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Debating with Rev. John Squires about the use of the Old Testament

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'Progressive Christian beliefs, as they are for me, keep me connected with the church even though I think it is plagued by a 1st Century mindset.  My website attempts to present a modern approach to  Christianity, leaving behind the supernatural, a two tiered universe with heaven above and earth below, an anthropomorphic god who does 'things'; a god to whom we speak and who 'listens' to our prayers; an almighty creator god who makes things happen and prevents other things from happening, who has 'his' plan for the future of humanity and the one with whom we will spend our eternity of time in heavenly bliss.   Most of this, of course, is built on biblical concepts which dominate church liturgies and much of present-day church teachings.  

I embrace the teachings of Jesus as a wonderful ethical framework within which to live.  

I also embrace the notion of 'ultimate mystery'.   If I use the word 'god' at all, I am using it as the 'name' for this ultimate mystery.  

In this website I try to address my situation of being a church member as well as taking with the upmost seriousness, the modern scholarship of biblical commentators, historians and what I know of the more recent scientific discoveries.  

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George Stuart (pictured) is the author of all the material on this website.