Plataformas de Diseño colaborativas

Co-3Deator, a sketch-based collaborative 3D modeling system based on the notion of "team-first" ideation tools, where the needs and processes of the entire design team come before that of an individual designer. Co-3Deator includes two specific team-first features: a concept component hierarchy which provides a design representation suitable for multi-level sharing and reusing of design information, and a collaborative design explorer for storing, viewing, and accessing hierarchical design data during collaborative design activities. We conduct two controlled user studies, one with individual designers to elicit the form and functionality of the collaborative design explorer, and the other with design teams to evaluate the utility of the concept component hierarchy and design explorer towards collaborative design ideation. Our results support our rationale for both of the proposed team-first collaboration mechanisms and suggest further ways to streamline collaborative design. (Piya, 2017)

skWiki: A Multimedia Sketching System for Collaborative Creativity

Based on our exploration of the design space of digital creativity support, we developed a web-based collaborative editing framework for multimedia documents called SKWIKI. skWiki is based on a web service architecture (Figure 2) with server-side components to manage persistence using a practical paths implementation, and any number of users participating in the collaboration using only a web browser. The framework supports digital media projects consisting of multiple media types, such as text, handdrawn sketches, vectorized illustrations, and digital photographs. skWiki clients can run on standard computers, mobile phones, and tablets with popular operating systems such as Android, iOS, and WebOS. The framework is built to allow extensions with additional media types as plugins.Zhao, 2014)

Figure; kWiki system architecture. The client maintains workspace and local paths storage, whereas the server is the main paths repository.

skWiki was designed primarily to support divergent creative processes, i.e., early design, brainstorming, conceptual art, ideation, and design alternatives. We will now explain the implementation of the paths model in skWiki, and how its practical features support collaborative creativity.


Cecil Piya, 2017 Co-3Deator: A Team-First Collaborative 3D Design Ideation Tool Conference Paper · May 2017 DOI: 10.1145/3025453.3025825

Conference: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Senthil Chandrasegaran., 2014, COLLABORATIVE SKETCHING WITH skWiki: A CASE STUDY Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2014

Zhenpeng Zhao, 2014 skWiki: A Multimedia Sketching System for Collaborative Creativity,DOI: 10.1145/2556288.2557394

Conference: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 26 - May 1, pp. 1235-1244, 2014., At Toronto, Canada