For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here
Epiphany 7 Matthew 5:38-48
Epiphany 7 Matthew 5:38-48
New meanings (YA No 23)
New meanings (YA No 23)
When Jesus took some precepts old
When Jesus took some precepts old
He gave them new direction;
He gave them new direction;
He challenged list’ners to be bold -
He challenged list’ners to be bold -
To aim at true perfection.
To aim at true perfection.
“An eye for eye” you have been told;
“An eye for eye” you have been told;
“A tooth for tooth” was justice;
“A tooth for tooth” was justice;
But Jesus said “Do not withhold
But Jesus said “Do not withhold
Your love when faced with callousness.
Your love when faced with callousness.
“You have been told to love your friends
“You have been told to love your friends
Treat enemies with hatred”;
Treat enemies with hatred”;
But Jesus said “Love has no ends;
But Jesus said “Love has no ends;
To love your foes is sacred.”
To love your foes is sacred.”
“For if you favour just a few
“For if you favour just a few
Who then return affection:
Who then return affection:
How different then is what you do
How different then is what you do
From routine expectation?”
From routine expectation?”
As God’s compassion is not bound
As God’s compassion is not bound
By limits we establish;
By limits we establish;
So too our love can be profound;
So too our love can be profound;
With it, God’s reign can flourish.
With it, God’s reign can flourish.
Tune Dominus Regit Me AHB 81(i) TiS 145