Why do we look beyond? (Vol 2 No 80)

Why do we look beyond

For signs of God’s domain?

Why do we look beyond

For evil to be slain?

We need not look beyond to see

God’s reign, for it has come to be.


God’s Kingdom comes on earth

When truth is on display,

When mercy is not spared,

And justice comes to stay;

God’s reign arrivers when we decide

To nurture and let love abide.


In Jesus’ life we see

A picture of God’s reign,

In all its humanness,

With all its joy and pain;

It is below and not above

We’re shown God’s reign in Jesus’ Love.


God is within the call

If we have ears to hear

To foster gentleness

And thus dispel all fear;

God’s rule begins when virtues fill

The human heart to do God’s will.

Tune  St. John  AHB 12,229,575  TiS 117,305,769
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