For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here
Lent 3 John 4:5-42, particularly verses 5-9
Lent 3 John 4:5-42, particularly verses 5-9
Jesus speaks to the woman of Samaria (YA No 27)
Jesus speaks to the woman of Samaria (YA No 27)
Jesus was tired; he sat by Jacob’s well;
Jesus was tired; he sat by Jacob’s well;
Asked for a drink; the woman could not tell
Asked for a drink; the woman could not tell
Why was it thus? Why did he speak to her?
Why was it thus? Why did he speak to her?
Custom was clear! Such contact could incur
Custom was clear! Such contact could incur
Shame and disgrace. It just should not occur!
Shame and disgrace. It just should not occur!
Jesus did not obey the laws’ demand;
Jesus did not obey the laws’ demand;
‘Respect for all’ was where he took his stand;
‘Respect for all’ was where he took his stand;
He treated women with such dignity
He treated women with such dignity
As should be shown to all humanity;
As should be shown to all humanity;
He practised radical equality.
He practised radical equality.
So with this woman of Samaria,
So with this woman of Samaria,
Jesus ignored the laws’ strict formula;
Jesus ignored the laws’ strict formula;
Race and her gender were of no concern;
Race and her gender were of no concern;
Yet his disciples were so slow to learn;
Yet his disciples were so slow to learn;
We too, our prejudice, must overturn.
We too, our prejudice, must overturn.
We learn from Jesus, follow in his way,
We learn from Jesus, follow in his way,
And give respect to both the straight and gay,
And give respect to both the straight and gay,
To other races, all humanity;
To other races, all humanity;
For in us all is God’s own face to see;
For in us all is God’s own face to see;
And seeing we breed true humanity.
And seeing we breed true humanity.
Tune Old 124th AHB 23 TiS 79