Rejoice when love is found (Vol 4 No 71)

Rejoice when love is found

Is given and received;

The joy is so profound;

Abundant life achieved.

With this love shared we are made whole;

We are fulfilled in heart and soul.


Rejoice when love is known;

It never fails to bless;

Our fear is overthrown;

We overcome distress.

With this love shared we are made whole;

We are fulfilled in heart and soul.


In Jesus we can see

A love that never wanes;

His loving energy

For evermore remains.

With this love shared we are made whole;

We are fulfilled in heart and soul.


His love was always strong

But not imposed by force;

He conquered what was wrong

By walking love’s true course.

With this love shared we are made whole;

We are fulfilled in heart and soul.


Rejoice that God is love;

A love that wants to give;

As gentle as a dove;

A love in which we live.

To live in love, with grace so free

Is to be loved eternally.

Tune  Darwell   AHB 26,147(ii),293  TiS 108,187,371

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