Volume 2 Contents

1. Introduction

2. Welcome to worship - 1 hymn, No 1

3. Christmas - 6 hymns, Nos. 2 - 7

4. God is Love and Mystery - 18 hymns, Nos 8 - 25

5. The Canberra Affirmation - 6 hymns, Nos. 26 - 31

6. Pushing the limits - 6 hymns, Nos. 32 - 37

7. The environment - 8 hymns, Nos. 38 - 45

8. Social Justice and Violence - 8 hymns, Nos 46 - 53

9. Discipleship - 21 hymns, Nos. 54 - 74

10. Jesus and God's Kingdom - 6 hymns, Nos. 75 - 80

11. On the Bible - 8 hymns, Nos. 81 - 88

12. Inter-faith - 2 hymns, Nos. 89-90

13. Fun songs - 4 hymns, Nos. 91 - 94

14. For the young ones - 10 hymns, Nos. 95 - 104