Whose side is God on? (Vol 1 No 75)
Whose side is God on? (Vol 1 No 75)
A wicked sign with us today
Is terror in God’s name.
It shows how far we’ve lost our way;
It is a tragic shame.
Some make the claim that when they kill
They do it for some good;
This does not show a gracious will;
It’s not where Jesus stood.
If God is in a war at all,
It is with those who bleed.
It is with wounded as they fall,
No matter what their creed.
For God is not a national chief,
Nor partisan to some;
Not even tied to one belief;
Won’t march to any drum.
Some claim they have the right to say
That God is on their side;
But Jesus shows us love’s true way
And there we should abide.
Tune St. Anne AHB 46 TiS 47
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