He has to die (Vol 3 No 61)

Jesus stands firm, no compromise;

Even when told it was unwise;

Can we remain and hear the cry –

He is a threat!  He has to die!


Violence of Rome keeps brutal peace;

But Jesus comes to bring release;

He will not teach – ‘An eye for eye.’

He is a threat ! He has to die!


Priests live by every pious clause;

But Jesus does not keep their laws;

“He’s an imposter!” Hear their cry;

He is a threat!  He has to die!


Walking with Jesus can bring strife,

But with him is abundant life;

If he’s a threat and has to die,  

We may hear shouts of ‘Crucify!’

Tune  Maryton  AHB 522  TiS 601

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3 61.pdf Mus