The mystery of growing (Vol 3 No 88)
We come here not knowing
The myst’ry of growing,
But still we are thankful for what it may bring;
New life in the making
With ev’ry awak’ning
Gives promise of joy, so with nature we sing;
In myst’ry we’re seeing
The Ground of all Being
Displayed here before us - a wonderful sight;
All new life is telling
That God is indwelling,
And in that assurance we take great delight.
The womb with safe water
For each son and daughter
Has been the first home in which love is the food;
Now water of blessing
In love is expressing
The welcome of God and our own gratitude;
Clear water refreshes;
It cleanses then blesses
With what is essential for life to abound;
So love, like the water
For each son and daughter
Through us, is God’s gift with which they can be crowned.
In great jubilation
And joyous elation
We honour creation with all of our heart;
For each lake and ocean
With zeal and devotion
We pledge to give nurture, accepting our part;
We know that each river
And creek can deliver
The smile of God’s Spirit in these gifts of grace;
We all have the duty
To live out their beauty
By holding God’s gifts in love’s richest embrace.
Tune The Ash Grove Not in AHB TiS 531