Saint Mary Bourne

Walked 16th October 2021

This 6.9 mile (9km) walk starts and finishes at the St Mary Bourne Village Shop. there is a small car park and recreation ground here. Grid reference SU 421 503, .

From the Village Shop, head south along the edge of the recreation ground, turning left round the pond. This was build in the 1970s by a local doctor to attract water fowl and is now managed by the Parish Council.

Turn right after pond, following the Test Way. At the end of the trees on the right, turn right along the footpath. This joins up with the Brenda Parker Way.

Continue until the Brenda Parker Way joins the Test Way. At Stoke Hill Farm, turn right, continuing on the Test Way. On the left is a mown path to the Trig Point, planted to make it look like an obelisk.

Shortly after this, the path splits; take the right hand fork into the woods.

A little way into the woods, take the footpath on the right an continue on this until it meets the road.

At the road, turn right again and continue until you see a footpath on the left which looks like it is going into someone's garden under a little metal archway. Take this and continue until you meet another metalled lane.

Turn right onto the road and continue on this until you arrive a the larger road by the St Mary Bourne Primary School. Take the lane along the front entrance of the school and then the left hand footpath at the end. This takes you back to the Village Shop.

St Mary Bourne.pdf