Colorado Lucky Explorer 2014

Colorado Lucky Explorer

August 24-30 2014

Ride has been postponed

Dual Sport Singletrack Explorers Ride by gpsKevin

Click on the map to see more ride details

This will be a 6 day ride to explore some of the lesser known and least ridden areas in Northern Colorado The theme of the ride is to focus on riding singletrack. The ride will be staged from three different hotels during the week. Riders will ride right from the motel in the morning and return in the evening. The ride will start near Granby CO and end near Steamboat Springs, CO. We will pack our bikes into our trucks and move twice during the week. This is an explorers ride, meaning we will be discovering new places and trails. As with any new discovery, some of it could be great and some of it could be bad. You should come prepared to enjoy either outcome. I find there are many tough guy riders that enjoy this type of adventure. I have put a lot of work into this ride and I would like to think that the likely outcome is that it will be great. You will join with other riders to take on this adventure for life.

Q: How much single track is there this year?

A: 17 different Trails containing 152.30 miles of singletrack! cool

Things to think about before signing up

Is this ride right for you?

This is an explorers ride. The nature of exploring is that much is unknown, so things can go wrong. The routes are unproven and sometimes don't work due to obstacles or just plain errors. The day can turn long and test your abilities and patience. You will find yourself in the mix of many rider's opinions that know how to fix the problem. You need to be able to find the fun in that. The riding can be fun, challenging, fast, slow, scenic, and hard. It is all about the riding.

Are you right for this ride?

When something goes wrong on a ride, would your riding friends say that you are more likely to need help or more likely to give help? You should be in the more likely to offer help camp. This ride is filled with riders that are more likely to give help, so most of the time the riders never need help. Additionally there is all the normal stuff, come prepared to maintain your bike, fix your bike on the trail, repair flat tires, deal with bad weather and rain and make a joke or two.

How does the ride navigation work?

This is a self-led GPS ride; all riding is on your own. You are responsible for your own riding. You will be given a GPS map file and instructions on how to use your Garmin GPS unit. People will hook up in small groups of less than 6 riders and tend to ride together. You are not encouraged to ride alone. You are responsible for your own riding and yourself. (see my ride Navigation Video)


Cost to join this ride is $650

The money covers 7 nights hotels, the kick off dinner and the final night celebration dinner.

It also covers GPS files, both Tracklogs, and GPS Background Maps. I will also provide a printed daily ride plan with printed daily maps, all designed specifically for our route.

COLE is by invitation only. How do you get an invitation? Several ways:

If you have been on a Roulette before, you are invited you will get an email.

If you know gpsKevin you can request an invitation below

If you are friends with someone that has been on a Roulette you can ask them to request an invitation on your behalf

You can attend one of my other upcoming rides and discuss the Roulette with me personally during the ride

Lastly you can fill out the request form below and I will consider adding qualified riders based on space availability.

Sorry this is my way of continuing to get only great riders. It is a great group of riders

Roulette Invitation Request Form

If you have received an invitation please use the following form to join us for the ride

Ride Signup

Questions email:



FYI: Who is already signed up for the ride?

See the Table below

Rider Signup: COLE 2014 ‎(Responses)‎


Below is the info and Stories from last years ride

Enjoy a slideshow from last years ride

Video from last year, thanks Tim B!

Last Year 2013 Lucky Explorer Rider feedback below:

COLE 2013 Ride Review ‎‎(Responses)‎‎

Thanks guys you were an awesome group: gpsKevin

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Go to: Completed Rides (Enjoy the Stories, and Dream of your own)

Go to: GPS Information and Tips (get info to do rides yourself)