Beach to Brew 150

Beach to Brew

Meetup at 9:00am

This is a one day all pavement adventure ride around the Beaches and Mountains of San Diego County.

We meet in the North East corner of the San DIego Zoo Parking Lot. Meet at 9:00am for a riders meeting. We will do introductions and discuss the days ride plan. Helmets on and ready to ride at 9:30. "Kickstand Up"

The ride starts by heading over the Coronado Bridge and through the beach community of Coronado.

Hotel Del Coronado

We head down the beach toward Imperial Beach

Silver Strand

Then it is through Chula Vista and past Otay Lakes towards Barrett Junction. Here we will take a break for coffee and restrooms.

Barrett Junction Cafe

Next it is through Campo and up the Sunrise highway to Mount Laguna. We will stop at the Laguna Mountain Lodge & Store for another break.

We continue to past Lake Cuyamaca, through Julian, and into Santa Ysabel for a snack break at Dudley's

Inside Dudley's Bakery

The last section takes us down the Julian Highway through ramona, and into Escondido the backway. Our last stop is "Stone Brewery"

Inside Stone Brewery

Ride celebration and late lunch or early dinner is here.

Invite your friends or loved ones to stop by and join us.

And let talk Motorcycles

Hey: Lets start a tradition of buying the ride leader a beer!

View the ride in Google maps below

OK since many of you might like to study more detail about the ride, below are the ride maps.

I put these ride maps on the web page because I know a few of you love looking at the ride detail and dreaming about the ride. At first glance these maps do not look so impressive, but they are way cool. If you click the Earth or Satellite tab and start zooming in, you can see the ride in incredible detail. I have spent a ton of hours sorting through the details of the ride for each day, so for those of you that enjoy this sort of thing, well enjoy!

Ride Handout Map

GPS download for the ride

Note: In the Download window, from the file menu, select FIle:Download. That will get you everything.

To install your Custom Garmin Ride Map, get a blank SD card, and copy the folder "garmin" to the card. Then just put the card into your gps and the map should be there when you turn your gps on.

Note the download includes a jpg file for printing your own paper map

FAQ: What garmin folder? The folder named garmin should have the "gmapsupp.img" file inside. If you just downloaded the "gmapsupp.img" file, then you need to create a folder on your SD card named garmin and put the "gmapsupp.img" flie in it.

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