For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

Epiphany 4    Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed (YA No 20)

Jesus was a wisdom teacher;

Come and listen with delight;

His profound yet simple guidance

Will inspire, confront, excite:

Blessings come from those who follow

In the way that Jesus taught;

As we bless we too find blessing;

Peace and hope through deed and thought.


Those who know the spirit’s yearnings –

They belong to God’s domain;

Those who feel great pain and sorrow –

Loving comfort will sustain;

Those with gentle, humble natures –

They are salt to all the earth;

Those who thirst to see right flourish –

They will see it come to birth.


Blessings come with showing mercy;

Mercy nurtures kindliness;

Blessings come with pure living,

Giving life a holiness;

Architects of peace are honoured

With a name divine in sound;

Those who so unjustly suffer -

They may see the truth abound.


When abuse and insults slander,

When injustice comes our way,

Let us bear it without malice;

Let us stand and sing and pray;

Jesus knows the price demanded;

As the prophets knew before;

Rich is all the inner feeling;

Love has won; we need no more.

Tune  Hyfrydol  AHB 148(ii), 173, 439  TiS 217(i), 233, 517

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