For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

Christmas     Christmas  General     Luke 2:1-14 (15-20), particularly verses 8-20

The Outcast Shepherds (YC No 156)

The stories we tell that bring us great joy

Are legends about the birth of a boy;

The myst’ries surrounding that birth long ago

Still charm and excite us; the details we know.   


But hidden within are seeds of unrest;

For shepherds are those whom others detest;

They’re unclean, they’re outcasts, don’t keep Sabbath days;

Their sheep steal their fodder wherever they graze.


Yet shepherds are those, those chosen to hear

Glad tidings of joy that bring such good cheer;

Not emperors nor monarchs, not noble nor priest

Are given the news that is shared with the least.


The story unfolds and Jesus becomes

A rabbi of note who never succumbs

To power abused or to systems corrupt;

The use of oppression he tries to disrupt.


So why at his birth are last made the first?

His major concern were those treated worst;

He ate with, befriended the wretched and poor;

The most disadvantaged - he loved them the more.


So back at his birth the shepherds are there;

These outcasts are first to praise and declare

That hope and compassion will always be found

With Jesus; we too sing his love - so profound. 

Tune  Laudate Dominum  AHB 83, 144(ii)  TiS 96, 215
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