God's presentness (Vol 3 No 9)
Our faithful sun gives light and warmth unending;
In all four billion years it’s been the same;
Our hero sun, foreboding yet befriending
Proclaims God’s presence with its fire and flame.
Out planet home, ideal for life to flower
Provides the food and water for our needs;
All nature’s cycles – birthing life with power
Proclaim God’s presence in the death of seeds.
The sand and stars, the ants and human tissue
Are spun with atoms, each in its own place;
These countless specks in all the cosmic menu
Proclaim God’s presence in all time and space.
When Jesus trod the dusty paths of history
He loved, gave hope; he struggled for the right;
His death and then the hope fulfilling mystery
Proclaim God’s presence with astounding might.
We know and feel God’s presentness around us;
Within us and beyond our mortal mind;
The future, present and the past remind us
God’s presence is with all of humankind.
Tune Intercessor AHB 503(I) TiS 587