Great Classic rides

I realize that many riders all over the world are reading my web site and looking for great rides.

So more power to the passionate rider, I get your passion!: on this web page I give away info to enable you to do great rides for yourself or your group.

Below you will find some rides that I consider some of the greats. Within each ride you will find all the info you need to do the ride yourself or with your own group.

So enjoy and share the ride experience yourself: If do one of these rides, send me a email and let me know how your enjoyed it and how well the info worked.

There are the great ride:

TransAmerica Trail (ride across america on dirt roads)

Trans Canada Adventure Bike Route (Ride across northern Canada on big bikes)

Continental Divide Ride (Started as a mountain bike route down the Rockies)

Tour of Idaho T2 - The East-West Tour of Idaho

San Diego County Adventure Motorcycle GPS Map (great rides in Southern California)

Moab Favorite Rides (6 great Dual Sport rides in Moab UT)

Mexico to Canada (West coast)

LA-B-to-V: Los Angles, to Barstow, To Vegas

Barstow to Avi: Barstow to Laughlin

Arctic Wolf: Seattle to Arctic Circle

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