

The following information applies to all 7 volumes of Singing a New Song, including the 3 volumes of lyrics and my chosen music for the the Lectionary Years A, B and C.    I have used the Revised Common Lectionary for 2017 to2019.

The Musical scores.

The vast majority of the tunes suggested on this website, that can be used with this collection of new lyrics,  have  been  sourced  from  an  archive/website  of  public-domain  material  accessible  at   Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary (CCEH).   

However, some of the melodies, suggested are still in copyright.  In these cases, the suggested tunes are certainly suitable but there may be other tunes which are also suitable.  I encourage you to do your own research.   I have been advised by the Australian Copyright Council that making suggestions of different lyrics for copyrighted tunes does not raise any copyright issues, as long as the musical scores are not printed on the website.   No musical scores have been printed on this website,.

If a leader of worship wishes to use any lyrics and the tune suggested is still in copyright, he/she should check with their copyright license provider to make sure that no copyright law or regulation has been infringed.    Obtaining permission from the copyright owner of the tune to use their composition in such circumstances is necessary

Different copyright laws and regulations exist in different countries.  Living and working in Australia, I have based my procedures and practices on Australian laws and regulations.   If working outside Australia, it would be wise to check with your own country's laws and regulations regarding these matters.

If there are any errors in this copyright information I would like to be informed promptly, so that correct advice can be given.


The lyrics.

All the lyrics on this website are subject to only one copyright restriction/limitation. They should not be reproduced in any way for the purposes of sale or any commercial purpose.  

As author and owner of all copyright rights to these lyrics, I give permission for the lyrics to be used,  even if no copyright license is held or possessed by the user and their organization.   All the lyrics can be electronically stored and/or printed and/or copied for public use.  They can be copied on Orders of Service and/or projected electronically for use in public worship. 

It is requested that when they are used acknowledgement of the author should be made.

The above information applies to all lyrics on this website, including those in the 3 volumes: Years A, B and C.


Contact the author, George Stuart, 

by postal mail at 148 Brighton Avenue  Toronto N.S.W.  2283  Australia

by telephone:  +61 (02) 4959 6028

or by E-mail  -

The Author’s website can be accessed at