With praise and elation (Vol 4 No 75)

With praise and elation we greet the Divine

In beauty of love that we just can’t define;

The mystery is wondrous; it captures our soul;

It gives our life purpose; it makes us feel whole.



Praise and sing; praise and sing

Of compassion and care;

Praise and sing; praise and sing;

Let us be well-aware

When love is encountered by you and by me

Our souls can take flight, and our spirits are free.


Compassion inspires us to act in like ways;

When we are forgiven our guilt then decays;

We know that with love we can rise to great heights;

With love as the spark much more good-will ignites.




The Sacred within us, as Jesus has shown,

Lights up the desire to let love be known;

His love points the way to have true liberty,

To real inner peace, singing God’s melody.



Tune  To God be the glory  AHB 85  TiS 147

Download & listen to the tune

View or print the musical score

Print the lyrics 

Download a Power Point of the lyrics

4 75.pdf Mus