Aveton Gifford

Walked August 2021

This 2.7 mile walk includes a view of the surrounding Avon Valley and a walk along the Avon edge, or through the Avon if the tide is up! Start from the Aveton-Gifford car park (Grid ref: SX 692 472 What3words: ///mammoths.kitchen.reinvest)

It is important to check the tides as the road is liable to flooding at high tide.


From the car park, take the exit south onto the Tidal Road and turn right.


Turn right onto the footpath at the end of the stone wall.


Cross the creak over the stepping stones and continue on the footpath to the right. When the path joins a track, continue to the right until you meet the upper route of the Avon Estuary Walk, where you turn to the left, across the field up the hill.


At the top of the hill, the path joins a track. Follow this to the left and down the hill again until you meet a small metalled road.

After about 100m, you will cross a stream. Turn left onto one of the paths down the stream.


At the end of the wooded stretch you will meet the Tidal Road again. Turn left and follow the road back to the par park.

If you have mistimed the tides you will have a pleasant paddle up to your knees back to the car park.

2021-08 Averton.pdf