Friends (Vol 2 No 59)
Friends (Vol 2 No 59)
Enhancing our life - our friends are so dear;
We treasure these ones with love so sincere;
We value as priceless ‘the other’ we know;
We share our own being; together we grow.
To give and receive a friendship of worth
Is something we crave and yearn for from birth;
When loving ‘the other’, no selfish design
Can ever be present in love called Divine.
When each other’s grief and burden is great,
When each other’s thrills and joys radiate,
True friends, in communion, are never alone,
Each feeling is sensed as if it were their own.
Love flows from inside, for God is within;
Old friendships are prized, new friendships begin;
Compassion and love can pervade every scene;
The myst’ry of friendship is - God is between.
Tune Hanover AHB 67 TiS 133,188
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