

The novel named “Apepithecus” is about a primatologist and his scholars performing a dig in South America. They are trying to make an early discovery of an earlier primate which happens to be a subfamily of the Howler Monkey. Their discovery is involved with the Miocene period which goes back to over 5 million years ago, and that family is the genus Alou Atta which is found in the subfamily of Alouattinae.

Soon after digging for their ancient remains to make the discovery one of them notices some tracks that lead off away from the digging location. They argue for a while trying to identify what the unknown tracks belong to in terms of local primates, although they come straight into contact with one of the most sought after discovery that no one else can seem to put an eye on.

Nonetheless they are captured and then escape to retreat back to their peculiar interests of science and exploration with one rare and misunderstood species. They realize what discovery they have made and after coming back to their sense, they decide to search for more evidence of their existence.

However later they discover some other tracks that are other than human with some alien spaceship patterns swerving in the grassy where they find some clear and dark mushrooms within the soil deposits. They argue wondering what the tracks are that they found. They try to come face to face with one by entering no man’s land as the Primatologist and the helpers are taken hostage again by the group of Gigantopithecus.

Then they finally come face to face with one of them again as once again they are taken hostage by these savage beasts which are our ancient ancestors. They enter the stages of battle trying to recoup the primatologist learning the importance of their reasons to remain unknown to the worldly existence.

Rod gets away and makes his way to the truck calling for help on the CB radio and then enters the trailer to make a video of the scientific discovery before the camper is mauled over and the scene fades to black.

Rod wakes up alone with nobody around except for some Bigfootepithecus tracks around all over where he was left lying. Rod is arrested by the Sasquatch Police who are aboard a molecular drive Unidentified Flying Object. Once taken aboard the explain to him what the unidentified tracks are and that his team was taken as bait. The release one of the female anthropologists in order to force them both to go after a drop off from another planet explaining to them how many other alien planets are dropping creatures off that are beyond our dimension and comprehension.

Immediately Rod and Digger are giving some old school supplies such as a tough suit, co2 laser burner, a plasma ray gun, and a Dilithium crystal rod laser gun that has many other crystal rod settings. Once they are released they are coached through how to bait and kill the Gray Man Doppelganger that was released by some Reptilian like aliens.

In the end they return to their work looking for one of the oldest primates in the New World. After receiving their stolen artifacts back from the group of Gigantopithecus they make the findings of their career.


The story starts off in the setting of the South American Jungle of Brazil after they have arrived and unloaded all of their gear such as digging and instrumental equipment. They set up tents and make themselves at home as they first study the area by observing a group of howler monkeys and their tasks of hunting. This is where they learn more about the evolution of the Howler monkey and they also learn more about their cooperative behaviors of altruism and their hunting and foraging.

The first scene starts out with the primatologist and his scholars digging through a field which is known for ancient remains of Howler Monkeys which is a platyrrhine primate. They are one of the oldest new World monkeys found on the South American continent. The scene opens with one of the scholarly characters recovering an ancient cranium from the area he’s working in within the dig site.


The setting of the story starts in the jungles of Brazil on the continent of South America. We enter the arena of the New World with the South American jungle. There is a dig at a location where the oldest platyrrhines, which are New World monkeys who have prehensile tails and are among the family of the Howler Monkey. And that family is the genus Alou Atta which is found in the subfamily of Alouattinae. Many of their remains can take us back to the Miocene period of hominoids which is 24 million to 5.2 million years ago. There are a group of researchers who are among an anthropologist searching for remains of one of the oldest families on the New World continent.

The first scene opens with two researchers looking at some very old remains. The first researcher to speak is Digger who is studying some cranium findings expressing, “Do these remains belong to that of a Howler Monkey?”

The primatologist peeks over from the remains he is studying which happen to be part of a mandible of the same subspecies answering, “Yes, it’s an ancient Howler Monkey which is the genus Alou Atta in the subfamily Alouattinae.”

Digger wonders just how old these remains may be that she is studying so carefully asking, “And how old do you think these remains are in age?”

The primatologist looks over once again trying to teach his students proclaiming, “They are from the Miocene period which takes us back at least 5.2 million years ago or more.”

Then Doug notices some other strange tracks that look sort of fresh over about ten feet away that are impressed in some tropical forest foliage asking, “But what are these tracks over there?”

The primatologist looks over with a confused look to his face speculating why he hasn’t seen them before considering they are kind of camouflaged and hard to see by him from before, “I don’t know, I never noticed them before.”

Then the other researcher Rod steps away from them all looking the tracks over noticing that they lead away from there a ways telling them all, “They lead in to those trees over there!”

Immediately a female researcher Anna leans over studying the new freshly laid tracks saying, “They look pretty big, about as big as a lowland Gorilla. Whatever they are they must be looking for grubs.”

Yet Doug can only think of how they are out hunting for whatever foods they can find around the jungle brush saying, “It appears that they are out foraging!”

Before long, Digger thinks about how grubs are related to Lemuriformes mainly, “I haven’t heard that term since talking about lemurs.”

After that Rod brings a fact about lemurs and Strepsirhines to mind joshing, “You mean a term used when talking about Daubentonidae a nocturnal species.”

A few moments later, Digger makes a wise crack about her Bones and Stones knowledge by shrilling, “No, I mean Daubentoninight, don’t be out at night when coming across these strange tracks we aren’t sure of.”

Naturally, Anna makes a lemur like comment by shrieking, “Aye- aye!”

The primatologist approaches after hearing them squabble a bit, “Don’t be silly! We aren’t in Africa or Madagascar now are we?”

Confused Anna continues to look over the tracks with much deliberation, “No, but these tracks should be. They are pretty big!”

Once the big tracks stick within his mind, Doug thinks about how these tracks are the biggest tracks he has ever seen saying, “These tracks are the biggest I have ever seen except for the ones on the television!”

The primatologist kneels down informing them all by boshing, “Believe me, there are no gorillas in South America.”

Unexpectedly Rod whips out a smart line asking the primatologist, “You mean, whether you’re talking about a lowland or mountain gorilla.”

The primatologist thinks about how he is catching on a bit to the fundamentals of studying our ancestry when it comes to researching hominids and our ancestry, “You’re right, just remember we’re in platyrrhine territory!”

Walking a little further to inspect the freshly laid tracks, Digger steps towards some rancid dead Howler Bush meat she sees hanging behind some thickened foliage in the forest, “Looks like, there’s some dead Bush meat over there hanging!”

The primatologist thinks to himself for a moment aspiring, “Those weren’t there yesterday I don’t think!”

Getting back to the earlier conversation Digger says, “Well, I know something about Africa!”

Without waiting to break the ice, Doug laughs for a moment thinking he isn’t that smart asking, “Huh! Huh! What do you know about Africa?”

Resulting from that is Digger answering back right away imploring, “I went on a dig for Homo Habilis near East Lake Turkana and we never ran in to any Bush meat.”

Succeeding that line Doug answers back right away considering he was with Digger in East Lake Turkana saying, “And he only found a partial cranium.”

The primatologist walks over taking a look at some other tracks laid a few yards away. The Rod cracks out a joke shrilling, “At least he found something rather than a piece of butt!”

Then Anna makes a joking comment trying to soothe their intentions a bit joshing, “Yes, maybe some monkey butt.”

Then she moves over a few more yards seeing the tracks laying further away saying, “There are some more tracks laid down over here!”

All of a sudden at a distance away there are some feet moving by really fast followed by the sounds of footsteps, although the noises from the footsteps are too far away to hear anything. Now some branches of trees are pushed aside while some images of darker creatures fall behind within the shadows.

Still everybody is walking along back a ways to see where the tracks lead. The primatologist checks out the footsteps prints before him, “I don’t see any signs of knuckle walking.”

The female researcher Digger looks closely as well signaling, “Me either.”

Quickly Anna realizes there isn’t any to the best of her knowledge neither replying, “No pan pan?”

The Rod looks as well for any signs of what the tracks may be from with no providence joking, “It’s probably a couple of men dressed in gorilla suits looking for Bush meat and they don’t want to get caught or maybe they’re trying to spoil our dig or something.”

At this time Doug all of a sudden sits up with a lack of perseverance about to give up, “Well, they are doing a great job I suppose.”

Next the primatologist stops just before some tracks which disappear in the thickened bushes, “These tracks stop here and disappear in these bushes. We really need to get back to our dig."

Becoming clueless and impatient the primatologist swells, “Enough clowning around. They aren’t even on the cladistics chart. If you want to make an archaeological discovery you have to be immensely observant.”

After another moment or so they all start to walk back slowly with no luck but just some faded tracks that leads in to the foliage with no more traces. It seems that they are ready to go back to their dig when suddenly a loud roaring sound is heard from the distant tree tops. It’s so loud that the all stop nearly shivering in their footsteps so to speak.

Of course the others pass it off as one of the related Howler Monkeys that they are digging for with no other explanation. The researcher Digger tells them all after she hears the loud roaring scream, “It’s just a loud Howler Monkey.”

As it fades out completely from their ringing ears the primatologist says, “That’s no Howler Monkey!”

While agreeing with the other primatologist researcher Digger, Doug comes out asking, “Are you sure that was sort of loud?”

With an explanation in mind Rod says to them all, “Then what else could it be?”

In a twisted turn Anna sees some other tracks meandering the other way. She walks over towards some bushes and pulls them aside. Just when she takes a look in to the darkened forest trees and leaves a hand reaches out and grabs her picking her up by both arms. Frightened she yells, “I don’t think this is a Howler Monkey either. It could be a species of sivapithecus or a kind of sivapithecine that is related to the Howler Monkey.”

Next Rod thinks about some sightings he has read about in South Alaska and many of the sightings of the Appalachian Mountains within the woods of south Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia of some Gigantopithecus, or what he calls bigfootepithecus answering back with, “You know, I have heard about some Gigantopithecus kinds of creatures such as a sivabigfootepithecus, which have been sighted around south Alaska having elongated arms, along with some of the Appalachian Mountain sightings which are a part of a neanderbigfootepithecus group which have had some similar tracks as are found with species like these such as the Yahoo.”

With her thoughts rummaging like she has never heard of these names before, Digger says, “I’ve never heard of any of these names before; what did you just make them up?”

Soon Rod agrees with him even though his names aren’t molded in stone as of yet saying, “Yes, I have a few scientific names I’ve made up!”

Right after Rod says that, another loud scream is heard which sounds like it’s getting much closer than before and the scream is even louder. They all look around wondering what it could be again even though they aren’t sure whether it is a sasquatch being down in the rain forests as such.

Afterwards Digger can only say what she had said once before repeating, “I’m telling you it’s a loud Howler Monkey!”

Immediately Anna gets some chills shivering down her spine anyways as she looks back to her anthropologist friends saying, “That’s no Howler Monkey!”

Once everyone’s ears began ringing, Doug figures that the screams and howls are extra loud saying, “I suppose that’s much louder than a howler monkey or it’s getting closer and closer!”

The primatologist is almost most certain that there aren’t any Sasquatch or Bigfoot species lurking around in the rain forests of Brazil within the continent of South America. If there were the Yanomamo would have been one of the first primitive natives of Brazil and Venezuela within the continent of South America to have witnessed them. And so far there are no accounts that anyone knows of yet.

Anyhow the primatologist reacts to the screams saying, “Come on, there’s no Sasquatch or Bigfoot species found in the rain forests of South America, especially in Brazil or Venezuela. And if the Yanomamo had seen any they would worship them as their god and some anthropologist would have figured that out by now!”

Moments later, there is a wood knocking sound that is only made by Sasquatches or the Bigfoot species of evolutionary human primates on the cladistics chart. The knock comes in two unison back to back knocks as everyone stops in their tracks or should the story say stop doing what they’re doing at the least bit.

First off, Rod recognizes this mentioning to everyone while thinking that there’s no doubt that the knocking noise is indeed a Sasquatch or a Bigfoot rallying, “That was a wood knocking sound that repeated twice, listen!”

After they all wait listening for a few more seconds or so, Digger who heard it but thinks it was the wind asks, “Are you sure because I heard the wind pick up a little bit which is making knocking sounds within the trees of the rain forest!”

For a few moments they all stop and listen while everyone stops working almost like this whole entire ordeal is a hoax or some farce to only keep them all from working on their dig, although this ordeal is in fact real as far as the loud screams that are very unknown and unrecognizable to each and every one of them.

But somehow it doesn’t take long before there are some more knocks along with some rock clanging that takes their attention completely away from their work as well as their focusing on it as a project. In fact, they all seem to be a bit unnerved with this whole ordeal like it has taken them all by surprise for some reason.

Now Rod’s keen senses pick up on some rock clanging through the loud sounding gusts of wind that seem to be penetrating the area along with some of the branches banging and rattling back and forth. The clashes of rock come forth in a few bursts happening together like it was to get their attention.

Precisely at that time without any further hesitation, Rod comes out commenting, “There was some rock clanging a couple of times back and forth.”

Just then, Digger thinks the sounds came from a certain direction saying, “Sounds like they came from over there somewhere through those trees and jungle brush!”

Not two seconds after Digger says that, some more rock clanging noises come from behind them from another direction other than the one previously. In fact, these rock clanging noises sound like they are coming from an unknown direction that is hard to narrow down on or grasp while they are all so perturbed with this infatuation which has maybe gone sour.

While the primatologist stands there quiet and motionless, Rod looks to the opposite direction behind them searching for the sounds and noises remarking, “Did you hear those rock clanging noises because it sounded like they came from behind us somewhere over there, huh?”

Everyone remains quiet and silent for some time while some more sounds of wood knocking and rock clanging begin to sound closer and closer to them and their dig and anthropological site. Nevertheless they are getting a little too close to home in a sense of saying this as a true scare tactic of some mystery that may soon come unleashed.

Finally the primatologists begins to agree that maybe there’s something out there even though he himself does not even want to believe it deliberating, “Those sounds are getting closer and closer!”

Almost momentarily, there are some sounds like someone walking or scatting through the leaves of these jungle no too far away which tend to hit home a bit like a baseball being hit out of the park nonetheless. The sounds of someone approaching tend to overrun their ears even when no one seems to be around.

Finally Anna catches some shivers which are starting to creep in anyways as she says quietly, “Did you hear that?”

Everybody remains as silent as they can while they all look off in to different directions with some sense of being a little confused and that’s only because they are only in South America rather than in North America anyhow.

Now Anna comes out asking her anthropologist colleagues even though they aren’t really paying too much attention to one another other than themselves ranting, “Did you hear that?”

Straightway Digger answers back silently with, “Yes, I heard that!”

Next Anna looks to a direction directly behind her saying without a doubt, “It sounds like the noises came from over there somewhere!”

But of course, the primatologists comes up with some positive things to say exclaiming, “Well, if there are Sasquatches or Bigfoot of the rain forests, I doubt they would try to attack a human being considering I’m sure they realize that they are related to us somehow for that matter!”

Right at about the same time the others are grabbed just as well before making their way back to the research center area. Most of them are motionless while their mouths are covered. Anna tries to scream but can’t with her mouth blocked by a large ape like hand.

The primatologist tries to say the words of the discovery but can’t as well. By now he is completely motionless and unresponsive in movement. His arms and legs are frozen stiff in fright. Without any wasted time, they are all taken in to the deepened forest away from the research center.

It seems they have all passed out are forced in to unconsciousness by the predominant ancestral creatures. Once being taken a ways away they are all tied to a tree like Bush meat with a loose not at the top. The creatures leave and disappear back in to their abode within the thickened forest. A few hours go on by and Anna is the first to wake up. She realizes that the others are tied close to her. She looks up to her feet and sees that she has some movement to try and get free. She bends back up to her feet and loosens the vines from around her feet and slips one foot out. Waiting a moment to catch the right footing she slips the other one loose and falls to the ground.

Now that’s she’s free she looks around and tries to wake the others up but gets no immediate response. Nevertheless they were tied up too high in the tree to where she is able to untie them and let them all down. First she unties the primatologist who falls to the ground and wakes up moaning slightly. Then she unties Rod who falls and gets up right away swinging his arms round and round thinking that it is the enemy until he opens his eyes and sees Anna untying the other researcher Doug from his Bush meat of a hang. Finally Rod helps and unhangs Digger from the tree while she wakes up at about that time saying, “What the heck happened?”

For some reason Rod is the first to try and answer, “I don’t know, looks like we were hung like Bush meat I guess. Don’t ask me why?”

The primatologist starts to get up on his feet pondering what had happened. Quickly he says, “We better get out of here before they come back!”

Afterwards Anna thinks they should be careful mentioning, “What if they are still around watching?”

Then Digger wants to get out of there quickly as she suggests, “Why wait and find out. Let’s just get out of here!”

Succeeding this point in time Doug thinks they should head back to the research area, although he isn’t sure what way it is admitting, “We should head back to the research area wherever that is I suppose.”

The primatologist thinks they should head in the direction that they were hung telling them, “Let’s travel the way our faces were facing when they hung us up!”

Now Rod agrees answering him, “That sounds like a brilliant idea.”

Digger is ready to get a move on shrieking, “I think so too!”

They all start traveling in the direction that the primatologist suggests. Digger is curious what that was all about all of a sudden asking, “What were they?”

At the present time Anna seemed to get about the best look considering she caught a glimpse for a moment informing them all, “It looked like a giant ape of some sorts. I really didn’t get that great of a look.”

The primatologist is pretty sure he knows what they are up against inquiring to them all, “I think we just made a discovery of Gigantopithecus!”

Now Rod makes a comment to his convections adding, “You mean Ancient Bigfoot?”

Then Doug is curious as to what they wanted with them all asking, “What did they want?”

The primatologist answers to them all with his inquisition, “It’s hard to say. Maybe we should have left them tracks alone.”

Contrariwise Rod comes up with conjecturing adding, “I’m telling you, I was right the whole time that they don’t want us here for some reason. This is probably their home. And there was definitely more than one of them.”

Without any doubt in her mind, Anna thinks that it makes no sense why they don’t want them out here probing, “What are they trying to hide?”

The primatologist understands why nobody has made the discovery of Gigantopithecus Bigfoot before tallying, “That’s why no one ever comes across one face to face. They are too slick and sneaky!”

There’s no doubt that Digger thinks about her Bones and Stones studying mentioning, “So it’s their form of altruism which is their defensive behavior to show how they are tuff and they fought us off like some kind of threat to get rid of us and scare us.”

The primatologist approves that idea for the most part, “Most likely, it was also their way to be nice to get what they want!”

Next Anna asks thinking about all of these facts asking them all, “What do they want? Obviously they like Bush meat.”

Soon Rod disagrees with her completely by uttering, “I think they think we are hunters searching for Bush meat maybe, and that’s why they hung us up to show us what it’s like.”

The primatologist realizes they have to get back to camp, “Let’s just get back to camp and decide what to do with our dig.”

For starters Rod begins to sing a little Monkeys song to them all, “Here they come, walking down the street. They are the biggest monkeys, hanging us like Bush meat. Hey! Hey! They’re the monkeys, they are still around. They’re out there monkeying our digs down. They never want to come out and play. They’re the young generation and they use altruism at bay. Hey! Hey!”

Subsequently Anna interrupts, “Oh shut up!”

After a while they start to feel lost a bit as Digger marvels if they are going in the right direction, “Are we going in the right direction?”

The primatologist suggests to them all, “We should just keep heading in this direction. I’m sure they wanted to take us a ways away I bet to get us angry at the very least.”

Following Doug has to agree with him to keep a positive attitude, “Do you want to turn around and run back in to them?”

Anna doesn’t think that’s such a great idea, “No, just keep moving away from there.”

After another couple of minutes they return back to the research area just passed another few acres of densely populated forest. The primatologist catches sight of his vehicle lying on the narrow road just ahead shrugging, “There we are, there’s the truck right over there!”

Within his own conclusion, Rod is relieved to making their way back the whole way answering, “It’s about time; I was getting home sick in a way.”

Finally they reach the research center and decide to have a look around a bit. The primatologist notices some large hand prints on his hood and then notices that some of the artifact remains are missing, “Looks like some things are missing!”

Of course, Digger looks and stares at where her remains were at yelling, “All of my findings are gone!”

Then Anna realizes the same with her remains telling them, “So are mine!”

Now Doug seems to understand the same reality that his remains are missing as well, “Mine too.”

The primatologist starts to make some sense out of everything admitting, “That’s what this was all about? They don’t want us here digging to find their remains I bet or any remains of their ancestral genus.”

Nevertheless Rod thinks about the cladistics for a split second boshing, “Since when is the Alou Atta Howler Monkey with a prehensile tail apart of their genus hominid line anyway?”

Furthermore Anna tries to break the monotony with a smart hominid line by saying, “Well, have a Homo Erection!”

Conversely Digger makes a funny come back by joking, “That’s Homo Erectus, not Homo Erection!”

The primatologist seems to think that the Sasquatch, Bigfoot, or whatever they are out there are trying to keep them from finding something. And he feels that this happens to do with such facets about how maybe their burial site or sites which would give them some evidence of their existence.

Without waiting any longer while trying to figure things out anymore, the primatologists correlates to the others, “No more joking around. I think the Sasquatch are trying to hide any evidence of their deceased who all could be buried somewhere close to here. And we are just lucky enough to almost stumbling upon such a site!”

Still there’s no way that they could have stumbled close to a graveyard of Bigfoot down in the Amazon jungle mistakenly as Doug relates going further, “You mean a graveyard of Sasquatches or Bigfoot?”

There’s no uncertainty in Anna’s mind that they aren’t hunters of any magnitude as far as walking around with guns and rifles searching for bush meat. Except that, on the other hand they aren’t some hunters looking to catch some Sasquatch or Bigfoot yet while looking and searching for one with guns and rifles which could in return endanger their lives to where they get their heads ripped off like some deer from North America or some South American monkey like a Howler Monkey, Owl monkey, or a Chimp.”

The primatologists has heard what she said answering back even though his mind is elsewhere like he was watching out for something, “Chimps and chimpanzees as well as baboons are only found in Africa! The only ones in South America are the ones in zoos or refuges, although there’s the Skunk Ape that is a cross between a chimpanzee and an orangutan! And it is found through the stretch of swamps of the Florida Everglades through the southern swamps of Alabama Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.”

With fear still in their minds as they all tend to clean up the archaeological site and camping grounds of theirs, Anna comes back explaining to them all, and especially the primatologist coming back with, “You know, it’s kind of hard to think with all of this rattling of my brain from behind dragged and hung around like some left over for some animal we never laid eyes on! And don’t forget that it was monkeys such as the chimpanzees who had island hopped to this South American continent anyhow”

Next the primatologists thinks about trying to clean up the site so that they can leave the area and try and recoup in order to come back another time. Maybe they’d better leave for now and come back when they have some arms to take along for protection. But then again, real anthropologists would never try and hunt a Sasquatch, although they may try and trap one for the reason of putting one under observation to use for studying and taking notes.

After a few more seconds roll by, the primatologist decides that they should try and get out of there as fast as they possibly can muster by declaring, “Come on, let’s hurry and pack so we can get out of here without leaving anything behind even if it is ripped up and torn to shreds by the Bigfoot!”

Just at about that moment Digger sees that her sleeping bag is in the tree above where she had it laying on the ground. And there are many other personal belongings of hers that are scattered all over in different places just like some party or camping crashers had come in and totally ransacked the place and left it for dead.

Nonetheless they all obey and listen to the primatologist as they all try to pack everything without wanting to leave any trace of anything as though they are completely forgetting the dig completely with no regrets. However everything that they have had has nearly been destroyed to where there’s almost no reason to pack it back in their vehicles once again anyhow.

Luckily there camper shell is untouched for some unknown reasoning which happens to be a godsend of a fortunate break within all of this sudden bad luck with nature and evolution. This is where the fittest survive and for some uncanny reasoning again, the fittest happens to be the unknown carnivores within the jungle brush. And don’t forget that these carnivores are the ones that have taken them all by complete surprise with no doubts in anyone’s mind.

As Anna looks at some of her personal belongings such as her clothes that were packed so neatly away which were clean and ready to wear when she’d be alone in her own tent, the eyes of the predator remain lurking on them from distances that are beyond the human eye while some other eyes are on them that are closely camouflaged by the jungle colors of the different varieties of plants and bushes that immensely cover the landscape.

And with a pissed off attitude still, Anna turns to her luggage bags which are more like backpacks for camping while saying, “Even my clean underwear and shorts are ripped to shreds like some ferrets got in to my bags and ripped them up.”

For some reason Doug looks to find his notes which are all ripped up and torn in to bits barking, “All of my notes from anthropology class are destroyed!”

By then, Digger notices that her shaving and toothbrushes and toothpastes are scattered all over blundering after Anna, “My shaving and toothbrushes and toothpastes are scattered all over too!”

The primatologists comes back while picking up his personal belongings that they had taken out of the camper while camping for the many of days quailing, “Everything is scattered and spread out all over! Look at my can of coffee that I have brought for the early mornings!”

For the next few minutes they all pack and salvage what they can without even leaving anything behind except some small ripped up pieces that are too small to pick up for that matter. However they still have a big camping and archaeological site to clean up and pull away before leaving to decide what choices they have to do as far as options are concerned.


The next scene opens up minutes later when Digger is looking for her backpack full of clothes that she had brought to change in after all the dirty work is done for the day. Slowly but surely she walks away from the archaeological site a few good yards noticing something different about the vegetation nearby. She stops and looks realizing that a circular pattern has been made which wasn’t there earlier to the best of her knowledge.

She walks a little closer noticing some grass that has grown in that she is fairly certain that wasn’t there before when she last observed this area. Quickly she turns to the primatologist and the others saying out loud, “Hey, check this out!”

Immediately Doug and Anna stop what they are doing thinking that it’s a dead jungle Sasquatch or something while they start to approach. The primatologist becomes sort of paranoid and as well curious considering what has all happened to them recently. When they all three arrive they all just stop noticing how there is a pattern woven where some new grass has grown but the jungle bushes and shrubs are leveled like a crop circle found in a corn field somewhere, although it just doesn’t seem to make much sense to them at this point in time.

At first Anna is the one to comment while they all stand there looking as she comments, “I don’t know; all the plants are leveled down forming a wavy circle with grass grown inside of it!”

Meanwhile Rod approaches from behind while walking to the side of everyone else to take a look while he glances around about the so called jungle crop circle saying, “It looks like a crop circle in the jungle!”

Straight forth Digger starts to freak out a little asking the first thing that comes to her mind replying, “You mean a crop circle in a corn field?”

Right away, Rod decides to carry on with what he thinks after just getting his first quick glance at the swerving grassy circle answering back, “Yes, some alien spaceship was hovering over right here and they were spinning around a little bit making this impression and the radiation made the grass grow where it doesn’t normally grow!”

Now Doug is sort of scared knowing that they have more intruders and there are not only Sasquatches but there are some unknown aliens in the area as he says, “Great, not only do we have some hairy Sasquatch men watching us right now, but we have some strange aliens from another planet flying about too!”

As the primatologist kneels down at the dirt looking around at the grass where it starts, Anna comes forth with another remark, “We don’t even know what kind of aliens they are that were here!”

Nevertheless Rod remembers something about mushrooms growing also underneath a spacecraft that has been hovering for long amounts of time suggesting, “Well, if it’s a spacecraft there should be some mushrooms grown underneath the dirt!”

And it looks like the primatologist has found something buried in the dirt below the grassy roots as he turns to instruct his partners, “You mean like this?”

Right then the primatologist point to a black mushroom that is small and looks fibrous like with sparkly sides as the anthropologist Rod looks closely retorting back, “Yes that looks like a mushroom from a spaceship. I’ve never seen one in person, although I’ve seen one in a film about aliens. The ones I saw were a clearer color though!”

The primatologist looks at the mushroom recognizing the color saying out loud, “Well, this mushroom is black!”

Then after looking at it for another moment Rod realizes that he’s unsure of the color responding, “I don’t know; I never seen anything black like that in my life!”

There’s no doubt that Doug is curious wanting to possibly touch it saying, “Is it poisonous?”

The primatologist answers Doug’s question replying, “Who knows?”

The girls Digger and Anna start to freak out a little bit even more as they become frightened of the unknown aliens which could be lingering around the area as Anna says to Rod, “So what kind of aliens leave a black mushroom?”

Of course, Rod is confused and so is the primatologist, who was really here to do and teach these students the business of digging monkeys, who says, “I have no idea I’m never seen anything like that before either!”

Right away, Digger start to become nervous wondering what kind of alien leaves a black mushroom yelling out, “Well, what kind of alien leaves a black mushroom?”

Immediately Rod gets sort of confused and as well angry talking back, “I don’t know; a pray mantis, maybe!”

Quickly Anna freaks out even more saying, “You mean like a giant mosquito flying around in a machine and it probably could fly around out here?”

Hurriedly Doug decides to correct her by explaining, “No, he means like a giant pray mantis man or something!”

Afterwards Digger decides to shut them all up calling out, “I’m not sure any of you really know what you’re talking about!”

Surely Anna wants to just get out of there and forget the whole thing anyhow stating, “What are we even doing here anyhow, I thought we were leaving?”

The primatologist can only agree with Anna suggesting, “Yes, we were leaving; I think that’s the best thing that we can do just in case any of those intruders come back here!”

Finally they all start to walk back towards their camping site or at least where it used to be located before it was scattered all over by Sasquatches. Nevertheless they all seem to quiet up trying to quickly scavenge whatever the hell they can before any more of those Sasquatches do find their way back to the campsite when they are there.

Immediately when they all start walking around Anna is quickly grabbed when walking back from the truck over towards a pair of shorts that she sees scattered with some other clothes next to a jungle palm tree. Quietly she walks over next to the tree to retrieve what she can where an arm reaches around covering her mouth while pulling her back around.

A moment later Doug turns after hearing something when a giant Sasquatch takes a quick three steps before picking him up and grabbing him off. Then simultaneously Digger is grabbed when turned the other way after hearing the creepy sounding footsteps. The primatologist tries to cut around the other way towards the front of his pick-up truck, although he is cut off immediately and grabbed being picked up like someone picking up their pet kitten.

At about that time Rod sees what’s going on before anyone can say a word while quickly opening the passenger door to the primatologist’s pick-up truck and quickly closing the door and locking it. Then he moves over towards the driver side of the pick-up truck locking the driver’s side door as well. Next he looks around making sure he flanked them, although he sees some Sasquatches running back and forth but can’t see any of the others.

And after becoming more paranoid, Rod looks around inside the truck noticing the CB underneath the dash which gives him the idea to call for help. So quickly he grabs the CB and tries to turn on the CB Radio, although he has to turn the ignition key which is luckily in the ignition when he looks slightly over frustrated.

However a many yards away, two Sasquatches one named Sticks and the other one named Stones approach within a fifty yard perimeter with a CB Radio Fuzz Buster as they both carry the huge piece of equipment with one on each side of it. Immediately they both stop setting it down next to another large male Sasquatch named Wood Knock and a large female Sasquatch named Hard Knock who has been waiting eagerly.

Right away, Wood Knock looks over to Sticks and Stones saying lightly, “Okay, jam and fuzz bust it!”

Sticks turns on the CB Radio Fuzz Buster trying to search for the right frequency on the CB Radio Band while a squealing sound is heard momentarily. Meanwhile Rod is still in the truck trying to tune in to a CB Radio Channel at the same time. After thinking that he has found a channel that sounds active with some people talking, he loses the channel getting angry a bit.

Just then the male Sasquatch Wood Knock takes the CB from the CB Radio Fuzz Buster and talks in it like a trucker for a second saying things like, “Yes, I’m headed your way!”

Moments later, Rod turns to that frequency hearing part of the sentence thinking someone is on the line as the female Sasquatch speaks in the CB saying, “Yes, we’ll talk at you!”

Hurriedly like Rod calls out for help saying, “Ten four, and ten four! May Day! May Day! Can anybody read me emergency?”

Straight forth the male Sasquatch Wood Knock answers his distress call replying, “Yes, I read you loud and clear. You have an emergency?”

Quickly Rod decides to explain what’s happening while he feels he has the chance before one of those Sasquatches tries to bust their way through the primatologist’s truck informing, “Yes, I am surrounded by large Sasquatches and they’ve taken my anthropology team hostage!”

Without any further hesitation on his part, the male Sasquatch Wood Knock comes back with his next line of action retorting, “Sounds like you have yourself a hairy man problem?”

Thereafter Rod wonders what he said because it sounded obnoxious asking out loud, “What?”

Next the female Sasquatch puts her mouth in the CB saying out loud, “You have a hairy woman problem too!”

For a moment, Rod puts the CB away from his face while looking at it with a confused but paranoid look on his face. He sits there for another second or two remaining quiet because he wasn’t expecting an answer such as this one. He even feels sort of freaked out and about ready to try another CB Radio Station by chance.

Then a loud growling sound comes from both the male and female Sasquatch at the same time and when Rod hears it he nearly freaks out. And he also has no idea what to do about it while he wonders what to do with himself in the meantime. Nevertheless he’s thinking of driving the truck out of there but there’s still too many debris in the way to pull out of there.

Next the female Sasquatch Hard Knock says something else to him on the CB talking, “Be careful!”

Then the CB Radio Fuzz Buster turns to a fuzzing sound so that he can’t radio anyone for help. Right then, he tries to get another frequency but nothing but complete squealing comes over each CB Radio Station that he chooses. He turns the channel a few more times on the CB Radio Station getting even more squealing. Finally it dawns on him that something is wrong because he’s not getting through to anyone.

Then all of a sudden a large branch hits the hood of the pick-up truck flying over and past in to the trees on the passenger side. Quickly he decides to get out of the pick-up, although some more branches and other debris are thrown at the pick-up truck causing him to want to pause and wait it out. However he has his hand on the pick-up truck door handle the whole time wondering when and if he should flee the scene.

He also tries to take a look out the windshield and the passenger window of the pick-up truck seeing nothing but trees and jungle brush wavering around. Moments later, he hears some growling that sounds like it’s a good twenty yards away or so, though he’s unsure because it sounds like there’s more than one Sasquatch growling at one time.

Then Rod decides to take a glance out the back cab window of the pick-up truck only to make sure that the coast is still clear towards the driver’s side. Next he turns to look back out the passenger side window even though most of the debris thrown seemed to be thrown from the driver’s side. Nevertheless he continues holding his right hand on the door handle and his left hand on the CB.

Afterwards he takes one last look at the camper trailer that is hooked up to the pick-up truck making sure that the coast is still clear. And then he hurriedly opens the passenger side door stepping out of the pick-up truck while he lets the CB down. Immediately he closes the passenger side door very slowly trying to stay as quiet as he possibly can without mustering a sound.

Now he seems to feel very paranoid that he’s about to be jumped once again while looking out in to the jungle brush saying lightly to himself, “Nothing but Sasquatches on the CB!”

Fast like he turns and heads to the camper trailer sitting behind the pick-up truck as fast as he can without making too much noise. But it’s hard not to make any noise when he’s so completely nervous about what’s going on because it all happened so fast. Slowly Rod opens the camper door to walk inside in order to find shelter from the group of Sasquatches.

Once inside he paces around a bit wondering what to do while he’s confused trapped inside the camper with an unknown number of Sasquatches around the area. Of course, he paces a few times which seems to make some creaking sounds that are nerve racking for some reason. Then suddenly he comes up with an idea as he scrambles to set up the video camera that they have inside the camper.

As Rod sets up the video camera to record a video of him talking about the unknown discovery, Rod says to himself softly, “I have to record this!”

Immediately he sets up the video recorder on a tripod and then he turns it on putting his face close to the camera lens narrating, “Just discovered a group of Sivabigfootepithecus which is a sivapithecine that is related to the Howler Monkey and island hopped from Europe sometime before Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo erectus. So far the primatologist and anthropology team I came with has been taken hostage by them and I’m filming this trapped in a camper. And if I don’t survive and someone recovers this video……………………………….. (Then all of a sudden there’s a disturbance)!

Quickly the camper is pushed over nearly knocking him over when a giant Sasquatch heads buts the side. The tripod and the camera fall over as he lays there for a moment while hearing some hands pushing through a slightly open window. Right away, he gets up freaked out from what just happened thinking that they are trying to get in at him.

He looks and sees a hand of a Sasquatch feeling around inside all around and then he moves closer to shut the window slamming his fingers. The Sasquatch lets go pulling his fingers away and then he leaves while scratching the sides as he walks around to the other side. Now Rod feels that he should check all the windows but before he has a chance to another hit comes pushing the camper again.

Rod hits his head as he goes down pretty hard, although he lays there for a moment before getting back up. After standing around trying to come back to it another hard hit comes from both sides pushing the camper shell in a twisted double direction. There’s no doubt that’s he’s unconscious this time.

Of course, the Sasquatch Wood Knock pulls Rod out of the camper while he’s unconscious and unknowing of the activity. Wood Knock carries him off keeping him separated from the others stringing him up once again. But this time he is tied up and hung as bush meat in a different area than the last time when he and the anthropological team was tied up.

Hours go by before Rod wakes up again before seeing himself tied up away from the anthropological camp site just like before. Immediately he tries to look around making sure that he is all alone, even though he knows he isn’t for some uncanny reason. Nevertheless he must try to untie his feet which are tied up; although this time they aren’t tied up so tight. It’s almost as though they were just toying with him for some purpose.

A minute or so go by before he is able to untie his feet so that he can fall down on the ground which is his only chance of getting free. Once he gets free with the confusion of being hung up alone without the others, Rod decides to find his way back to the camper shell anyhow to show that he’s brave. Then on the other hand maybe he feels that he can’t leave his team without trying something.

And when he gets back to the anthropological site, Rod realizes how thrashed everything is and that there’s no way to save anything which is worth salvaging. Yet he still looks around realizing that these creatures mean business not wanting them around especially when it comes to humans such as Homo sapiens. This makes him scared pushing him over towards the alien jungle crop circles which they were looking at earlier.

For some reason he thinks this may hopefully detour the Sasquatches from coming near him for some unknown reasoning. But when he gets there he decides to look at the black mushroom that they had found earlier that day. And for some reason he decides to pick it up smelling it and even looking at it wondering what’s up with it. Moments later, Rod takes it and eats it because he’s confused looking for clues like it would have some extrasensory perceptive connection with it all.

After he eats it he feels like a black dark feeling come over him which he almost can’t explain dilating his eyes to where everything seems darkened. Then sounds begin to become keener as his ears start to tune in to the difference in the surroundings. Nature even seems to become livelier as he affixes his eyes on his surroundings. Yet there’s a dark presence that he feels looming over him that’s there and felt but is unseen.

Furthermore he walks around checking out the alien jungle crops circles inspecting it as though it really intrigues him. Then after checking out some of the bent over plants where some grass is growing throughout, Rod hears something creaking in the jungle brush maybe only so many yards away. Unsure of what it is he turns to go the other direction away from where he thought the sound was coming from.

Then all of a sudden he hears the creaking again which sounds right to his right and again to his left. Right then, two lights shine on him one light from the right side and one light from the left side. He tries to stay still realizing that the footsteps closing in sound large for some intuitive hunch somehow.

Then Rod stops in his tracks while hearing out loud, “Freeze Sasquatch Police!”

Just then, Rod notices some Sasquatch hands coming from out of some uniform that he has never seen ever before in his life. Now he is confused beyond belief that he could be arrested by some Sasquatch Police. Moments later two other Sasquatches approach covered with protective PPE gear known as Personal Protective Equipment that he has never seen ever before either. By this time, Rod is under the belief that the planet has been taken over with by an ape race some way under his nose.

Immediately the two other Sasquatches wearing PPE, otherwise known as Personal Protective Equipment pass him and the two Scientific Sasquatch Police Officers heading towards the center of the landing spot. Right away, one of the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officers pulls out some type of measurement device searching for something. At first, Rod glances as the Captain Sasquatch Police Officers yells out loud, “Put your hands behind the back of your head!”

Rod listens while freaking out from the loud voice as he places his hands behind his head. He performs this task just like you would when any police officer from the states would command a criminal to do so before getting handcuffed. Nonetheless he can barely think or breathe and not to mention that the black alien mushroom he had eaten is causing some massive hallucinations for certain. It wasn’t until then that he had seen these dressed Sasquatch police officers even though he had come in contact with some Sasquatches earlier in the vicinity.

“Now step back slowly a few steps towards us!” The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officers commands once Rod has his hands placed behind his head.

Then slowly Rod takes a few steps backwards towards the two Sasquatch Police Officers without looking back at them. So far he has been pretty motionless since this has happened despite the confrontations earlier which he is hoping would have prepared him for this occasion. A moment of silence comes to Rod as everything seems like it’s happening to him in slow motion like he was in a dream and he can’t run away fast enough.

“Now get down on your knees!” The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer says to make sure that he puts Rod in a position to where it’s harder for him to try anything.

Next Rod slowly gets down on his knees with his hands cupped with his fingers locked right behind the back of his head. For a moment there it seems as though he might lose his balance from all of the fatigue. But luckily he finds his way down to his knees without mustering up any problems.

Straight away the Captain Sasquatch Police officer pulls out a black pair of handcuffs while taking his right hand asking, “Are you right handed?”

Right away, Rod wonders why he’s asking him a question like that answering back, “Yes!”

After hearing his answer while holding his right hand, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer places one of his handcuff cuff links around his right wrists. Thereafter he the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer takes his left hand doing the same procedure placing the other handcuff cuff link around his left wrist.

And once Rod is in handcuffs from the Sasquatch Police Officers, they both lift him and stand him up ready to search him for any weapons or signs of being with any forms of human militia. At first they both just stare him over while towering down in size while standing next to him. For a moment there Rod feels as though he is standing next to a giant dinosaur ape, although he comprehends the fact that they are a form of Gigantopithecus and somehow the anthropological team has stumbled on to their territory.

Nevertheless Rod continues watching the two Scientific Sasquatch Police Officers as they scientifically perform tests on the area. So far he can recognize all of the equipment that they seem to be carrying, although the tasks that they are performing seem standard procedure as far as his experiences with being a student of the human sciences are concerned.

Moments later after staring and looking him down and over, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer asks him, “Are you carrying any weapons of any kind?”

Of course, Rod answers back honestly while trying not to move a muscle or move jerking his body from the fear of standing there next to them all saying, “No, I don’t have any weapons on me!”

Furthermore the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer tries to play the good cop by buddying up with Rod a bit commenting, “Come on; you can tell us? We don’t care about any illegal substances like drugs or alcohol. All we care about are whether or not you have any weapons on you.”

Straight away Rod comes back with his answer telling the Sasquatch Police officers, “No, I don’t have any weapons on me?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer decides to give Rod a pat down anyway insisting, “Well Rod; I’m going to give you the old pat down anyhow!”

Of course, Rod doesn’t know what else to say other than, “Okay!”

Slowly the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer starts giving Rod the old pat down by feeling around his shoulders for any knives or maybe some other smaller weapons which may be of harm. Then he starts to feel around underneath his arms and then down along the side of his body.

Soon the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer tells him to spread his legs apart commanding, “Alright, now spread your legs further apart!”

Unhurriedly Rod spreads his legs because he doesn’t really have any weapons and hopefully both the Sasquatch Police Officers realize this fact. After Rod spreads his legs apart, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer starts to feel around his waist and then he starts to pat down his legs starting with his right leg. Next the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer pats down Rod’s left leg with the results of finding nothing. Then when the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer comes up patting his left leg, he feels something in his left back pocket.

Right away, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer asks what is in his left back pocket querying, “What’s this in your left back pocket?”

After thinking about that for a moment or so, Rod remembers putting his small two inch micrometer in his left back pocket while answering back, “Oh that; that is one of my micrometers!”

There’s no doubt that this seems to increase the interest of the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer who comes back with, “Is that one of your tools for measuring monkey bones?”

Happily Rod thinks that maybe there’s a soft side to these big hairy men dressed in their own attire of Sasquatch Police Officer Uniforms saying, “Yes, that’s one of them!”

Next the Captain Sasquatch Police Officers begins to wonder what they were all doing out here asking, “So what were you doing snooping around over here?”

Immediately Rod becomes confused about what he referring to, although he thinks he’s referring to the alien jungle crop circle asking, “You mean over there where all the plants were pushed over?”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer comes back in to the conversation querying, “Yes, what were you looking for over there?”

Of course, Rod thinks about the alien jungle crop circle and how they just noticed it saying, “I was just looking over there because I noticed that the jungle brush was pushed down.”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer isn’t messing around with him trespassing on their territory carrying on with, “What did you find there?”

Now Rod is positively sure that they are talking about that black mushroom that they found and that he had eaten moments before the Sasquatch Police arrived quibbling, “I found some little black like mushroom which wasn’t much.”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer pulls out his flashlight and turns it on while afterwards shining it at his eyes asking, “Your pupils look dilated a bit!”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer gets right to the point saying, “Well, these are our grounds and you’re trespassing on our territory!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer tries to bring things sort of to light with Rod telling him, “Maybe, if it wasn’t for that black mushroom we wouldn’t be here!”

While Rod lets the thought of how eating the black mushroom brought these alien sasquatch here by adapting his brain to another realm so to speak, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer comes back with, “In other words this is our property and we have full jurisdiction here to remove anyone who deems a threat to our species!”

Finally the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer gets ready to pick up Rod who is only about a foot away while he says, “And that’s why we are going to take you in!”

Hurriedly Rod steps forwards taking a few steps away trying to out run them with his hands cuffed behind his back, although the Captain Sasquatch police Officer takes only half as many steps. Quickly the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer places his right hand on top of his head pushing him down to the ground like he was nothing.

Once Rod falls to the ground nearly landing on his face, both Sasquatch Police Officers grab him and pick him up carrying him with one on each side of him. For some reason Rod shakes his feet like he’s trying to run away but he’s three feet off of the ground with them carrying him. So far everything is confusion to him as he thinks and wonders where they are taking him while he tries to resist with no prevail.

Moments later the Sasquatch Police approach their ramp Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft which is parked a little ways away from their previous jungle crop circle. Of course, for the time being Rod is scared thinking that he will never see any of his anthropological colleagues.

Meanwhile one of the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officers approaches while asking Rod, “Have you ever been exposed to any Nano or Gamma rays?”

Right away, as Rod still trying to kick his way out of it, he yells out, “Screw off!”

After that the angry Sasquatch Police Officers walk him onboard their molecular spacecraft while the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officers follow behind bringing their equipment back that they were carrying as well. The sliding door of the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft closes and some bright red lights come on with a dimming glow as they leave taking Rod with them all.


Suddenly the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft performs some high speed travels that only the Sasquatches can endure while Rod becomes jolted from the experience. Everything has happened so fast that Rod has no idea what to expect as he watches the Sasquatch Police Officers navigate and operate their alien spacecraft. But then again, maybe the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft isn’t from another planet as Rod starts to wonder what type of craft he is in meaning whether it is foreign or of some earthly citizens.

Nevertheless Rod becomes uncanny as Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer approaches him with a vengeful look upon his face. And all he can do is remain standing there in hand cuffs unable to defend his own personal self and if he wasn’t restricted as far as any movement goes Rod would be helpless against them anyhow. Meanwhile the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officers prepares some instruments on a desk as Rod can only watch and wait for whatever is going to happen to him.

Quickly the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer makes his way over to him while wondering about something Rod had done earlier right before they had all arrested and abducted him as he asks him with some growly voice, “So what was that that you had eaten back there?”

Immediately Rod realizes that they understand that he has some knowledge of flying saucers otherwise he wouldn’t have been that daring as he replies, “It was a mushroom!”

Next the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer has another short question for him as he has added some confusion to Rod’s expectations asking with a raspy voice, “And why did you eat it?”

Straight away Rod can only think of how the Sasquatches have and had destroyed everything that they had brought along within the camp of the dig site while answering back, “I was hungry.”

Next the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer has decided to test his knowledge even though Rod is acting a little mouthy a bit as he asks, “And where do you think that mushroom came from?”

Right away, Rod knows that he better tell the truth otherwise these Sasquatch Police Officers could turn for the worse regardless of his humorous candidly like behavior as he answers back, It came from an alien spacecraft impression left within the grass back there.”

Next the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer turns and tests his knowledge as he queries something about it, “And what kind of alien spacecraft was it?”

There is a short pause while some thoughts are bouncing around before Rod has something to say contending, “I thought it was a Gray Alien Spacecraft.”

And with a chuckle, one of the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officers says back to Rod, “You’re right; you have a pretty good knowledge of alien spacecraft. But you’re wrong about the occupants!”

Just then, two other alien members of their team come from the other dark side of the inside of the Sasquatch Alien Spacecraft. And when they approach Rod notices a female Sasquatch who has an outfit which is a little different almost like she were part of a different group of aliens. And also a female gray alien approaches alongside with a grim look on her face. The look on the female gray alien’s face seems to be one that isn’t too grim or too happy nonetheless.

Then one of the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officer decides to introduce the two members who have approach with closeness while saying, “Meet the members of that Gray Alien Spacecraft Anjelica and Ora; they are our nurses”

Of course, Rod is pretty smart and relates the name Anjelica to the Gray alien and that’s considering that when he was in the hospital he remembers seeing a gray hospital pillow that was gray in color, or does that even have anything to do with it. Probably not but his mind is wandering as he stares them down in a dark and dreary room with many strange illuminous lights sailing about from different realms or something or other.

So far, Rod is confused as to why they are being so nice, or are they. But they aren’t operating on him or performing malicious tests on him like with many other abductees. And then not to mention, that he has ate one of their mushrooms which came from the gray space craft and he is still alive and around to talk about it. But those thoughts are only with them for the time being as he constantly wonders what’s to become of this strange encounter.

Moments later, Rod feels a prick from behind as one of the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officer places a small Nano size microchip inside the back of his wrist while he was paying his attention at the other members. At first, Rod notices but doesn’t say too much because he doesn’t want to make them angry at him and push him around anymore, although he hopes that the worst is over with.

And when Rod starts to think that the worst of things is just beginning, the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officer says to him, “That will keep you tracking with us so we don’t miscalculate your whereabouts.”

The first thing Rod can think of is what has happened to his other anthropology team members as he asks, “What happened to my anthropology colleagues who were a part of my team?”

Immediately the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer says back to Rod, “Don’t worry; they are alright!”

Following the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer makes a comment to Rod disclosing, “We will take to where they are being held at momentarily.”

Next the Gray alien named Anjelica approaches a little closer and says, “First we have to perform a few tests on you to see what you blood capabilities are before we sign you on.”

Now Rod is a little paranoid wondering what the Sasquatches are all talking about let alone planning with him as he says, “Sign me on to what?”

And then and there one of the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officer says back to Rod, “We have a task for you to do before we can reunite you with your anthropology group.”

Then the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer brings someone out from the darkened corner of the alien flying saucer while saying, “But don’t worry; we’ll let you work with your anthropology partner Digger so you don’t get lonely!”

Right then and there, Digger is brought closer to Rod as she comments quickly, “I don’t know what they’re talking about but they have some task for us to do before they can release us!”

Surely after hearing a few words from Digger, one of the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officers comes from behind Rod and undoes his handcuffs which are electronic in nature. In fact, Rod has never ever even seen any such hand cuffs in his life and knows that he would have a hard time trying to pick those hand cuffs or hand links. And not to leave out or mention the fact that it’s hard enough to pick your way out of real hand cuffs, although it can be done nevertheless.

Finally Rod realizes that he is being unrestrained now that he has some tracking device implanted in his wrist which he can’t even feel for that matter. Anyhow Rod brings both of his hands forward and inspects them looking for some impression but he can’t find any while saying, “What task?”

Just then Anjelica the Gray alien invites Rod and Digger both over to her office set up for some explicit tests as she says, “Come over this way and let us take some tests while we explain what it is we will need you to do for us all.”

Slowly like Rod and Digger follow her over as Rod says, “What can we do for you all?”

But right at that moment an alarm goes off which is indicated by a dimmed purple light on a scanner screen showing a location somewhere out there in the Amazonian Jungle somewhere. Quickly the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer moves towards his wide screen of his main frame computer and control panel that has a systems procedure with an analysis chart on it.

Once the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer is at his computer station, he says, “Looks like another drop off some kind!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer wonders what it is by asking really fast like, “What is it, and who, or what aliens dropped something off?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer looks at his infra-red screen which shows nothing but a light red discoloration considering that whatever alien space craft it is happens to be slightly cloaked while phasing in and out of our reality or realm. It’s almost like a gargoyle or some ghostly spirit which is there for a moment and then not there all of a sudden.

Now Rod and Digger can see and get a feel for understanding and comprehending that there are parallel universes right next door which are equivalent to our world, although you can’t see them. It’s almost like bending space and time which brings to points together making a longer distance shorter. Finally he has caught a taste of something he could have never imagined until this apparent time.

After a moment or so flows on by, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer explains, “Whatever alien space craft it was it only appeared for a brief moment to drop something off quickly and cloaked back to another realm.”

Right away, the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer thinks about what images they had caught as the trace disappears, although they have a tag on it from the moment it uncloaked. But they were at a very far distance where their images are very remote. And they can only compare the alien space craft to their data base of metals and elements which are a part of their Periodical Table of Contents. Of course, their Periodical Table of Contents has more elements than any of our Periodical Table of Contents has at this time.

Nevertheless the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer compares the analysis of the alien Space craft and says, “It seems particular of a gray alien space craft of some sort, but from where, and what galactic star system?”

Next the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officer decides that they should all stick to the prime directive for now saying to them with a monotone voice, “For now, let’s just stick with the prime directive which is to observe and take notes while keeping them on our alert screen.”

And after having her hands free for a good while now along with Rod as well, Digger decides to ask a question relenting, “So you’re all monitoring alien spaceships to see what they are dropping off on our planet?”

And then, Ora the female Sasquatch nurse makes a comment saying, “Precisely, we don’t want any more monsters on this planet than any of you do, right?”

Soon after thinking about it for a moment or so, Digger can only agree with them with nothing more to say about it considering it is interesting to her as she blabs out, “I suppose we don’t need any more strangers making trouble on our planet, huh?”

Then and thereafter Anjelica the female Gray alien nurse makes a comment correlating, “Actually chasing after monsters is lots of fun; you should try it!”

And then Ora the female Sasquatch nurse makes another remark describing their details saying, “In fact; you will get your chance at it.”

Then right away Rod and digger are completely confused as to what is going on with this whole ordeal. In fact, Digger seems to have some brains in one direction while Rod has his brains stuck within another direction. It appears that they are both on the same track of things; although they still find it hard to fathom that they are with some Sasquatches on an alien spaceship.

With these thoughts in mind, Rod comes out and asks a question in order for them to shed some light on this aspect by rambling out, “Wo, why don’t you all start from the beginning with the Sasquatches attacking are digging site.”

Straight away the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer figures that he ought to start from the beginning and tell the truth as to what is going on from the beginning by saying, “Okay, we’ll start from the beginning. Those tracks that your team was digging with the paleontologist were in fact Siva Bigfootepithecus which are what we are protecting. We are protecting them all from some alien predators that have been dropped off on this planet from other alien planets. In other words, there are many alien forces out there who kind of like to drop their junk off on our planet.”

Immediately Digger asked a question wondering if they are really from this planet asking, “So you are all from this planet, huh?”

At first there are a few chuckles and then the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer decides to say, “Yes and no; we are from here and there in a past reality, although we are part of the Reptilian forces who are on a base on a foreign moon. We’ll just say that.”

Then Rod wonders if they are talking about the moon Nibiru which is thought to be a Reptilian Base which is a moon of Pluto along with Eris by saying, “Are you talking about Nibiru or planet X also known as Planet 7X.”

Next the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer is curious as to just how smart they are by carrying on, “You’re all pretty smart!”

Finally Digger decides to make another remark commenting to them all, “Doesn’t Nibiru makes its way towards earth in a different rotational pattern?”

And after hearing that, the Gray alien Anjelica gives some knowledge of Nibiru by saying, “Yes, Nibiru or Planet 7X rotates Pluto in an upwards and downwards rotation and comes closer to earth every so many of years.”

And after hearing that comment, Rod asks a question querying, “What about the other moons of other planets such as Saturn with their moons Titan and Enceladus?”

Right away, all of the aliens start chuckling a little bit as the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer then comes back with another question asking, “What about them?”

At that time, the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer comes up with a laughing and chuckling remark by quibbling, “No one we know cares about those moons!”

Right then and there Ora the female Sasquatch nurse chuckles and laughs even more before coming out and assuming, “Just the earthlings!”

Finally Rod comes up with a desire to know more about what is going on and why they are being held there as he asks, “So then why are we being held here?”

Quickly the Sasquatch Police Officer can only think about how to tell him the truth without freaking them both out by telling them, “First off, you were all trespassing on our private property which is owned by the Apepithecus who are human primates. All Sasquatches come from island hopping within the cladistics of sivapithecus and Neanderthalensis.”

Thereafter Digger goes on about their study of primates by adding, “Sivapithecus which is a kind of sivapithecine that is related to monkeys such as the Howler monkey that we were digging for?”

Straightaway the Rookie Police Sasquatch Police Officer relates to them both a little further by saying, “Precisely, and they are very over protective of anyone or anything that comes in to contact with their ancestral grounds which is their home.”

Now Rod wonders why the heck they would all hold them captive along with their anthropological team that is being held somewhere else by asking, “And where do we fit in to all of this?”

Right away, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer feels that he ought to go further with enlightening them both on their goals by saying, “Where do you both fit in with it all; you have both been chosen to go after one of our drop offs that we can’t perform and operate ourselves because we are a cold blooded creature similar to the Reptilian alien races who are cold blooded as well. It’s kind of like explaining how reptiles are cold blooded and the creatures we are chasing after can sense our cold blood. We are very unlike the Sasquatches of your planet who are warm blooded and that’s why I say we are part of the Reptilian Forces. So we need a team of hot blooded hunters such as the both of you to help us with our next assignment. And we have all of the equipment that you will need to perform the task and we will provide you with the training needed to fulfill the assignment.”

Following the long explanation which has them both still confused, Digger wonders about Ora the female Sasquatch nurse along with Anjelica the Gray alien nurse as she asks, “And where do they come in with all of this?”

Straight forth Anjelica the Gray alien nurse comes out interrupting the conversation by adding her agenda to the scheme of things by declaring, “We are your nurses.”

Seconds later, the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officer makes another blunt statement about that contending, “Don’t worry; you’ll be in good hands!”

Thereafter Rod can only imagine how they act like they are mercenaries or some kind of army officers or something when in fact they are only just anthropologists as he comments, “You act like we are mercenaries or some kind of Army Official or something.”

Then the Scientific Scientist Sasquatch Police Officer comes out saying pretty quickly, “You both were Army Officers.”

Next the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer comes out telling them both, “Just not from here and this time is all!”

Following that reference, the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer comes back saying, “From the past on a different planet four billion years ago!”

And quickly Digger wonders what planet they are talking about with all of the confusion as she counters, “Four billion years ago earth was still forming so what or where are you talking about?”

Then right away Ora the female Sasquatch nurse makes a remark as a hint saying, “It’s a red planet next door!”

Lastly like Rod can only imagine what planet they are talking about even though he is only an anthropologist who has studied certain prerequisites in order to reach the anthropology degree. And that means that he is smart in geology and probably astronomy to a certain extent as he thinks about it for a moment or so.

After pondering it over for just a moment about how Mars looked something like how earth does now by deliberating his thoughts explaining, “Do you mean the Red Planet Mars?”

Thereafter the Gray alien named Anjelica informs them both that they are correct by responding, “Yes, the Red Planet Mars!”

After hearing about the Red Planet Mars and how they were from a past involving that planet sometime four billion years ago as Digger asks, “And how were we involved with the Red Planet Mars?”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer decides to give them some of the past truth but not all of it for certain implications as he says, “You both were involved with the Red Planet Mars when the atmosphere was crumbling as it was stripped from the Sun’s solar rays and then there was a space battle!”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer adds some truths to the conversation as they prepare them continually by commenting, “Most of this won’t make any sense to you until you remember the past and recall some instances through flashbacks.”

Finally, the Ora the female Sasquatch decides to say something relenting to another approach if they can’t remember as she states, “Or if you could time travel to the past you might remember, huh?”

Right away, Rod wonders if they can time travel asking the members of the alien spaceship while wondering what answer he’ll get, “Is there such a thing as time travel?”

Immediately the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer has an answer to his question about the relativities of time travel unfolding, “Yes, there is and there are lots of aspects that are changing in the past and the future!”

Then Digger wonders if the aspects in the past and in the future that are changing are negative or positive asking, “Are the aspects of the past and future positive or negative?”

After hearing that question, the Rookie Sasquatch Police Officer can only imagine that things are changing rapidly by saying, “Yes, things are changing and they are very negative, although there are many others like us who are trying to make things more positive and with a purpose. There is a battle of the races on this planet as well as a battle of the alien species without the boundaries of the space and time continuum.”

Next Rod is curious as to how long that battle has been going on for asking a question, “And how long has that battle been going on for within space?”

Then the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer decides to answer that question by saying, “The battle of the races only been going on for the last four billion years, but the battle of the alien species has been going on for twenty or thirty billion years which has been a very long time.”

By now, the Sasquatch aliens and their subordinates are ready to train Rod and Digger using some high-tech brain wave training. This is the only way that they can prepare them for the real thing which happens to be a real encounter with a foreign alien from another planet. Most of this training is something that has never even been done or accomplished before either.

But Digger has another question about that asking them all, “So how are we going to be prepared for going after this Gray alien Doppelganger anyhow?”

Then the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer heads over to a long bed like table which has some head band equipment while saying, “Over here on this table is how we are going to prepare you. It’s almost like the movies, although this is the real thing and this equipment has been around for billions of years and makes no mistake.”

Right then, Digger looks while Rod glances as well looking at the three table beds which are hooked up to some brainwave training equipment which they use for simulations to prepare for the real world. Of course, Digger approaches first considering that she had been on the Sasquatch alien spaceship first before Rod had been brought aboard.

Next Digger decides to jump right in so that she can get the training that she needs to help them out so that she can be an eccentric anthropologist so to speak by saying, “I’m ready! So what do I do now?”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer approaches the table bed and the brainwave training equipment situated and wired and on-line to do the brainwave simulation training as he says, “Why don’t you both come over here and lie down and we’ll get you started on your training?”

And at a slow pace Digger and Rod approach the table beds where they both lie down as the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer hooks up some head gear to certain point around the temples and forehead of Digger and Rod. So far, they are relaxed even though they have no idea as to what they should expect from any of this. However they have watched the movies, although most of those scenes are just only and act aside from real life when this is indeed the true virtual reality.

It takes only a few moments or so for the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer to hook up the brain wave training equipment up to both of them as he performs the task from one to the other. Meanwhile both Digger and Rod try and relax the best that they can while waiting for something to appear in the simulation training even though they aren’t exactly ready as of yet.

Soon the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer finishes up with Rod after Digger and they are ready to carry on with their training. This training is unlike the real training they need within the real world, but there aren’t enough creatures around to make a wildlife park out of it. So both Digger and Rod will have to settle for a brainwave training simulation which is still more than they can comprehend at the moment.

Next the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer is ready to start up the training simulation module now that everything is hooked up to them and ready to go as he says, “There, that ought to do it. How do you both feel?”

Right away both Rod and Digger agree that they feel fine as Rod says, “I feel fine!”

“I feel fine also!” Digger says as she closes her eyes waiting for the initiative.

And finally, Rod has a question before they proceed with the brainwave simulation module that they are preparing to do while he says, “I just have one question before we start.”

“Go ahead; what is your question that you have for us?” The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer says in response to his statement about his question.

There is a moment’s pause before Rod comes forth with his question questioning, “Have there been any accounts of flying saucers and Sasquatches in the past?”

The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer gives a slight smirk realizing that there have been as he gives his response, “There have been a few accounts of people seeing Sasquatches that disappeared and then there were flying saucers seen afterwards, although none of them can surely connect the two.”

Of course, Digger is listening in to the conversation which started as a question as she asks, “And where did all of these accounts happen at?”

“Well most of the accounts happened in the state of Pennsylvania where there have been many Sasquatch and Bigfoot encounters!” The Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer says in response to Digger’s question.

Finally, Rod decides that he shouldn’t ask anymore question by relaxing and saying, “Well, I’m ready to begin with this simulation!”

Next Digger says as the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer is ready to proceed, “So am I; let’s get this over with!”

Lastly, the gray alien named Anjelica and Ora the female Sasquatch decide to give them a breather by saying, “We’ll just wait over here during the simulation!”

By now, the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer is ready to proceed as the Captain Sasquatch Police Officer says as he prepares to leave the room, “I want the both of you to relax during this procedure!”

Right away, the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer begins with the brainwave simulation that only a very select few have ever had the chance to experience. In fact, he is hoping that these tow what he hates to call Guinea Pigs, do better than anyone previously. And that’s because he wants them both to be a part of their team at least until this situation is under control perhaps.

The first to feel anything is Digger, who only starts to feel tired a little. And then Rod begins to notice that he is becoming a bit drowsy, although he is totally aware of his surroundings. But of course, these surroundings are from the virtual reality that is loading in to their brains. The virtual reality screen fades to black in the beginning as some sounds emerge which are different for each other.

The first to notice any actual screen imagery is Digger who is walking through a thicketed jungle with many sounds of wild animals around. However she feels loaded down with weapons which she feels she has no control over. But then again, she also feels as though she knows what weapons she has even though she has never experienced this before.

Then Rod begins to see the same imageries, although he is in a swamp which is forested on one side and then there are many swamps and reeds along with swamp grass surrounding every direction he looks. He also feels as though he has some weapons along the side of him which he has only some knowledge of through the virtual reality simulator.

But he as well hears some sounds which are just like being in an alligator and crocodile infested swamp. And these sounds come along with many birds like cranes and falcons and other wildlife fowl flying around for something such as prey. On the other hand he doesn’t see anything that happens to be a threat as of yet.

However he does feel as though he is being watched from somewhere within the virtual reality simulation, although he doesn’t know from where. Nonetheless Rod starts walking his way through the swamp as he sees a shed not too far in front of him. The shed is hidden behind some trees as one side begins to show forth.

Meanwhile Digger is walking through a jungle as she feels some eyes upon her as well. She also is having lots of trouble making out what’s going on in this virtual reality simulation, although she feels as though she is really there. In fact, she can even feel her hands and feet as she walks noticing the jungle like reeds and tree branches crossing limb and limb throughout the jungle floor. Yet she does see some branches move and twist in the distance. And they are followed by some jungle sounds and then there are some monkey screeches that bring a chill to her spine and the back of her neck. Meanwhile Rod makes his way closer to the shed as he sees some movement in the swamp off to his right but he thinks it’s nothing to worry about.


Suddenly the shed begins to appear closer as Rod continues to approach as the sounds start to sound like there’s something near. Yet Rod can’t see or get a glimpse of what it is or what is out there as he persists making his way closer to the shed. Soon the surroundings begin to turn a reddish color as he finds his visualizations on a faraway planet.

Now he sense that he is on another planet which has no life as the shed that he had seen previously turns in to an old outpost of some kind. At first, he thinks that he is perhaps on the Red Planet Mars, although he isn’t too sure at this moment in time. And as he continues to approach the shed, he hears some sounds of what appear to coming from inside the old dirty like outpost that seems totally barren with nobody around.

Of course, Rod feels that he must make his way to the old outpost in order to see what is there inside making all of these noises. Some of the sounds sound like laser blasts from a space movie, though they have a more destructive and piercing sound. So far, he doesn’t know what to expect as he sees the entrance to the place that starts to appear in his mind.

In the interim time, Digger is still walking through the jungle as she sees some mean like monkeys staring her down. They seem like Colobus Monkeys perhaps, but they seem to have a more ferocious appearance to them. It’s almost like they are out foraging like a Chimpanzee or something like that perhaps. She continues on through a passage way that she sees leading through a particular part of the jungle as many more start to gather watching.

Then Rod hears a scream as though something was being killed with a higher screeching yell that bounces all over the place. And regardless of what he hears, he continues on towards the old outpost shed as though he wasn’t afraid with any fear whatsoever. Next Rod comes closer to the entrance of the old outpost shed as he notices something move from his view which seems sort of creature like in form, although he couldn’t catch a full glimpse of it.

During this time, Digger has found her virtual reality in a position with even more ferocious like chimpanzees watching her, although there is something that catches their attention off in the distance. And then they all seem to scatter away as some sounds of something approaching seems to dawn on her. Nevertheless she seems to be very comfortable as she tends to reach for her weapons that she had never ever used before.

And her actions show forth as she lies in the virtual reality simulation bed which is very comfortable even though she is moving around acting out her virtual reality scenes. Then on the other hand Rod has been doing the same exact thing as far as moving around with many actions along with his experience. But the Space Sasquatches have seen worse. They also can tell that Rod and Digger have only had Sasquatch experience perhaps and nothing else.

But it’s almost as though she has used them somewhere and somehow in some distant virtual reality which seems even more realistic than imagined. Yet most of her impulses are coming from instincts that are being brought back in a sense. And Rod has encountered a few laser blasts which he thinks are intended for him as he does the same with reaching for his laser pistol that he has attached to his belt on a holster. It was an automatic repulse for the both of them as they continue to arm themselves as though it was second nature perhaps.

Still Digger is ready to defend her position as she hears some large footsteps approaching even close. There are many branches being broken as whatever it is becomes and grows more intense. Yet Rod has found a new angle a taking cover while trying to catch a view of what is inside but he is still unsure of what to expect for the time being. But he doesn’t notice anything happening anymore except for some flickering lights coming from inside.

By now, Digger hears some footsteps and they really sound like they are getting closer and closer, although she has no idea where they are coming from. The sounds keeps bouncing from one side of a large jungle tree and then on the other throwing her off a bit. However she does prepare for the confrontation by taking out her laser pistol as though it were an impulse of some kind.

She has had some training here and there, but not like this even though she is still confused as to what to expect. And then, coming from behind her, there is a quick sequence of steps coming for her as she turns. And when she turns she sees something big and dark in color as she takes a blast right at it with the laser pistol. She doesn’t even spend too much time trying to see what she is shooting at as she pulls the trigger.

The next thing she knows is that the laser blasts hit in to the jungle trees as she tries to hold on to her laser pistol which flings out from her hands. Then not even a hundredth of a second later Digger sees something try and grab her once again as she reaches for another weapon on her belt. Of course, the only thing she could grab was her pepper spray that she always carries on her anyhow.

And with one fast squirt of the pepper spray and whatever it was turns and heads off in the other direction. Once enough distance is made between her and the grizzly object, Digger can recognize it to be some kind of Sasquatch. And now she is thankful that she has learned from her mistakes and experiences from the past. However the Sasquatch she ran in to is named “The Grabber” because he is named after a Jungle Sasquatch that grabs at his prey.

Now Rod has waited a while since the laser blasts had ceased and he is ready to make an approach to this old outpost shed that has something happening inside. And when he makes his way to the old outpost shed door he sees a mirror image of his own self which sort of makes a turn his way and then back again.

But he notices that this mirror image is looking at something else. And then as he tries to see what that is; the scene happens to change in to a forest like setting with something approaching him quickly. Next the sounds of footsteps stop, and then something hit him in the head nearly knocking him down. Rod continues on trying to avoid the confrontation as he sees some images in the nearby trees.

Now he is in the territory of the Miner Sasquatch, who is a hybrid Sasquatch that wasn’t changed and left alone. He is a hybrid from the past that had been left alone while many of his races was changed in order to have brains for mining and inventing things. And this is one of the reasons that Sasquatches and humans quit interacting with each other as a bondable group nonetheless.

Still Rod continues on as he sees some trees bent over like it was a mark to the Miner Sasquatches territory. Then he sees some blinking lights that are coming from a miner’s helmet so to speak. Next Rod hears some picking sounds rather than wood knocking sounds which start to confuse him. Then he hears some sounds that sound like rocks being knocked or tapped against one another, though it is hard to tell.

Following that Rod sees a light similar to a flashlight which seems to be turning with a head of some kind. It sort resembles a flashlight in a sense, but it has more of the appearance of a miner’s hat. Then he sees a few more flashes come from another angle as it turns away pointing at a pile of dirt to the side.

There is a shadow, which seems to be enormous, although it is hard to visualize with the quick flickers of the light. Meanwhile Rod continues to walk towards the light thinking that there is some person out there mining perhaps which throws off his virtual reality. As he walks towards the source of direction that the light is coming from he begins to see some sort of skulls which resemble different animals that may have been sacrificed. But there are also many other items which are tools of lumberjacking which tend to confuse Rod a little more.

In the duration, Digger is making her way towards the opposite direction as she begins to head in to the territory of another virtual reality setting. And this territory belongs to the Pine Sasquatch that blends in to its natural forestry like setting giving it the camouflage it needs. But it doesn’t take long before she is closer to the Pine Sasquatch than she would like to be. Regardless she has no idea what is out there in this virtual reality setting such as Rod who has his own mind being tricked.

Soon Rod sees the flickering lights once again that appear as though they are coming from some type of head gear perhaps, but he is unsure what to make of it. However it is as though he was being lured by something that has learned to completely mimic other entities or something else of that nature.

Moments later he reaches what looks like an old sawmill which has been abandoned for a time. And he notices that it has a ghostly appearance to it with all of the damage that has weathered away over the years, although this is a virtual reality setting. He also sees many tumbleweeds around which seems odd within the rows of pine trees and forest trees that surround the area.

Digger on the other hand is making her way along trying to hide near the branches of the pine trees when she starts to feel like she isn’t alone anymore. Of course, she wasn’t alone in the first place and now she senses something else being near. So she tries to travel her way within the closeness of the pine trees when she feels a pine tree branch sort of bend her way in a sort of sense.

At first, she turns notices only a pine tree branch even though she thought that it had tried to grab her by wrapping around her waist. But she just wants to brush it off for now as she continues traveling her way that she is thinking of changing out. But she doesn’t really have any sense of destination in this virtual reality setting anyhow. And despite what she felt she has no idea what to expect as she tries to convince the back of her mind that this is only a virtual reality setting that isn’t even real nonetheless.

Moments later, Digger is walking through some pine trees when one of the pine tree branches wraps around her neck nearly choking her. Another one wraps its way around her ankle causing her to nearly fall down. But nonetheless, Digger gets back up after scuffling around for a few seconds as she wanders what is happening. So far, it seems a bit unexplainable but regardless of what she thinks as far as normal is concerned, that branch had grabbed her.

Meanwhile Rod has made his way closer to the old sawmill like structure as he feels that there is something on the other side of the inside wall. It sounds like something really big is inside trying to walk around. The place is an entire wreck as he then makes his way around a corner just when he hears some fast approaching footsteps.

Right then, Rod very quickly turns as he sees a large entity that resembles a Sasquatch perhaps of some nature swinging an axe at him. Luckily Rod is able to quickly duck as his mind then fades to black as he loses his sense of reality which comes from this virtual reality setting. The axe hits a pine tree that is very close to the old sawmill as Rod ducks towards the building being missed completely.

And at about the same time, Digger arrives at another collage of pine trees that makes it hard to stay away from or out of in order to pass. Then all of a sudden, Digger is grabbed by some more of what feels like pine tree branches, although this time it feels more serious and rough with its contact. She is pulled back towards the trunk of the pine tree with a great force greater than even ever before as the scene fades to black.

Both Rod and Digger wake up from the first scenario of the virtual reality simulation with little harm done, although they have some Déjà vu coming from the past when the Sasquatch attacked their dig site. And that was one of the last things that they want to remember in their minds while also thinking about their colleagues.

Rod is the first one to say something as he jargons, “Wow, I felt like I was actual out there somewhere being attacked for real, although there was no fear in me!”

Following that proclamation coming from Rod, Digger decides to come forth saying, “I felt like there were some sceneries that looked familiar to me from someplace! Like it were a part of my past somehow!”

Then the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer recaps on their comments and especially Digger’s by signifying, “Maybe, you your family or someone in your family has had some close or closer encounters with some Sasquatches somewhere!”

Finally, Rod thinks about that saying, “Well, I have a relative who use to feed Sasquatches back near her cabin many years ago!”

Next Digger comes back relating how they are both related to feeding Sasquatches by saying, “Same with my family, my relatives use to feed and communicate with neighboring Sasquatches back when I was younger. They would watch us play from a distance because they were always around waiting to be fed.”

In relation to what they have both said, Rod adds some points or perspectives telling the Sasquatch space beings, “Our feeding them kept them from robbing nearby farms of their livestock, cattle, and chickens among other farm animals.”

The Rookie Sasquatch Police Office has something to say regarding what they have just heard responding with, “Well, it sounds like you have something in common with Sasquatches and the virtual reality simulation had picked up on it.”

The Captain Sasquatch Police Officer wants to explain the process of their virtual reality simulation by explaining to them both, “The virtual reality simulation is simple; it is like no other. It picks up vibes and waves coming from your brain based on your experiences and then your worst fears come to reality.”

Next the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer decides to add in order to bring the aspect within some additional light, “Basically, you pick your own virtual reality in a sense based on certain brain interpretations taken from the device and everybody is different.”

Now the reddish-blonde Pleiadian Queen self-named Digger, can only think of her reactions to certain aspects such as trying to reach for weapons that she didn’t realize that she had by exclaiming, “And why and how did I actually know that I had weapons on myself?”

Following that type of question, the Rookie Sasquatch brings his attention to the fact that she had some pepper spray or a mace like weapon by accumulating, “Like he said; the virtual reality simulation helps you pick your own weapons, although it does give you a little help with bringing your thoughts towards the futuristic qualities of weaponry!”

After that a few moments pass on by, Rod turns back wondering if they should try it again as the Scientific Sasquatch Police Officer says, “Do you both want to try it again?”

Right away, Rod comes forth saying, “Yes, why not?”

Afterwards Digger comes out replying, “Definitely!”

Immediately both Rod and Digger prepare as the Gray alien named Anjelica brings something in the form of a few space badges that aren’t from this planet of course, when she says, “Here, this time hold on to these during the virtual reality simulations.”

Both Rod and Digger are handing some space badges that come from another planet of course, but they aren’t told what they are or where they are from for that matter. At first, they look at them wondering what the purpose of them being handed to them is but they both decide not to ask any question about them.

Meanwhile their friends and colleagues are being held in an underground Sasquatch Base that is what you might say more than “Top Secret” meaning that nobody knows about it. That’s means there are no governments out from anywhere in the world and especially South America who know of their existence.

For now, they have been watching an alien television that makes no sense, although there are some English words here and there that they can understand. The language is so advanced yet primitive that they realize it isn’t foreign meaning Latin, Basque, or even German. But it has a distinct sound making them think that the language comes from as far back as Neander Valley in Germany where there were Neanderthals that might have spoken a similar language or dialect.

Nevertheless Doug has been trying to watch this television that looks like a hologram in a sense meaning that there is only an image in the midst of the air. There are no antenna or television screens and definitely nowhere to hook up co axle cables or patch chords like he has been accustomed to doing regularly.

And unluckily many hours have gone by and they are all three sitting in a jail cell that has nothing but branches to sit on like they were monkeys, apes, or something. In fact, they almost feel like a platyrrhine like a chimp or a catarrhine such as a bamboo perhaps. But nevertheless they are complaining too much even though they have been ill informed as to what’s going on with everything right at the time being.

Finally Doug is the first one to say something after being quiet for a while as he blurts out, “What do you think of this nonsense?”

The Primatologist looks at the Sasquatch Television Program while saying, “It’s all just about the sciences on their species for the most part.”

Next Anna can only try to keep from listening while trying to block the voices coming from it as she says, “They are forcing us to watch it to except us in to understanding their culture!”

At that moment on the Sasquatch Television there is a Sasquatch News Reporter asking a Jungle Apepithecus about what he thinks of these human beings in English trying to get to the three of them, “And what do you think of these Pro-kill Sasquatch hunters when they come invading your territory?”

The female Apepithecus walks towards the Sasquatch camera which has an alienist appearance about it as she says, “It makes me really angry that they don’t consider us human primates whatsoever. I mean we are human too and we don’t look that much different than these humans. What just because we have more hair and less brains or maybe we have more brains than them humans. Sometimes I just want to show them up and chase them off!”

Then a large Sivabigfootepithecus steps in front of her nearly pushing her aside angry like as he interrupts her saying loudly, “I just want to squish their heads!”

Then the camera shots turn to another Sasquatch female who steps in front of him cutting in with, “Their just human beings and they don’t know any better than that; I just want to hug them until they suffocate to death!”

Next the Sasquatch News Reporter asks the Apepithecus another question querying, “And what do you think of the anti-kill Sasquatch hunters?”

Another male Sivabigfootepithecus steps towards the Sasquatch camera saying, “It takes a lot of gull to come out here and think that we are going to have a pick nick with them. What do we look like a zoo or safari; I mean we have lives to live to you know?”

Finally a younger male Apepithecus steps towards the camera with something to say along those lines shelling out his mouth, “Now I don’t mind humans who feed us as long as they don’t try and get too close to us and feed us from a distance.”

Lastly, the Sasquatch News Reporter decides to ask an important question which asks, “Are there any humans out there that had fed you that you admire?”

The younger male Apepithecus looks to the camera while answering back, “Yes, there are and they make some of the best darn beef jerky I have ever had!”

Then the Sasquatch News Reporter turns back towards the camera man in order to finish his report that he is doing on local Apepithecus in the remote jungle regions of South America as he says, “And there you have real words coming from the real Apepithecus of South America and this is only on Sasquatch Television.”

Following some pictures of other Sasquatches with text from a Sasquatch Electronic Computer Graphics in other languages appears on the screen with different sayings here and there. There are some resemblances to our television stations, although none of them see an actual television set nonetheless. Yet they all three don’t ask any question or will they now that they are becoming very curious as to what’s going on.

Finally Anna, who was watching the interviews of the Apepithecus hominids comes forth saying, “So what do you think of their Sasquatch Television?”

Of course, Doug is unsure of what to think at the moment as he says, “I don’t know; but they are way more developed than I ever thought you could say. They were always right there under our noses, I guess.”

Afterwards the Primatologist has some words to add regarding the images portrayed on the Sasquatch Television Station, “It’s a different world down here than what we are used to seeing and that’s for sure.”

Lastly Anna has something more to say by saying, “I didn’t realize that the Sasquatches and other primates had developed such an underground facilitation.”

At this moment, Doug wonders why they haven’t come and talk to them considering there is only a Sasquatch Television program running as he says, “I wonder why none of them have come and tried to talk to us at all. So far, it looks like they aren’t around.”

Then the Primatologist has a comment to say about that saying in pondering the time being, “I wonder where they are all at?”

In conclusion to the Sasquatches not being around at the time being, Anna figures that they are watching them remotely from another location conveying, “I’m sure they are watching us from somewhere somehow.”

By now, Digger is in with the second virtual reality simulation where Ora the Sasquatch female and the Gray alien Anjelica are trying to watch the next scenario. They proceed with their observing the staging as Digger starts to react with some uncanny facial expressions. The facial expressions are that of confusion which causes both Ora the Sasquatch female and the Gray alien Anjelica to clue in on her dreaming.

At first, Digger sees to female Sasquatches fighting for some weird reason. There is a male Sasquatch trying to break them up from the fight which makes Digger think that they are fighting over the male Sasquatch perhaps. Then Digger starts to get a weirder look upon her face as the Sasquatch girl fight starts to become even more intense.

Then Ora the Sasquatch female looks to the Gray alien Anjelica and says, “Looks like she came upon the girl fight!”

Then the Gray alien Anjelica looks back to Ora the Sasquatch female telling her back, “Looks like she found some evil residents!”

Next Digger is approaching in-between some trees where the two Sasquatch females are fighting and acting abrupt. There are no other Sasquatches around except the two fighting and the male Sasquatch who is trying to break them up. She decides to stop between the trees in order to refrain from getting too close.

Thereafter Ora the Sasquatch female looks to Anjelica and then to the other Sasquatch Officers and says, “We have her now?”

In the interim, Rod is falling in to his virtual reality simulation dream which is unlike the other one. Now he is in a place where he is unfamiliar with his surroundings and there are big tree line with huge drop offs. Many of the drop offs look to be straight down while some of the others are inclined enough to cause some damage if he were to lose his balance and fall.

Now the setting is near dusk as the sun starts to settle over the forestry that surrounds him on all sides. There is a light coming from behind as the sun shines its way over him while he looks off in to the distance. Quickly he sees an image and it looks to be some kind of humanoid standing in the middle of a pathway that looks like it has been traveled by something.

Nevertheless Rod continues making his way closer without feeling any fear whatsoever as he begins to notice some red glowing eyes piercing towards him. At this time, Rod doesn’t know what to think of it as the image begins to become like an absence of darkness that just zaps and sucks the light away.

To him it’s like a vacuum of space and intrinsic time absorbing everything like a black hole that is alive and about the size of a ghostly being perhaps. Until now Rod doesn’t notice anything else out of the ordinary except for that this creature or being has some huge like arms that he shouldn’t go up against.

But then again the humanoid appears to be there in a sense and then a part of another realm in another sense as Rod has troubles adjusting his eyes to this object. Quickly the humanoid leaves floating away without any indications that he is using wings like some of the humanoids that have been witnessed that appear like serpents.

Moments later Rod can tell that he is amongst some demon which appears to be also in the flesh as well as the spirit. And as this demonic dark abscess of light and darkness approaches closer, Rod can hear some fingernails gripping loudly against the trees trunks which are getting louder and harder.

Back with Digger, she is still watching the Sasquatch females fight as something else catches their attention. They both look while the male Sasquatch starts to sniff the air like he was sensing something else coming or approaching near. Next the male Sasquatch turns seeing Digger along with the two female Sasquatches, although there is something approaching that takes more of their attention. Then immediately the Sasquatch females flee the scene while the male Sasquatch follows leaving Digger there standing a ways away.

Soon the sounds of the Sasquatches leaving fades away as the sounds in the air become very quiet. Yet there is a humming or hissing like sound that starts to come forth followed by slight breezes of the wind passing through the trees. Up to now Digger has no idea what to expect other than no creatures or monsters have paid very much attention to her other than a glance.

By this time, Rod notices the demonic like serpent coming in closer as though he was marking his territory. It seems as if the demon was floating through the trees within another realm which was connected to this one in some manner of respect. But the demon seems to be made of a different energy field that gives it an astonishing look. But moments pass by and another demonic serpent appears which has more of a feminine quality to its appearance.

However the feminine demonic serpent tends to make its way around on the opposite side of the first demon making its presence. There is some light shining forth but it is only a little as dusk continues settling in making it harder to see. But Rod can see their glowing red eyes which appear to be very hungry for something as they spin around in circles slowly making a circumference his way.

Moreover Digger feels something approaching, yet it has become quiet for a few seconds as she tries to walk away from sounds coming from her right. She had thought something approached as the noises ceased to continue on scaring her away. Yet she knows that she can’t go far unless she can run as fast as a Sasquatch or Bigfoot and she knows and realizes that that isn’t the case.

Nevertheless she starts walking her way towards the left which is the direction that the Sasquatches and Bigfoots had taken off in. She tries to walk as fast as she possibly can without running or mustering up any special attention, but whatever it is feels like it is nearly breathing down the back of her neck as she starts to breathe heavier in fear. However in the back of her mind and in her subconscious mind she understands that this is only a virtual reality simulation which brings her a sense of peacefulness with any such encounters.

Back with Rod at that point in time, he feels that there is a presence upon him, although he can’t see anything. However Rod notices an absence of darkness looming over him as he tries to turn towards the opposite direction. And after a few steps away, Rod feels something creep up from behind him that is so strong of a feeling that he can even hear the branches and twigs behind him creek and split into two or more pieces.

Soon Rod tries to turn around to see what’s behind him as he feels some teeth marks in the back of his neck making their toll while causing some massive pain. But Rod exercises his reflexes provoking him to grab a very powerful light that he has in the virtual reality simulation that he takes an advantage of nonetheless.

Immediately Rod starts turning away trying to escape the clutches of the demonic fangs. He does this while taking his highly powered Ultra-violet light and using it on the demonic serpent. Right away, Rod hears a scorching sound as he shines the light on the demonic serpent causing it to let go releasing all of the pressure coming from his mouth and on to his neck.

Then all of a sudden, Rod feels another threat coming from his rear once again. However this time it is with the female demonic serpent who lashes at him trying to take a bite out of the back of his neck. Furthermore Rod feels as though he is acting like a programmed assassin. He then turns once again while using the Ultra-violet light pushing away the feministic demonic spirit.

Below is a link to "Apepithecus" subpage 2.

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