Analogias Visuales

Visual learners are people who think in pictures[1] and use words to communicate that picture to others. About 60%[2] of the world population are visual learners. (I am one of them.) How do you talk to us through images without translating them into words? Use ubiquitous visual symbols and analogies. Here they are in the order of complexity.

The key to communicating visually is finding ubiquitous visual symbols that need no verbal explanation.

Most research in cognitive science explores how we see things but little research is done on how we understand what we see.

Understanding is the ultimate test of how good your visualization is. So how can you make people understand? Show something familiar and analogize. If you know nothing else about visualization but pick the right analogy you are more than half way there. This is what a professional designer does – and there is no substitute for analogies.

How do you choose the right analogy? In this grid I organized analogies from the abstract down to the more detailed. I grouped them by similarity in shape. The goal is to enable you to quickly see the possibilities and “try them on” your information. With time you’ll be able to do all of this in your head. But for now this is a shortcut.


(Visual Analogies