TransAmerica Scooter Route

New York to San Francisco

This is about America up close and personal, America's Backroads

What route?: Well it's Liberty Park NY to Golden Gate Park CA, by way of: Yellowstone, Chicago, Mount Rushmore, Grand Tetons, Sturgis... American Backroads...the Rockies and Farms.

This ride was originally designed for small scooter to travel the backroads across america. But we soon discovered that it is an awesome route for bigger bikes too! Bikes from Big Adventure bikes to Street Bikes to Vintage Bikes all work well because this route travel the nice back roads of America.

As a scooter route this ride is done comfortably in a two week window, but on bigger bikes it can be done well in less time. It just depends on how mush to would like to stop and smell the roses

What is this ride all about?

This is about riding all the way across America. This is a 2 week (16 day) adventure on back USA paved roads. In the eastern USA much of the route is formed from the routes that the Bicycle groups have developed. In the midwest there will be countless farm roads, and in the west there is a lot of openness and beauty. The route will be 3868 miles long and there are 49 gas stops. We will cross the Rockies and our highest elevation will be 10947 feet. Each days route includes several gas stops and a lunch stop. Most days finish at the motel around 5pm. (Note old style Motels not Hotels). Most days will require 8 hours of riding time.

Study the detail of this ride by clicking on the map below and zooming in.

Complete details of the ride plan below

Google Document

Here is a slideshow for my trip

Downloads: Download the GPS Map Files for FREE

Buy the GPS Card and Paper Maps:

I get that some people do not like to do this computer GPS stuff themselves, or they are unsure that they know how to do it correctly and they would just like to buy the card for their GPS unit and the paper maps. So for those people, I have decided to help. You can order below a gps microSD card for your Garmin gps and a complete PAPER MAP SET of the entire route. These paper maps are great daily references as you attack each section.

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