The lost sheep (Vol 1 No 84)
The stories told by Jesus
Were told to simple folk.
He told them for their comfort,
As well as to provoke.
The leaders of the temple,
The ones who taught the Law,
They did not give approval
To what they heard and saw.
For Jesus ‘strays’ were welcome.
They were the ones he sought;
And so he told this story
To give them more support.
“Take sheep – You have a hundred;
You lose one. You will leave
The ninety nine in pasture,
The lost one to retrieve.”
“And when you find the drifter,
The one alone and cold,
You take it to your shoulder;
Return it to the fold.
Your joy is overwhelming;
For what was lost is found.
You celebrate with neighbours.
Your happiness, profound.”
Just so. This is the message
Of hope and grace and peace
To those who feel ‘gone missing’,
For those who need release.
There’s joy in restoration
For when we feel alone,
In God we are accepted;
In God is peace unknown.
Tune Aurelia AHB 385 TiS 457
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