God's word (Vol 3 No 12)

God’s word is heard in nature’s noisy roar,

When ocean waves keep breaking on the shore,

When mating calls spell out the jungle’s lore,

When thunder claps and lightning wants some more;

God’s word is heard; we can but stand in awe.


God’s word is heard when human voices call

For justice; strong to break down evil’s wall,

When kindly words give hope to those who fall,

When truth speaks out on matters big and small;

God’s word is heard when love cries out for all.


God’s word is heard; it sheds a brilliant light

On singing songs which challenge and excite;

In harmonies that need both black and white;

In chants for peace, for nations to unite;

God’s word is heard in sounds that bring delight.


God’s word is heard so clear from Galilee;

In words of grace and acts of sympathy;

In strong demands, proclaimed to set us free

From all our fears and grant us liberty;

God’s word is heard while dying on a tree. 

Tune  Old 124th  AHB 23  TiS 79

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3 12.pdf Mus