Body Farm Zombie


The story titled Body Farm Zombie is about a person who comes back to life after having a terrible death. His body was donated to science, although something happens when his body is left unattended at a body farm. The flesh devouring insects have giving him the power to mortify his flesh to a point where he becomes immune to the mortification processes.

At first he is unaware of his state of being raised from the dead. And while in that framed mindset within the trance he attacks some campers and a few officers before realization he has come back to life. Nevertheless his body is sort of decomposed before trying to find his way back to society.

Eventually along his way to civilization he recalls things about his nature and true identity enough to where he makes his way home. Once he makes his way home he gathers what he will need to bring his life back together in his mind. Nonetheless agents are on his trail knowing the full details of his true self as well which brings the story to a faster pace.

In due time, he will learn how to cure his dead flesh and begin to bring his appearance back to a normal state. With this new birth he learns to confide in the one true friend that he can trust who will eventually become frightened and turn on him and smash his dreams.

Nonetheless he recognizes that he must create a new ancillary documented identity in order to blend back in to the humanity of the world. As he joins back in to the work force of civilization he understands the difference between Men versing Society and Man versing the whole entire world in broad-spectrum.


The story titled Body Farm Zombie is a Science Fiction writing that differs from the genre of ordinary zombie movies and books. This is a story where there is only one zombie who learns to be manipulative and coercive to gain control of his life. The main character can be thought of as an immortal who will gain a new life and independence.

Here’s a zombie story where one zombie can be very exciting and thrilling. Most zombie horrors shows and novels have some things in common to each other. One thing that they have in common is that they all have too many walking dead people scuttling around to gain the audience’s attention through the action of killing zombies in different ways. In fact most of their dead goblins even act stupid and ignorant with the crutch of having no brains. Another thing they have in common is that they thrive on eating people to bring suspense which has been overdone time and time again.

Many of these stories are overloaded with a bunch of nonsense where a few heroes learn to survive and thrive by killing them for sport in unusual manners which are so over exaggerated. Most of those heroes have to search for a corner of society where the world has been untouched by death and famine. Within this story structure is a tale where one immortal zombie is worth a million of them.


The story opens with the beginning of the scene at a country convenience store with a few teenagers exiting with some food and beverages to take long with their camping trip. One of the teenager girls takes the lead running towards a vehicle yelling, “I get shotgun.”

The other characters follow as the vehicle starts and the truck leaves the scene heading back onto a country road that is only a two lane highway with lots of traffic. The same female teenager asks the other members within the truck where they are heading, “Where are we camping?”

The other teenager girl in her late teen’s answers back shrilling, “Just up the freeway a few miles!”

Marty hands his friend Bud a Slim Jim of beef jerky. Bud answers back with a hungry attitude commanding, “Give me another one!”

Marty hands another one to him saying, “That’s the last one I’m going to give you!”

Amanda gets pretty curious about the whole entire camping trip asking as she wonders some more, “Where are we going again?”

The oldest teenager Erin is driving. She answers Amanda back shrieking, “I’m taking a short cut!”

As the scene pans along Erin turns down a dirt road heading through some large tree patches over looming from both sides of the dirt road. There are many curves as the dirt road meanders around the many bends that follow.

All of the passengers are looking around about the area as Bud asks, “There are a lot of trees around huh?”

Marty notices a sign that says something reminding him of fishing, “Hey look! There’s a lake ahead!”

Amanda looks with a further curiosity to the view querying, “Where?”

Marty points his finger as the trucks swerves around another meandering curve telling her,” Over there a ways!”

As they all take a look to the far off scene from the cab Erin brings more to the reality to the situation saying, “There’s no lake down there!”

Continuing to look over that way Bud questions the matter, “Then what is that over there?”

Off in the distance is a type of research center that has some sort of name on it. Marty wonders why it’s hard to read saying, “I thought I saw a sign that says Bass. But why doesn’t it say trout?”

Bud thinks to himself for a moment informing them all, “Maybe they stock lakes or something!”

Erin can only laugh a moment to their affections to having somewhere to swim chuckling, “There’s no lake nearby, that’s just some sort of research center of some kind.”

Amanda gets nervous proclaiming, “Let’s not camp to close to here anyways!”

Erin assures them all by saying, “We’re not going to camp to close to there!”

They drive a little further a ways before Amanda points at a certain spot between some tall bristles trees off in the remote distance bashing, “Let’s park over there next to those trees.”

As they reach the point of Amanda’s view Bud pronounces, “That looks like a good place right over there!”

They pull up screeching the truck tires as they park. A moment or so later they all get out of the truck and Marty gets out all anxious to set the tent up scrambling, “I’m going to set the tent up.”

Erin gets out and heads to the back of the truck opening the camper. She takes out her backpack which is filled with lots of camping gear imploring, “I’m going to make a camp fire!”

Marty is looking for a place to set the tent up arguing, “Now?”

Amanda stands there at the back of the camper shell saying, “It would be better if we empty everything out of the camper shell first.”

Immediately Bud starts to walk away impatient for some reason or something, “I have to go to the bathroom somewhere!”

Erin looks back at the camper shell expressing, “Why don’t you use the port-o-potty?”

Bud continues to walk even further away shrugging his shoulders, “I’m not going to use some port-o-pot to take a leak!”

Bud keeps his pace as he gets further and further out of sight within the foiled foliage that lies ahead jabbering, “I won’t be too long!”

As he walks further away he notices some movement just ahead lying in the tall grass that follows closely in front of his eyes. “Yuck!”

He looks down just in front of himself and notices some flesh of some sorts being consumed. Getting a little closer he stares blurting to himself, “What the heck is that?”

Becoming very nauseous Bud ads, “That’s nasty!”

He turns the other way and walks away with a grossed out feeling within his stomach. After a few more scampers through the nearby trees he stops to do his thing. Slowly he stands there and stares right in front of himself. For a moment he seems out of focus as something tends to catch his merely close attention through some fickle bushes that stand before him.

As he glares ahead with his keen eyesight he notices a movement which looks like a branch of some sort pushing towards him slightly from a tree up rooted from the fore bush that he looms over standing so still besides. Getting nervous and scared he says, “What the hell?”

Another movement catches his eye as an exposed long bone steps forward towards him. Then suddenly a deformed face emerges through the bushes just in front of his. The form of a mouth is seen which releases a heavy like exhale and blow when some blow flies lunge towards him and then some Demisted Beetles start to lunge at his lower parts and face. Then suddenly a few more jumps inside his open pants, “Son of a?”

The long bone makes a loud snapping sound as it approaches from around the crest of the tree. All of a sudden there is another loud snap as decomposed thigh moves forward thrusting forth.

Bud brushes away the best he can as a decomposed hand takes ahold of his throat as more insects fling at him.

Back at the camping spot Marty is busy setting the tent up, “What the heck is taking Bud so long?”

Erin cracks open a can of beer swigging, “Maybe he happened to get lost!”

Amanda open and crack a brew sky replying, “Well, go get him!”

Erin doesn’t seem to hesitate very long before she takes the initiative to find him sputtering, “I’ll go find him.”

Erin continues walking in to the trees as she goes out of sight. She continues walking for another moment before she sees the devouring scene that he previously saw. Immediately she grosses out screaming lightly, “Aw man!”

She continues ahead as she sees some breaks within the tall grass that curves the way between some more trees onward in the near distance. As she gets closer and closer she can see some sort of lump within the still grass next to a patch of bushes that look like a mound of some sorts. She advances forward realizing that there are scavengers all over the immersed corpse of Bud’s body lying there so motionless.

She scoots downward a blink and then turns around darting off back towards the campsite. She runs as fast as she can like a bee out of a beehive before approaching close to camp. Once she makes her way back Marty and Amanda become alarmed at her frantic look on her face. Finally she reaches the others as Amanda asks nervously where he is at, “Where is he?”

Erin starts grabbing at Amanda for the phone like she has no time to waste, “Back there, give me the darn phone dammit!”

Amanda gets on the defensive right off the bat enquiring, “What the hell happened to him?”

Erin answers back quickly responding, “He was attacked!”

Marty starts to freak out right away inquiring, “By what?”

Erin stumbles the words out like it was gasping her breath for air saying, “How the hell should I know, there were all kinds of bugs all over him!”

Erin grabs in to Amanda’s pocket again as she exclaims, “Where’s your phone?”

As the scene continues she dials 911emergency and an operator asks, “911 what’s the emergency?”

The next scene grows as sirens fill and loom over the air over bearing the area. The first responder is a Sheriff who pulls up screeching to a fast stop. An Ambulance and a Fire Truck follow right behind them all. The Sheriff gets out like a cowboy at a rodeo requesting, “Where is he at?”

All of the campers wait patiently as Erin points the way through the trees, “Right there!”

The Sheriff looks towards the trees wondering,” Where?”

Marty points the way as Erin seems not only speechless but as well breathless from all of the commotion advising, “Right there in the trees?”

The Sheriff takes the necessary steps to be extra careful questioning, “How far in?”

Erin is the only person who knows the answer saying, “About a hundred feet or so, I guess.”

The Sheriff starts walking in to the trees while turning back, “You all stay here I’ll be right back!”

Erin gets nervous once again by saying, “Hell, I am not going back in there again!”

The Sheriff continues to walk further out of sight. After a few yards or so the Sheriff can see some of the scenery that was once over loomed by the others. The Sheriff continues further as she stops slowly looking ahead. The Sheriff notices lots of bugs buzzing around ahead of her. The Sheriff continues forward a little ways more until she approaches Bud’s body. The Sheriff notices bugs crawling all over the victim like it being decomposed at an alarming rate that she has never seen before. The Sheriff looks with a sense of awe shrieking, “My God!”

Rapidly the Sheriff goes for the radio while turning the other way to head back. Then all of a sudden a hand reaches from behind as the radio goes stat icky to the other Sheriff back at the camp ground.

The other Deputy Sheriff hears the static wondering what happened, “That’s strange no response!”

Marty starts to dart off towards the trees, “I have to go find him.”

The Deputy Sheriff holds the radio while scampering, “Hey, get back here!

The Deputy Sheriff speaks again yelling, “Hey stop him!”

A Fireman runs towards Marty as he dodges him while stumbling to the ground. The Deputy Sheriff starts to head after Marty as fast as she can and finally after a few more yards she catches him by the shirt and stops him, “Get back, and get back!”

The Deputy Sheriff heads along as she enters the trees. After a few more struts through the brush she sees the other Sheriff and stops. An image of a person walks by camouflaging within some nearby bushes that uplift around a nearby tree. The Sheriff squats down to check the pulse of the other Sheriff realizing that there are insects all over like it were a dead corpse. Quickly the Sheriff focuses towards the deranged suspect saying, “I know your there, I just want to help!”

The suspect passes a few more bushes exposing his feet slightly, “It’s not like you’re in any trouble or anything!”

The Sheriff walks a little ways further as the suspect walks further away through some thickened brush many more yards away. The Sheriff stops right next to the bushes saying, “Come on!”

The bushes shreds in to pieces at her as insects flock in to her body like a swarm of bees. Rapidly approaching from behind some Firemen approach, “Two officers down!”

They approach them both as one uses the radio, “Officers down!”

Back at the camp area there is another Fireman listening in who glances at a few on hand Paramedics. Firstly the Fireman cues them both to the trees, “Walker and Gerome in the trees.”

They both head in as fast as they possibly can until they reach the victims of the assault. One of the Paramedic looks further, “Where’s the patient?”

The second Paramedic stops by the other Sheriff saying, “They’re our patients right now!”

While they try to respond to them both there are all kinds of insects flying around them both. No matter how much they swat them away they still persist making the scene unbearable to handle. One Paramedic replies, “Where did all of these bugs come from?”

The other campers approach as Marty says, “Jesus!”

A third Paramedic approaches momentarily. The other Paramedic says, “Get them back!”

The third Paramedic pushes them all back, “Come on stay back, we have a few officers down!”

Suddenly Marty darts around the Paramedic as he runs over towards his friend Bud off in the distance. The Paramedic yells, “Hey stop, get back here!”

The scene closes as the Paramedics are overwhelmed by insects making it hard to respond. After a few moments they begin to retreat from the scene. One of the Paramedics grabs Marty by the arm shrilling, “Come on, there’s nothing we can do here!”

Marty steps back while swatting around his face questioning, “What could have down this?”

The Paramedic exclaims, “Who knows?”

They enter outside towards the camping area as Amanda pulls some insects from her hair asking, “What the hell are they?”

The Paramedic thinks back to his forensics training inquiring, “It looks like some sort of demisted beetle I think.”

Erin starts to squeeze her nose crying, “I think something got in my nose!”

One of the Paramedics looks in her nose while the other one gets on the radio, “We have two officers down and another victim down.”

The Paramedic pulls a small fly from her nose saying, “Let me give you something so you don’t get any larvae hatching in there.”

Erin screeches, “Yuck! You mean maggots?”

The Paramedic answers back quickly saying, “Yes, fly larvae hatches into maggots and flies!”

Erin uses her senses showing a little more brains than expected saying, “I thought maggots only ate dead skin, like hospital maggots?”

The Paramedic thinks about what she said for a moment replying back momentarily, “Well, still we should be on the safe side. You realize this is an abnormal incident, and we don’t want to take any chances do we?”

Amanda continues fluffing through her hair while asking Marty, “See anything in my hair?”

Marty answers back, “I think they’re out by now!”

Amanda tries to calm her nerves a little by proclaiming, “Well, I just need to be sure.”

Erin relaxes herself for a moment before retorting, “I suppose so! You have any meds I can take?”

The Paramedic continues dressing up the last touches of her nose telling Erin, “You’ll have to wait until you arrive at the hospital!”

Erin speaks with a low depressed sort of voice saying, “A couple of aspirins would be nice!”

The Paramedic reaches in his pants pocket and pulls out a two pack of Tylenol, “You can have these, but don’t let anyone see you take them.”

Erin thinks about what would really ease her pains right now implying, “Actually, I’d rather have a tranquilizer and fall asleep.”

Amanda gets a little bit on the tense side again saying, “What are we going to do?”

The Paramedic with them hears the radio dispatch talking about the call as he explains, “Don’t worry, help is on the way.”

Then moments later some other emergency vehicles come to the scene. The other Paramedic approaches the emergency vehicles telling them, “It’s pretty bad in there. I’ve never seen anything like it. We’re going to need a Federal response.”

The Driver Paramedic of the arriving ambulance gets out while asking, “What happened?”

The Paramedic answers back to the driver of the other ambulance, “We really aren’t sure, but we have two officers down a little ways behind that tree line.”

“We’re they responding to an emergency call?” The driver Paramedic asks with a curious and emotional rejoinder.

“Yes, they responded to a 10-53 call with an unknown man down,” he answers back on an authoritative level of communication.

“Sounds like it are a 10-54 now, huh?” The driver Paramedic rejoins making a whimsical comment like it’s a joking matter.

The Paramedic commands the driver Paramedic ghastly instructing “Just gets the stretchers out and let’s waits for more of an emergency response to arrive, because I’m not going back in there without any protective PPE.”

Amanda has no idea what the Paramedic is talking about asking, “What the hell is PPE?”

The Paramedic answers back explaining to Amanda, “Personal Protective Equipment is what it PPE stands for. Stuff we wear when we are responding to calls with Hazardous Materials”

Erin obviously has a little bit of experience with materials from some of her odd jobs she has had to do over the many years. She breaks out a wise crack returning, “Well, maybe you ought to call a Hazmat team or something, because we aren’t getting nowhere standing hear like this.”

The Paramedic on the radio walks back to the group while the driver Paramedic brings out a stretcher to set next to the one the third Paramedic is in response with while standing there waiting. Immediately he says, “Don’t worry, there’s a Hazardous Waste Team responding along with two Federal Agents.”

Marty seems a little bit uptight asking, “How long until they arrive?”

The Paramedic making the call says, “Not too long, ten fifteen minutes. There’s no reason to be in a hurry. You’re friend isn’t going anywhere, he's gone and so are those poor officers.”

Marty gets a little on the defensive side of things, “I know that, I just want to know what happened, that’s all.”

Meanwhile, the Body Farm Zombie has left the scene and has entered in to a new area far from everything that has happened. By this time he is still dragging a leg while entering the trees spreading their way behind a lone gas station located on the side of a two lane highway.

Body Farm Zombie stops and looks out towards the parking lot from the trees. With nothing in sight Body Farm Zombie starts to walk towards the side of the gas station heading to the parking lot. He approaches along the side slowly and once he can see the gas pumps he sees a car sitting there. He walks a few feet further as a customer leaves the gas station. Quickly, the customer gets in his car and closes the car door.

Body Farm Zombie stops and watches while the customer starts his car and drives away. Body Farm Zombie sees a pay phone on the side of the gas station with a phone book. Body Farm Zombie approaches the booth and walks up to the pay phone. He looks around for a moment and opens the Yellow Pages. Displeased he pushes it aside and grabs the White Pages. He scrolls through for a while until he finds his last name. He continues looking while holding his finger on the page. Then hurriedly he pulls and rips out a page. He turns quickly and leaves the gas station parking lot heading towards the highway. He crosses the highway and enters in to the nearby woods once again with his personal information in his hand.


Quickly he enters the nearby area of a picnicking site where there are campers lined up with visitors cooking at their private grills, sitting in their lounge chairs, and some of them are singing and having a great time with the great outdoors. At the other end are some other campers with some older people drinking beer while chatting over some of their old time conversations. There are also some little children playing over by some of the provided grills by the public park site. About this time Body Farm Zombie approaches with a hideous look that catches a few eyes from the children. A couple of them stop as he passes by looking from a close distance while the older couples aren’t paying very much attention to anything out of the ordinary.

While continuing on with the pass a little girl steps towards Body Farm Zombie which seems to catch his attention making him walk passed even much faster. The girl catches a closer glimpse of Body Farm Zombie than the other kids who are acting like pyromaniacs trying to burn the grill down so to speak in a way. Anyhow the little camping girl turns around and runs over to where the older adults are sipping and drinking their beers in a totally relaxed atmosphere saying, “There’s a dead man over there!”

One of the chatting adults conjures up, “Probably just a dead man who drank one too many beers and can’t find his way back to camp, sweetie!”

The little girl tries to convince them again saying, “No look, there’s really a dead guy over there!”

Another camping beer buddy shells out a line while being totally intoxicated telling the little girl, “Now just go back with the other little kids and leave the dead people alone!”

The little girl immediately runs away back to her friends playing at the picnic grills while yelling, “Boozers!”

Meanwhile Body Farm Zombie has entered the branching of a dirt road that leads away from the camping site to a higher elevation where there are some lights along the side of another Ingersoll a good distance away from his position at the camping grounds.

Keeping the pace he continues to stride his way even though he may show the crutches of dragging a leg here and there. Either way his tale holds true even though he really doesn’t seem to have one.

Then flipside to the area back at the scene of the initial incident, an agent has arrived to the site of the crime. The federal agent makes his way to the front of the ambulances where the firemen and other victims Erin, Amanda, and Marty are waiting for back up. So far none has shown up except two FBI Agents who work and live in the near area. The FBI Agent tells the acting Paramedic while showing his badge as a credential, “I’m Agent Masters and this is Agent Fields, so what happened?”

The Paramedic answers back to the FBI Agent saying, “When we arrived we were answering the call to a 10-53 for an unknown man down, although we had two officers down also and couldn’t respond because there were all kinds of insects attacking us from all over!”

Agent Fields looks in to the tree patch where most of the attention of the Paramedics and the victims has been concentrating on. He looks on asking, “Where in those trees?”

The acting paramedic answers back saying, “Yes, about thirty to forty yards in!”

Agent Masters turns in that direction saying, “Okay, we’ll go and have a look!”

The acting Paramedic wonders if they should take precaution, “Without any Protective Equipment?”

Agent Fields chuckles a bit replying, “No, we’re used to this sort of thing!”

The acting Paramedic quills, “Alright, suit yourself!”

Agent Masters while walking away turns back slightly, “We’re well suited?”

Agent Fields looks to Agent Masters asking, “So what do you think?”

Agent Masters answers back expressing, “Sounds like another case of some infestation. Maybe, a bug attacks for all we know!”

Agent Fields realized that the area hasn’t been yellow taped for a crime scene yet. He turns to the acting Paramedic commanding, “Let’s get this area taped off!”

Agent Fields reaches in his pocket for a key chain with a remote trunk key. He pops the trunk to the car saying, “The tape is in the trunk!”

Agent Fields and Agent Masters continue walking to the scene. When they reach the scene of the incident, Agent Fields says, “Looks like we have a mess on our hands!”

Agent Masters answers, “Yes, we have a man down right here and ten more feet in we have an officer down and another twenty feet further we have another officer down.”

Agent Fields discloses some facts about the incident, “Sounds like they we investigating another suspect of an unknown origin.”

Agent Masters notices some traces of fleshy prints lying in the soil behind some thickened bushes. Bringing this to Agent Fields attention Agent Masters says, “Looks like whoever the individual is was hurt in some way!”

Suddenly Agent Masters notices one of the Sheriff Officer’s flashlights lying in the foliage that has piled up over the years. He looks to Agent Fields tallying, “Looks like only a flashlight was drawn!”

Thinking about it Agent Fields wonders about how that seems very strange saying, “Huh, I wonder why!”

Unexpectedly Agent Masters notices a demisted beetle crawling on the ground that looks like it came from the other direction having nothing to do with the scene. Immediately he thinks he knows what they may be up against instructing his partner, “Looks like we may have a Zombie Paradox of some kind!”

Agent Fields becomes outlandish with the mere idea asking, “You mean a walking dead person?”

After another moment goes by Agent Masters assures him of the realization telling Agent Fields, “Yes, it’s like a futuristic Apocalypse that has been expected. I have developed preparedness for the situation if it ever happened!”

Immediately Agent Fields disagrees saying, “That’s absurd, it’s probably just some serial killer!”

Agent Masters points to the demisted beetle walking towards the nearest officer commenting, “These insects came from somewhere and I bet whatever brought them was dead!”

Agent Fields thinks about it for a moment while watching the thing crawling along the ground saying, “Looks like someone bugged in and then bugged out!”

Agent Masters reaches in his suit pocket and grabs his phone. He dials a phone number and says, “Send a containment crew!”

Right away a voice answers back saying, “Roger that!”

Agent Fields looks in the other direction for traces of where the suspect may have fled. After looking around for a moment he notices some broken branches on a bush near the trunk of tree. He moves in closer to get a better look and then notices some bugs crawling on another branch that has been ripped off lying on the ground.

After kneeling down Agent Fields notices some flies hovering around. He looks to the left and sees some prints or impressions in some planted grass a few feet away. He looks to Agent Masters who is observing the infested bodies from a distant and blunts, “It looks like there are a few footprints over here leading in this direction to the bush and there’s another set of footprints leading out this way towards the public park.”

Once another couple of seconds goes on by Agent Masters turns away and walks over next to Agent Fields and looks adding, “It looks like we may just have one suspect after all. I guess we can rule out the possibility of a zombie horde.”

Agent Fields finds that uncanny because the mere aspect of the zombie horde is based on zombies attacking humans to thrive on human flesh in order to survive. Bringing this knowledge he has from the zombie movies such as “Night of the Living Dead” which was made in 1932 or “Return of the Living Dead” which was filmed in 1985, Agent Fields discloses, “Well, he still may have the basic instinct of the zombie horde which is to eat human flesh in order to survive and thrive. First we need to see if there are any bite marks or areas where flesh has been ripped out to make the distinction!”

Next Agent Masters thinks about it for a second, he turns to walk back to the first victim that the 10-53 was called in for in the first place. He approaches the body and notices some finger nails marks across the face even from ten feet away. He even observes how the shirt of the victim is torn and stretched out a bit. It’s even obvious that is jaw may be broken and nose broken as well. However there aren’t any bites or teeth marks in the victim. Bringing the observing to a conversation Agent Masters says, “There’s no evidence of any bite or teeth marks I can see from here without touching the body to become contaminated by some mutable virus.”

Then Agent Fields stands there still watching while telling Agent Masters, “Well, let’s not touch anything!”

Agent Masters starts to get up to turn towards the officers lying there with a swarm of flies starting to hover and linger around there decomposing bodies. Then Agent Masters stands to his feet and quills, “Well, let’s at least take a closer look at the Officers to make a complete observation in the case of the matter!”

Agent Masters walks over to where the first officer is laying and gets as close as he possibly can without disturbing the blow flies too much. He stops about six feet away and leans over trying to get a closer look. He can see that the neck of the officer may be broken and there are even some deep tears in the face which may be from fingernails, although nothing resembles the patterns of a bite mark so to speak.

Becoming as curious about the matter, Agent Fields steps besides Agent Masters to observe the officers along with him. Realizing as well that there are indications of anything other than foul play along the lines of cannibalism Agent Fields disconcerts, “Notice anything unusual other than lots of insects?”

After another glance around, Agent Masters replies, “No, there’s no sign of any bite marks from here that I can see without getting too close again!”

Agent Fields says, “I can’t see anything either!”

Taking a last look Agent Masters leans back and starts to walk over towards the second officer laying a little ways away in the other direction. After taking a few steps towards the second officer he balks, “Better to take a look at the second officer just to make sure!”

Momentarily Agent Fields follows from behind as they both slowly approach the second Sheriff Officer who is lying there on the side with the face completely covered with an infestation of insects devouring the flesh at an alarming rate. Noticing even more insects at the scene Agent Masters says, “Looks like we have an increase in insect activity. It’s hard to tell from here if there are any signs of any bite markings on this officer either!”

Agent Fields thinks about concluding the observation with the remains and the associated materials of the three victims. Ready to move on with a near search for the suspect Agent Fields says, “Maybe we should just wait for the containment and forensics team to arrive and do their forensic anthropology on the crime scene to do a postmortem comparison.”

Suddenly a smell and odor of decomposition begins to absorb its sense of death in to the area. Instantly anxious to move on to the aspect of the non-forensic anthropology, which involves leaving the scene, Agent Masters insists, “We’ll wait for the forensics team to arrive and then we’ll fan out and search the nearby area for leads to find the suspect.”

In the meantime both Agents step away from the scene to avoid any further contact with the unsecure forensics crime scene due to any infections or contamination that may be linked to the increased insect activity within the site. At first they walk past the first victim who was attacked and reported in the 10-53 unknown man down. They both walk passed the trees looking for shoeprints to match the foot print, though they can’t seem to find any. It seems as if the suspect was barefoot at the time of the attack.

At that moment the sounds of other vehicles are heard and Agent Masters reaches in his pocket for his cell phone. He dials a couple of numbers and waits a moment after holding the cell phone to his ear saying, “Containment Team is here!”

The sounds of doors closing and opening are heard from the far off distance as Agent Masters tells Agent Fields, “It’ll be a while before we release this scene as a crime scene!”

Immediately Agent Fields thinks about the criminalistics to the crime scene how they will need to gather more evidence to make a case. He feels they have many more applications to apply from this horrid site of a crime scene. Just then the containment and forensics anthropology team arrives. They set down a few cases of forensics equipment to do their analysis of the area. While they start to secure the area more thoroughly, Agent Masters orders, “Gather all of the biological evidence and trace evidence you can from this area. We’re going to need plenty of photos and a survey of the crime scene. We need a complete evidence recovery of the crime scene before we map and survey the area and excavate and collect all of the necessary data. Let’s also send the witnesses to the hospital and close the scene off from any outsiders.”

The forensic crime scene investigators rope off the scene with the crime scene tape. Right then Agent Fields approaches one of the forensic team anthropologists pointing out, “There’s some impression evidence right over there behind those bushes. Take a sample and determine if the suspect was barefoot or if there are some shoeprint patterns.”

Then Agent Fields and Agent Masters start to leave the scene heading in the direction of the trace evidence in the form of footprints leading away from the crime scene. They both walk away as Agent Masters discloses, “We’re going to fan out and search the area and see what we can find out. If we don’t find anything we will have to conduct a wider line search with more forensic officers later.”

As they leave the scene Agent Fields adds, “After you complete the crime scene investigation we will return to analyze all of the gathered evidence to conduct a motive to the vagrant attacks.”

Flipside to the Body Farm Zombie he has entered an abandoned saw mill and is resting for a while. He is holding the page to the white pages that he has rip out with the name to his mother and father with his last name and address indicated. Staring at it many memories begin to surface within his unhinged and confused mind. He looks at his family’s name reading Henry and Dorothy Parks with the address which seems to be hard to fathom where the locale of such a place would even be present with his lack of memory just beginning to resurface.

It’s too bad that he doesn’t have any tentative identification in his possession considering he doesn’t even have any close to wear when he first arrived at the saw mill. Nevertheless he has found some old close sitting in an abandoned locker with some work overalls that someone must have left behind when the saw mill was still operational. He even found a map of the area and has found metropolitan street guide which has helped him with navigating his sense of the area to help find his way back to his neighborhood. In his mind things are starting to resurface at an alarming rate and he can visualize the area and neighborhood he lived in. He can even recognize the cross streets while creating a slight mental picture in his mind about what the main intersection near his neighborhood used to look like when he lived there as a citizen of the community.

While sitting their contemplating his self-awareness he sees a window with a slight reflection coming off from the light reflecting from the glass. He gets up and walks over to stand in front of the mirror to get a self-image of what he looks like to try and trigger a memory of himself and what he really looks like in reality.

He stands in front of the glass window which is part of an office that has been abandoned, although there is still some office furniture that looks like it has been left out in the rain because it’s ruined and damaged. Anyhow he stands in front of the glass which has a little bit of light still bouncing off with background images penetrating it with the place. Turning from side to side to try and get a direct line of sight with his reflection he sees the deformed and decomposed parts of his face that have been eroded away.

To him the image of himself is better than any 3-d reconstruction drawing because now he can see what he really looks like. He realizes that he has been dead and somehow has come back to life. It’s almost as though he may have had some zombie master give him some form of zombie powder in order to take him out to bury him and resurrect his body for slavery. This is a practice that is practice in many parts of the world like Haiti, but no one would ever suspect that to ever happen here on the American continent.

Now that he can sort of see what he looks like, he turns to prepare himself for the journey back home. More and more images have come forth creating a mental picture in his mind of how to return to where he is from. And when he arrives there he hoped to try and put his life back together, although he realizes he has no other choice to make considering he has been brought back in to the world with any chance at life. Furthermore he does understand how he has some behavioral reconstruction to undertake in order to act accordingly in so that he can fit back in with society as a whole integral part of it.

This is a forceful behavior which he will have to undergo in order to achieve his goals of recreating his life in a balanced state. Nevertheless he feels he should move on and that he has rested a while in order to bring his body in to a sense of living. He doesn’t feel like he died in a respectful manner. It’s almost as though he been raise back from the dead in order to correct some sort of justice that is due to himself and his family. Maybe it wasn’t time for him to die and leave the world he was solely and rightfully born in to. Maybe he has achieved some higher purpose in his spiritual travels during the time that his body was unconscious and he mind had traveled that under depths of the underworld in his trance like and low score mortality rate of a heartbeat.

There are other questions that have formed within his mind of whether he should try to return home and what his options really are when he arrives there. He realizes that his family may not remember him, although it really hasn’t been that long of a time since he has been gone and used as some sort of guinea pig so to speak.

He even contemplates if he should confront them in his condition, though what other choices does he have really have to choose from. One of his choices he has thought of is to scope the place out without being seen by anyone in the neighborhood which will give his whereabout away. This will be hard because he will have to wait to the early morning or early evening when the parents are usually out doing errands and the like.

Moreover he has decided to try and get ahold of some of his personal belongings somehow in order to help with his tentative identification of himself. He realizes he didn’t have any clothing or other personal items with him to make the connection, though he has been lucky at recalling his fondest memories which includes memories of his father and his mother. He even realizes that he is an only child who doesn’t have any brothers or sisters which will make it easier to scope out his home without any other outside disturbances.

Either way he now has some new possessions and a new superimposition of himself at least to make the connection with what he looks like and how he appeared to the world when he was still alive. Conjuring up the guts and courage to move on with his turmoil and troubles, Body Farm Zombie sets out from the insides of the abandoned saw mill to take his journeys to his homeland to discover his identity and hopefully he will discover a new way to reincorporate himself in to the modern world once again. There are many themes to explain his role in society and that is how he is part of theme of zombie versus society.

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