Bempton Cliffs

This is a gentle 3 mile walk from the RSPB car park at Bempton Cliffs. It's ideal if you want to go for a stroll while your bird watching partner lingers at the reserve getting the perfect camera angle. It includes a gravel lane, grassland and cliff top path and lots of sea birds safely out of reach of dogs.

  • From the RSPB car park, take the path along the side of the road back towards Bempton. Just after Norway Farm on the right, take the gravel track on the left. There was no sign, but it is a "permissive path". This takes you through flat, open farmland. Well behaved dogs can go off lead.

  • Half way along, this becomes a quiet tarmac lane leading to "Metlands" farm house. Continue just past the hedge where the farmland gives way to grassland. On the left,
  • along the hedge is a signposted permissive path north towards the coast path.At the cliff of the top, turn left along the cliff path. When you enter the RASP reserve you are still on a public footpath but are asked to keep dogs on a lead. Here you will have views out over the north sea. The route can be lengthened by turning right at the cliff and walking towards Flamborough Cliffs.

  • Follow the cliff top path until you reach the RSPB "Grandstand" viewing platform where you turn left for the visitor centre and car park. Along this part of the route are several viewing platforms from which you can see thousands of nesting birds in spring and summer -including puffins and gannets.

Post date: 21-Apr-2019