For the list of Gospel passages used in Years A,B and C click here

Epiphany      Epiphany 5     Mark 1:29-39

Healing (YB No 98

In healing, Jesus did embrace

An energy we cannot trace;

His love revealed in every place

The mystery of amazing grace.


They came to Jesus to be blest –

The sick and those who were possessed;

For healing - was their one request;

They came and would not let him rest.


He had compassion for their plight;

He gave them peace; put fears to flight;

May we learn from his deep insight,

Uphold those looking for some light.


The healing of our human soul,

When strength of hope and joy unroll,

The happiness of feeling whole

Is ours when love has full control.

Tune  Melcombe  AHB 142(ii)  TiS 213(ii)

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