Meon Valley

West Meon - Beacon Hill

This 9 mile walk includes part of the Meon Valley Trail along a disused railway, followed by a gentle climb up to the Beacon Hill Chalk Downland Nature Reserve and back down through Warnford. There are two pubs along the route. you can shorten the walk by starting at Exton.

Park in the West Meon car park for the Meon Valley Trail (grid reference SU 641 236)


From the car park, follow the Meon Valley Trail along the old railway line until the South Downs Way is signposted to the left. Take the path right to Exton and signposted as a temporary South Downs Way path for walkers. This takes you over the River Meon before joining the main road.


Carefully cross the road and take the road into Exton, past the church until you find a footpath on the right. Take this path and continue through fields and up the hill. Alternatively stop off at The Shoe Inn.


After crossing a number of fields, the climb steepens slightly and you enter uncultivated chalk downland which, in summer, is alive with wild flowers, grasshoppers and butterflies. This is a good spot to pause and take in the view across the valley.


At the top of this stretch you meet the road. Turn right and follow the South Downs Way signs. At the top of the hill, turn right into the Beacon Hill National Nature Reserve and enjoy the chalk grassland of summer wild flowers (dogs on a lead for this)


Return to the South Downs Way path and continue along the edge of the wood. Views here include the Isle of Wight and Fawley Oil Refinery in the distance. At the car park, take the Monarch's Way footpath on the right through the gate.


Continue on the Monarch's Way until you reach Warnford. The land owner here has signs saying dogs must be on a lead for this stretch. However, much of the path is fenced sufficiently to keep most dogs out of livestock fields and our dog was sufficiently well behaved to walk off the lead without incident.

When you eventually reach the road, the Monarch's Way follows the it right to the A32. Extreme caution is needed here.


There are a number of disused watercress beds as you approach the main road and shortly after. At the A32 in Warnford, turn left and use the pavement to proceed past the George and Falcon pub, with its riverside garden, and turn right up Hayden Lane.


Continue up Hayden Lane until you reach a footpath on the left which allows you to rejoin the disused railway line cutting back to the start point.

West meon-Beacon Hill.pdf