Penwyllt, 4.8 miles

You can either start as we did from the disused quarry nature reserve at Penwyllt or from the valley bottom at Crag-y-nos Country Park. We strolled, stopping to enjoy the fragile limestone pavements, swallow holes and views. We were fooled by the fences, thinking some of them were the solid lines on the map. The solid field boundaries on the map refer to the decaying dry stone walls.

We walked up the Beacons Way. This is quite boggy in parts and has great close up views the limestone. Beware of the many swallow holes down to the deepest caves in Britain. The return walk along the valley was along gravel tracks where a fast pace meant it took a fraction of the time taken to walk along the top.

We finished with a march down the old tramway route. Cream teas were still being served in the Crag-y-nos Country Park cafe.

Post date: 30-Oct-2015