Casos de cursos de creatividad en la enseñanza de ingenieria

"...Responding to the needs well-expressed by industry, some engineering programs have begun teaching problem solving,11critical writing skills 12,13, interpersonal skills as related to creativity, (14,15) perception skills, 16 and reflection 17 over the past few years. "(Creative Problem Solving in Engineering Design, Eric Pappas, 2003)

14. Bhavnani, S.H. and Aldridge, M.D. "Teamwork across Disciplinary Borders: A Bridge between College

and the Work Place." Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 89, No. 1, 2000.

15. Seat, Elaine and Lord, Susan M. "Enabling Effective Engineering Teams: A Program for Teaching

Interaction Skills." Journal of Engineering Education , Vol. 88, No. 4, 1999, 385-390.

To date, porcentaje of engineering faculties which included creative courses is about ( 43%) and mainly are optative/elective.

Listed subjets that teach specific topics on creativity


"Dibujo Industrial I" (one class of creative methods. courseworks of creativity)


Master en Ingeniería de organización: "Creatividad"


Master en Ingeniería Industrial: "Descubre tu creatividad"

- UPC Escuela Superior de Ingenierías Industrial, Aeroespacial y Audiovisual de Tarrasa:

GRADO EN INGENIERÍA EN TECNOLOGÍAS INDUSTRIALES (Plan 2010). (Unidad docente Optativa): "Innovación y Creatividad: Herramientas para la Ingeniería" (dissapeared)

- Imperial College:

CE.113 Creative design I. 40 contact hours.. .Students learn by doing, armed with a soft pencil, butter paper and sketch-book, pinup space, and their voices. The aim is for students to design something at every session. Three key learning outcomes are creativity, clarity and confidence. Frequent practice, feedback and constructive criticism are the means. Skills learnt during the course provide a thread of creative design relevant to all four years of the degree course..

- Ohio State University

Principles of creativity are taught in HE 1252, a fresher level biological engineering design course (Ohio State University).

This approach encourages students to use their creativity in a general sense and as it applies to engineering problem-solving. Students are required to read the book !low to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps toGenius Every Day. This text frames creativity in terms of seven principles:

I. Curiosita: an insatiably curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous learning

2. Dimostrazione: a commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence and a williuh'lleSS to learn from mistakes

3. Seosazione: the continual refinement of the senses as a means to enliven experience

4. Sfumato: a willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty

5. ArtelScienza: the development of the balance between art and science, imagination and logic.

6. Corporalita: tbe cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness and poise

7. Connessione: a reCOh'llition and apprec1ation for the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena.

(Reported in paper: Developing Creativity and Multidisciplinary Approaches in Teaching Engineering Problem-solving* ANN D. CHRISTY! and MARYBETH LIMA2, 2007)

- University of Virginia

capstone design course:

MAE 4670 Creativity and New Product Development I (Elective)

MAE 4680, Creativity and New Product Development II (Elective)

Cursos no académicos

Curso impartido por la asociación de ingenieros "the engineering club"

(bajo el enfoque STEAM)

Aplica la técnica de "creative problem solving"

No explota el dibujo como técnica creativa, sino como representacion de ideas

"Session one will give an overview of the importance of creativity in design and look at how to communicate creative ideas. Session two will look at creative theories and examples, the importance of failure and fun! Session three is a group-working problem solving session. Session four looks at inspiration and how we can gather ideas from other sources and apply them to creative goals. Session five will be a creative surgery, a big team project and a review of lessons learnt.

People who attend the course will learn/develop skills in:

•why creativity and design are important to engineering

•practical ways/methods for engineers to be more creative

•basic practical drawing skills/theories to help engineers communicate ideas with other designers

•creative problem solving in teams

•fluent generation of ideas, inspiration and opening the RHS of the brain

•evaluating creative design options

•working with limited resources and against tight timescales

•prototyping/model making

•testing to destruction and evaluating the reasons for failure of a design"


curso "creatividad e innovación en la empresa (no ingeniería)

El programa se estructura en dos ejes que se sustentan como base en el (visual thinking (pensamiento visual) y está basado en la metodología learning-by-doing (aprender haciendo). Estos ejes son la creatividad dentro de la empresa y la creatividad enfocada al cliente.


Fomentar y potenciar la creatividad tanto individual como de equipos de cara a la innovación.

Utilizar el pensamiento visual para estimular su creatividad (y la de los demás).

Utilizar el pensamiento divergente y convergente en función del reto/situación.

Sintetizar y resumir ideas y conceptos de forma simple y fácil.

Visualizar ideas, conceptos, relaciones y procesos de forma clara y estructurada.

Aplicar diferentes herramientas creativas a los retos que se encuentran en la empresa/ puesto de trabajo.

Comunicar y documentar de forma visual.
