely get out from the ocean bottoms anyhow giving them the pleasure as Snatch says, “That sounds like a nice offer if it’s not too much trouble.”

Meanwhile the king crabs leave as they all turn and disappear one by one as the waves roll them back a many times here and there. Yet Snatch and hatch aren’t ready to head off with king crabs anyhow and they would both rather get food on their own. But despite this they are unsure if they are even going to stick around too much longer anyways. To them, this place is very overcrowded and it’s not their idea of a paradise so to speak.

Snatch is the first to say something now that there are many scattered spots with only empty beach towels of the king crabs who were camping near as she says, “Well, this place isn’t really my perception of paradise, how about you Hatch.”

There is no doubt that Hatch thinks that his idea of paradise is having some islands almost to themselves by saying, “My idea of paradise is having some islands of our own with only a few other land animals and plenty of sea creatures nearby the shores.”

And for some reason or other Snatch can only agree with her red crab mate Hatch by saying, “Yes, that’s my view of having a paradise is having an island of our own that has plenty of habitats to survive and thrive on, huh?”

Now Hatch wonders what they should do because they don’t have anywhere to go other than these islands answering her, “So what should we do besides waiting around here?”

With a turn back the other way, Snatch looks back towards the rock face and says to Hatch wanting to get a view of the other islands from afar, “Let’s go and make our way on to the top of that rock face so that we can look out to the other islands and see what they have to offer other than here.”

And Hatch wonders if they should spend some time in the sun before heading out by saying, “How about waiting a little before we go up there so that we can lay out in the sun a while.”

Of course, Snatch can only agree that they haven’t been here too long and that they should relax at least a little by answering back, “Well, I guess you’re right; but we should only stay for a little while and leave before many of them king crabs return because there might be more of them arriving the next time around.”

At that time, Hatch can only be thankful considering that he is very exhausted with his travels and at least a little time to rejuvenate his crab like body by declaring, “I’m just too tired to walk any long distances right now until I have some time to relax.”

Finally Snatch has something to say regarding this schilling, “I know, I’m tired too and that’s why we have to keep on moving to find our own paradise where we can be free from all of the hustle and bustle of the ocean life.”

Many hours go by as Snatch and Hatch relax on the beachy shores with all of the king crabs scattered with open pockets all around along with many red crabs sitting in different spots. They have received some rest and they have been in a deep sleep for a few hours nonetheless but there are too many disturbances around. Soon they both wake as Snatch wakes up first noticing that there are one or two king crabs left on the beach right next to them.

Other than that it seems that many more have left and Snatch decides to leave as Hatch wakes up afterwards saying, “I think we have had enough rest and it’s time to meet our destiny looking for our world of paradise.”

Hurriedly Hatch arises after a quick layout in the sun and then they both decide to leave to make their way towards the top of the rock face overlooking the other islands and the oceans in-between. Of course, Hatch feels that they should soak up first though considering that he seems quite dried out from lying out in the sun for many hours. And he also feels that Snatch would follow the same fate being out of the ocean waters for a many hours as well as him nonetheless for that matter.

Right then and there, Hatch turns to Snatch and says to something to her about that regarding his plan of action, “Don’t you think we ought to soak up a while first before we head up there since we are dried out a bit from lying out in the sun?”

Nevertheless Snatch agrees as she sees some seaweed and a sea urchin wash up on shore a many yards away with no other red or king crabs around going for it as she says, “Hey look, there’s a sea urchin. Let’s get something to chow on before we go up there and we’ll swim around in the waves a while first.”

Hatch quickly agrees as he sees the sea urchin rollback in some waves with no other red or king crabs going for it as it floats back and forth in the waves saying, “Sounds like a good idea before any of those king crabs or any red crabs return from sea foraging.”

They spend some time eating on the sea urchin while they also prepare for their next journey of making the hill. It takes them a while to catch the sea urchin in the waves, but when they do they finally have something of their own without the worries of anyone else. And then after a few moments with the sea urchin they both disappear in deeper ocean water until they are completely taken by the waves.

And after some time eating and soaking up, immediately Snatch and Hatch leave the beachy shores and slowly retreat back the way they came. But that’s because they want to take the easiest route which is from the opposite side of the rock face. Also they don’t any other red crabs or king crabs seeing or noticing them up there for any reason. Snatch even wants to keep their journey private just in case there are some great spots on the islands that they want to check out.

However, as they leave the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa is still lurking around and watching their every move. And there are still many red crabs and king crabs here and there watching, although Snatch and Hatch just carry on with their normal business. It takes a while until they both reach the bottom of the rock face, although they do have to make their way around to the opposite side.

As they move along the Divine Shelled Tortoise Evil Shamballa watches even though he feels that they want nothing more to do with him. But he is a nosy fellow and feels that he should observe them both a little longer than anyone else. Needless to say Snatch and Hatch make their way towards the back end of the rock face as they start to climb their way up towards the top.

It takes a while for both Snatch and Hatch to reach the top and when they do they see a hell of a sight. They can’t believe their eyes even before they reach the edge of the rock face. Of course, there are trees and island shrubs everywhere which is great as far as making a smooth surface for them to relax on. Slowly they reach the edge overlooking the many other islands that the nurse sharks Freckles and Gums were talking about. As they approach the edge, they both can see further in the distance than they ever could before as well.

Hatch is the first one to notice the beautiful view as he says to Snatch, “It’s quite the view from up here!”

Then Snatch comes back with a little momentum of her sights saying, “Yes, it is quite pretty from up here. It looks so small until you’re down there in the ocean and everything appears to be different.”

After taking a few more glances around from east to west, Hatch wonders where down below in the midst of the sea the two nurse sharks Freckles and gums are by asking, “I wonder where your friend nurse sharks are down there swimming around those islands?”

Suddenly there are some dolphins jumping and swimming below as Snatch says, “Maybe they are down there scaring those dolphins perhaps!”

Afterwards Hatch says as a comment of her sayings, “Well, something might have spooked those dolphins!”

By now, Snatch is looking around the ocean realizing that it is a straight drop down below to the sea. There are many rocks down below, although there is enough of an opening for them to dive on down in to the little marina formed by the surrounding hills before the rock face and the beachy shores.

“Should we jump?” Snatch says to Hatch wondering if they could make the plunge and take a short cut to the other islands.

She wants to take the plunge to a place within the other islands in order to take another chance at their search for a paradise. She wants to find a paradise where they can live without all of the chaos of ocean life.