Noah (Vol 2 No 93)

Noah worked hard; family worked hard

To build their big cruiser.

Planned each cabin, and a kitchen to cook all their food.

For he knew he was going,

When the wind started blowing,

When it pelted with rain. Yes!  He had attitude!


Beasts and birdies, creepy crawlies

They came when he called them.

There were tall ones; there were small ones; they came two by two.

Forty days it was raining;

It was no use complaining;

They were stuck in their boat and had plenty to do.


Cleaning messes; there were stresses;

No time for relaxing!

It was stinking; they got thinking, “We’re losing our grip!”

But they had to keep going,

Till the rain started slowing.

They were happy for sunshine, to get off that ship!


God was sorry, very sorry;

To make such a ‘boo-boo’.

God would never, ever, ever do such things again.

To remember that promise,

And to practise more kindness

God created a rainbow to come with the rain. 

Tune  When he cometh  Not in AHB or TiS  Presbyterian Hymnary  158(i)
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