For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

After Pentecost     Pentecost 19     Luke 16:19-31

Jesus and Wealth (YC No 218)

A Jewish Rabbi long ago

Told stories to the crowd

To lift the poor and broken souls,

Provoke the rich and proud.


He used the concepts of his day

His hearers knew so well;

Their three-tiered universe affirmed

A heaven and a hell.


Our ancient text can guide us still

But let us leave behind

Out-dated teachings which corrode

And stultify the mind.


Poor Las’rus sat outside the door;

He begged that he might eat;

The rich man just ignored the cries;

His avarice complete.


This story Jesus told condemned

Gross inequality,

He boldly preached, “Wealth should be shared

With generosity.”


We need not dwell on punishments

Or praise for actions done;

Enough to know that ‘Good is good’;

No prizes to be won!


Without the trappings of a hell

This parable is true;

Wealth can be used for doing good;

Let God’s reign thrive anew.

Tune Illa Sphor (Gerald)  Not in AHB or TiS  Presbyterian Hymnary in the Metrical Psalms section No 131,
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