Stackpole Quay

Walked April 2024

This walk gives stunning views along the ragged sandstone and limestone coast.  Although the full, marked route is 15km (9 miles), it can be considerably shortened by not taking the optional ranges leg and/or cutting the loop round the lake.   Also, the ranges leg may be closed if Army exercises are in operation.

Apart from a couple of climbs up from the beaches, the majority of the walk is fairly level.

We started from Stackpole Quay, which  has a National Trust Car park and tea room.  When following the narrow road to the quay, keep going beyond the houses and round the bend, the car park is hidden right at the end of the road.


Start from the little quay and climb the hill from the car park.


From the top you have a view to teh left of the red sandstone cliffs and right of the limestone cliffs. Follow the coast along the top of the cliffs.


4.  Cross the beach at Barafundle Bay.


6. Bosherton Lily Ponds.


Entry to the firing ranges is clearly marked.  Red flags mean they are closed.


Along this stretch, there are little quiz questions about the history of the ranges.  The path loops round to a beach where the Army blasted a hole through to allow landing craft to load and offload tanks.  This is a quiet spot to stop as no one on the day we went made it this far, most climbed the headland instead.


After your "quiet moment", turn back and retrace your steps. The path back to Stackpole Quay is shorter as it allows you to shortcut the headlands.

Stackpole Quay.pdf