
Kids Cross Utah 2008

4 Kids take a 5 day victory lap around the state

This ride was built from many ATV trails in Utah. The ride plan was, travel around the state, cover lots of ground, spend the nights in cabins and motels along the way, and haul all your own gear as there will be no support truck. O and did I mention, Kids are leading the ride.

Ok so these are not ordinary kids, they are seasoned tough riders and they would have to prove it.


Note: Many of the small towns in Utah have special ordnances that allow riding ATV on some city streets, this makes it possible to take ATVs, Motorcycles and Kids into the towns for Gas, and Motels

Ride data and GPS is given at the end of the page

Video From the ride

Ride Description, Written by one of the riders.

Day 1:

The first day was filled with great riding and beautiful scenery.Most of the ride took place up in the mountains, where we had cool weather and great views.The first day was also supposed to be the shortest ride of the entire trip.It was supposed to be about 60 miles, but there was a bit of a mishap.A road was closed, which meant we had to backtrack and find a completely different trail.The trails were difficult and much longer than expected.After going through what seemed like days of rigid, rocky trails with very little elbowroom, we finally made it down the mountains into a little town called Circleville.We stopped at a gas station and took a long break that was much needed.We fueled up our tanks, enjoyed a delicious treat, and took off again.We traveled on easy dirt roads and thought that maybe we could actually reach our destination until the trail ended and all that was in front of us was a lake.We couldn’t go around the lake, so the only thing we could do was turn around and find another trail.At last, we found the right trail, and after 110 miles of riding, we finally made it to our destination; Rock Candy Mountain in Marysvale, Utah.

Day 2:

The second day of riding was only a little bit shorter than the first day.We rode about 102 miles of rough trails.Some trails were easy dirt roads surrounded by grazing cows, while others were rocky switchbacks with very little room to fall.Towards the end of the day, we rode on the Great Western Trail and it almost felt as if we were riding on Mars.Most of the trails were really dusty, so by the time we finished the ride, our faces were covered in dirt.Like the first day, there was fantastic scenery and awesome views.We completed our exhilarating day of riding at Austin’s Chuck Wagon in Torrey, Utah.

Day 3:

The third day was a little more difficult than any of us expected.We started off riding on easy dirt roads for several miles until we came across a difficult trail that we were supposed to take.Before the trail there was a sign that said “Caution: Sharp and sudden turns with drop offs exist for next 6 miles.”Well, the sign wasn’t lying because the trail was rocky and very difficult for us to get through.We kept at a slow, even pace and eventually got through it.We also went through many water crossings.Some of them were as small as a little puddle, while others were as big as a mini van.We stopped for lunch at a nice, shady spot and enjoyed turkey wraps and sandwiches.After lunch, we continued our ride and came across a meadow that was filled with cows.We stopped and ran after the cows, trying to pet one.The cows ran away from us, but we still laughed and had fun.We sustained riding and finished the day with smiles on our faces at Ruby’s Inn in Bryce Canyon, Utah.

Day 4:

The fourth day was one of the best and one of the worst.It was a short riding day, only about 70 miles.We rode on easy trails for the first 40 miles or so.We went through a Castro Canyon that was surrounded by gorgeous red rock.Then we stopped in Panguitch, Utah and had some lunch.While we were eating lunch, the dark clouds started to move in outside, and soon, it started to rain.It rained hard for an hour and we just sat outside waiting for it to lighten up.Eventually, the rain started to let up a little, so we put on our rain gear and ponchos and headed out again.The trails were extremely muddy and slick, which made it very tough riding for us.We slid and got stuck, but, in the end, we all got through it.Covered in mud and wet from the rain, we arrived in Bear Claw, Utah.

Day 5:

The fifth day was the day that we all took a break.We were staying at a little place called Bearpaw, which rented out cabins as your room to stay in.They were small and stuffy, but it was a fun experience and much different than your basic hotel room.This day was supposed to be a day of relaxation, no worries and definitely no riding.But, of course, all anybody wanted to do was ride.So, we did a short ride down into a little town called Hatch for lunch.As we were eating, the dark clouds slowly started to roll in, so we hurried ourselves back up to Bearpaw before it could start raining.We spent the rest of the day relaxing and getting ready for our last ride the next day.

Day 6:

The sixth and final day was one of the best.We only rode about 60 miles, which was nothing compared to some of the other days.The first 20 miles were all easy dirt roads in which we could go faster, making better time.Then, the next 20 miles were all ATV trails that were still muddy from the rain a couple days before.It was tough, but we got through it okay.We took a break on the road after all the hard stuff.We had fun playing with a grasshopper and putting it on our heads.The break helped rejuvenate us and we were back on the road again.After 45 miles, we came to a water crossing and decided to stop and go for a swim.We swam and played in the creek for about an hour.It cooled us off and we were all ready to hit the road again.We finished the day at about 1:00 in the afternoon, Utah time.That was the end of the day and it was time to pack up and go home.

We all enjoyed the ride so much and we would definitely do it again.I think the one thing that we can all say about this ride is: It made us better riders. .....Kaitlin V

This should not be considered a kids ride, in fact it is a great ride for the experienced adult. The maps may be found it the slide show above, and the gps file from the ride is given out here. Enjoy gpsKevin


Appendix: Motel Reservation information

7/12 - united beaver camperland

7/13 - candy mountain resort

7/14 - austins chuckwagon

7/15 - ruby's inn

7/16 & 7/17 bearpaw resort

7/18 - united beaver camperland

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